Review: L'Occitane 5% Shea Cleansing Oil

Hey Beauties!

I've been testing this baby for about 4 month. Reason being, I don't use this every day, just on special occasions, when my facade is really thick and it's been a long day. I had an amazing beauty blogger experience at L'Occitane store (thumbs up for a sales person, who still remembers me, when I come in the store) and I was determent to finally buy one of their products. It's their best seller 5% Shea Cleansing Oil. It's my first such cleansing oil, since I've only been using cleansing milks and gels before. 

It comes in a simple plastic transparent bottle with a pump. The cleansing oil is described as silky texture, which efficiently removes impurities and makeup in one single step. It also removes waterproof makeup. It is enriched with shea oil (5%) and it transforms into a soft emulsion, when it comes in contact with water. It should preserve skin's hydration, leave behind clean and comfortable skin. The complexion is suppose to look fresh and radiant

It costs 19.30€ and you get 200 ml of it. You can buy it online or in one of their shops.

The pump is big and plastic. It produces nice amount of product and one pump is enough, but I like to use one and a half for when I have a lot of makeup on. 

The texture is a lightweight oil. It's very oily (doh!) and it massages nicely onto face, although you may need to really work it in. I personally love that feeling of oil on my face. For some reason it just feels comforting and relaxing. 

It breaks down any makeup by just massaging it on your face. Waterproof makeup is also very easy to remove. You look like a panda, once you're done with massaging, but it does break down every little bit of it. 

Then I add water to it and it starts to get more milky and produces a slight white leather. You can remove it with just water, but I prefer to use muslin cloth with it. If you remove it only with water, you'll be left with a bit of that oily residue on your skin. Muslin cloth takes most of it off, but the skin is in no way striped of hydration. It actually feels soft and still plump. No tightening or irritation

I use this as my first cleanse and then I use another milk cleanser to get rid of that oil residue, because, I once had a breakout and I'm still not sure if it was because of this cleansing oil or something else. Just in case, I like to wash it off, but you can obviously leave it on, since it does have a quit hydrating and softening effect.

Because this is an oil, it may come into your eyes, which results in a blurry vision for a while, until your eyes get back to normal. So I feel, like this is best to use in the evening and I find it best for removing makeup, not for an everyday cleanse. Because of the oils, I would suggest you to get a sample first, if your skin tends to break out by such ingredients. 

Oh, the smell of it. It smells like a soft nutty scent. It's very comforting and still subtle in a way. I think the scent makes it even more enjoyable to use.

This oil definitely met my expectations and I am almost certain, I'm gonna be repurchasing it, once I us it up. This is also one benefit of it, you get a lot of product. I have been using it for a while and I used up less then a quarter of it. This justifies the price for me, because I don't use it daily. I think this is amazing cleansing oil for anyone that wants to quickly remove full face of makeup. It is also good for dry skins, because it can add one hydrating layer in your skin step routine. It's also a natural brand, so it might be amazing for all of those with irritations and sensitive skin. The scent is incredible. If you're on a market for cleansing oils or you've never tried any, this would be a good starting point. 


  1. Meni najboljši odstranjevalec, še vedno. Lepo očisti hkrati pa ne pusti tistega silikonastega občutka.

    1. Točno tako. Očitno sem si dobro izbrala za prvo izbiro, verjetno tudi zadnjo :D

  2. Sama obožujem občutek ko si make up odstranjujem z oljnim odstranjevalcem, predvsem ker imam suho kožo :) sem pričakovala da bo malce dražji glede na to da je iz L'occitana.. In ravno to da ni tako zelo drag me zelo "vleče" da bi ga kupila :D

    1. Meni je neznansko všeč ta občutek olja, ko si ga masiram na kožo. Prav pomirjajoče je :). Res je, za L'Occitane je še kar poceni. Meni je res všeč in se mi zdi perfektna izbira za moji prvi oljni odstranjevalec :).

  3. Fantastično olje, sama ga imam mesec dni in sem navdušena, tako dobra zadeva za mojo suho kožo. Prav uživam, ko vem da bo občutek na koncu super. Sama imam tudi tonik iz iste linije in ko to skupi uporabim se mi zdi da kr nebi rabla kreme:). Mi ni žal niti enga centa, sem pa kr dolgo šparala za oba izdelka:) ampak vredno:).

    1. Jaz imam tonik sicer samo mini verzijo, tester in je res dober. Zaradi teh dveh izdelkov, bi zdaj imela kar vse. Tudi shea kremo sem imela mini testerje in so odlične. Kar vso linijo bi nabavila, če bi mi moj proračun dovolil :).

    2. joj ja kremici sta meni obe in 5% in 25% karite krasni, sicer po testerjih sodeč. Sem pa celo poletje varcevala za njo, pa imam zj tistih 30 eur in ne vem ali bi dejansko dala toliko za kremo ali ne. Mi je pa odlično ustrezala. A misliš da jo rabiva v življenju:), je kar velik 30 eur. Ne vem non stop hodim gledat v spletno trgovino, pa je že v košarici, pa jo dam nevem no kaj da nardim, ker linija mi drgače res ustreza in sem prav vesela, da je neki fajnega za nas s suho kožo:)

    3. Hehe..tako ti bom rekla. Če imaš 30eur za to in imaš precej zahtevno kožo, potem je to vsekakor dobra naložba. Pravijo, da pri izdelkih za nego ne bi smeli šparat, ker je to investicija v prihodnost. Res pa je, da če druge kreme naredijo isto za tvojo kožo, potem verjetno ni nujen nakup :).

  4. Me mika da bi s tem nadomestila TBS Camomile Cleansing oil, ker mi tisto pakiranje pušča in sem zadnjič izgubila 1/3 produkta ker se je razlil po kozmetični :/

    1. Uf to pa je škoda izdelka, ja. Jaz imam malo tega TBS olja (mi ga je Mateja poslala) in mi je tudi všeč. Čeprav mi je to L'Occitanovo vseeno boljše, kar se tiče teksture in kakšen je finiš po umivanju :).

  5. Joj, meni pa očitno edini ni bil všeč... Sploh mi ni dobro odstranil makeupa, sem imela tester... :/

    1. Res? Pa si ga dolgo masirala v kožo? Škoda no :/.

  6. Jaz imam trenutno Immortelle različico, ampak bom šla verjetno nazaj k temu, ko ga porabim. Imata podoben učinek glede odstranjevanja ličil, ampak ima tale bolj prijeten vonj.

  7. Ah ja, tega imam že tako dolgo na WL, samo moram najprej porabiti tistega od N°7 in The Body Shop :)

  8. Tako kot Nadja imam Immortelle verzijo in mi je odlična, ampak bom nasledjega tega kupila, ker je vseeno malo cenejši in upam, da ima malo lepši vonj :)

    1. Jaz sem pa mislila, da imaš ti to shea verzijo :) Vonj je meni tak comforting. Ne vem.. mogoče me malo spominja na baby olja :).
