Hey Beauties!
I have a very exciting post for you today. It's Avon't new range of lipsticks called
True Colour Perfectly Matte and they are obviously matte. I've talked about Avon lipsticks a lot on my blog. Their
3D Plumping lipsticks are one of my favorite formula ever. Since matte lipsticks have been everywhere in previous year, Avon also jumped on the bandwagon.
Lipsticks come in a classy matte black plastic packaging. I really like the velvet feel to the matte plastic. It indicates what's inside. It also has a combination of silver plastic with Avon logo.
On the bottom there's a sticker with the color and name of the shade. On the top it's transparent window where you can see what shade is inside. Useful if you have many lipsticks and you can never find the right shade.
The bullet has AVON sign embossed in ti.
Regular price of lipsticks is 8.50€ for 3.6 grams. Currently you can get them for 4.50€ each (Slovenia).
The range has a whooping selection of 15 shades. You can choose among trendy browns, pinks, peaches, lilacs, reds and one plumy shade. The range lacks super dark vampy shades, but offers most of pinks, which is not surprising, since it's probably the most popular lipsticks shade.
The formula has a nice subtle fragrance, which reminds me of sweet fruits. Lipsticks are very pigmented. With one swipe you get a nice transfer of color and you don't need to build it up. If you apply too much, it looks a bit more creamier. It's slightly thicker formula with a smooth silicon like glide to it.
The finish is matte with a touch of creaminess. It's not as matte as for example Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvets. To me the formula seems similar to MAC's mattes, but less drying.
The application can be a bit uneven with some shades, especially darker ones.
I find them fairly lightweight on the lips. If you put on too much, it can seem almost a bit sticky at the beginning. I have dry lips, so the lipstick becomes even matter through the day. Especially in colder days it can almost seem like it's dried up on the lips.
While we're on the subject of dry lips, this formula will accentuate dry patches, like most matte formulas do. I have very dry lips, but these lipsticks don't dry them out. The condition is pretty much the same as before I apply them. Which means they're not drying nor particularly moisturizing. Avon says that this is ideally matte color and that it adds the feeling of moisturizing your lips. I would say that it doesn't actually moisturize the lips, but it does provide fairly comfortable feeling on the lips. But I guess that might just be my opinion and the fact that my lips are currently always on the dry side.
You can apply them straight from the bullet and don't actually need to use lip liner with the formula. It doesn't go into lines and it is pretty long lasting. I ate hamburger with red shade and you can imagine that this would be catastrophic, but it wasn't that bad. Apart from the lipstick transferring to my chin and hamburger, it stayed on the lips. Yes, obviously it disappeared from the inner part of the lips. It wears off nicely through the day.
Now let's talk about the actual shades.
Perfectly Nude
Peach based very light warm nude.
Au Naturale
Warm light brown.
Marvelous Mocha
Warm medium brown.
Posh Petal
Very light cool pink.
Ideal Lilac
Cool light fuchsia.
Splendidly Fuchsia
Cool bright medium pink.
Adoring Love
Dirty cool medium pink.
Pure Pink
Dirty warm pink with peach undertone.
Vibrant Melon
Warm very bright pink (almost looks neon).
Ravishing Rose
Cool red-ish pink.
Ruby Kiss
Cool medium pink. This one is very similar to Ravishing Rose. Ruby Kiss is more pink and Ravishing Rose is more blue toned and darker.
Peach Flatters
Darker warm peachy pink (coral).
Coral Fever
Warm orange red.
Red Supreme
Cool classic darker red.
Berry Blast
Dark browny plum.
I only found one shade, which is similar to another from my collection. Coral Fever is very similar to MAC Matte Lady Danger. It's actually a bit lighter and more red or even pinkish in a way. Lady Danger is darker and a lot more orange.
I was afraid that there will be some same shades as in 3D Plumping range, because I think Avon has repeated their shades in the past, but I was wrong. I swatched a few older shades by Avon and their were no actual dupes. The shades are similar, but different. They have different nuances and undertones, so I am very happy with that.
Usually darker shades are less pigmented, but with these matte lipsticks it's the opposite. The least pigmented and the most patchy are Perfectly Nude and Posh Petal, the lightest shades. All other shades are very pigmented. Berry Blast is also the one that should be build up for full opacity of the darker shade.
My favorites are: Au Naturale, Marvelous Mocha, Ideal Lilac, Peach Flatters, Coral Fever and Red Supreme.
I am really eager to use all the shades in my future makeup looks, because the matte formula gives a whole different look to my makeup. The formula is nice and it works with most shades, although I don't like the uneven chalky look with two very light shades. I think those lipsticks shouldn't be overdone with the application, because it can quickly look heavy. They are pigmented and have a nice lasting powder. I also like that these don't feel heavy on the lips and don't further dry out my lips. The shade range is nice, although there could be more darker shades or more peachy orange tones.
Sara from
Passing Fancy also got the whole range of these lipsticks and we decided to post the review on the same day to not become rivals (kidding). We wanted you to see how the shades look different on different skin tones, with different eye color and hair color. So, please go to
her blog and see how the shades look on her, because I'm sure they look different. I think she also has some amazing MAC dupes for you, since her collection is a bit (scratch that - a lot) bigger than mine,
So what are your favorite shades?
*Products were sent to me by Avon for review purposes.
Danes imam za vas zelo zanimivo objavo. Gre za novo linijo Avonovih rdečil imenovano True Colour Perfectly Matte in seveda so mat. O Avonovih rdečilih sem že veliko govorila na mojem blogu. Njihova 3D Plumping rdečila imajo eno mojih najljubših formul. Glede na to, da so bila mat rdečila zelo popularna v preteklem letu, se je Avon očitno pridružil mat maniji.
Rdečila imajo elegantno mat črno embalažo. Res mi je všeč ta žameten občutek mat emabalaže. Nakazuje to kar se skriva v njej. Ima tudi kombinacijo sive plastike z Avon logojem.
Na dnu je nalepka v odtenku rdečila in ime odtenka. Na vrhu je prozorno okence skozi katerega lahko vidimo odtenek rdečila. To je priročno, sploh če imate veliko rdečil in nikoli ne morete najti pravega odtenka.
Na rdečilu je odtisnjena beseda AVON.
Redna cena rdečil je 8.50€ za 3.6 grama izdelka. Trenutno jih lahko kupite za 4.50€.
Linija ponuja 15 različnih odtenkov. Izbirate lahko med trendi rjavimi, roza, mareličnimi, vijoličnimi, rdečimi in enim slivastim odtenkom. V naboru ni temnih vampy odtenkov, ampak največ roza, kar me ne preseneča, saj je to precej popularen odtenek.
Formula rdečil ima nežen vonj, ki mene spominja na sladko sadje. Rdečila so zelo pigmentirana. Z enim potegom dobite dober prenos barve, ki vam je ni treba nadgrajevati. Če nanesete preveč, izgleda bolj kremasto. Formula je precej gosta in vsekakor ni čutiti kremastega ali maslenega občutka na ustnicah.
Finiš je mat s kančkom kremastega občutka. Ni mat kot na primer Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvets. Meni se zdi formula precej podobna MAC mat rdečilom, ampak manj izsušujoča.
Nanos je lahko neenakomeren pri določenih odtenkih, kar potem lahko izgleda staromodno mat. Rdečilo se lahko začne nabirati v notranji rob ustnic.
Rdečila se mi zdijo precej lahkotna na ustnicah. Če nanesete preveč je lahko na začetku občutek celo malo lepljiv. Sama imam suhe ustnice, zato rdečilo postane skoraj bolj mat skozi dan. Še posebej v hladnih dneh, ko se zdi, da se še dodatno posuši na moje ustnice.
Ko smo pri suhih ustnicah, naj omenim, da ta formula vsekakor poudari suhe predele na ustnicah, kot je to značilno za večino mat formul. Jaz imam zelo suhe ustnice, ampak rdečila jih ne izsušujejo še dodatno. V kakšnem stanju so ustnice pred nanosom, take so tudi po uporabi teh rdečil. Kar pomeni, da niso ravno vlažilna. Avon pravi, da rdečila zagotavljajo idealno mat barvo in občutek vlaženja na ustnicah. Jaz bom rekla, da ne čutim nekega vlaženja, ampak je občutek na ustnicah vseeno ugoden. Mogoče je tako samo pri meni, ker imam zadnje čase res precej suhe ustnice.
Rdečilo lahko nanesete naravnost iz embalaže in ne potrebujete svinčnika za obrobo. Ne gre v gube in je precej obstojno. Jaz sem z rdečim odtenkom jedla hamburger, kar kriči po katastrofi, ampak ni bilo tako. Razen tega, da se je rdečilo prenesla na mojo brado in hamburger, je bil izid dokaj dober. Seveda je izginilo iz notranjih kotičkov ustnic, ampak to je normalno. Tudi čez dan se lepo nosi.
Zdaj pa gremo na dejanske odtenke.
Perfectly Nude - zelo svetel topel nevtralen odtenek z breskvastim podtonom.
Au Naturale - topel svetlo rjav odtenek.
Marvelous Mocha - topel srednje rjav odtenek.
Posh Petal - zelo svetel hladen roza odtenek.
Ideal Lilac - hladen fuksija odtenek.
Spendidly Fuchsia - hladen živ srednje roza odtenke.
Adoring Love - umazano hladen srednje roza odtenek.
Pure Pink - umazano topel roza odtenke z breskvastim podtonom.
Vibrant Melon - topel zelo živ roza odtenek (skoraj neonski).
Ravishing Rose - hladen rdečkast roza odtenek.
Ruby Kiss - hladen srednje roza odtenek. Ta odtenek je zelo podoben Ravishing Rose. Ruby Kiss je bolj roza in Ravishing Rose ima bolj moder podton in je temnejši.
Peach Flatters - temenjši topel breskvasto roza odtenek (koralen).
Coral Fever - topel oranžno rdeč odtenek.
Red Supreme - hladen klasičen temnejši rdeč odtenek.
Berry Blast - temnejši rjavo slivast odtenek.
Našla sem samo en odtenek, ki je podoben drugemu iz moje kolekcije. Coral Fever je zelo podoben MAC mat Lady Danger. V bistvu je svetlejši odtenek in bolj rdeč oziroma celo rozast. Lady Danger je temnejši in veliko bolj oranžen odtenek.
Skrbelo me je, da bom v tej zbirki našla odtenke, ki so podobni prejšnjim linijam Avon rdečil, ker se mi je v preteklosti zdelo, da se Avon rad ponavlja z odtenki. Skrb je bila odveč, saj med mojo zbirko nisem našla niti enega zamenljivega odtenka. Seveda so odtenki podobni, vendar imajo različne podtone in svetlost. Zelo sem vesela, da lahko povem, da so odtenki čisto novi.
Po navadi so pri Avon rdečilih temnejši odtenki slabše pigmentirani, ampak pri mat je ravno obratno. Najmanj pigmentirana odtenka sta Perfectly Nude in Posh Petal, torej nasvetlejša. Vsi ostali odtenki so zelo pigmentirani. Berry Blast je zaradi svojega temnega odtenka potrebno malo nadgraditi, da dobimo polno barvo.
Moji najljubši odtenki so: Au Naturale, Marvelous Mocha, Ideal Lilac, Peach Flatters, Coral Fever in Red Supreme.
Že komaj čakam, da vse odtenke preizkusim z mojimi makeup looki, saj mat formula doda makeupu čisto drugačno podobo. Formula mi je všeč in je pri večini odtenkov dobra, čeprav lahko svetlejši odtenki na ustnicah izgledajo neenakomerno. S temi rdečili ni najbolje pretiravati z nanosom, saj lahko hitro delujejo težko. So pigmentirana in imajo dobro obstojnost. Všeč mi je tudi, da so na ustnicah dokaj lahkotna in ne izsušujejo mojih ustnic. Nabor odtenkov je všečen, čeprav bi lahko bil kakšen temen odtenek več ali pa kakšen breskvast oranžen odtenek.
Sara iz bloga Passing Fancy je prav tako prejela celotno kolekcijo šmink, zato sva se odločili, da oceno objaviva na isti dan, da ne postaneva tekmici (hecam se). Želeli sva, da vidite kako različno izgledajo odtenki na različnih tenih kože, z različno barvo oči in las. Zato zdaj kar skočite na njen blog, da boste videli kako odtenki izgledajo na njej, ker sem prepričana, da so drugačni. Mislim, da je ona našla nekaj odtenkov, ki bi lahko bili zamenljivi z odtenki MAC šmink. Njena kolekcija je namreč malo (no, zelo) večja od moje.
Kateri odtenki pa so všeč vam?
* Izdelke mi je poslal Avon.