Hey Beauties!
Going through my Pinterest boards I got the idea to do some wish list posts. I have Pinterest Wish List board here, but I never talk about the products that I want to get. Since the festive giving season is faster approaching, I wanted to present you with some of the products, that I am eyeing. If you're taste is anything like mine, I'm sure you'll find some products that you'll add to your wish list and maybe make decision easier for your loved ones. Today is about fragrances. I love anything sweet, musky, coconut or powdery.
Yves Saint Laurent Manifesto
I got this as a mini tester once and fell in love. I also had Refan version of this and it was great. But since I love collecting perfume bottles, I would love to have original.
Fragrantica describes it as vanilla, balsamic and woody. Base notes of this fragrance are tonka bean, vanilla, sandalwood and cedar. In the middle are jasmine sambac and lily of the valley. On top are green notes, black currant and bergamot.
Base notes are right up my alley, but everything on the top is not typical for me. It's one of those vanilla powdery scents. I find it very sophisticated and refined. It's also not very strong, rather subtle.
Guerlain L'Instant Magic
This is one of those perfumes that you smell in the store, realize you don't have enough money for it and it goes on your wish list as the first thing you'll buy when you get a real job. It will happen, one day.
It's powdery, floral and woody scent. Again it has one of my favorite bases: white musk, cedar, vanilla, almond, sandalwood and iris. In the middle are rose, freesia, violet, carnation and mimosa. On the top you'll find lemon, bergamot and anise.
I can't describe it in any other way as a very sophisticated sweet powdery scent. It just gets better with time and it's like a luxury body cream.
Avon Mesmerize Black
I love this one because of the packaging. I'm not gonna deny it. But when I tried it, I also really liked the smell of it.
It's a woody, white floral and balsamic scent. The base is made of Australian sandalwood, in the middle is jasmine and on top it's mandarin orange. Avon is rather shy with describing all their notes, so you'll just have to do with my description.
I have tester of it. At first is smells very fruity mandarin like and later becomes more stronger deeper, because of the sandalwood. I really like fruity and deep sandalwood combination. Black packaging with gold writing looks so elegant.
They actually have another version coming out in the near future - Avon Mesmerize Blue, which has notes of white peach, pink peony and sandalwood. I have a feeling this one might just as good, but maybe a bit more floral.
Avon Far Away Gold
My mom got this for her and let's just say I might be stealing hers every now and than. Far Away is the line that attracts me. Their Far Away Exotic was one of my ultimate favorite scents. Whenever I wore this I always got compliments and the staying power was just insane. Unfortunately they've discontinued it. Darn it!
This one is described as vanilla, sweet and yellow flower scent. In it you'll find notes like coconut, amber, ylang-ylang, vanilla, jasmine, orange and peach.
It's one of those classic vanilla sweet scents with a tad of elegance. A bit punchy in a way. I almost think it suits my mom better, because it's more "grown up".
Britney Spears Fantasy Intimated Edition
Britney Spears Fantasy collection is again one of those scents that I'll probably like most of them. I already own Fantasy, Midnight Fantasy and Hidden Fantasy.
It's described as musky, vanilla and sweet. Ahhh my favorite words. The base is benzoin, white musk, heliotrope and vanilla. In the middle are brown sugar, ozonic notes, genet, jasmine and lily of the valley. The top notes are violet leaf, Italian lemon and litchi.
I haven't actually tried it in person, so I have no idea how it smells. But brown sugar, vanilla and musk? I think this will be another sweet gourmet scent and I can bet that I would love it. I still haven't seen it in Slovenian stores, although you can find it online.
Beyonce Heat Kissed
Another collection that I already love two scents from. I love the original Heat and Midnight Heat. Beyonce did some other versions in between that didn't really sparke my interest. The latest one is Heat Kissed and I fell in love with it in the store.
It's a tropical, fruity and vanilla scent. The base is made of vanilla, patchouli and sandalwood. In the middle is Morrocan rose, jasmine sambac and orchid. On top is mango, litchi and pitahaya.
It's a very vanilla floral sweet scent. I sprayed it on in the store and it got really vanilla sandalwood like through the day. One of those stronger sweet scents.
Aquolina Gold Sugar
Mateja got me hooked on their Pink Sugar version, but I think it might even be too sweet for my liking. I was browsing through Pinterest and found Gold Sugar version and I want it really bad.
I want it, because it's described as sweet, milky and citrus. The base consists of whipped cream, Australian sandalwood and musk. In the middle is orange blossom, coconut and creme brulee. On top is orange, mandarin orange and neroli.
Again one of the fragrances, I haven't tried in person. Whipped cream, musk, sandalwood, coconut and creme brulee?! Are you kidding me.. I want to eat it and bathe in it. This must be again one of those super sweet gourmet scents and I love anything that smells of good sweet desserts. Sold!
The Body Shop Coconut
Clearly I don't need another coconut scent, since I have Yves Rocher Malaysian Coconut, but this still got on my wish list. You can never have too much coconut, right?!
It's coconut, tropical and sweet scent. The only ingredient that Fragrantica knows of is coconut, so I assume is very similar to Yves Rocher version.
I also haven't tried this in person, but it was just stuck on my wish list, so I included it here. I wouldn't mind having one more coconut scent. Not at all.
If you want to order the perfumes online, I recommend you to check out Fragrance Direct, Feelunique, All Beauty and Look Fantastic,
If you're ever wondering about the notes in your perfume, go to Fragrantica. Their base has every possible scent with description and notes. You can also search for perfumes that have notes that you like. I do this a lot. That's why my wish list is never ending. What are some of perfumes on your wish list? I would love to know, what is you type :).
Oh ja, Britney Spears parfum bi tudi jaz mela <3 :)
ReplyDeleteMoj Fantasy je že na zadnjih kapljicah, tako da bi ta moral bit naslednji od nje :)
DeleteLepa lista! Manifesto imam tudi sama, sicer L'Eclat verzijo, ker mi je všeč bolj "zelen" pridih z noto zelenega čaja. Od Body Shopa je pa dober tudi Brazil Nut, ne vem če je še v prodaji. Si pa želim, da bi poustvarili dišavo Wild Argan linije, ker je za pojest.
ReplyDeleteManifesto mi je zelo všeč. Zanimiv pudrast vonj :). Sem videla, da imajo kar nekaj verzij in eliksir tudi. Sliši se zanimivo, verjetno bolj močni vonji, ki so meni tudi všeč :).
DeleteSi tako skromna ko pride do wishliste parfumov kot jaz :D Guerlain L'Instant Magic moram it preverit, ker imaš podoben okus kot jaz, pa mi bo morda všeč, čeprav je itak predrag.
ReplyDeleteTale flaška od Mesmerize Black je res čudovita. Nisem še nikoli imela parfuma od Avona razen testerje (ravno Far Away Exotic, ki je awesome), me pa mikajo, ker so dosti ugodni ko je kakšna akcija.
Za Aquolina Gold Sugar ima pa Živa oceno :)
O ja zelo skromna :D. Guerlain moraš preveriti ja. Sicer jaz ne vem zakaj sem se tako zapičila vanj. Enostavno spomnim se, ko sem ga prvič preizkusila v MB in od takrat naprej mi vedno hodi po glavi :).
DeleteRes? Škoda, da mi nisi tega prej omenila imam doma nekaj testerjev od njihovih parfumov, pa bi ti jih prinesla :). Jaz imam že kar nekaj njihovih parfumov in so mi zelo všeč ravno zato, ker so vsi 50 ml in imajo zelo ugodne cene. No če boš kakšnega hotela, ti jaz komot naročim - ali testerje - ti tudi lahko naročim :).
Sem šla takoj prebrat. Joj zdaj si ga še bolj želim :).
Vanilija <3 Očitno bom mogla ene od teh it prevohat, mogoče pa pride kateri tud na mojo wishlisto :D
ReplyDeleteČe imaš kaj podoben okus mojemu, ti bo zagotovo kakšen všeč. Samo potem boš si samo podaljšala wish listo :P
DeleteWishlista je itak vedno daljša :D
DeleteJaz močno upam da bo v mojem Douglas adventnem koledarju tudi vzorček YSL Manifesto :) Od Guerlaina je pa meni noro všel La Petite Robe Noire linija :)
ReplyDeleteMogoče pa rer :). Ja vem kateri. Tistega se tudi dobi v Refanu, se mi zdi. Ampak tega L'Instant Magic pa ne morem najt nikjer, da ne bi bila original verzija.
DeleteManifesto je tudi na moji wishlisti :)
ReplyDeleteOčitno je precej všečen vonj, ker je kar popularen :).
DeleteThanks :)
ReplyDeleteOhhh, Britney Spears dišave so vedno na moji WL, sladke dišave.
ReplyDeleteSploh te iz Fantasy kolekcije so vedno odlične :)
DeleteI have always been a fan of the Body Shop Vanilla scents, but I never tried the coconut before. I am also curious to smell the Guerlain perfume as well, from your description it sounds divine!!!
I am obsessed with coconut, so naturally I want everything with it :). You should try, if you like sweet warm scents. Guerlain is a-mazing :D.
DeleteJaz sem pa ravno Manifesto dobila za Miklavža v službi :D Drugače pa imam na wishlisti še Miss Dior Cherie in mislim, da pride ta za Božič :D
ReplyDeleteJej kako lepo :) Cherie je tudi precej popularen. Prav tako lepo sladek :). Držim pesti, da pride ;)