2017 Favorites - Posts

2017 has been an interesting year. I have had more time for my blog and I feel like I took good advantage of that. My directory has filled up with so many new reviews, makeup looks and even some nail designs. I tried some new products that have impressed me and ventured out in my makeup creations in hopes of becoming more artsy. I've decided to write this post to reflect on the past year and show you what were my most read posts and which were my favorites. It's also a good starting point, if you're new to my blog.

2017 Favorite Posts

My Current Skincare

My favorite posts usually include some makeup looks which I feel turned out as I wanted them too. I included Bronzy because it's a representation of what I usually wear. This is my comfort zone. Skull was so much fun creating and I loved how it turned out. I'd probably wear it out, if I went somewhere. Mermaids was one of those really colorful looks, punched with color that was so out of my comfort zone. 

I also included nails which I really liked the end result. My other favorite posts are usually those that I feel I put extra time and effort in. I really liked sharing my skin care routine with you as well as my highlighter collection, which has been my number one obsession in makeup for the past few years. 

2017 Most Read Posts 

My most read posts are as expected. Every year my swatches of new Avon lipsticks have a lot of views and I understand why. Because there's so little swatches of the shades online. I love doing these kind of post, even though they take up a lot of my time, but I know it's helpful for those ordering at Avon. You also seemed to love reviews of other drugstore products that I often times post and I'm hoping my reviews are helpful. I loved writing each of these.


Affordable Gift Guide

This year I collaborated with my favorite blogger Mateja and I have to say that this is also one of my favorite posts. It was long time in the making and I really liked the options we gave to our readers. If you're ever in search for that perfect gift for a beauty lover, definitely check out our posts.

Favorite Slovenian Bloggers

I want to give a shoutout to some of the Slovenian bloggers that I have been reading in the past year. When I went through my feed, I realized many of them stopped writing their blogs a while ago and I hope some of these come back this year. 

My absolute favorite bloggers to read are:

I also loved reading:

I watch a lot of YouTube videos, although I haven't really subscribed to many Slovenian bloggers. But two that I really liked watching this year were:

I have to thank each of you that ever clicked like on any of my social media, read any of my posts or left me comments. I really appreciate you and even though this is my venting place, I wouldn't be doing that without your support. It's one thing loving makeup and beauty, but sharing it with others makes it so much more fun. I hope I helped you in any way and I thank you for showing me love.

This year I saw a decline in blogs. Seems like YouTube and videos are becoming more popular and I understand that. It's more visual, but also more time consuming. I hope I'll have time for blog this year as well and have inspiration and drive for doing what I have been doing so far. I have some goals that I want to accomplish in my personal life as well, which may be more time consuming than I thought. Thank you in advance to all of you that will be sticking with me in 2018.

Have a good one,
Petra :)


  1. Ni čudno da imaš vedno tako brane objave s swatchi in ocenami šmink, ker jih vedno res tako lepo poslikaš in kvalitetno sestaviš. :) Tista bronze lobanja za halloween je bila tudi top, upam da boš nadaljevala z objavljanjem lookov. Z veseljem te berem in spremljam na IG storyjih :) Pa hvala za omembo <3

    1. Hvala Nadja :) <3 Rada delam te objave s swatchi. Imam že postopek delanja teh objav naštudiran. Hvala, vedno je lepo slišat kaj takega :) <3 Ni za kaj, tudi jaz tvoj blog izredno rada spremljam. Imaš top objave <3

  2. Lobanja je bila definitivno top! Pa skin care post itak - odlična objava polna uporabnih informacij :) Za najbolj brane me sploh ne čudi, swatchi so že itak vedno med najbolj iskanimi, ampak tvoji so tako odlični, da bi morali biti prvi na google rezultatih :)

    Tudi jaz sem uživala v najinem sodelovanju za praznični čas. Sploh v tvoji objavi se najde nekaj za vsakega :)

    Hvala, da si delila moj blog <3 Vidim, da opažaš kaj se dogaja z bloganjem tako kot jaz. Sploh se mi zdi odkar je Instagram Stories je še manj objav kot je bilo. Nimam nič proti Stories, ampak ocene/swatche še vedno raje vidim nekje na stalnem mestu, kje jih lahko najdem kadar koli. Tudi na Youtube ne rada gledam ocene in iščem swathce, ker je v večini vključenega preveč nepotrebnega govorjenja, ki nima dosti zveze z izdelkom.

    1. Sem bila kar sama presenečena nad to lobanjo. Po navadi ne uspe ravno kot si zamislim, ta se je pa najbolj približala osnovni ideji :D. Verjetno so swatchi na sploh iskani. Sploh danes, ko jih že veliko blogov niti več ne dela.

      Tudi v tvoji objavi so super predlogi. Saj s tabo je vedno lepo sodelovat. Kakšna koli je tema <3

      Ni za kaj. Tvoj blog je itak moj najljubši <3
      Žal res tudi sama to opazim. Škoda, sploh, če te to res veseli, pa več ni tistega odziva, ki bi ti dajal zagon. Imaš prav, tudi Stories so svoje prispevale. Pa na sploh Instagram. Blog je res taka knjiga, ki jo lahko vedno znova prelistaš. Če ima blog directory je pa sploh fino iskati informacije. Se strinjam s tabo, na YouTubu je vedno več nekega balasta...včasih moraš kar preskočiti na 10 min začetku, da sploh prideš do vsebine. Če te zanima samo informacija, po navadi dobiš še reality show zraven na YouTube. No obstajajo tudi izjeme.

  3. What a great way to summarise the year! Thanks for sharing!

    Katie | katieemmabeauty.com

  4. Sem čisto pozabila komentirati, zdaj sem se random spomnila, ko sem videla tvoj Story :D

    Makeup looki so vsi top (sploh ta lobanja), collaboration objava z Matejo je bila odlična. Za Avonove objave in swatche pa me sploh ne čudi, da so najbolj brane, saj iz katalogov težko vidiš pravi odtenek, pa še takšne perfektne fotke swatchev imaš :)

    Si napisala, da imaš postopek delanja takšnih objav že naštudiran... Bi z veseljem videla kakšno takšno objavo :D Vem sicer, da imaš že eno podobno, ampak me vseeno zanima, če si kaj spremenila :D

    Hvala za link <3

    1. Hvala :) <3

      Ja, vedno je enak postopek, samo izdelek je drugačen. Pravzaprav nisem skoraj nič spremenila. Dejansko še vedno isto fotografiram...samo za izdelke imam boljši fotoaparat za pofotkat, drugo pa je ostalo isto. :D

      Ni za kaj ;) <3
