Review: Essence Kalinka blush and eyebrow stylist

Hey Beauties!

When I saw this collection's presentation I knew I would like the blush. It's just my kind of color. I also bought the eye brow pencil out of pure curiosity. This LE has Russian shade names so I thought to google what Kalinka even meant. And it's a Russian song. Kalinka is supposed to be some kind of a plant. Now I get the packaging of those products :).

I bought Essence Kalinka blush in the shade 01 East Side Story and Essence Kalinka brow pencil or eyebrow styler in lighter shade 02 How to be Russian.

The blush has a nice paperboard packaging. It has a magnet which clicks together so the blush is pretty safe. The packaging has also really cute design. Birds and babushka if I'm not mistaken. It contains 7.5 grams of products and costs 3.59€.

The blush is a pretty orange peachy shade. I actually think it has somewhat of a pink tone to it. In the packaging looks more pink, but on the cheeks looks pretty peach. Such pretty flattering shade for everyone. It has a tiny shimmer, which is almost unseen when on cheeks.

The brow pencil hasn't impressed me. But that's just because of my personal taste. The pencil has two sides. One is brown to fill in the brows and on the other side is a transparent wax like transparent shade to fix the brows with. It costs 1.99€.

It's extremely pigmented and kind of too soft. It gives a lot of color payoff, which I don't like. The brows look extremely colored in. I can't lightly fill them in with this pencil. I don't like the full on brows. The shade is also a bit too dark for my taste. It's also pretty brown with somewhat reddish undertone, which would look good only on red heads.

Here you can see the left brow with the brow pencil and right brow with my regular greyish brown pencil. My brows are naturally pretty grey so this shade is very off for me.

The other side of the pencil is a transparent wax pencil, which is probably used for fixing the brows. For the color and brows to stay in place. I don't like it. All it does is intensify the color even more and sticks the brows together, which is not a flattering look in my opinion. I also don't find it to be long lasting with the help of this wax or that the brows won't move after a while.

To conclude, I really like the blush but not the brow pencil. Blush is a pretty peach shade that would suit a lot of people. It has a barely seen shimmer. The packaging is pretty and sturdy. The brow pencil is pretty dark, soft, has a lot of payoff and does not help to fix the brows or prolong the weariness.

Did you get anything from this collection?


  1. Blush je krasen <3 sem ga hotela vzet, ampak sem si potem premislila, ker imam že zlo podobnih odtenkov

    1. Jaz imam skoraj samo peach odtenke:) Ampak se nisem mogla upret:)

  2. Sem gledala tele svinčnike in se odločala, a bi, a ne bi.. No, zdej vem, da ne bi. Hvala za review! ^^

    1. Hehe:) Res je precej temen za svetel odtenek:/

  3. I missed this blush, but that's ok because I think this shade would not match my skin tone. It looks great on you, though.

  4. Rdečilo je krasno, meni ga še ni uspelo preizkusiti ampak komaj čakam :) Pa ful mi je všeč magnet :D xx

  5. the blusher is gorgeous! I love the packaging and theme of this collection!

    1. I agree. The design is great:) as it is the shade. Perfect for everyday wear:)

  6. Sem prvič vzela peach blush in mi je všečen :) Čeprav se mi zdi da s tem moraš kar pazit pri nanosu, hitro je preveč oranžkast :)

  7. Blush je res krasen, pa ful ti paše..Morem čimprej v Müller :)

    1. Hvala:)) Hehe, pa le pohiti, ker se mi zdi da blush hitro zmanjkuje:)

  8. That blush is beautiful! May have look at it in the store; probably have to wait a long time till it gets out here in Switzerland!
    Great Review :) Catherine

    1. Thanks:) It's really pretty and kind of worth it for the price, if you like the shade:))
