Review: Avon Mark Plump It Lipsticks (All Shades)

Avon recently added new brand called Mark. Under that brand they've added some products that they already had in their regular line as well as some novelties. If you know Avon, you know that they do one of the best lipstick formulas. Their previous Avon 3D Plumping lipsticks are now called Avon Mark Plump It lipsticks. All the shades are the same. Some have been renamed. I still decided to swatch all of these for you.

It seems like Avon is trying to target younger audience with the new design. It's a bit bolder and funkier. Still simplistic in a way, but just more eye catching and fresher. Lipsticks have black and white plastic packaging with Mark written all over it. On the bottom you still get stickers with the shade names. 

In each is 3.6 grams of product and the regular price is 8.50€. Currently they are on offer for 3.90€ (Slovenia).

In the range are 15 different shades. This range truly caters to wider audience, since there are lots of pinks, browns, reds, purples and even some vampy shades. 

Formula is a true creamy lipstick formula. It's creamy and glides on like butter. It also has good pigmentation. Some of them have a bit sheerer formula. With one swipe you get somewhat sheer application. If you go over the lips two times, you get an opaque look. Compared to 3D Plumping lipsticks, I feel like these have just slightly more creamier formula, but it might just be the fact that my 3D Plumping lipsticks are older and have lost some of that moisture. 

In the formula you get ingredients like collagen, retinol and caffeine. I believe these also have SPF 15 like most of their lipsticks. 

Finish is creamy with just a bit of shine. Nothing as shiny as their True Supreme Nourishing lipsticks. If your lips get really dry, these will almost look semi-matte on the lips after a few hours. 

Most of these don't have any shimmer in them. The only exception is Divine Wine, which has tiny shimmer, but is not visible on the lips. It just gives them sheen.

They have that lovely fruity sweet scent to them. 

Formula lasts really long on my dry lips, but it's definitely not like a matte formula. I would say that you get about 3 hours of wear out of these. It all depends on how much you drink and eat. Lipsticks fade evenly. Formula also feels moisturizing and nourishing. It never dries out my lips.

Now onto the shades. I will also include old 3D Plumping names next to each shade.

Cocoa Kisses (In The Buff) - light nude. It looks like a mix of pink, brown and peach. Very versatile shade.
Cantaloupe (Cantaloupe) - light peachy orange. It has some brown muddiness to it.
Choco Latte (Twig) - medium brown with mauve undertone. 
Divine Wine (Divine Wine) - medium mauve with tiny shimmer.
Truffle (Truffle) - dark chocolate brown. It has warm red undertone to it. Sheerer.
Roasted Red (Revenge) -  dark burgundy shade. Looks like a mix of purple and red. Sheerer.
Rose Kisses (Stolen Kisses) - light warm pink. The most neutral pink.
Uptown Pink (Uptown Pink) - purple toned pink.
Puckered Pink (Pucker Up) - cool toned bright pink. 
Pink Pop (Heat Wave) - warm toned bright pink. Sheerer.
Reddy To Go (Hot Pants) - bright fuchsia pink.
Rebel Red (Power Trip) - classic cool toned red.
Mad for Mauve (Mad for Mauve) - light cool mauve. Almost looks lightly grey toned. Sheerer.
Berry Cute (Berry Cute) - berry purple. Sheerer.
Plumping Plum (Bitten) - bright fuchsia purple. In the bullet it looks muddy, but once you get through the upper layer, it's totally different color. Very bright. 

I swatched all of the shades on my lips to show you how these look like on my NC15 skin tone. 

I love all of these shades, but my all time favorites have to be Cantaloupe, Choco Latte, Divine Wine, Uptown Pink, Mad for Mauve, Berry Cute and Plumping Plum. 

If you're looking for a classic creamy lipstick formula with nice range of colors, you'll love these. They are really comfortable to wear, moisturizing, long lasting and well pigmented. It's my all time favorite formula from Avon lipstick, because it gives you nice color, doesn't look too shiny and lasts well on the lips. 

*Products were sent to me.

Avon je pred kratkim v svoj nabor dodal novo znamko imenovano Mark. Pod njo so združili nekaj izdelkov, ki so jih imeli v redni liniji, prav tako pa dodali nekaj novosti. Če poznate Avon, potem veste, da imajo ene najboljših formul šmink. Njihove prejšnje Avon 3D Plumping šminke so se zdaj preimenovale v Avon Mark Plump It šminke. Vsi odtenki so ostali enaki. Nekatere so preimenovali. Vseeno sem se odločila, da vam vse odtenke predstavim še enkrat.

Občutek imam, da Avon poskuša z novim dizajnom privabiti predvsem mlajšo generacijo. Dizajn je malo bolj drzen in sodoben. Še vedno dokaj preprost, ampak malo bolj opazen. Šminke imajo črno in belo embalažo z napisom Mark. Na dnu še vedno najdete nalepke z imeni odtenkov. 

V vsaki šminki je 3.6 gramov izdelka in redna cena je 8.50€. Trenutno jih lahko dobite za 3.90€ tukaj.

Na izbiro imate 15 odtenkov. Linija ponuja odtenke za vsakogar, saj vsebuje nekaj roza, rjavih, rdečih, vijoličnih in zelo temnih odtenkov.

Formula je perfektno kremna in se z lahkoto nanaša. Šminke so dobro pigmentirane. Nekatere od njih so malo bolj prosojne. Z enim potegom dobite malo bolj prosojen odtenek. Če greste preko tega še enkrat, pa so ustnice popolnoma prekrite. V primerjavi z 3D Plumping šminkami, se mi zdijo te malo bolj kremne. Mogoče je za to krivo tudi dejstvo, da imam 3D Plumping šminke že dlje časa in so izgubile nekaj tega vlažilnega sloja. 

Med sestavinami v formuli so tudi kolagen, retinol in kofein. Mislim, da imajo tudi SPF 15 kot večina njihovih šmink.

Finiš je kremast z čisto malo sijaja. Niti približno tako sijoče kot True Supreme Nourishing šminke. Če imate zelo suhe ustnice, bodo te šminke čez nekaj časa izgledale skoraj na pol mat. 

Večina ne vsebuje nobenih bleščic. Edina izjema je Divine Wine, ki ima majhne bleščice, ki pa na ustnicah niso vidne. 

Imajo čudovit sadno sladkast vonj.

Formula je na ustnicah dobro obstojna, vsekakor pa ne tako zelo kot mat formula. Na ustnicah ostanejo nekje 3 ure. Odvisno od tega koliko pijete in jeste. Iz ustnic izginejo enakomerno. Formula je negovalna in vlažilna. Ko jih nosim, mi nikoli ne izsušijo ustnic. 

Poleg novih odtenkov sem napisala tudi imena starih odtenkov v 3D Plumping šminkah. Odtenki so ostali enaki.

Cocoa Kisses (In The Buff) - svetlo nevtralen odtenek. Izgleda kot mešanica roza, rjave in breskvaste. 
Cantaloupe (Cantaloupe) - svetlo breskvasto oranžen odtenek. Ima malo rjavega dodatka, ki mu daje bolj umazan odtenek.
Choco Latte (Twig) - srednje rjava z vijoličnim podtonom. 
Divine Wine (Divine Wine) -srednje vijolična z majhnimi bleščicami. 
Truffle (Truffle) - temno čokoladno rjava. Ima rdečkast podton. Bolj prosojen odtenek.
Roasted Red (Revenge) -  temno rdeč odtenek. Izgleda kot mešanica vijolične in rdeče. 
Rose Kisses (Stolen Kisses) - svetlo toplo roza odtenek. Najbolj nevtralen roza odtenek. 
Uptown Pink (Uptown Pink) - vijolično roza odtenek. 
Puckered Pink (Pucker Up) - hladno živ roza odtenek. 
Pink Pop (Heat Wave) - topel živ roza odtenek. Bolj prosojen odtenek.
Reddy To Go (Hot Pants) - živ fuksija roza odtenek. 
Rebel Red (Power Trip) - klasično hladno rdeč odtenek. 
Mad for Mauve (Mad for Mauve) - svetlo hladno vijoličen odtenek. Izgleda skoraj rahlo sivkast. Bolj prosojen odtenek.
Berry Cute (Berry Cute) - jagodičasto vijoličen odtenek. Bolj prosojen odtenek. 
Plumping Plum (Bitten) - živ fuksija vijoličen odtenek. V embalaži izgleda bolj nevtralen, ko pa prebijete zgornji sloj, je odtenek čisto drugačen. Zelo živahen. 

Obožujem vse odtenke, ampak moji najljubši so Cantaloupe, Choco Latte, Divine Wine, Uptown Pink, Mad for Mauve, Berry Cute in Plumping Plum. 

Če iščete klasične kremne šminke z dobrim naborom odtenkov, potem jih boste vzljubili. So zelo udobne za nošenje, vlažilne, dolgo obstojne in dobro pigmentirane. To je moja najljubša formula izmed vseh Avonovih šmink, ker da ustnicam dobro pigmentiran odtenek, ne izgleda preveč sijoče in se dobro obdrži na ustnicah. 

*Izdelki so mi bili poslani.


  1. Redko se zgodi, da bi mi bilo toliko odtenkov všeč kot mi je tukaj.
    Sploh Cocoa kisses in Rose kisses bi takoj imela :)

    Krasni swatchi, kot vedno <3

    1. Se strinjam s tabo. Meni večkrat niso vsi všeč. Tukaj pa je res čisto vsak po svoje zanimiv. Rose Kisses si prav predstavljam na tebi. Vem, da rada nosiš take odtenke :).

      Hvala :) <3

  2. Nisem jih preizkusila v stari verziji, ampak formula je krasna <3
    Ravno prav je svetleča, da jo še upam nosit, ker sem drugače bolj fan matte formul.
    Swatchi so krasni, ko gledam šminke na tebi, bi kar vse imela :D

    1. Formula je res odlična. Vsega ima ravno dovolj. Jaz imam dokaj suhe ustnice in so čez dan že skoraj mat na meni :D. Hvala :). Saj je re vsak po svoje zanimiv. Sploh ti živahni odtenki so must have ;).

  3. hi - thanks for the swatches and info in english . Greetings from Romania.

  4. Amazing! I love the choco late!
