Hey Beauties!
Avon recently added a new hair line to their Advance Techniques range. It's called Absolute Perfection BB. Avon sent it to me and I was intrigued to try a BB for my hair.
It's suppose to have 10 benefits: nurture, protect, nourish, improve shine, fight against environment humidity, smooth, hydrate, tame curls, silk smoothness and make it easier to style.
It's basically suppose to work as those BB creams for face in order to provide you with many hair benefits. Now, I personally have a problem with products that market themselves as multi-functional products, because let's be real...If there was one product that could do it all, we wouldn't need to buy 6 product for our hair care. That's the whole point of marketing, it tries to give you specific products, so that you need to buy more of them in order to achieve your desired result.
The packaging is a classic black plastic. It has gold writing and a lavender base for you to separate this line from others. I like the simple, but functional packaging.
Avon Advance Techniques Absolute Perfection BB Shampoo
It's pearly white and it has a very smooth feel to it. It's more on the runny side as far as the texture goes. It's not greasy, just silky. It feels enough nourishing for a shampoo and it does a good job of cleaning the hair. I actually took it with me to the seaside and it cleaned my hair well after a long day of salty water. It lathers really well and quickly, which is always a joy. The hair does feel a bit stripped down with this shampoo, as it is left squeaky clean. I am really not picky about shampoos, so it's a fine one.
Regular price is 4.50€ for 250 ml.
Avon Advance Techniques Absolute Perfection BB Conditioner
Conditioner has a white like cream texture. It's thicker than shampoo, but not greasy feeling. It has a very slick feeling to it and it's definitely more nourishing than shampoo. I actually think this is my favorite product from this line. I would say it's more suitable for normal to slightly dry hair, not so much for really dry. Because it does hydrate it, but it's not greasy or provides you with deep hydration. Good every day conditioner.
Both shampoo and conditioner have a subtle hair salon like smell, which I've grown to love. The smell stays on my hair for at least a day.
Regular price is 4.50€ for 250 ml.
Avon Advance Techniques Absolute Perfection BB Treatment Mask
Mask is like a cream. It's not too thick and not too thin. It feels a bit greasier to the touch than conditioner. It coats the hair with a very smooth layer. When you're washing it out, it makes your hair extremely soft and smooth to the touch. I think it's a pretty good mask for providing hydrating and smooth effect to the hair. I will say this is more for normal to slightly dry hair. If you're ends are damaged and very dry, this will probably not be enough for you. It sort of reminds me of Redken's All Soft Heavy Cream mask, but a much lighter version of it.
The mask has a bit more muted salon hair smell with a bit of something else, which is not as pleasant as shampoo and conditioner smell.
Regular price is 5.50€ for 150 ml.
Avon Advance Techniques Absolute Perfection BB Beauty Balm Leave in Treatment
It has a pearly white color and it's very runny. It also feels greasy when you massage it into the hair, however it's not greasy when you blow dry the hair. It's suppose to also be a heat protect and a finishing product for your hair.
When I blow dry my hair with this , they are straight but not silk to the touch. Hair actually feels a bit crispy like some texture was added to it. It's definitely more suited for normal hair or it might even be best for oily hair. It doesn't give you that silicon silky hair. This would be perfect for curling the hair or beach waves, because it gives the hair some texture and they feel a bit crispy to the touch. Doesn't tame your frizz in fact it may promote it a bit.
It feels sticky and crispy to the touch, right after the blow dry. However, as the day goes on the hair gets a bit less sticky, but feels thicker for some reason. Maybe that's just my dry ends.
I can't say I like this product. It's not for my hair and it doesn't really do any good for my dry ends. I might use it, when I'll curl my hair, because it seems like it gives me some added texture and thickness, which I need when creating curls.
It also has an unpleasant smell. At least to me. It smells like a hair salon smell mixed with something sour.
Regular price is 6€ for 150 ml.
To conclude, I like the shampoo. Good every day shampoo and it cleans the hair well. Conditioner is the star product for me. It gives you enough hydration and silky smooth hair. Hair mask is good for when I don't have extremely dry hair and the leave in treatment is a no go product for me.
I hope I gave you some ideas on what I think this hair line is suited for. If you have very dry to dry hair I would recommend you to try Avon Advance Techniques Supreme Oils. Shampoo and conditioner from this line are amazing for dry hair. If your hair is normal to oily, then try this Perfection BB care. But I don't recommend getting the leave in treatment, unless you're hair is healthy and nourished enough. It may perform different on you, I can't say it works the same on all hair types.
Avon je pred kratkim predstavil novo linijo v svoji kategoriji Advance Techniques. Imenuje se Absolute Perfection BB. Avon mi je poslal celotno linijo in zdelo se mi je zanimivo, da bom preizkušala BB za lase.
Izdelki naj bi vsebovali 10 prednosti in sicer: neguje, zaščiti, nahrani, izboljša lesk, deluje proti vlažnosti iz okolja, zgladi, ohranja vlažnost v laseh, ukroti kodre, podari svilnato mehkobo in olajša oblikovanje.
Naj bi šlo za izdelke, ki delujejo enako kot BB kreme za obraz in sicer da bi lasem zagotavljali več funkcij kot navadni izdelki. Jaz osebno imam problem z izdelki, ki se oglašujejo kot multi funkcionalni. Realno gledano, če bi obstajal izdelek, ki bi lahko naredil vse, potem ne bi kupovali 6 izdelkov za nego las. To je bistvo oglaševanja, saj nam ponuja specifične izdelke, ki jih moramo kupiti vsakega posebej, da lahko potem dosežemo želen učinek na naših laseh.
Embalaža je klasično črna plastika. Vsak izdelek ima zlato pisavo in sivkino podlago, ki ločuje to linijo od drugih. Všeč mi je preprosta in učinkovita embalaža.
Avon Advance Techniques Absolute Perfection BB šampon
Je bisernato bel in zelo gladek na dotik. Je bolj tekoč. Ni masten ampak bolj svilnat. Zdi se, da je dovolj negovalen in dobro očisti lase. Jaz sem ga vzela s sabo na morje in je odlično spral vso sol iz mojih las. Se tudi dobro in zelo hitro peni, kar je vedno užitek. Lasje so res zelo čisti in vsekakor je potrebno nanesti balzam, da jih nahrani po šamponu. Sama nisem preveč zahtevna glede šamponov, zato je ta dober.
Redna cena je 4.50€ za 250 ml.
Avon Advance Techniques Absolute Perfection BB balzam
Balzam ima belo teksturo, ki spominja na kremo. Je vsekakor gostejši od šampona, ampak ni preveč masten. Ima svilnat občutek in zelo dobro neguje in vlaži, bolj kot sam šampon. Zdi se mi, da je to moj najljubši izdelek iz te linije. Verjetno bo bolj primeren za normalne do rahlo suhe lase in ne toliko za zelo suhe. Lase navlaži, ampak ni dovolj masten, da bi lasem podaril globoko hidratacijo. Dober vsakodneven balzam.
Oba šampon in balzam imata rahel vonj, ki spominja na frizerski salon. Vonj mi je postal kar všeč in na meni ostane zagotovo en dan.
Redna cena šampona je 4.50€ za 250 ml.
Avon Advance Techniques Absolute Perfection BB maska za lase
Maska je kot krema. Ni preveč gosta, niti preveč tekoča. Je veliko bolj mastna na dotik kot balzam. Lase prekrije z zelo gladkim slojem. Ko si perem lase, so ti ekstremno mehki in gladki na dotik. Maska nudi dovloj vlažnosti in glakosti. Zdi se mi bolj primerna za normalne do rahlo suhe lase. Če so vaše konice uničene in zelo suhe, ta maska mogoče ne bo dovolj. Nekako me spominja na Redkenovo All Soft Heavy Cream masko za lase, ampak kot veliko bolj lahka verzija te.
Maska ima spet vonj frizerskega salona, ampak z dodatkom nečesa drugega, kar ni tako prijeten vonj kot ga imata šampon in balzam.
Redna cena je 5.50€ za 150ml.
Avon Advance Techniques Absolute Perfection BB balzam za lase brez izpiranja
Ima bisernato bel videz in je zelo tekoč. Deluje precej mastno ko ga vmasiram v lase, vendar ta občutek izgine, ko jih posušim s sušilcem za lase. Naj bi bil tudi zaščita pred toplotno obdelavo in kot zaključni izdelek za oblikovanje las.
Ko si posušim lase s tem izdelkom, so ti ravni ampak ne svileni na dotik. Lasje se zdijo nekako lepljivi in suhi in kot bi jim bila dodana tekstura. Vsekakor je izdelek bolj primeren za normalne ali celo za mastne lase. Ne da občutka silikonsko gladkih las. To bi bilo odlično za uporabo pred kodranjem ali ustvarjanjem valov, saj izdelek lasem doda kar nekaj teksture.
Moji lasje so takoj po sušenju lepljivi in suhi na dotik. Ta občutek izgine skozi dan, ko lasje postanejo debelejši, kot bi jim bila dodana tekstura. Mogoče je tak efekt na meni samo zaradi mojih suhih in uničenih konic.
Vonj ni prijeten. Spominja na vonj frizerskega salona z dodatkom nečesa kislega.
Redna cena je 6€ za 150 ml.
Upam, da sem vam dala idejo za koga je primerna ta linija. Če imate suhe do zelo suhe lase vam vsekakor priporočam Avon Advance Techniques Supreme Oils. Šampon in balzam iz te linije sta odlična za suhe lase. Če so vaši lasje normalni do mastni, je za vas ta Perfection BB linija. Balzam za lase brez izpiranja ne priporočam, razen če so vaši lasje zdravi in dovolj navlaženi. Mogoče na drugih tipih las deluje drugače.