TMI (Too Much Information) Tag

Hey Beauties!

I was tagged by the always so lovely Astrid to do this tag and I love those kind of get to the point short questions tag, so why not?! If you like the questions make sure to do it as well ;).

1. What are you wearing? PJ's and a sweater over it.
2. Ever been in love? Yup.
3. Ever had a terrible breakup? Maybe.
4. How tall are you? 157 cm - sometimes not even that big:).
5. How much do you weigh? Not a question for women :P.

6. Any tattoos? No.
7. Any piercings? Only my ears pierced.
8. OTP (One True Pairing: what's your favorite fictional couple)? Hm...Only couple I can come up now is Carrie and Sebastian from The Carrie Diaries. I really like this show.
9. Favourite show? I guess the previous one.
10. Favourite bands? No bands, just individuals.
11. Something you miss? Sleep :)
12. Favourite song? Too hard. Refuse to answer. But know I can't get enough of Partition by Beyonce.
13. How old are you? 25.
14. Zodiac sign? Capricorn stubborn and ambitious ;)
15. Quality you look for in a partner? Somebody who has ambitions and appreciates every side of me.
16. Favourite Quote? Something in the lines of.... it doesn't matter how hard you fall, it matters how quickly you pick up. Something like that.

17. Favourite actor? Denzel Washington, Jason Statham, Jim Carrey.
18. Favourite color? Peach and emerald.
19. Loud music or soft? Depends. I seem to not like it really loud. Am I getting old? I hate loud music in car, but I like it at home.
20. Where do you go when you're sad? To put up my favorite song.
21. How long does it take you to shower? How long do I have? It can take me from 8 to 25 minutes.
22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? With eating, putting on makeup, dressing about 45 minutes.
23. Ever been in a physical fight? No.
24. Turn on? Dancing, long eye looks, nice back.
25. Turn off? Cockiness.
26. The reason I joined Youtube? Did not.
27. Fears? Spiders. I swear I will never get how this little creatures can put so much fear and panic in my bones.
28. Last thing that made you cry? Hm...hard to remember. Probably some PMS + study overload and it happens:).
29. Last time you said you loved someone? Last night.
30. Meaning behind your Youtube/Blogging Name? I chose adjusting beauty, because initially this is what we all do with makeup. We are all beautiful, but we adjust our beauty with makeup.
31. Last book you read? 50 shades of grey - second from the series.
32. The book you're currently reading? I'm not. If study books count?
33. Last show you watched? Friends were on TV last night :).
34. Last person you talked to? My boyfriend.
35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted? Again, my boyfriend.
36. Favourite food? Italian.
37. Place you want to visit? Los Angeles, New York, London, Hawaii...
38. Last place you were? In cinema, watching the second movie of Hunger Games.
39. Do you have a crush? I don't fully understand it :).
40. Last time you kissed someone? Last night.

41. Last time you were insulted? Oh I remember that... in my study classroom:)
42. Favourite flavour of sweet? Vanilla.
43. What instruments do you play? None.
44. Favourite piece of jewellery? Probably some sort of bracelet.
45. Last sport you played? Hm...I do some workout at home so some squats probably:).
46. Last song you sang? Driver roll up the partition, please...partition please...driver roll up the partition please, I don't need you seeing Yonce on her knees...
47. Favourite chat up line? None.

48. Have you ever used it? Nop.
49. Last time you hung out with anyone? Last night with my boyfriend, his brother and his brother's girlfriend, we went to see the second movie of Hunger Games. I don't like it - those movies are just too depressing for me.
50. Who should answer these questions next? Anyone who wants too;) and Sabina.


  1. Vidva z mojim bratom bi se razumela, tudi on obožuje Jasona Stathama. :P
    Meni pa The Carrie Diaries serija ni bila všeč, sem kar na sredi prve sezone nehala gledati. Sem pa itak gledala bolj zaradi stajlingov kot zgodbe. :D 50 odtenkov sive pa ste očitno že vse prebrale, samo jaz še ne. :P

    1. Hehe, torej ima rad akcije:) Ja styling je itak kultna zadeva teh serij. Meni pa je igralka še ful všeč s tem baby obrazom, da se je ne morem nagledat:). Nisem še prebrala vseh, tretja mi je ostala. Ne skrbi, imaš še čas;)

  2. So glad you did this tag! :D
    I also like watching the Carrie Diaries!
    The meaning behind your blog name is actually really beautiful!

    1. It was so much fun. I love those shot question tags:) Thanks for the tag;)) Aw, thanks I thought it was nice for a name, so I'm glad you like it;)

  3. Ta tag mi je pa všeč, ga bom tudi jaz objavila :)
    Haha, pajki so res grozna bitja, ampak pri meni doma tega nihče ne razume in kar je najhuje, nihče ga noče odstranit -.-

    1. Super:) Se že veselim branja:) Ja vem kako je to. Sploh ko si 25-letnica in še vedno kličeš nekoga, naj ti ubije pajka:/ I feel you:))

  4. Me je presenetilo dejstvo, da si gledala The Hunger Games :)) Ampak sem pol vidla dalje da ti ni bil glij všeč :)) aja pa presenetilo me je to za vanilijo :D pa vseh pajkov se bojiš? jaz samo onih debelih dlakavih ne maram :\ suhe južine me ne genejo :)) in jaz jih večinoma posesam :D včasih ob 3 zjutraj :D hahah .. drugače pa bom se potrudila odgovorit na vsa ta vprašanja, hvala za tag ;)) i feel special :D

    1. Hehe:)) Ja depresivne Hunger Games. Vseh pajkov, pa če so ful mali pa ful tanki so kul. Najhujši so temni! No super, čakam branje;))

    2. veš kaj pa je še hujše? ko ga hočeš ubit.. pa ti pade dol.. pa ne veš kam odlaufa :/

    3. O ja. Se mi je že zgodilo. Nightmare! Samo sem ga na srečo ujela:) (so proud!! :)) )

    4. Wi wi wi :) So proud of you :) Aja! še nekaj! Obsedena si s The Carrie Diaries :)

  5. Really fun tag, I might do this one as well x) I nominated you to the Sunshine & Versatile Blogger awards<3

    1. Let me know, if you do it;) Thanks for the nomination, but I've already been nominated:)) xx

  6. Super zabaven tag, ga bom naredila v prihodnjih dneh :)

    p.s. nominirala sem te za Liebster Award

    1. No super:) Sem že bila nominirana, ampak hvala;))

  7. Ha, ravno tale tag sem gledala na Youtubube od Essiebutton in Beautycrush, ko sem naletela na tvojo objavo :)
    Pri meni je pa glede glasbe ravno obratno, čim bolj glasno v avtu, in bolj potiho doma :)

    1. Ja jaz sem tudi gledala ta video:) Hehe, zanimivo:) Jaz pa doma raje, ko lahko plešem zraven, v avtu pa nekak ne morem, ker bi me čudno gledali na semaforju:D

  8. Thanks:) If you like it, do it too;)

  9. The Carrie Diaries je tudi ena izmed mojih najljubših serij. Čisto sem depresivna, da jo bo naslednji teden že konec. :(

    1. Res? Damn it! To je moja trenutno najljubša serija:)
