Seems like everyone is jumping on that sheet mask bandwagon. Avon came out with their version and of course, I wanted to try it. I'm really liking this sheet mask trend, although I've had the best experiences with mostly Asian sheet masks. They know their sheet game best.
Avon Anew Essential Youth Maximising Sheet Mask comes in a gold plastic packaging. It looks more rose gold on my photos. In the package you get one sheet mask and the regular price of it is 6€. Currently it's on offer for 2.50€ (Slovenia) and I got it in a pre-sale for 1.90€.
Here is the ingredients list. Avon promotes this mask as a youth maximising sheet mask that contains retinol. And it does, but it's very low on the ingredients list and it doesn't say what kind of percentage is in it. I was curious, if the ingredients are similar to the serum from this range that I've tried before and really liked - Avon Anew Essential Youth Maximising Serum, but the list is not as similar as I thought it would be.
The sheet mask is made out of white thicker and denser fabric, but it's not as thick as for example Balea Beauty Effect sheet mask or those new ones Cool Melon, Fancy Pomegranate and Sweet Mango masks. It still sticks well to the skin and is well saturated with essence.
The essence is transparent, light and watery. It doesn't have that slimy viscose feel that some sheet masks have. It comes well saturated and there is some leftover essence that you can use through the days that follow.
The sheet is very tight around the eyes, which I like, because I want retinol products to work especially around my eye areas. But it can be very tight feeling. It also has a very small hole for the lips and it's sort of upwards cut out, which just looks funny. Maybe it's just me, but I don't know anyone that has that perfect uplifted lip shape. It covers nose well, although mine is a bit longer than most noses.
It also has a cut down the cheek that makes it easier for you to pull up lower part of the mask and get a tight fit around the chin. I like that, because some sheet masks can pull the sides of my face and it just doesn't fit that nice. It also has a small rounded part on one side of the mask, which looks like the part that you want to use to pull it off. I find that kind of funny.
The scent is very subtle, sort of soapy, but nothing too familiar.
At first it feels cooling on the skin and then it almost starts to feel slightly tingly, but it's more of a warming effect really and it's not irritating at all, it just feels slightly tingly. I assume this could be due to a retinol. The sheet never gets completely dry. It says to leave it on for 15 minutes, but I had it on for about 30 minutes.
The essence absorbs into the skin well, but it leaves a slight sticky layer behind which disappears after a while.
My skin looks more even toned, nourished and moisturized. The fine lines around my eyes don't look any less visible or less deep. It doesn't leave a sheen on the skin, skin just looks plumper and nourished. It's not too heavy and I think it's appropriate for all skin types. It almost feels a bit soothing and it's definitely not irritating. I have a sensitive skin type and I didn't have any problems with it.
I like the effect that this mask gives me. It makes my skin nourished, slightly moisturized, evens out skin tone and is not too heavy. It didn't blew me away as some Asian sheet masks did that have the same or lower price tag. For someone that wants to try the sheet mask for the first time and want something with a bit of retinol in it, it's not bad. I advice you to try it now that the price is still affordable.
Zdi se, da vse znamke poskušajo ustvariti svoje maske v lističih. Tudi Avon je pred kratkim predstavil svojo verzijo in seveda sem jo sama želela preizkusiti. Maske v lističih so mi všeč in želim jih preizkusiti čim več, čeprav sem do sedaj imela najboljše izkušnje ravno z azijskimi znamkami.
Avon Anew Essential Youth Maximising pomladitvena maska v lističih ima zlato plastično embalažo. Na mojih fotografijah sicer izgleda bolj roza zlato. V embalaži dobite eno masko in redna cena je 6€. Trenutno jo lahko dobite za 2.50€ tukaj. Jaz sem jo kupila kot predogled novi izdelkov in sicer za ceno 1.90€.
Fotografirala sem tudi seznam sestavin. Avon oglašuje masko kot masko za pomlajen videz kože z retinolom. Retinol lahko najdemo med sestavinami, a je bolj na koncu sezname in procent retinola ni znan. Zanimalo me je, ali so sestavine podobne serumu, ki sem ga preizkušala iz iste linije in mi je bil všeč - Avon Anew Essential Youth Maximising serum, ampak si sestavine niso tako podobne kot sem mislila.
Maska v lističih je narejena iz bele debeljše in gostejše tkanine. Ni pa tako debela kot npr. Balea Beauty Effect maska ali njihove nove Cool Melon, Fancy Pomegranate in Sweet Mango maske. Še vedno se dobro oprime kože in je dobro prepojena z esenco.
Esenca je prosojna, lahka in vodna. Nima gostejše teksture kot jo ima večina teh mask. Je dobro prepojena in nekaj esence ostane v embalaži. To lahko uporabljate še nekaj naslednjih dni, namesto seruma.
Maska je zelo ozka okrog oči, kar je meni sicer všeč, ker želim, da retinol ravno tam najbolj deluje. Čeprav je lahko občutek malo zategajoč. Tudi odprtina okrog ust je bolj majhna in izrezana tako, da je obrnjena navzgor. Meni izgleda ta izrez malo hecen, saj ne poznam nobenega, ki bi imela perfektno privihane ustnice. Tudi nos dobro prekrije, čeprav je moj malo nadstandardno dolg.
Po licu ima zarez, ki omogoča, da masko lažje zategnemo okrog brade. Zaradi tega tudi maska lepše leži na obrazu in ne zateguje preko lic. Na eni strani ima majhno okroglo izboklino, ki je verjetno namenjena temu, da jo tam primemo, ko jo želimo potegniti iz obraza.
Ima nežen, skoraj milu podoben vonj, ki pa me ne spominja na nič znanega.
Najprej je občutek na koži hladilen, potem pa postane skoraj rahlo ščemeč. Bolj kot ne je občutek kot bi koža postajala malo toplejša, čeprav ne iritira ali dejansko peče. Sama predvidevam, da je ščemeč občutek posledica retinola. Maska se nikoli popolnoma ne posuši. Avon priporoča, da jo imamo na obrazu 15 minut. Sama sem jo imela približno 30 minut.
Esenca se dobro absorbira v kožo, ampak za sabo pusti rahlo lepljiv sloj, ki sicer čez čas izgine.
Moj ten kože izgleda bolj enakomeren, koža je nahranjena in navlažena. Majhne gubice okrog oči niso nič manj vidne ali manj globoke. Na koži ne pusti sijaja. Koža samo izgleda nahranjeno in čvrsto. Ni pretežka in rekla bi, da je primerna za vse tipe kože. Skoraj daje rahel pomirjevalen občutek in ne iritira. Sama imam občutljivo kožo in nisem imela nobenih problemov s to masko.
Všeč mi je efekt, ki ga maska da. Vsekakor nahrani mojo kožo, jo rahlo navlaži, izenači ten in ni pretežka. Ni me pa tako navdušila kot nekatere azijske, ki imajo podobno ali celo nižjo ceno. Za nekoga, ki prvič preizkuša masko v lističih in želi nekaj z majhno vsebnostjo retinola, ni slaba. Vsekakor priporočam, da jo preizkusite dokler je še cena solidna.
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