In the March I have mostly been trying out new products and mostly those made it to my favorites. I love testing new products and when they impress me, it's even better.
Primers are one of those products that I tend to forget about and don't really use that often. But since I've been trying out this one, I've grown back to loving them. Primer is perfect for warmer days, because it prevents me from being too oily too quickly. It has nice creamy and super smooth formula that gives me a velvet finish and makes the skin look a bit blurred. Perfect for my T zone and I'll be using it even more, once it gets warmer.
My skin has been acting out, so I've come back to one of my all time favorite foundations. Revlon Colorstay is probably one of the best in terms of coverage in our drugstores. I love that it's not perfumed, covers well, is not too matte neither dewy and it wears so well through the day. This is perfect for all of you looking for coverage. 150 Buff is slightly too dark for me now, so I usually mix it with lighter foundations or BB creams. But man, do I love this foundation. I should really get a new one, because now it comes with a pump.
H&M Makeup Sponge
I bought Unicorn version purely because it looked so cute and boy, was I surprised. This is by far one of the softest makeup sponges that I ever had. Until now I've been using Ebelin (the one with three colors) and thought that is was soft. It's nothing compared to H&M sponge. I absolutely love it. It applies foundation nicely, although it does soak up some of it. But I'm used to this. It blends it out well and is just so squishy soft. I even went back for two more. They also have it in what to me seems a bunny packaging. I love products that are good as well as cute. These would be perfect gifts.
Essence Camouflage Full Coverage Concealer - 05 Ivory
I love Catrice Liquid Camouflage High Coverage Concealer. It's my favorite and I always have a backup. So when I saw that Essence came out with their version (cheaper by the way), I got it. Surprisingly shade 05 Ivory is lighter than Catrice's 005 Light Natural and it's also more neutral toned. I love that. Especially for under the eyes. It's slightly lighter in coverage and I feel like I use more of it, but it works the same. It's moisturizing, doesn't sit in fine lines and it wears fairly well through the day. I'll have a full review and comparison with Catrice's soon.
Catrice Camouflage Cream Wake Up Effect
My dark circles have become bigger and I don't know exactly why. But I've been trying to hide them and piling on layers of concealer just looked too heavy. That is why I decided to try this Camouflage Cream. It's the perfect so called salmon color - a mix of peach and pink. I love their regular Camouflage Cream concealers for when I need more coverage (usually for pimples), so I love the formula of this one too. It covers well, doesn't get into fine lines and wears well. I apply it only on the dark parts of my under eye and then go over it with a regular concealer. It definitely cancels out my darkness and helps it cover a lot better. Highly recommend you to check it out, if you have the same problem.
Makeup Revolution Strobe Highlighter - Ever Glow Lights
Makeup Revolution is one of those brands that keeps surprising with the quality. They're known for getting their inspiration at higher brands and making an affordable version. I didn't expect much from it, but I've grown to love it so much. In the time of extreme highlight craze, brands are coming out with slightly more subtle highlighters, so called strobe products. This Strobe Highlighter is the lightest from their range and it suits my fair skin tone well. It's definitely appropriate for very fair skin tones. It has white base that looks just ever so slightly yellow toned, but looks more or less white on the skin. The shimmer in it is fine and it gives such a natural sheen to the skin. You can build it up for a more intense look, but it's somewhat sheer in a light layer. I like that this looks almost not shimmery, it just gives you that natural sheen to the skin. Perfect for all of you that don't like crazy shimmery highlighters and want something natural, but still glowy.
Nabla Eye Shadow Refill - Petra
I already have two of Nabla eyeshadows and I have to say their mattes impressed me more. From the start I wanted to get my hands on the shade called Petra - for obvious reasons. My name is Petra. I'm naive like that. Brands should totally take advantage of that and make more eyeshadows named by human names. I actually love this shade. It's a softer and buttery formula that has amazing pigmentation. In the pan it looks like redish brown, but on my skin it blends out more orange toned, which I love. I'm all about orange and warm browns. It almost has a bit of sheen to it, so not completely matte, and it wears through the whole day without moving. If you're thinking of getting Nabla eyeshadows, I highly recommend the matte ones. Shimmery seem less pigmented - based off of my one shimmery shadow that I got.
These lipsticks have been renamed, so this shade is the old version of Avon 3D Plumping lipsticks in the shade Bitten. It's my absolute favorite purple fuchsia shade that I own. It's so bright, pigmented, creamy and wears well. If you're looking for a bright pop of color for the spring or for whenever, get this shade. Whenever I wear it, I get compliments, because it just stands out. You can see swatch here.
I've already wrote a review of it here, so I won't go into details. It's one of the prettiest warm toned top coats with little transparent flakes that reflect copper, yellow and light green shades. It looks the best over a black nail polish, but I like to wear this over light shades too, for a more subtle effect.
Nikon D3300
I got my first DSLR and it's a whole new world that I have to conquer. Photos are one of the most important things when it comes to my blog. Not so much the pure quality of them, but the fact that they can present the product in a best way and that I can capture swatches and colors correctly. This has definitely cut down my post production. I don't need to balance the color as much, also don't need to brighten as much, so in that respect, it's much better. Obviously I have a lot to learn, especially manual settings, but I'm learning slowly. Even if I don't know everything, I can already make a descent photo. All the photos from this post are taken with Nikon, except the photo of Nikon itself. You can probably notice the difference. It's not as huge difference as I expected it to be, but it's the little things. I also got the cheapest DSLR, because that's all I can afford for now. I still don't take makeup photos of me with it, because I can't figure the color out. It either looks too cool or it has a magenta color to it, which I hate. I also need to get some additional Wifi gadget in order to actually see how to position myself. If you have any tips for me, as far as manual setting goes or anything else, I would love to hear.
Zara Shoes
These are actually Zara Kids shoes to be exact. Because I am small, I have even smaller feet, so finding shoes for me is mission impossible. By that I mean finding comfortable shoes that actually fit me - size EU 35. I am so happy that Zara has so pretty sneakers in their Girls and Boys section. They also have one of the most comfortable shoes, because I usually get blisters with almost every shoe that I wear. I guess the fact that they are made for kids is in my favor. They also look really grown up and could easily pass as regular women shoes. I am obsessed with these two pairs that I got this month. Especially nude gray sneakers are so soft and light as indoor slippers. Apparently I'm far from being the weird on for buying on kids section. I asked sales woman and she told me that a lot of women buy shoes there. They have sizes up to 39, so it makes sense. Plus these are cheaper, which is always a plus. Anyone else here with small feet?
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Beauty And The Beast
I absolutely adore animated movies and although this is not entirely animated, I loved it. It's such a typical Disney story in a way, but you get the moral of the story so well. I saw it in 3D and was fascinated by beautiful animations of talking plates, clocks and mugs. As far as visuals goes it's stunning. The story is also pretty, very true to the original story and I love the French vibe that the actors and settings had. If you love pretty things, you'll love it. I want to go see it the second time.
Te gobice imajo res lušno embalažo :) Me mikajo ker vse pravite, da so zelo mehke, ampak itak jih ne bi uporabljala.
ReplyDeleteJaz pa ne dobim nič od tega MR strobe highlighterja. Moj je sicer roza, ampak sploh ni nekega sijaja na koži :/
Če bi obstajajo senčilo z imenom Mateja, bi ga tudi jaz kupila, tako da nisi edina :D
Nikon D3300 je bil fotoaparat s katerim sem jaz začela raziskovat DSLR-je. Sem si ga posodila za nekaj časa in sem bila tako navdušena nad boljšo kvaliteto, da sem si morala kupit pravi fotoaparat namesto telefona. Mi je pa wi-fi pri mojem v izjemno pomoč, tako da ti toplo priporočam da si to urediš. Tudi jaz sem od začetka nisem znašla z nastavitvami za slikat mejkap, zdaj pa ne bi nikdar več vzela telefon. Sem si pa nastavila, da so moje rdeče manj intenzivne za -2.
Ja ful so luškane. Jaz bi jih kot darilo kupila, pa jih večina tudi ne uporablja. Jaz pa še kar. Ni mi boljšega za podlage kot te gobice. :)
DeleteRes? Jaz sem pa bila prepričana, da so vsi dobri, samo odtenki različni. Mogoče pa je kak čuden odtenek. Moj je res svetel tako da se lepo opazi na koži. Saj bo v kratkem ocena :).
Haha sem vedela :D Pa saj bi si ga ziher vsaka. Suckers pač :D.
A ravno tega? Zanimivo. No verjetno je tebi bila razlika vseeno večja v primerjavi s telefonom. Meni je sicer všeč komfort kompaktnega, ampak ne moreš ravno ustvarit nekaj bolj umetniškega. Wifi si res moram nabavit, ampak vse ob svojem času. Makeup me pa res izredno moti. Prav jezna sem. Niti nisem vedela, da si lahko nastaviš barve. Imam res še veliko za predelat :D.
Od bratranca punca ga ima, pa mi ga je dala. Sem prebrala cela navodila, jaz to vedno naredim :) Pa tale video mi je bil v ogromno pomoč: Sem z njim slikala še krst, poleg par objav za blog.
ReplyDeleteJaz še nisem prišla do vseh navodil :D. Sem si pa zdaj ta video ogledala. Nekaj novega sem izvedela, čeprav nastavit sam si vseeno moraš znat tako, da pač preizkušaš zadeve :). Je pa zanimiv video za začetek. Hvala ;)
DeleteTe gobice so tako cute :D Sem videla mislim da na tvojem Instagramu in še na parih in sem mogla it gledat, če imamo v MB. Super je, si moram še po kakšno, da jih slučajno ne dajo iz prodaje :D
ReplyDeleteNikon D3300 je na moji WL. Kakšen se ti zdi nasploh? Glede na to da je kar poceni glede drugih, zdaj je celo znižan na Mimovrste. Slišala sem, da je super sploh za začetnike. :)
Ja ful so cute. Jaz sem tudi takoj šla po še dve, so mi res dobre, ker so tako mehke :).
DeleteJaz sem tudi kupila na Mimovrste. Pa meni je dober, nimam se kaj za pritožit. Koliko si znaš sam nastavit, tako dobre fotke dobiš. Sem malo raziskovala in je bil ta za svoj denar boljši kot npr nekateri dražji. Tako, da sem potem seveda izbrala tega. :) Za začetnike lahko itak vse fotkaš v auto, če želiš. Je pa lepše, ko si znaš parametre sam nastavit. Samo čas si moraš vzet, ki pa ga vedno ni :D.