I think that I'm always most excited for fall nail polish colors. I just adore fall color palette and Avon usually makes some unique nail polish shades. I've just remembered last year's fall collection, which I adored. Because let's be honest, most drugstore brands have similar colors, although there are exceptions. Here are the new fall colors of Avon Mark Gel Shine Nail Enamels.
They have regular square glass bottle with a plastic top. In each is 10 ml of product. The regular price is 6.50€. Currently in Slovenia they have an offer 2 for 5.50€.
The brush is thinner and straight cut. I'm quite used to it by now, because I love wearing nail polishes from this Gel Shine line. It's my favorite nail polish line from Avon.
The texture of these nail polishes is very creamy and not too thick, but also not thin in consistency. They have good pigmentation, but mostly need at least two coats. Olive-it is the only shade that I feel can be one coater, if you apply a thicker coat.
The drying time is fairly quick, but it also depends on how thick your coats are. I don't have a problem with drying, because I always use a fast drying top coat on top. They dry down to a nice shine.
Now let's go onto the actual shades. This year the color range is slightly cooler with some muted shades as well as certain pops of color.
Berry Me
Medium cool toned brighter pink. It's the one shade that looks the least fall like to me. For some reason I feel like this is more of a spring or summer color. It should be more muted to look more berry in my opinion.
Berry Nutty
Light warm muddy brown. This is actually my favorite color of all of these. It's the perfect nude brown shade for the fall. It's kind of light, but has that slight warm purple feel to it and it just goes with everything. I guess it represents a nuts kind of color, hence the name.
Head In Clouds
Light cool grey. I'm a more warm toned person, but there have been several times that I was searching through my nail polish collection for a grey color and didn't find it. Now I have it. It's a dreamy pastel shade for cool toned lovers. Even I like it, as it turns slightly olive based on my skin tone.
Medium cool grey. The name describes it perfectly. When I think of moody, I think of grey. It's again one for cool toned lowers. This is more of a proper grey shade and it can look almost dark on light skin tones.
Light muddy mint green. This is again one of my favorites, because it looks so unique. It reminds me of retro mint green furniture. It's not a typical mint green shade, because it's more muted in color and looks slightly muddy. I really like it.
Spiked Punch
Medium muddy coral. This is again quite unique. It actually looks slightly more pink toned in real life than it does on my photos. On my skin tone it turns more orange, but it's like a mix of pink and orange - so coral with a muddy brown feel to it. It's muted as most of these fall shades. To me this reminds me more of the pumpkins.
I like Avon Mark Gel Shine formula, because it's nicely creamy, not too thick and not too thin. The brush is thinner, but easy to work with and they dry fairy fast. I also love the fact that Avon often times updates their Gel Shine range with new colors and the fact that they often times come out with more unique colors. New fall 2017 collection is no exception. My absolute favorite is Berry Nutty. I also really like Olive-it and Head In Clouds. Spiked Punch is another unique color. I also don't mind a classic grey that is Moody. Berry Me is the only shade that I feel like it doesn't really go with fall theme, but the shade is not bad. I just wouldn't really wear it in fall time. What are your favorite colors?
*PR products
Zdi se mi, da sem vedno najbolj navdušena nad jesenskimi odtenki lakov. Jesenska barvna paleta me navdušuje in Avon ima vedno kakšen unikaten odtenek laka. Še zdaj se spominjam lanske jesenske kolekcije, ki mi je bila zelo všeč. Če smo iskreni, lahko v drogerijah najdemo večinoma podobne in osnovne odtenke lakov. No tu pa tam se najde tudi kakšna izjema. Tukaj so jesenski odtenki Avon Mark Gel Shine lakov za nohte.
Imajo običajno kvadratno stekleničko s plastičnim belim pokrovom. V vsakem je 10 ml izdelka in redna cena je 6.50€. Trenutno ima Avon ponudbo 2 za 5.50€ tukaj.
Čopič je tanjši in ravno odrezan. Jaz sem se še navadila nanj, ker večkrat nosim Avon Gel Shine lake. So moja najljubša Avonova linija lakov.
Tekstura lakov je kremasta in preveč gosta, prav tako pa niso zelo tekoči. So dobro pigmentirani, čeprav boste vseeno z večino potrebovali vsaj dva nanosa. Olive-it je edin odtenek, ki ga lahko nanesete samo enkrat v debelejšem sloju in bo izgledal dovolj pigmentiran.
Sušijo se dokaj hitro, čeprav je to odvisno tudi od tega kako debele sloje nanašate. Sama s sušenjem nimam problema, ker vedno uporabim hitro sušeči nadlak. Posušijo se na sijoč finiš.
Gremo kar na odtenke. To leto je barvna paleta rahlo hladnejša z večinoma umirjenimi odtenki in z redkim živahnim presenečenjem barve.
Berry Me
Srednje hladno živo roza. Je en izmed odtenkov, ki mi deluje najmanj jesensko. Nekako se mi zdi bolj primeren za spomlad ali poletje. Če bi bil malo bolj umirjen in umazan, bi me bolj spominjaj na jesensko jagodičje.
Berry Nutty
Svetlo toplo umazano rjava. To je moj najljubši odtenek iz celotne kolekcije. Je perfektno nevtralno rjav odtenek za jesen. Deluje bolj svetlo in ima rahlo topel vijoličen podton. Paše k čisto vsemu. Verjetno je dobil ime po oreščkih.
Head In Clouds
Svetlo hladno siva. Sama imam raje tople odtenke, čeprav se je že večkrat zgodilo, da sem v svoji kolekciji lakov iskala siv odtenek in ga nisem našla. No zdaj ga imam. Je sanjsko pastelen siv odtenek za vse ljubitelje hladnih odtenkov. Celo meni je všeč, ker na moji polti potegne malo na olivno.
Srednje hladno siva. Ime ga popolno opiše. Če bi morala besedo Moody povezati z odtenkom, bi si predstavljala siv odtenek. To je še en odtenek za ljubitelje hladnih barv. Je bolj tista prava siva, ki lahko na svetlih polteh deluje že skoraj temno.
Svetlo umazano mentolno zelena. To je še en izmed mojih favoritov, ker je tako unikaten. Spominja me na retro mentolno zeleno pohištvo. Ni tipično mentolno zelena, ker deluje skoraj bolj zamolklo in umazano. Res mi je všeč.
Spiked Punch
Srednje umazano koralna. To je še en unikaten odtenek. V resnici deluje bolj roza, ampak na mojih fotografijah deluje bolj oranžno. Tudi na moji polti potegne bolj na oranžen odtenek, čeprav je v resnici mešanica roza in oranžne - torej koralna z umazano rjavim podtonom. To je še en tak zamolkel odtenek za jesen. Mene sicer bolj spominja na buče.
Všeč mi je formula Avon Mark Gel Shine lakov, ker so lepo kremasti, niso preveč gosti in ne preredki. Čopič je tanjši, ampak omogoča lahek nanos. Prav tako se dokaj hitro posušijo. Všeč mi je tudi dejstvo, da Avon večkrat posodobi svojo linijo lakov in dejstvo, da večkrat doda unikatne odtenke. Nova jesenska kolekcija 2017 ni izjema. Moj absolutni favorit je odtenek Berry Nutty. Zelo všeč sta mi tudi Olive-it in Head In Clouds. Spiked Punch je prav tako unikaten odtenek. Všeč mi je, da imam v naboru sedaj tudi klasično sivo z odtenkom Moody. Edini odtenek, ki mi ne paše v jesensko temo je Berry Me. Odtenek je še vedno lep, samo jaz ga ne bi nosila na jesen. Kateri pa so vaši najljubši odtenki?
*PR izdelki
Lepi swatchi *_* In lakci so tudi lepi *_*
ReplyDeleteHvala Metka :) <3 Ni jih čez tvoje swatche ;) Odtenki so res lepi. Jesenske barve so mi vedno najbolj zanimive.
DeleteI sell Avon and my mom loves to see the magazine every month and she buys lots of their products. These nail polishes are her favorites, she is building her collection! xx
ReplyDeleteCarolina's Makeup Life
I love browsing through their magazines as well and this is my favorite nail polish range by then, so I think your mom and I would get along just fine :).