The last product review of my Ecco Verde purchase. It's also the cutest in my opinion.
Za oceno Bager Sleep Balma v slovenščini, klikni - tukaj.
First of all, I did not know that badger meant this cute stripy animal on their packaging. I learned a new English word :). How cute is the packaging? I know, right?! It's an old school metal pot. Not the most practical, because the top starts loosening up and maybe dropping off. But don't worry this is a night product so you won't be carrying it around your bag, unless... you want to try to fall asleep in classroom? Probably not the best idea.
A dreamy night balm rich with precious oils to calm, encourage, cheer and relax poetic Badgers and other restless wanderers. Badger Sleep Balm doesn't make you sleepy and it is not a drug, rather this natural sleep enhancer uses a sophisticated blend of essential oils to help quiet your thoughts and clear your mind, then you fall asleep naturally. Rosemary is the traditional herb for clear thinking, confidence, and memory. Bergamot is mentally uplifting, and Ginger is strengthening and confidence-inducing. Balsam Fir is refreshing, like a walk in the woods, while Lavender is the traditional sleep herb: fresh and relaxing. This balm is perfect for those nights when you can't seem to stop the mind chatter!
The descriptions is so fantasy like, that it makes you wanna buy it. Now, I am one of those people that starts thinking about what do I need to do tomorrow, did I locked the door, is the new Catrice line already in stores? ... yadayadayad ya... right after I lie down in the bed. You can see why I was attracted to this product, right?!
The product is a balm of lime green color. It's very buttery and a little greasy. It's supposed to be applied on pulse points, under the nose, on the lips and on the temples. The smell is supposed to make you relax and calm.
First time I used it, I slept like a baby. The next time? Not so much. It's definitely not a sleeping pill, it's a fun night time treatment that sort of prepares you for sleep. The smell is somewhat fresh. I do smell lavender, which I am not a fan of. But what can I do? All sleepy products contain lavender. However, I like that it's not completely lavender, because it does smell very fresh. I think this would also be very good for when you have a cold, because it sort of opens up the inhalation process.
This pot contains 21 grams, which will last you a life time - because you need so little of it for one night. It cost me 5.79 €. You can also get a bigger version of 56 grams, but in all honesty, I don't think you need that much.
It's a really cute product for a night stand and it does make you relax and smell the freshness of the forest before going to sleep, just don't expect it to work like a sleeping pill.
This brings me to the end of this Ecco Verde purchase product reviews. I hope you liked it. I certainly did love all of those products and I am sure I will be repurchasing most of them.
So, do you have trouble sleeping like me?
Na sivko se sčasoma navadiš :) Mislim da nas večinoma asocira na oni stari vonj pri babici (ker pač to dajejo proti moljem) kar je ful škoda, da se nam vtisne taka v spomin.. :) Mene je na začetku tudi ful motil vonj sivke, v teh produktih za pomirjanje, zdaj sem se pa kar sprijaznila in navadila :) Drugače pa si moram jaz tudi neko tako zadevico kupit.. Za pomirjanje bi malo tu pa tak pasalo :) Glede na to, da sem jaz isto kot ti, kak se vležem v posteljo miljon misli. :D
ReplyDeleteTo je čisto res, ker mene sivka vedno spominja na tisto za molje. Drugače pa je moja mama na morju nabrala sivko in jo sušila v sobi, od takrat jo sovražim - sem se skoraj zadušila:) Ja za tebe tistega stress ;) hehe
DeleteAjoj :\ To pa ni fajn, bi mogla kje na podstrešju sušit, da ne bi blo tak močnega vonja :S .. Ja ja stress :D Saj nekaj si nabavim, pa bomo vidli kak deluje :)
DeleteJaz imam pa res rada sivko :). Jo imamo posajeno pred hišo in vsako poletje mimo hodim. Tale zihr lepše diši kot tisti Cuticle verzija, ki jo imam jaz, samo sestavinsko mi pa ne izgleda preveč podoben da bi ga imela za zamenjavo.
ReplyDeleteNo jaz sem pa ravno poleti zasovražila sivko, ko jo je mama sušila v sobi in sem se skoraj zadušila, hehe:). Diši zelo sveže:)
DeleteSe mi zdi da ima Badger še en sleep balm s kamilico in ognjičem, če se prav spomnim. Ker ne maraš sivke. ;) drugače pa ja, včasih bi najraje zaspala u kakšni učilnici :D glede spanja pa sem ena izmed tistih z res čudnim urnikom, včasih sem pokonci do treh zjutraj, včasih me odnese že sredi popoldneva... :)
ReplyDeleteJaz sem našla samo še night-night balm, ki vsebuje kamilico in sivko. Če si mogoče tega mislila? Nisem pa ga kupila, ker ima aloe vero in mislim, da sem alergična nanjo. Hehe lahko spiš v učilnici, če se ne bojiš da boš smrčala-jaz ne bi upala:)) Imaš potem dober spanec, jaz si želim, da bi lahko kdaj tudi prej zaspala:)
DeleteThis sounds like a lovely product :) I love the cute badger on the front!
I know, the packaging is too sweet:))
DeleteSimpatična embalaža :)
ReplyDeleteSe strinjam. Že to je en del dobrega izdelka:)
ReplyDeleteI really like your blog :) so I followed you.
If you like mine, you can follow me, too! :)
have a nice day!
super objavica ! mam že kar nekaj izdelkov od tega "badger-ja" tko, da mi bo ta prišel še prav ;) hitro si ga grem naročit !
ReplyDeleteNo lepo:) Jaz pa sem to prvo kupila od njih. Imajo pa kar nekaj zanimivih zadev, pa tako luštna embalaža:)