Review: Zoeva 227 Soft Definer Vegan and 105 Luxe Highlight

Hey Beauties!

Sorry for not posting for a while. The holidays and all, it's been non stop. I've finally found some time to do another post and decided to introduce you to Zoeva brushes for those of you who may have not heard about them yet. I already own one of their eye sets, which you can see here. I've had an opportunity to add new ones for a bit lower price and of course I grabbed it.

227 Soft Definer Vegan

To be completely honest, I thought I was ordering their 227 Soft Definer. Somehow I didn't see the V for vegan at the end of the product name and on the photo it was their regular soft definer. Aside from that, I really like it now. It's definitely not as fluffy and wide as Soft Definer. It's a bit more structured and thinner in the size. 

On Zoeva side: 7.80€, on Mojadrogerija: 10.22€

You can see that it looks pretty wide from the front view, but from the side it's pretty slim. The bristles are very soft and bleached white at the end. This is good, so you can see what shades you have on the brush and when it's actually cleaned :). I am a firm believer in the theory that white bristles automatically make softer brushes - don't ask me why, but this one is just as soft as all the other Zoeva eye brushes.

Because of the shape it allows you to use it in the crease and still get some definition in there. Of course it will blend the eye shadow and not make a very apparent line, but it just gives a bit of definition. It blends eye shadow nicely, but if you want something that's good for really blending the eye shadows, go for the regular Soft Definer. Because of it's flat shape is also really good for putting on the eye shadow all over the lid. Like a regular flat eyelid brush. 

105 Luxe Highlight

Luxe Highlight brush was the next Zoeva brush on my wish list. I wanted it, because I'm obviously obsessed with highlighter and having a brush especially for it, would be nice. The bristles are extremely soft and they give this nicely tapered shape. The brush picks up the product only on the tip of the bristles and then blends the product into the skin with all the rest of the bristles. 

On Zoeva side: 12.80€, on Mojadrogerija: 17.40€

It works absolutely great with highlighter. The brush is just big enough to make that beautiful sheen on tops of the cheeks as well as on the nose bridge. I also find this brush to be amazing for contouring. Especially for contouring under the cheek bone. Tapered shape fits perfectly under the cheek bone and can create a bit more defined contour, but still nothing that will look like a line. 

I won't talk much about the appearance, because the brushes are really well made. Classic black wood and silver aluminum. 

I have to say I'm very disappointed about Zoeva changing their prices. I've purchased their eye set when they were on the start of their career and their brushes were cheaper then. My set cost then 31.40€ and now it costs 38€. And I am pretty sure their single brushes were a lot cheaper, as well. Since then, the brushes gained huge popularity among beauty blogger and in the beauty world. I guess their ego gained as well and they decided to price them a bit higher, which is just bullshit in my opinion. I don't think they changed the brushes in any way, but they did change the prices. If you don't improve the product with higher priced ingredients, you don't have the right to price the product at a higher price. Simple as that. Things like that really make me angry, because it means the company only thinks about the profit and gives no value on satisfying the costumer. Enough said. We all now, we overpay the products waaay to much. But when the companies price a product one price at the beginning and then raise the price in time, it's just stupid. 

Still...those brushes are really good quality and if you have a chance, buy some. Probably on sale! :) I know I'll add some more in the future.

For all Slovenian readers, Zoeva brushes are now available on


  1. Zelo si želim luxe highlight čopič ampak mi ga je tako težko kupit ker se mi na zdi malce predrag :/

    1. Ja res ni poceni. Počakaj, ko bo kakšen popust;)

  2. Luxe Highlight sem jaz tudi gledala ampak se potem nisem odločila zanj. Zdaj mi je definitivno žal, ga morem dodat na WL :) Je pa res neumno, da so se podražili zdaj....

    1. To je več funkcijski čopič in super mehak - priporočam:). Očitno se jim je že izplačalo, kaj pa vem.

  3. Res bi rada sprobala kakšen Zoeva čopič, ampak meni kar dragi, še posebej seti, ker mi je težko dat naekrat toliko denarja. Tele podražitve pa res niso korektne. Lepo, da si tako pogumno izrazila svoje mnenje, tako je prav :)

    1. Se popolnoma strinjam. Jaz sem enaka. Da bi za en set dala 40 eur mi je preveč, čeprav potem bom pa kupila še kakšega posamezno in bom že tam :/. Hvala:). Take stvari me res jezijo, ko ni nekega utemeljenega razloga za podražitev.

  4. Zoeva res postaja dražja, niti nočem gledati čopičev (čeprav Rose Gold kolekcija je lepa) :) Isti deal kot pri Sigmi, na koncu bodo po vrednosti se kosali z Macom. :(

    1. Mislim, da želijo priti na raven teh srednje oziroma višje cenovnih znamk. Kar je škoda, ker je bila ta znamka zanimiva ravno zaradi cene in hkrati dobre kvalitete. :/

  5. To, da so podražili cene nisem vedela (očitno so bile nižje prej, ko Zoeve še nisem tok poznala). Se mi zdijo še vedno cenovno dostopni (predvsem, če se kupuje v setih). Po kvaliteti se absolutno lahko kosajo z Macom, so pa jasno občutno dražji od RT, ampak so tudi neprimerljivo boljši. 60€ se sliši za komplet čopičev (za oči) veliko, ampak potem ko razmisliš koliko se zapravi malo tu in malo tam, na koncu vidiš, da niti ni tok. Jaz imam Complete Eye Set in je vsebuje vse čopiče, ki bi jih kadarkoli kdorkoli (celo kakšen amaterski makeup artist) potreboval za ličenje.

    1. Jaz sem tudi brala, da so celo boljše kvalitete kot Mac, ker so Macovi čez čas bolj trdi. Ne morem trditi, ker nimam nobenega od Maca. Popolnoma razumem..če kupiš vsakega posebej te pride veliko več, kot če kupiš set. Ampak kot je Mateja omenila, včasih se zdi veliko naenkrat dati toliko denarja:). Seti so res odlični, s tem se popolnoma strinjam in imajo vse kar rabiš. Mene jezi samo to, da so se na začetku želeli konkurirati znanim blagovnim znamkam z celo boljšo kakovostjo in občutno nižjimi cenami, nekje vmes med popularnostjo, pa so spremenili svojo politiko. Škoda pač:).

  6. Wauw, they look so soft! :o

  7. ugh, I hate it when brands do that! Urban Decay has been doing that a bunch lately! I agree, if you don't improve the quality, don't change the price more than you have to! Anyway, they still look nice! haha

    1. Right?! They are still nice yes, that's the problem, haha:)
