Avon Luxe line is their slightly luxurious range that is more suited for younger women than girls. It comes in a stunning gold packaging with metallic gold writing. I've had some products from this range in the past. You can read a review here.
Avon Luxe Eyeliner - Grey Strut
It comes in a gold plastic packaging. Pen shape is very slim. There's a small ball in it, so you can shake it to mix the formula. It has a bendable sponge tip. I find it really easy to work with, like most of sponge pen applicators.
In it is 1.8 ml of product and the regular price is 10€. Currently it's on offer for 6.50€ (Slovenia).
The formula is very liquid, but doesn't drip or gets into fine lines like some marker pens tend to do. It's also well pigmented, but you need to apply it evenly, otherwise it can look sheer. My problem is that if you go over the line that hasn't dried up yet, you can slide it off. So it's better to work in one light layer.
Grey Strut is medium grey shade with silver shimmer. When you apply it and it's still wet, it looks like a dark grey, but when it dries down it becomes much lighter medium grey. The base is matte, but because of shimmer it looks metallic.
When it dries, it doesn't move through the day, unless you apply too thick coat. Then it may crumble a bit. The staying power is good. It also doesn't transfer or smudge.
I applied it on its own. You can also see it down below where I paired it with the Luxe eyeshadow palette.
Avon True Colour Matte Eyeshadow Quad: shade 1 all over and shade 2 in the crease |
Lips: Avon True Colour Perfectly Matte Lipstick in Ruby Kiss |
Avon Luxe Volume Extravagance Mascara - Caviar Brown
Mascara has the same gold plastic packaging. The top is metallic golden. In it is 7 ml of product and the regular price is 11.90€. Currently it's on offer for 7.20€ (Slovenia).
The wand has a lot of tiny hairs that are quite dense. It looks like they're silicon hair, but I can't be certain. It's definitely a very fluffy wand. It combs through the lashes well and you can get to the roots of lashes too.
Caviar Brown is dark chocolate brown shade. It dries even a bit darker. The formula is not too wet, but also not dry.
Right after application my curl drops a bit. Actually that happens with most mascaras on my lashes. But the mascara stays that way all through the day. It doesn't further weight down the lashes and it does hold a bit of that curl. I find that it adds a bit of volume, but it didn't impress me. The more coats you apply, the clumpier it gets. I know some enjoy this thick lashes look, but I prefer more definition to the lashes. I also noticed that it coated my lashes from the roots to the tips, which also made them look slightly longer. I didn't notice any fallout through the day.
L-R: curled lashes, one coat, two coats |
I never owned a brown mascara before, but I have to say I like it. It matches well with my brown eye color and gives it a more soft definition.
Avon Luxe Eyeshadow - Glamorous Roses
Palette comes in a metallic mirror like gold plastic packaging. It's a magnet for fingerprints, but it does look really pretty. It comes with double sided sponge applicator. One is normal and one is a bit more pointed. I don't ever use this, but they're good if you forgot your eye brushes at home.
In it is 8 grams of product and the regular price is 18€. Currently it's on offer for 14.90€ (Slovenia).
They have 6 color combinations to choose from. Glamorous Roses is the most neutral out of these all. You get one shimmer inner corner shade, two shimmery browns, one matte pink and one matte purple. Browns and purples are my favorite eyeshadow shades and you can create different looks out of this one palette. Something really shimmery, something totally matte, a bit lighter or a smoky eye. Very versatile palette.
1 - cool pale pink with white shimmer. It's a sheer formula that mostly just has shimmer particles in it. It has velvet powdery texture and it can be applied over other shadows to give it shimmer or in the inner corners.
2 - dark chocolate brown with golden shimmer. The texture is on the dry side, but it has good pigmentation. It's that classic cool toned chocolate base, but the gold shimmer makes it warmer.
3 - cool medium taupe with silver shimmer. It has the most crumbly texture of these all. Pigmentation is good, but this one can have fallout. There's a lot more shimmer in this than in the shade 2, so it has a very shiny silver sheen to it.
4 - matte cool dark plum. It has dry and powdery texture. The pigmentation is good, but it you need to build it up to not make it look patchy.
5 - matte cool medium dirty pink. It has that brown undertone to it, which I adore. This is my favorite shade of the palette. It also has the best texture. It's buttery velvet and applies lovely. Pigmentation is good.
In general, pigmentation is good and some like shade 5 feel so buttery. They all need to be build up to look vibrant. They stay on the lid through the whole day and just fade a bit.
Down below you can see some shade combinations that I used for different makeup looks.
Shade 1 - inner corner, Shade 3 - inner lid, Shade 2 - outer lid, Shade 4 - crease, Shade 5 - outer V and Luxe Grey Strut Liner |
Lips: Avon True Colour Perfectly Matte lipstick - Ruby Kiss |
Shade 1 - inner corner, Shade 5 - crease, Shade 2 - lid and Clio Kill Black Pen Liner |
Lips: ItStyle Ligloss in 10 |
Shade 1 - inner corner, Shade 5 - lid, Shde 3 - center lid, Shade 4 - lower lid, ItStyle Eyeliner - 03, Luxe Brown Caviar mascara |
Lips: Avon True Colour Perfectly Matte lipstick - Ideal Lilac |
I like eyeliner as the shade is a bit different and it looks almost metallic because of the shimmers in it. It also comes in a black color, if you like more standard shades. The applicator is fairly easy to use and it has good staying power. Mascara didn't impress me. I like something that gives me more definition and holds the curl better. For my taste, this is too clumpy. I love the brown shade and am actually considering buying some more brown mascaras now. It works so well with softer eye makeup looks. Eyeshadow palette is great. The pigmentation is good, eyeshadows stay all day, combination is neutral, but can be used in so many ways to create different makeup looks. I just think it's a bit overpriced. Maybe catch it when it's on sale.
*Products were sent to me.
Avon Luxe linija je Avonova luksuzna linija namenjena mladim ženskam. Vsi izdelki imajo čudovito zlato embalažo s kovinskim zlatim napisom. Nekaj izdelkov iz te linije sem že preizkusila. Oceno si lahko preberete tukaj.
Avon Luxe črtalo za veke - Grey Strut
Nahaja se v plastični zlati embalaži. Oblika svinčnika je precej tanka. V črtalu je majhna kroglica s katero lahko ponovno razmešate formulo. Konica gobastega aplikatorja je gibljiva. Z njo z lahkoto nanašamo črtalo. Nanos je podobno lahkoten kot če uporabite večino črtal v obliki svinčnikov.
V njem je 1.8 ml izdelka in redna cena je 10€. Trenutno ga lahko dobite za 6.50€ tukaj.
Formula je zelo tekoča. Kljub temu ne kaplja in ne zahaja v majhne gubice na veki. Je dobro pigmentiran, vendar ga je potrebno nanesti enakomerno. Drugače lahko izpade bolj prosojno. Če grem prehitro ponovno preko črte, se ta včasih odstrani. Zato je najbolje nanesti en tanek sloj.
Grey Strut je srednje siv odtenek s srebrnimi bleščicami. Ko ga nanesete in je še moker, izgleda precej bolj temno siv. Ko se posuši, postane bolj srednje siv odtenek. Finiš je mat, a zaradi bleščic deluje kovinski.
Ko se posuši, je dobro obstojen. Če ga nenesete preveč na debelo se lahko zgodi, da se začne čez dan luščiti. Drugače ga lahko nosim ves dan brez da bi se razmazal ali prilepil na zgornjo stran veke.
Avon Luxe Volume Extravagance maskara - Caviar Brown
Maskara ima enako zlato plastično embalažo. Pokrov je kovinsko zlat. V njej je 7 ml izdelka in redna cena je 11.90€. Trenutno jo lahko dobite za 7.20€ tukaj.
Krtačka ima veliko majhnih dlak, ki so precej goste. Izgledajo silikonske, ampak nisem prepričana, če so res. Vsekakor je krtačka zelo gosta. Dobro razčeše trepalnice in z njo lahko pridete vse do korena trepalnic.
Takoj po nanosu zavihanost trepalnic rahlo pade. To se pri meni zgodi z večino maskar. Kljub temu ostane maskara čez dan popolnoma enaka. Drži zavihanost, ki je ostala in ne obteži trepalnic. Vsekakor doda nekaj volumna, vendar me v tem pogledu ni navdušila. Večkrat jo nanesem, bolj zlepljeno izgledajo trepalnice. Vem, da je nekaterim ta videz debelih trepalnic všeč, a sama imam raje več definicije. Opazila sem tudi, da maskara lepo podaljša trepalnice, ker jih namaže od korena do konic. Čez dan se mi ni razmazala, niti se ni luščila.
Nikoli prej nisem nosila rjave maskare, ampak mi je kar všeč. Zelo dobro se ujame z rjavo barvo mojega očesa. Definicija je bolj nežna zaradi rjavega odtenka.
Avon Luxe paleta senčil - Glamorous Roses
Paleta ima kovinsko zlato plastično embalažo, ki izgleda kot ogledalo. Je magnet za prstne odtise, čeprav je izgled čudovit. V paleti je obojestranski aplikator. Ta je na eni strani zaokrožen, na drugi pa bolj koničast. Sama teh aplikatorjev ne uporabljam, čeprav so lahko koristni v primeru, da doma pozabite čopiče za senčila.
V paleti je 8 gramov izdelka in redna cena je 18€. Trenutno jo lahko dobite za 14.90€ tukaj.
Avon ponuja 6 različnih kombinacij odtenkov. Glamorous Roses je najbolj nevtralna kombinacija odtenkov. V paleti je en svetleč odtenek za notranje kotičke očesa, dva bleščičasto rjava odtenka, en mat roza in en mat vijoličen. Rjavi in vijolični odtenki so eni mojih najljubših odtenkov za senčila za oči in s to paleto lahko ustvarite res več različnih makeup videzov. Nekaj bolj bleščičastega, nekaj popolnoma mat, nekaj bolj svetlega ali temno zadimljen videz.
1 - hladno svetlo roza z belimi bleščicami. Je precej prosojna formula, kjer se bolj kot ne vidijo samo bleščice. Ima žametno mat teksturo. Nanesemo jo lahko čez druga senčila za dodaten bleščeč videz ali pa jo nanesemo v notranje kotičke očesa.
2 - temno čokoladno rjava z zlatimi bleščicami. Tekstura je bolj suha, čeprav je pigmentacija dobra. Gre za klasično hladen čokoladen odtenek, ki pa izgleda bolj toplo zaradi zlatih bleščic.
3 - hladno srednje sivo rjava s srebrnimi bleščicami. Ima najbolj prašnato teksturo od vseh senčil. Pigmentacija je dobra. Ta odtenek se lahko med nanosom drobi pod veko. V tem odtenku je tudi veliko več bleščic kot v odtenku 2. Zaradi tega ima odtenek močan srebrn sijaj.
4 - mat hladno temno vijolična. Tekstura je pudrasta. Pigmentacija je dobra, čeprav jo morate nanesti večkrat, da bo nanos enakomeren.
5 - mat hladno umazano roza. Ima rahel rjav podton, ki ga obožujem. To je moj najljubši odtenek iz palete. Ima tudi najboljšo teksturo, saj je na otip masleno žametna in se nanaša odlično. Pigmentacija je dobra.
Na splošno je pigmentacija dobra. Vse odtenke je potrebno nanesti večkrat, da dobimo želeno intenziteto odtenkov. Na vekah ostanejo skozi ves dan, samo rahlo zbledijo.
Spodaj lahko vidite nekaj kombinacij makeup videzov, ki sem ji ustvarila.
Črtalo za veke mi je všeč, ker je odtenek drugačen. Izgleda skoraj kovinsko zaradi srebrnih bleščic. Lahko ga kupite tudi v črnem odtenku, če imate raje bolj klasične odtenke. Aplikator je precej preprost za uporabo in na vekah se obdrži skozi ves dan. Maskara me ni navdušila. Sama imam raje maskare, ki dajo mojim trepalnicam več definicije. Za moj okus, jih ta preveč sprime. Rjav odtenek mi je zelo všeč in zdaj celo razmišljam, da bi kupila kakšno drugo rjavo maskaro. Izgleda čudovito z bolj lahkotnim očesnim makeupom. Tudi paleta senčil mi je všeč. Pigmentacija je dobra, senčila ostanejo na vekah ves dan, kombinacija odtenkov je nevtralna, a se z njo lahko ustvari številne videze. Vseeno mislim, da je cena previsoka. Mogoče jo pograbite, ko bo znižana.
*Izdelki so mi bili poslani.
Joj ti tvoji čudoviti make up looki! Prav vsak mi je zelo všeč. Moji izdelki še čakajo na testiranje, sem pa opazila, da ima eyeliner malce čuden aplikator, je nekako zavit čudno... najbrž je kakšna napaka. Me pa res zanima tale maskara, rjave že dolgo nisem imela.
O hvala Neža :) <3 Moj je čisto raven. Mogoče se ti je res kaj zmečkal, čudno. Je pa drugače gibljiv ob dotiku. Jaz še nikoli nisem imela rjave, pa prav super izpade. S tvojo barvo očes bo pa verjetno še bolj pasala ;).
tvoji prelepi makeupi, polepšajo dan. ;)
ReplyDeleteO hvala Monika, to si mi pa zdaj ti polepšala dan :) <3
DeleteMeni izdelki izgledajo čudovito, ampak trenutno nisem pripravljena plačati toliko več, da bi imela lepši packaging, ko so tudi njihovi clasic line izdelki super :)
ReplyDeleteSe strinjam s tabo. Tudi navadna linija ima več kot odlične izdelke. Sploh eyelinerje in senčila :).
DeleteGreat post!! I really like that Luxe Eyeshadow palette... shades are really beautiful :) I have only tried Avon Luxe velvet matte foundation and I was thrilled by it... so I do not doubt that these eyeshadows are great as well.
ReplyDeleteThank you :) I haven't tried their foundations - only testers. Most of the shades are unfortunately too dark for me.