Hey Beauties!
I've never had liquid eye shadows before, so when Avon sent me Avon Supershock Vivid Liquid Eye Shadows, I experimented with them. Today's post is going to be about 5 different ways of applying liquid eye shadow. It's a bit different to work with then for example powders or creams. I'll also show you how all the shades look like.
All over the lid
This is the simplest and most common way of applying it. Liquid eye shadows are very liquid and usually have does foot applicator to apply them. I always use eye shadow primer first. I love Avon Flawless Eyeshadow Primer (review coming soon). Then I starts applying eye shadow all over the mobile lid part and blend it with fluffy brush upwards into the crease. Then I go in again an build it up by applying more shadow in the crease and blending it a bit further up. It just suits my eye shape better. With Avon eye shadows you have to work really fast, because they dry quickly.
I do the same on the bottom lash line. Apply it straight from the applicator and quickly blend it out with fluffy brush. I used 24K Gold shadow.
Combined with powder eye shadow
When I have cooler eye shadows, which don't actually suit my skin tone, I like to take matte powder eye shadow and apply it in the crease first. Then I take cooler liquid eye shadow and apply it only to the mobile part of the lid and blend it into the crease. It gives a it more dimension to your eyes and it's easy way of making shades work for you. I used Electric Emerald shadow.
As a pop of shimmer
Shimmery liquid eye shadows can be used as a little pop of shimmer on top of your regular eye shadow routine. I already did my regular mauve purple eye look. Then I take liquid eye shadow and from applicator apply it on my finger. With a finger a tap it on the lid in the center for a pop of shimmer. I also apply it directly with applicator in the inner corner of my eye and blend it out a little. This gives your regular routine a bit of shine and makes it look more awake and 3D. I used Sparkling Platinum shadow.
Smokey eye
Liquid eye shadows are the easiest to create smokey eyes with. This is especially useful to do with all those liquid eye shadows that are just not pigmented enough. Because smokey eye can look really grungy and worn off and it's still going to be perfect for what it is. The messier the better. So just apply it concentrating more around the lash line and blend it out. Technically this is the same as just applying one color all over the lid, but the trick is to make it darker around the lash line and go lighter outwards. My photo doesn't actually shows it most accurately, but I hope I explained it well. I used Lilac Lightning shadow.
As an eyeliner
Liquid eye shadow can look fantastic as an eyeliner. It's extremely easy to apply as well. You just take the applicator and draw a line as close to the lash line as possible. In the end you can even wing it out. Don't worry if it's not perfect wing. Just take some cosmetic cotton swabs - those are the ones that have a pointed tip on one side - put some makeup remover on it and adjust the wing. Afterwards you can apply conceal to perfect the wing even more. I used Crimson Thrill shadow.
The beauties I worked with are Avon Supershock Vivid Liquid Eye Shadows. Those are my first liquid eye shadows, so I didn't know what to expect. I kept thinking that they are hard to work with, when in fact they're easy once you get a hold of them.
Avon currently offers 7 different shades. Some are warm, some cool toned. You also have lighter shades as well as some darker ones. The four shades on the left side were permanent for a while and now they added three shades on the right. I think they've upgrated formula for the better. It's more pigmented and easier to work with. New shades are all a lot more shimmery.
Eye shadows looks like lip gloss tubes. The tube is made of transparent plastic and offers you to see the actual shade inside. It has black plastic top and doe foot applicator.
Texture looks like a genuine liquid once you shake it. When it's not shaken up, liquid separates from pigment. Before you use it you need to shake it. The main ingredient is water. Because it's water based, it will go off your lids, if you apply water to it. I think it's clear by now, they're not waterproof and you should avoid sweating, crying or rain, while you wear them.
Doe foot applicator looks fluffy, like it has longer hair. The hair actually catches most of the pigment, which you can then transfer from the tube to the lid. As soon as the eye shadow touches the lid it dries. It's not messy or liquid, unless you apply too much of it at one place or you don't shake it enough before applying. I find it rather fascinating. It's like a pigment flows in the water and catches on top of applicator, which then transports it to the lid and it dries as soon as it touches the skin.
One swipe gives you a nice color payoff. You can rub it directly onto the lid and get a fairly even application. This actually depends from the shade - some look a bit patchy.
The regular price is 6€ (they are currently 3.50€) and in it is 4 ml.
Pink Party: light pink with silver shimmer - very pigmented and shiny.
Lilac Lightning: dark blue based purple with obvious blue sheen - the least pigmented/patchy.
Crimson Thrill: deep burgundy red with warm plum sheen - good pigmentation.
Electric Emerald: emerald green with green sheen - a bit more pigmented than Lilac Lightning.
Sparkling Platinum: very shimmery silver - very pigmented.
24K Gold: bronzy gold with old warm gold sheen - very pigmentation.
Soft Bronze: bronze with silver shimmer - very pigmented.
I also swatched Soft Bronze next to Maybelline Color Tattoo 24hr in 35 On and On Bronze and Kiko Long Lasting Stick Eyeshadow in 06 Golden Brown. I've come to realize that it doesn't look similar to neither of them - not Kiko and not Maybelline. It's a lot lighter and more copper toned, which is actually right up my alley, because it's warmer than the other two.
Here are also makeup looks with all of those shades. I actually wore them on different days. Some shades, which are cooler toned I paired with warm matte brown powder eye shadow in the crease, to make it more wearable for my skin tone. I hope you'll get the idea as to how these looks like on eyes.
Pink Party
Lilac Lightning
Crimson Thrill
Electric Emerald
Sparkling Platinum
24K Gold
Soft Bronze
I think Supershock eye shadow are one of those very easy to use shadows. They might be a bit intimidating for beginners and those that don't know how to properly use them. If you shake it well, apply it directly on the lid and use fluffy brush to blend it out, it's actually really easy and quick. The pigmentation is different from shade to shade and it might complicate application, so maybe contemplate which shades you'll buy. Packaging is very easy to carry with and perfect for on the go looks. My personal favorite shades are 24K Gold, Soft Bronze and Crimson Thrill. That's because those are totally my kind of shades. Which did you like?
I also wanted to share this photo of my
Romantic Siren makeup look for Halloween. Here I used all of those liquid eye shadows on my eyes at once.
Nikoli prej nisem imela tekočih senčil. Ko mi je Avon poslal Avon Supershock Vivid Liquid Eye Shadows sem najprej malo eksperimentirala z njimi. Današnja objava bo o petih načinih nanašanja tekočih senčil. S tekočimi senčili je potrebno delati rahlo drugače kot s tistimi v prahu ali kremnimi. Pokazala vam bom tudi vse odtenke, ki sem jih preizkušala.
Po celotni veki
To je najlažji in najpogostejši način nanašanja senčil na sploh. Tekoča senčila so zelo tekoča in imajo po navadi aplikator podoben lip glossom. Preden začnem nanašati senčila vedno uporabim primer za senčila. Moj najljubši je Avon Flawless Eyeshadow Primer (kmalu bom napisala oceno o njem). Po tem koraku začnem tekoče senčilo nanašati na premikajoč del veke in nato z večjim mehkim čopičem zabrišem proti gubi. Nato znova nanesem senčilo z aplikatorjem, tokrat bolj v gubo in spet zabrišem malo višje. Tak izgled, ki je malo nad gubo veke, se boljše prilagaja moji obliki očesa. Z Avon tekočimi senčili morate delati precej hitro, ker se hitro sušijo, ko jih enkrat nanesete na veke.
Na spodnji veki ponovim isti postopek. Zopet nanesem senčilo direktno iz aplikatorja in nato zabrišem s čopičem. Tukaj se uporabila odtenek 24K Gold.
Kombinacija s senčilom v prahu
Ko nanašam senčila s hladnim podtonom, ki se ne ujemajo preveč z mojim podtonom kože, rada nanesem mat rjavo senčilo v gubo. Potem vzamem hladnejši odtenek tekočega senčila in ga nanesem na premikajoč del veke – torej na sredino. Nato še malo zabrišem v gubo. Uporaba dveh senčil, da očesu malo več dimenzije in je odličen način kako nositi odtenke, ki vam naravno ne pristajajo oziroma se ne zlijejo s poltjo kože. Tukaj sem uporabila odtenek Electric Emerald.
Bleščeč dodatek
Bleščičasta tekoča senčila so lahko uporabljena kot majhen dodatek k navadni rutini očesnega makeupa. Tukaj sem že naredila moj osnovni očesni makeup. Potem sem vzela tekoče senčilo in aplikator podrgnila ob prst. Iz prsta sem nato narahlo nanesla senčilo na sredino veke. Z aplikatorjem sem senčilo nanesla tudi v notranji kotiček očesa in rahlo zabrisala. Takšen način nanašanja senčila daje očem 3D izgleda in jih naredi bolj spočite in zbujene. Tukaj sem uporabila odtenek Sparkling Platinum.
Zadimljen videz
Tekoča senčila so najlažji način za ustvarjanje zadimljenega videza oči. To je še posebej dobro za uporabo s senčili, ki so slabše pigmentirane. Zadmiljen videz je lahko zelo grunge in znošen videz. Bolj nenatančno je, boljše je. Senčilo nanašajte čim bližje trepalnicam in zabrišite proti zunanjim kotičkom. Tehnično gledano je to zelo podobno prvemu načinu nanašanja, vendar je tukaj potrebno večino barve koncentrirati ob trepalnicah in potem mora počasi izginjati navzven. Moja fotografija ne pokaže tega najbolj natančno, ampak upam, da sem dovolj jasno pojasnila postopek. Tukaj sem uporabila odtenek Lilac Lightning.
Kot eyeliner
Tekoča senčila lahko izgledajo fantastično namesto eyelinerja. Je zelo lahek nanos. Z aplikatorjem potegnete črto čim bližje trepalnic. Na koncu lahko zavihate črto navzgor, da dobite wing eyeliner izgled. Ni potrebno, da je zavihek perfekten. Popravite lahko z uporabo kozmetične vatirane palčke, ki jo namočite v odstranjevalec ličil. Da še bolj popravite linijo lahko zavihek obrobite tudi z malo korektorja, da bo izgled še bolj čist. Tukaj sem uporabila odtenek Crimson Thrill.
Lepotce s katerimi sem delala so Avon Supershock Vivid tekoča senčila. To so moja prva tekoča senčila in nisem vedela kaj naj pričakujem. Najprej sem mislila, da je z njimi težje delati, ampak je v bistvu zelo lahko, ko se enkrat navadiš na teksturo.
Avon trenutno ponuja 7 odtenkov senčil. Nekateri so bolj topli, drugi bolj hladni. Imajo tudi nekaj svetlih in nekaj temnejših odtenkov. Štirje odtenki na levi so tisti iz stalne ponudbe in pred kratkim so dodali tri nove odtenke, ki so na desni strani. Mislim, da so izboljšali formulo, ker so nova senčila bolj pigmentirana in vsa precej bleščičasta.
Senčila izgledajo kot lip glosi. Embalaža je plastična in prozorna, da lahko vidite odtenke senčil. Pokrov je plastičen in črn. V embalaži je aplikator, ki je podoben tistim v lip glosih.
Tekstura izgleda čisto tekoča, ko jo stresete. Ko ni pretreseno, se tekočina loči od pigmenta. Preden uporabiš senčila jih moraš obvezno pretresti. Glavna sestavina je voda, kar pomeni, da bodo senčila šla dol iz vek, če pride do njih voda. To tudi pomeni, da seveda niso vodoodporna in da se je med nošenjem potrebno izogibati potenja, dežja in joka.
Aplikator izgleda zelo mehek z daljšimi mehkimi dlakami, ki »zagrabijo« pigment v tekočini. Takoj ko se senčilo dotakne veke, se posuši in ostane na mestu. Tekoče je samo, če nanesete preveč naenkrat, ali pred uporabo ne pretresete. Meni se zdi precej zanimivo. Izgleda kot pigment, ki plava v vodi in se oprime aplikatorja, ki potem transportira pigment na oči.
En nanos je precej pigmentiran. Senčila lahko nanašate direktno na veko z aplikatorjem in dobite precej enakomeren nanos. Sicer je to tudi odvisno od posameznih odtenkov, nekateri izgledajo bolj neenakomerno.
Redna cena senčil je 6€ (trenutno jih lahko dobite za samo 3.50€) in v vsakem je 4 ml izdelka.
Pink Party: svetlo roza odtenek s srebrnimi bleščicami – zelo pigmentiran in sijoč.
Lilac Lightning: temno modro vijoličen odtenek z očitnim modrim sijajem – najmanj pigmentiran.
Crimson Thrill: toplo temno rdeč vijoličen odtenek – dobro pigmentiran.
Electric Emeral: smaragdno zelen odtenke z zelenim sijajem – manlo bolj pigmentiran kot Lilac Lightning.
Sparkling Platinum: zelo bleščičasto srebrn odtenek – zelo pigmentiran.
24K Gold: bronz zlat odtenek z toplim zlatim sijajem – zelo pigmentiran.
Soft Bronze: bronz odtenek s srebrnimi bleščicami – zelo pigmentiran.
Soft Bronze sem primerjala tudi z Maybelline Color Tattoo 24h v odtenku 35 On and On Bronze in Kiko Long Lasting Stick Eyeshadow v odtenku 06 Golden Brown. Kot lahko vidite, sta oba odtenka precej različna od Soft Bronze. Soft Bronze je veliko svetlejši in ima bolj bakren podton, kar je čisto po mojem okusu, ker so meni bolj všeč topli odtenki.
V nadaljevanju lahko vidite očesni makeup z vsakim od teh odtenkov. Vsak odtenek sem nosila ob različnih dneh. Nekatere odtenke, ki so bolj hladni, sem kombinirala z mat toplim rjavim odtenkom v gubi. S tem so odtenki postali bolj nosljivi za moj podton kože. Upam, da dobite osnovno idejo, kako odtenki izgledajo na očeh.
Meni se zdi, da so Supershock senčila ena tistih, ki so zelo lahka za uporabo. Za začetnike lahko izgledajo preveč zastrašujoče, sploh dokler jih ne vejo pravilno nanašati. Če jih pred uporabo pretresete, nanesete direktno na veko in zabrišete z mehkim čopičem, potem to postane zelo lahko in hitro. Pigmentiranost je različna od odtenka do odtenka in lahko zakomplicira sam nanos, zato si je dobro prej pogledati in preudarno odločiti katere odtenke boste kupili. Embalaža je zelo lahka za prenašanje in perfektna za hitro na poti ustvarjanje makeupa. Meni osebno so najljubši odtenki 24K Gold, Soft Bronze in Crimson Thrill. To so seveda odtenki čisto tipični za moj okus. Kateri odtenki pa so vam všeč?
Za konec sem želela deliti še eno fotografijo moje romantične sirene - Romantic Siren. To je inspiracija makeupa za Halloween. Tukaj sem uporabila vsa ta senčila na očeh hkrati.