It has been a busy month and I managed to buy a few new products as well as receive some that I have been testing out. It's one of those monthly favorites that features all new products that have impressed me. Because otherwise, I pretty much used all of my favorites from April and March.
Avonove barvite kombinacije ustnic in nohtov
29 May 2019
Poletje je čas, ko začnejo eksperimentirati z barvami tudi tisti, ki po navadi niso navdušeni nad njimi. Če kdaj, potem si poleti lahko privoščiš najbolj nore odtenke lakov za nohte in rdečil za ustnice. Opažam, da so barviti nohti že nekaj časa stalnica med prav vsemi, tudi tistimi, ki se bojijo barv kjerkoli drugje. Pri rdečilih za ustnice je te drznosti manj. Zato bomo danes skupaj pregledale tri različne načine kombiniranja barv na ustnicah in nohtih.
Review: Rimmel Wonder's Swipe 2-in-1 Liner to Shadow - 001 Slay
27 May 2019
One of the funnest ways to experiment with your eye makeup is with shimmery colorful liquid liners. I don't really own a lot of these. This one by Rimmel called Wonder's Swipe is actually a 2-in-1 product. You can use it as an eyeliner or eyeshadow. I've tried it as both.
Review: Maybelline Eyestudio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner - Black
22 May 2019
Does anyone remember Catrice having gel liner in a pot? That one was my favorite gel liner. It stayed in place, was black and so affordable. I was so sad, when they decided to discontinue it. I wanted another gel liner, because it gives you that matte black finish and it's great for creating thinner lines or more creative eye makeup. After some research I decided to try out Maybelline Eyestudio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner in Black.
Review: Avon Rare Flowers Night Orchid Eau de Parfum
20 May 2019
The other day I was at a store and saleslady said to me that I smell so lovely. It was one of those rare compliments from a complete stranger that makes your day. I was wearing Avon's new Rare Flowers Night Orchid fragrance. It's one of those stronger fragrances with lots of floral notes and sweeter base, but with a punch. I have grown to really like it, although it seemed a bit too floral in the beginning.
Review: Colourpop Super Shock Shadow - Ladybird
16 May 2019
I have been a fan of Colourpop Super Shock Shadows ever since I got my first one. It's just something about this creamy formula that applies so nicely. Now I prefer glittery shades as toppers and don't really buy colorful ones anymore. My latest purchase was this gorgeous glittery shade called Ladybird.
Review: Avon True Perfectly Matte Lipsticks / šminke - Reds
14 May 2019
Avon True Perfectly
Matte je linija šmink z mat finišem. Je ena izmed mojih najljubših mat formul. V tej kampanji boš pri Avonu odkrila Avon True Perfectly
Matte Reds. Gre za 9 mat rdečih odtenkov. Konec je izgovorov, da ti rdeča ne
paše. Rdeča je tako klasična kot majhna črna oblekica - pristaja res vsem.
Potrebno je samo najti pravi odtenek zase.
Avon True Perfectly Matte is a line of matte lipsticks. It's one of my favorite matte lipstick formulas in general. In this campaign by Avon you'll find 9 red matte lipstick shades. Now there are no more excuses that red doesn't suit you. Red is like the little black dress, it suits everyone. You just have to find the right shade of red for you.
Review: Catrice One Drop Coverage Weightless Concealer (003 Porcelain, 050 Bronze Beige)
10 May 2019
Catrice came out with One Drop Coverage Weightless Concealer to match their Catrice HD Liquid Coverage Foundation which I really like. I was intrigued by the pigmentation claims and dropper packaging. It's very hygienic and I see these concealers as covering drops for any part of makeup application.
New In (24)
7 May 2019
Another new in post of all the products that I bought or received. I have tried all of these out, so here are quick thoughts and some full reviews of some of them. There's lots of new makeup, some skin and body care as well as two fragrances.
April 2019 Favorites
4 May 2019
Past month I had a lot of things to do and I started going on German course, so my makeup was almost always more of a natural feel. Just a good base, lots of bronzer and blush paired with fluffier lashes and juicy lip gloss. So naturally, this month's favorites are mostly those tried and true staples with some occasional novelties.
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