You know my love of Avon lipsticks. They have the best formulas for the best prices. I already have a review of whole True Colour Perfectly Matte Lipsticks collection. Recently, Avon added three new shades to the range. This is my favorite matte lipstick formula, so I am really excited for new shades to be added to this line.
New shades are more or less different pink tones. The range had a lot of bright pinks, but these are more muted pinks. I'd say you'll find a pink for really fair skin tone, for those that don't like true pink and for those that like brighter pink, but don't want it to be too vibrant.
Design is the same as with others, so a matte black packaging with silver details. The only difference is that my old ones have transparent lid on the top where you can sort of see the shade inside and these don't. I don't mind that, because I store them upside down, with name stickers up, so I can find the right shade quicker.
In each is 3.6 grams of product and the regular price is 8.50€. Usually, you can get them a lot cheaper. Currently they're on offer for 4.50€ (Slovenia).
Rouged Perfection - warm peachy pink. It's one of those pinks that will appeal to all of those that prefer warm peach and brown shades. It's still pink, but has an obvious peach undertone. This shade might look really different on different skin tones. On some it might look more pink and on some more brown. It's my favorite from these three. On me it leans more towards warm pink shade with peach base.
Pink Passion - cool light pastel pink. It's a more white based chalky pink and it would look amazing on really fair cool skin tones. From all the three shades, this one looks the most chalky on my lips, like it's not as even and smooth.
Rose Awakening - warm medium redish pink. This is a darker shade than the other two and it's also the most vibrant one. This pink seems like it has red base to it. I really like this shade on me. It's not one of those really vibrant pop of shades that you'd save for special occasion. It's more of a vibrant wearable shade.
Formula is still the same. The most smooth silicon like and well pigmented. The least pigmented seems to be Pink Passion, which can look a bit sheer, but it's so light, that it's not even that noticeable. I love how lightweight it feels on the lips and the fact that it never dries out my lips. Formula is really comfortable to wear. It transfers and is not as long lasting as proper liquid matte lipsticks. Since I have dry lips in general, these wear on my lips for a really long time. Up to 4 hours without touch ups.
They have fruity summer scent that I love.
I also prepared some comparisons for you with other Avon lipsticks. I actually don't have any other brands of lipsticks that would be similar to any of this shade. Rouged Perfection is a a unique mix. Pure Pink (Perfectly Matte) is as light as Rouged Perfection, but a lot cooler and more proper pink without that peach undertone. I actually thought that it would be similar to Peach Flatters, but it's nothing alike. Peach Flatters (Perfectly Matte) is a lot darker and more redish. Revitalising Raspberry (Supreme Noursihing) is a sheerer formula, but it has more brownish redish base. Although it also looks kind of peachy pink at first glance.
Pink Passion is another unique pastel pink. There isn't any shade that would be similar to it. I just swatched it next to Posh Petal, to show you that Posh Petal (Perfectly Matte) is lighter, really cool and definitely a more lavender shade.
Rose Awakening is another unique shade in my collection, since it's vibrant, but not too dark. Peach Flatters (Perfectly Matte) is actually kind of similar in shade, but it's more peach toned, just slightly darker and a bit more vibrant. Rose Kisses (Mark Plump It) is a more mauve pink tone and it's a bit more muted shade, not as vibrant.
Now onto the fun part. Me trying the shades on and giving you an idea on how it looks like against my NC15 skin tone.
Rouged Perfection
Pink Passion
Rose Awakening
The formula is the best smooth formula of matte lipsticks for those that don't like drying lipsticks. They wear comfortably and are long lasting. You can choose among wide range of shades. Now there's also a perfect wearable pink for different skin tones. I adore Rouged Perfection. It's quickly became one of my favorite nude pinks. This is a shade I can rock on a daily. I also adore Rose Awakening as it's vibrant, but not too in your face and it also goes with everything. Pink Passion is more of classic cool pink and it's not something that I would wear a lot, but it looks great with a soft pink makeup look. Or something a bit cooler in general.
*Products were sent to me.
Poznate mojo ljubezen do Avonovih šmink. Imajo najboljše formule za najugodnejšo ceno. Ocenila sem že celotno linijo True Colour Perfectly Matte šmink. Pred kratkim pa je Avon v zbirko dodal tri nove odtenke. To je moja najljubša formula mat šmink, zato sem zelo vesela, da se je Avon odločil tej liniji dodati nove odtenke.
Novi odtenki so bolj kot ne različni odtenki roza barve. Mat linija je imela precej živahnih roza odtenkov. Novi so veliko bolj umirjeni. Lahko bi rekla, da ponujajo nosljiv roza odtenek za vsakogar. Nekaj za tiste z zelo svetlo poltjo, roza za tiste, ki dejansko ne marajo pravih roza odtenkov in živahnejši roza odtenek, ki pa še vidno ni premočan za dnevno nošenje.
Dizajn je enak prvotni liniji. Šminke se nahajajo v mat črni embalaži s srebrnimi detajli. Edina razlika je v tem, da so stare šminke imele na vrhu prozorno okence skozi katero si lahko opazil odtenek šminke. Nove tega nimajo. Mene to ne moti, ker jih shranjujem obrnjene na glavo. Tako lahko odtenek prej najdem po nalepki z napisom odtenka.
V vsaki šminki je 3.6 gramov izdelka. Redna cena je 8.50€. Po navadi jih lahko dobite veliko ceneje. Trenutno je cena 4.50€ tukaj.
Rouged Perfection - topla breskvasto roza. To je roza odtenek, ki bo všeč vsem tistim, ki imajo raje tople breskvaste in rjave odtenke. Je še vedno roza, ampak ima precej očiten breskvast podton. Ta odtenek bo izgledal drugače na različnih polteh. Na nekaterih bo bolj roza, na drugih pa bolj rjav. Je moja najljubši odtenek izmed vseh treh. Na meni izgleda volj toplo roza z breskvastim podtonom.
Pink Passion - hladno svetlo pastelno roza. Je odtenek, ki ima precej bele podlage in bo izgledal fantastično na svetli hladni polti. Izmed vseh treh odtenkov, je ta najbolj neenakomeren na ustnicah. Izgleda bolj pudrasto.
Rose Awakening - topla srednje rdečkasto roza. To je najtemnejši odtenek izmed vseh treh in tudi najbolj živahen odtenek. Ta roza daje občutek, da je podlaga bolj rdečkasta. Odtenek mi je izredno všeč na meni. Je en izmed živahnih odtenkov, ki pa ni tako živahen, da bi ga morale nositi samo za posebne priložnosti. Gre bolj za živahen odtenek, ki je še vedno izredno nosljiv.
Formula je še vedno ista. Izredno gladka, podobna silikonom in dobro pigmentirana. Najmanj pigmentiran odtenek je Pink Passion, ki lahko izgleda rahlo prosojno. Glede na to, da je odtenek tako svetel, se to niti ne opazi tako zelo. Všeč mi je kako lahkotne so na ustnicah in da nikoli ne izsušijo mojih ustnic. Formula je res zelo udobna za nošenje. Šminka se prenaša na hrano in kozarce, zato ni tako zelo obstojna kot prave tekoče mat šminke. Glede na to, da imam sama zelo suhe ustnice, so te na meni zelo obstojne. Lahko jih nosim tudi do 3 ure brez popravkov.
Šminke imajo poletno sadni vonj, ki mi je zelo všeč.
Odtenke sem primerjala z drugimi Avonovimi šminkami. Nisem našla nobenega odtenka drugih znamk, ki bi bili podobni tem, zato sem primerjala kar z Avonovimi. Rouged Perfection je unikatna mešanica. Pure Pink je enako svetla kot Rouged Perfection, ampak hladnejša in bolj prava roza, brez breskvastega podtona. Mislila sem, da bo odtenek bolj podoben Peach Flatters, ampak se je izkazalo, da si nista niti podobna. Peach Flatters je veliko temnejši in bolj rdečkast. Revitalising Raspberry je bolj prosojne formule in ima bolj rjavkasto rdeč podton. Čeprav deluje tudi rahlo breskvasto roza na prvih pogled.
Pink Passion je še ena unikatna roza. V zbirki nimam nobenega podobnega odtenka. Primerjala sem ga z Posh Petal, da bi pokazala, da je Posh Petal svetlejši, hladnejši in definitivno bolj sivkast odtenek.
Rose Awakening je še en unikaten odtenek iz moje kolekcije. Je sicer živahen, ampak ni temen. Peach Flatters je precej podoben odtenek, ampak je malo bolj breskvast, temnejši in bolj živahen. Rose Kisses je vijolična roza, ki je bolj umazana in niti približno tako živahna.
Formula je najboljša formula mat šmink za vse, ki ne marajo šmink, ki izsušujejo ustnice. Nosijo se udobno in so dobro obstojne. Izbirate lahko izmed širokim naborom odtenkov. Zdaj lahko najdete perfekten roza odtenek za različne polti. Sama obožujem Rouged Perfection. Zelo hitro je postal moj najljubši nevtralno roza odtenek. To je odtenek, ki ga lahko nosim čez dan z vsakim makeupom. Obožujem tudi Rose Awakening, ker je tako živahen, a vseeno ne preveč. Prav tako paše k vsakemu makeupu. Pink Passion je bolj klasično hladno roza in ni odtenek po katerem bi veliko posegala. Je pa čudovit v kombinaciji z nežnim roza makeupom. Prav tako s kakšnim koli drugim bolj hladnim makeupom.
*Izdelki so mi bili poslani.
Vsi trije odtenki so krasni <3 Odlični swatchi, kot vedno :) Rouged Perfection je najbližje odtenku, ki sem ga pogrešala v tej liniji, ampak lahko bi bil še kakšen bolj rosy namesto breskov.
ReplyDeleteHvala :) <3
DeleteSem bila prav presenečan, da so dodali nove. Po navadi se to ravno ne dogaja pri Avonu. Rouged Perfection je super, ampak verjetno bi na tebi izgledal bolj rjavo. Je tak odtenek, ki na vsakem drugače povleče. Kakšen umazan roza bi res bil čudovit :).
Vsi odtenki so čudoviti in spet ti prav vsi trije odlično pristajajo. Zadnjič, ko sem jih sama testirala me pa niso najbolj prepričali, najbolj všeč mi je bil Rose Awakening.
Hvala Neža :) <3 A ti niso bili všeč odtenki? Meni so vsi zanimivi, razen Pink Passion ni po mojem okusu. Rose Awakening je pa definitivno en najlepših barviti roza odtenkov v moji zbirki. Tebi verjetno še bolj paše ;).
DeleteLove your reviews and swatches so much! Thank you for your work, you do this perfectly - light, camera etc!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. <3 I'm glad you like my reviews. I love doing it :)