5th Blogiversary

It's been five years since I started my blog. To be honest, I kind of knew I'll make a huge hobby out of this little corner of the internet. It sucked me into beauty world that I love and still have the drive to share with others. 

It's been fun five years and I am so grateful for all the people that I have met based on my blog. I've also worked with some interesting brands that are still supporting my work and want my input. There were times when I thought to myself, why am I even doing this or who for, when I felt especially overwhelmed with life. But I feel like everyone has their good and bad times. I am still one of those beauty bloggers that considers blogging a hobby and I don't get paid for it. It's partly my personal preference and partly because of my personal life situation. I get makeup products by brads, but never got paid to do a post about it. It's just how I work, if I had the chance to get paid, I probably would. I also always feel like you trust my reviews and I can only hope that I provide you with enough information to help you decided whether something is for you or not.

I've heard somewhere that apparently people are going back to blogs, although I can't really agree. I feel like YouTube is more popular now. But than again, it's also much more time consuming. I feel like I got stuck in my way of doing reviews and writing my blog as I did when I first started. This new wave of marketing yourself as a brand and selling a lifestyle is really not my thing. I go to beauty blogs for reviews and makeup looks and it's what I do on my blog too, even if it means a very slow rise for my blog.

I can't help myself, but to think that it's become less popular to read long reviews, so I've started to make them shorter. I understand. In a way, we all have a lot to deal with in private life and so many other things consume our daily thoughts and tasks. That's why I am so grateful to all of you that still read my reviews and leave me lovely comments. I don't have a lot of followers, but I feel like all of you are really here for me and for my input into.

In the modern age of what I like to call "modern laziness", it's rare for someone to take the time to like a photo on your Instagram and to comment on your new post. I am very grateful for all of you that do that. Modern social media platforms also bring more interactions and make me feel more connected to all of you. I love when you write me in private messages and we can debate on that new product or how it worked out for you. It makes me feel more engaged and I hope you feel that too.

I won't do my most read posts, because I do this type of blog every year. You can see some of my favorite posts from last year here. Let's take a look at some of statistics from the past five years. I have wrote 790 posts by now. There have been over million total views of my blog and about half a million of visitors. Most of my readers come from: United Kingdom, United States of America, Germany, India, Poland and Slovenia.

Thank you all for the love that you share with my little blog <3


Graphic Design

I've actually put some more effort into my blog in these couple of weeks. As you may have noticed, I have new graphic design on my blog with a new template. It was much needed. My mobile site wasn't as responsive as I wanted it to be and now it finally is.


I also bought my own domain which means you can now officially find me at adjustingbeauty.com. It makes it easier for you to find me and easier for me to tell others where to find me. Let's take this as a sign for me to keep up with my blog and maybe make some more out of it.

About Me

In case you haven't browse through my blog pages, I have also updated my About Me page. It now includes much more information about my skin and makeup preferences. This just makes it easier for all of you new followers on my blog to get a quick feel of who I am and what you might be seeing more on my blog.


In a true traditional way, I'm doing a giveaway on the anniversary of my blog. With the help of some other brands like Orbico (Rimmel, Bourjois, Max Factor) and Paese, I have prepared not one, but three giveaways. Prices include a few items that I got from other those brands as well as some products that I bought myself. I wanted to bring you as many of the products that I love as possible, but also introduce you to some new products that you can try out. 

1. Prize
Avon True Nutra Effects Hydration Overnight Gel-Cream
Paese Rice Powder*
Bourjois Color Boost Glossy Finish Lipstick 04 Peach on the Beach*
Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet 24 Dark Cherie*

2. Prize
Avon True Nutra Effects Miracle Glow Lightweight Cleansing Oil
Bourjois Healthy Mix Anti-Fatigue Powder 03 Dark Beige*
Bourjois Rouge Velvet The Lipstick 03 Hyppink chic*
Bourjois Color Boost Glossy Finish Lipstick 04 Peach on the Beach*

3. Prize
Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Lip Colour 200 Pink Blink*
Bourjois Silk Edition Compact Powder 52 Vanilla*
Max Factor Smokey Eye Matte Drama Kit 20 Rich Roses*
Catrice Camouflage Cream Anti-Shadow
Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet 23 Chocolat Corset*

Sodelujete lahko tako, da izpolnite spodnji Rafflecopter obrazec. Več polj izpolnite, več možnosti imate. Izpolnite samo enkrat, sama pa bom naključno izbrala tri nagrajence. Sodelujete lahko do 27. marca 2018 do 12h. Nagradna igra je odprta samo za Slovenijo.

This giveaway is open only for Slovenia!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

International Giveaway

There will also be another international giveaway on my Instagram. I hope you tune in tomorrow (on 19th of March 2018), because you'll have a chance to win another one of my favorite products.

One of my wishes for the blog is also to finally reach 2000 followers on Instagram, which seems impossible these days. I am not too concerned with the numbers, but it would just be so nice to finally reach this magical 2000 number that is always slipping through my hands. So...if you haven't followed me on Instagram yet and you like my posts there, I would encourage you to click follow ;).

I am also hoping to meet even more of my fellow beauty bloggers in this year and have more interactions with all of you that read my blog or follow my social accounts.

Wish you all the best and have a good one,
Petra :)

*Special thanks to Orbico and Paese for collaborating with me on this giveaway by adding some of their products to my prizes. 


  1. Iskrene čestitke ob obletnici! Veš, da si moja najljubša blogerka in te vedno rada berem :) Se strinjam z vsem kar si napisala. Blogov noben ne bere več, meni se že veliko bolj splača naredit Story, ki ga takoj vidi najmanj 10x več ljudi. Je pa res, da dobivam pozneje oglede na račun googla, ko ljudje iščejo swatche, zato še vedno objavljam prave ocene, da sem ljudem tudi kasneje v pomoč. Dobivat nove sledilce na Instagramu je pa res trenutno nemogoče, ampak meni kar malo všeč, da me ne dodaja tone novih ljudi, ker me moja trenutna številka preveč straši - toliko ljudi o katerih ne vem nič. Sicer pa iskreno upam, da ti uspe do 2000 :) Želim ti še veliko let uspešnega bloganja <3

    1. Hvala Mateja :) <3 To je res lepo slišat. Na mojem blogu je isto...ko ljudje iščejo ocene, najdejo moje objave in upam, da komu pomagajo. Imaš prav, je včasih lahko kar creepy, ko veš koliko ljudi, ki jih ne poznaš sledi tebi in vsemu kar delaš. Ampak jaz imam zaenkrat samo dobre izkušnje. 2000 je pa neka taka številka, ki se mi konstantno izmuzne iz rok, mogoče si jo zato bolj želim :D. Hvala <3

  2. Happy blog anniversary! Keep going, you are unique in the blogging-word in many aspects! :)

  3. Čestitke za 5 let bloganja <3 Sama ne bi mogla biti bolj srečna, da sem te odkrila in brala, na koncu pa še spoznala in moram rečti, da se tvoja čudovita osebnost izraža že v tvojih zapisih. Čestitke za vse dosedanje dosežke in odlične objave, le tako naprej.


    1. Hvala Neža :) <3 Tudi meni je super, da sva se spoznali. Morava čim prej spet na kakšno pijačo ;). Res hvala za lepe besede <3

  4. Hello there, I'm fairly new to discovering your blog but I follow it on my feedly rss feed and enjoy getting your articles. Since it's your 5th blog anniversary I wanted to say congratulations. I enjoy blogs because unlike in magazines that try to sell you products, you get real reviews and commentary.I really enjoy the work you put in the writing but also on the photos and the overall look of your blog which is very professional. All the best to you! Flower from France

    1. Hello Flower. I'm so glad you like my posts. Thank you so much. It means a lot to me to hear such nice comments on my blog <3. All the best to you to. Greetings from Sloveni :)

  5. Še enkrat čestitke :) Se strinjam z vsem napisanim. Mene osebno novodobni blogi in osebe, ki so sam svoj "brand", po pravici povedano totalno odbijajo. Pretenciozno se mi zdi in jih sploh ne spremljam. Bloge sem pred leti začela prebirati predvsem zaradi ocen, te pa povečini danes niso več tako podrobno spisane, kot bi si želela. Zato mi je všeč, da se nekateri še vedno potrudite ;) Sama zelo malo komentiram, ker sem po naravi tiha miš, ampak včasih pa moram kej rečt :D

    1. Hvala <3 :) No saj ravno zato pa je dobra različnost, da si vsak izbere kar želi brati :). Hvala, to mi veliko pomeni. Sem včasih že mislila, da so moje ocene predolge in jih nihče več ne bere :D. Te popolnoma razumem, ker sem tudi sama taka in se redko kdaj oglasim, razen če me neka tema res "muči" :). Hvala, da si se odločila komentirat in upam, da ti bo še naprej všeč moje ustvarjanje ;).

  6. Čestitke!! :D Sem imela enak problem z Instagramom, jaz nikakor nisem prišla do 1000 :D Saj ne, da bi bilo tako pomembno, ampak je frustrating, ko vidiš vedno iste številke, potem pa si že čisto blizu in na koncu spet zmanjka nekaj številk. Sem zdaj prilezla do 1000, vidim pa, da ti tudi do 2000, čestitam :D

    Še na veliko let bloganja :) Te rada berem ravno zaradi natančnih ocen in swatchev, preberem vse, včasih si še objavo shranim, da kasneje v miru vse skupaj preberem. Zadnje čase imam bolj malo časa, tako da ne utegnem veliko komentirati, ampak preberem pa vse <3

    1. Hvala Lana :D <3 No potem me razumeš. Točno tako, kot si napisala, ko kar noče prit. Jej, torej nama je obema uspelo! Čestitke ;).

      O hvala, to je pa res lepo slišati. Jaz tudi veliko več preberem iz drugih blogov, kot pa komentiram. Hvala za podporo <3 :)
