Hey Beauties!
So Essence has refreshed it's line of products and I admit I had some saved on my phone to buy as soon as I can get my hands on. Most of those hadn't come yet or were already sold out. I am also trying to (trying is the right word - it's a torture) avoid buying nail polishes, because I think I have too many of them and I don't use them as often as I should have. But, Essence new nail candies were on my list long before my nail soberness, so I bought one to try and report to you.
Now, why did I want it? Because it promises to be a 6 in 1 nail polish. How could I resist that? I don't know about you, but I love trying anything that seems to be over promising its abilities. Let's see if it lives up to the promises.
First of all the nail polishes come in a typical glass packaging with a standard brush. There's 8 ml of nail polish and costs 1.99 €.
You can choose between 7 shades from two pink shades, peach, lavender, yellow, mint and I believe one white. I was in front of the Essence stand deciding like stupid, which one to get. I decided on the lavender shade called 05 Sugar pie, honey bunch. All the shades are pastels. Little did I know, my deciding was a waste of time. The shade is so sheer that I could have gotten any color and it would make no difference.
The shade has very little shimmer in it and, as I've said, it's extremely sheer. I admit, I expected more color. So if you want it because of the color - it's not worth it. Here you can see how it looks like with two coats.
What about the promises?
Softly shimmer nail candies with 6 benefits for beautiful, manicured nails: hardening, protecting, ridge filling, fast drying and fruity scented with a high gloss finish.
Hardening: YES (My nails are definitely harder than without the nail polish, but don't expect anything crazy hard, unless you put on a lot of coats.)
Protecting: FROM WHAT? I don't get this one. (Of course it protects my nails from outer environment, since I have the nail polish on my nails?! Yeah, moving on...)
Ridge filling: YES (My nails are not in a good condition and the nail polished definitely filled in all the gaps that I may have on the nails - also breakage.)
Fast drying: YES (It dries really fast, BUT if you scratch the nail hard, there will be a line - top coat is still a safer option.)
Fruity scented: YES (The smell is very sweet fruity. For the love of God, do not smell the nail polish straight from the bottle or right after the application, because you will only damage your nerve system. The scent develops after drying and it starts fading after 24 hours.)
High gloss finish: YES (The finish is definitely very glossy and shiny.)
So that's what, 6 out of 6? I have to admit the defeat. I was sure these nail polishes will not live up to its promises, but they proved me wrong. The only thing I would like more is more opaque color. In fact, Essence, why not do the regular range of shades with this formula? I know, I would start buying those.
It says that it's a a beautifying nail polish. I should have known its primer job it's not coloring. So if you like all the benefits of the nail polish, I recommend, because it does what it promises. Just don't expect much from the color.
too bad, I wanted more color! :(
ReplyDeleteMe too:/
DeleteJaz sem od teh lakov pričakovala predvsem lepe pastelne odtenke, ko pa sem videla, da so zelo prosojni, sem se odločila preskočiti. Raje imam barve na nohtih. Jaz čakam, da prenovijo Müller stojalo (upam, da tisto 3m pride tudi k nam), ker imam marsikaj na WL, kar pri nas še ni na voljo.
ReplyDeleteJaz isto. Ampak mi bo prišel prav ta lak za "odmore" od barvnih:) Upajmo:)
DeleteTako malo je pigmetiran! Kakšno razočaranje. Sem enkrat skoraj vzela mentolnega, zdaj pa dvomim, da ga bom.
ReplyDeleteJaz imam pa na telefonu od novih essence stvari tisti blending čopič, ki ga seveda pri nas ni (what a surprise *sarcasm off*) in pa matte lip cream coral something, ki ga seveda tudi ni. Naj grejo nekam :/ Mi je sestrična dala za sprobat nove lip creams (velvet rose, isti odtenek kot stari) in so veliko slabši. Bolj kot ne so mi brezvezne te novosti od Essence.
Jaz tudi nisem mogla verjeti. Mogoče bi ga morala prej odpreti v trgovini in bi takoj ugotovila:) Blending čopič sem jaz tudi čakala:/ Zdaj razmišljam, da očitno več stvari ne bo pri nas..razen če pride pozneje?! Damn. Mene še mika tista face paleta z bronzerjem, osvetljevalcem in dvema rdečiloma. Ampak ja...vprašanje če bo sploh v Sloveniji.
DeleteNe vem če si videla, ampak ponekod po Nemčiji so postavili veliko večja stojala kot so pri nas, zato imajo več stvari. Pri nas očitno enostavno ni prostora za vse izdelke. Which is really lame.
DeleteEvo post:
No zdaj mi je jasno kje so ostale moje palete:/ Better luck next time...ah ja...Slovenija-samo 2 milijona nas je, očitno premalo kupujemo, da bi si zaslužili večjo stojalo, ne glede na to, da izdelki vedno zmanjkajo?! Hvala za razjasnitev;)
DeleteJaz sem se pa odločila, da od essence lakov več ne bom kupovala, ker sem vedno znova razočarana. Ok res je da so moji nohti posebna vrsta s katerih se kateri koli lak hitro odkruši, ampak pri essence lakih se to zgodi še hitreje kot pri drugih. Tak da se upiram skušnjavi :D Drugače pa ja.. Človek bi res pričakoval več barve in ne tako prosojnost. Razočaranje. +začnejo mi na živce it te pogoste limited kolekcije, ki so itak vedno čudežno takoj razprodane.
ReplyDeleteSe strinjam. Ja sploh ne kupim Essenca laka, ampak tega sem pač "morala":)) Ja to gre meni tudi na živce:) Saj v tem je smisel "omejene" kolekcije, da je vsi ne dobimo:)
DeleteSaj je mamljivo kar obljubljajo, ja :)) Ah jaa..
DeleteI like the color, it makes your nails look like you had a very expensive manicure! ^^
Hehe, thanks:) When you make it sound that way..it just might be:) Natural enhancement:)
DeleteMoram sprobat :) p2je imel podobne ane, ker imam njihovega... :)
ReplyDeleteSploh nisem razumela navdušenja nad temi laki. Jaz sem bla razočarana takoj, ko sem videla prve swatche. Če bi bili prekrivni pastelčki, potem pa hell yeah :)
ReplyDeleteSe strinjam ja, res škoda:)
Deletelove the natural look!!
DeleteI wish I could get some of their collections here! :( Still, the formula sounds great! If the color was a bit more opaque, it would be the perfect polish!!
Exactly-an important thing is missing:(. But it has potential. If only:))
DeleteJoj, res škoda, da ni bolj prekriven... :(
ReplyDeleteSandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life
Aha, saj se mi je zdelo da so to bolj base lakci kot kaj drugega. Ampak luštni pa so, ni kaj!
ReplyDeleteTudi jaz sem bla razočarana, ko sem vidla te lake v Mullerju ... Sem se kr odločla, da jih ne bom kupila, kr se mi zdi da so vsi enaki, sploh ni razlike v odtenkih :( drugače sem pa jaz tudi obupala nad essence laki, se mi včasih odkruši že po manj kot enem dnevu, pa uporabljam podlak in nadlak ... Zdaj se rajši držim Essie lakov, so bolj kvalitetni, jih imam pa zaradi cene manj :)
ReplyDeleteJaz sem še bolj bedasto izpadla ko sem se 10 min odločala kateri odtenek bi vzela, pa se itak noben skoraj nič ne vidi:) Je boljše imet nekaj kvalitetnih kot pa take, ki jih potem itak nočeš nositi, ker veš, da se bodo okrušili. Essie pa vse hvalite, na meni pa zelo malo zdržijo. Ne vem zakaj.:)