I've already reviewed new Avon True Color Quad palettes, that Avon sent me. Today I'll review their kohl eye liners. It's going to be a colorful review.
Avon has total of 7 kohl eye liner shades. I was fortunate enough to get them all. They have Deep Violet, Cobalt Blue, True Black and Bronze Sheen. In a previous campaign they added three new shades and those were Ocean Blue, Turquoise Waters and Sea Green. I think those shades are summer inspired and very much correspond their two new True Color Quads.
The regular price of each kohl liner is 6.50€. They contain 1.08 grams of product. It doesn't say much about the ingredients, just that it contains shea butter for a smoother application.
It's a regular pencil form and it has colorful pencil on one side and rubber on the other side. The rubber is great for smudging, which kohl pencils are perfect for.
If you apply the liner softly, you'll get a soft semi-opaque application as you can see on the left side. In the middle is how it looks like, if you apply it heavily and that gives you really opaque look. And on the right side you can see how good these liner are for smudging. The rubber side makes it easier to smudge and you can make some really smoky looks with it.
Turquoise Waters
In contrary to what it looks like on the photo in the catalog, this is actually more of a blue greenish shade than green blue-ish shade. It's a shimmery shade with blue shimmers. It looks sort of metallic.
Ocean Blue
This is gorgeous royal blue shade. It's completely matte. It's really bright and one of my favorite colorful shades.
Cobalt Blue
As the name suggests, it's a dark grey based blue. This one is also matte.
Deep Violet
This one is dark purple warm based shade and it's shimmery. It also has that metallic finish.
Sea Green
Very dark silver based green. It could almost pass as a grey, but the green sheen is obvious. It's also shimmery with metallic finish. I guess it does look like sea grass in a way.
Bronze Sheen
One of those classic bronze brown shades. It's also shimmery and it has metallic finish.
True Black
As it says it's a true black shade and it's matte.
The texture of these liners is in fact buttery as it claims. It's not as buttery and soft as Avon Super Shock pencils, but it is soft. One swipe can be a bit patchy. If you reapply it, it can sometimes result in uneven finish. The pigment tends to grab on itself and it creates darker and lighter patches. This happens more with shimmery shades than with matte. It all depends on how hard you press and how many times you go over it. It's definitely not the most even application, but you can make it really pigmented and you can really smudge it out to make it more even (of course you'll also loose a bit of pigmentation).
As you can see I mostly used them as my regular liquid liners, but they are great for smoky eyes and smudging on the lower lash line. I also love the fact that you can use rubber end and smudge it in a way to create the perfect end to your wing. It's really easy and I find the application with these pencils easier in general. It makes it easier to create the wing, because you can build it up slowly and the line is a bit more forgiving.
They are very long lasting. I was surprised, because they stayed on my lid the whole day and did not move. The only problem with these is if you have hooded eyes, they may transfer on your upper lid. That can be easily fixed with loose powder over it. Thanks to Nadja from Memento Mori, who mentioned this trick. I used it and it works perfectly.
And here are some of my makeup looks that I created using those kohls. I lightly applied Sea Green with golden green eyeshadow. I like how dark colored pencils give you definition, but also make it look a bit softer and smoky-er.
Cobalt Blue is another darker version of color and it really brings out dark brown eyes.
Deep Violet is one of my favorites. I went for the green eyeshadow with purple liner. I also used Bronze Sheen and smudged it on the bottom lash line.
True Black is a classic and goes with everything. Kohl can look less harsh than a liquid liner, if that's what you're aiming for.
And my favorite combination is this with Turquoise Waters and Ocean Blue. It looks so bright and makes my eyes pop. I also liked it with a coral lip combination.
If you're liking soft pencils and you like to smudge the hell out of it, then this is perfect for you. They are long lasting and have all the shades for different eye colors. They do have a problem with uneven application, if you try to build them up too much, but if you smudge them, the problem is fixed. If you prefer liquid liners with perfect crisp line, then this is definitely not for you.
I really like Ocean Blue, Deep Violet, Sea Green and Bronze Sheen. What are your favorite shades?
Ocenila sem že Avon True Color Quad palete, ki mi jih je poslal Avon. Danes sledi ocena njihovih kohl linerjev. To bo barvita ocena.
Avon ima 7 odtenkov kohl linerjeve. Jaz sem bila priviligirana in dobila kar vse. V redni ponudbi imajo Deep Violet, Cobalt Blue, True Black in Bronze Sheen. V prejšnji kampanji so dodali še tri nove odtenke in ti so Ocean Blue, Turquoise Waters in Sea Green. Novi odtenki se mi zdijo zelo poletni in odlična kombinacija novim True Color Quad paletam.
Redna cena svinčnikov je 6.50€. Vsak vsebuje 1.08 gramov izdelka. O sestavinah ne piše veliko, le da vsebujejo karitejevo maslo za gladek nanos.
Gre za običajno obliko svinčnika. Na eni strani je barvit svinčnik, na drugi pa gumijasta gobica. Gobica je odlična za zabrisovanje, kar je perfektno za mehke kohl svinčnike.
Če narahlo nanesete svinčnik, boste dobili srednje pigmentiran nanos, kot lahko vidite na levi. Na sredini je prikazano kako izgleda, če je nanos močan. Takrat je izgled zelo pigmentiran. In na desni strani lahko vidite kako izgleda svinčnik, ko ga zabrišemo z gobico. Gobica je odlična za zabrisovanje in ustvarjanje zadimljenega videza.
Turquoise Waters
Na fotografiji v katalogu izgleda bolj turkizen odtenek, meni pa se zdi bolj modro zelnkast odtenek. Vsekakor prej moder, kot zelen. Gre za šimrast odtenek z modrim šimrom. Izgleda skoraj kovinsko.
Ocean Blue
Čudovita kraljevsko modra. Je popolnoma mat. Zelo živ odtenek in en mojih najljubših odtenkov.
Cobalt Blue
Temna modra s sivim podtonom. Tudi ta odtenek je mat.
Deep Violet
Gre za temno vijoličen odtenek s toplim podotnom in šimrom. Tudi ta izgleda kovinsko.
Sea Green
Zelo temno zelena s sivim podtonom. Skoraj bi lahko bil siv odtenek, vendar je jasno viden zelen sijaj. Tudi ta odtenek je šimrast in ima kovinski finiš. Verjetno res izgleda kot morksa trava.
Bronze Sheen
En izmed klasičnih bronz rjavih odtenkov. Tudi ta je šimrast s kovinskim finišem.
True Black
Kot namiguje ime, gre za mat črn odtenek.
Tekstura svinčnikov je res gladka. Ni izredno mehka kot so na primer Avon Super Shock svinčniki, vendar je vseeno dovolj mehka. En nanos oziroma poteg lahko izgleda kar neenakomerno. Če večkrat nanašate preko istega nanosa, lahko hitro pride do neenakega nanosa. Pigment se začne svaljkati preko drugega pigmenta in nastanejo grudice z temnejšimi in svetlejšimi deli. To se pogosteje dogaja s šimrastimi odtenki. Vse je odvisno od tega koliko nanosov imate in kako močno pritiskate. Vsekakor nanos ni ravno najbolj enakomeren, ampak še vedno lahko izgleda zelo pigmentirano in odlično jih lahko zblendirate (s tem seveda izgubite malo pgimentiranosti).
Kot lahko vidite, sem svinčnike večinoma uporabljala kot moje črne tekoče linerje. Vendar so odlični za blendiranje, predvsem na spodnji veki. Gobica se mi zdi zelo uporabna za blendiranje perfektne konice linerja. Včasih je s svinčniki težko narisati popolnoma tanko linijo. Z gobico je to zelo lahko. Na sploh je nanos zelo lahek in tekstura dopušča več napak kot na primer tekoča črtala.
Svinčniki so zelo dolgo obstojni. Presenetilo me je, da so na meni ostali kar ves dan. Nedotakljivi. Edini problem lahko nastane na začetku nanosa, ko se lahko zalepijo na zgornjo veko. To lahko hitro rešimo tako, da preko nanesemo en sloj pudra v prahu. Hvala Nadji iz Memento Mori za ta trik. Jaz sem ga uporabila in deloval je perfektno.
Tukaj lahko vidite tudi nekaj mojih makeup videzov s svinčniki. Narahlo sem nanesla Sea Green v kombinaciji z zlato zeleno senčko. Všeč mi je kako temno barvni svinčniki dajejo očesu definicijo, vendar ta izgleda mehkejša in bolj zadimljeno.
Cobalt Blue je še ena temna verzija barve in odlično poudari temno rjave oči.
Deep Violet je ena moji ljubših. Zeleno senčko sem kombinirala z vijoličnim svinčnikom. Na spodnji veki sem uporabila tudi Bronze Sheen in ga zabrisala.
True Black je klasika in paše k vsemu. Kohl lahko izgleda manj grobo, če si želite mehkejši videz.
In moja najljubša kombinacija sta Turquoise Waters in Ocean Blue. Izgleda tako živahno in lepo poživi oči. Všeč so mi z koralnimi ustnicami.
Če iščete mehke svinčnike, ki bi jih lahko zabrisovali v nedogled, potem so ti odlični za vas. So dolgo obstojni in v kolekciji so odtenki za prav vsako barvo oči. Res je, da lahko nastane problem z neenakomernim nanoso, če prevečkrat nanesete odtenek. Če vmes zabrišete, bo problem rešen. Če pa so vam ljubši tekoči linerji, ki ustvarijo perfektno precizno linijo, potem ti zagotovo niso za vas.
Meni so najbolj všeč Ocean Blue, Deep Violet, Sea Green in Bronze Sheen. Kateri pa je vam najljubši odtenek?