Hey Beauties!
I've had some great fragrance suggestions lately and today I have another one for you. This one is for all of you romantic sophisticated souls. It's Avon's new fragrance called Dreams and needles to say that it does smell like a dream while you're wearing it.
It comes in a pastel pink box with darker pink ribbons over it. Those are actually 3D printed on the box. Design is simplistic and romantic.
The glass bottle is very classic. On the bottom it is cut in a way that it almost looks like crystals or ice. The top also has the same design and reminds me of diamonds. On the bottom of the top is like a blurred part which is shaped like a ribbon. I would say it's a nice mix of something classic, but with a few eye catching details on the bottom and top.
Spray is gold and it produces fine mist.
In the bottle you get 50 ml of fragrance and it currently costs 19.90€ (Slovenia), although regular price is 26€. You can get Avon products from Avon sales people or just contact Avon team in your country.
It's described as a floral fragrance (but I would almost say floral woody) and it has notes of watery plum, pink rose and intense wood.
The first this that I smell, when I spray it on my skin, is flowers or rather rose. Right after a few second it stats to get a more subtly sweet fruit scent of watery plum. The rose and plum create this very subtle romantic light scent that is more on the sweet side rather then being very floral. As the fragrance develops further, I get a bit stronger wood base, which gives this fragrance sophistication and long lasting power.
I thought that this was going to be more floral, considering the description, but in fact it's very subtly romantic and it has a bit of sweetness to it, while the wood makes it more grounded and a lot more sophisticated smelling. I am not a fan of floral fragrances and I think this is a nice blend of fruitiness, slight sweetness, wood and a hint of flowers. Nothing is overpowering and the blend of all these together creates a very romantic and sophisticated fragrance.
The staying power is very good. I can still smell it at the end of the day, although it does loose some intensity, naturally. It's eau de parfum so you get what you expect.
What more can I say, except the fact that Avon did it again. I really think their fragrances are amazing and the fact that they come out with so many new scents is commendable. I've been wearing it this past month all the time. It feels a bit like a pamper product.
*Product was sent to me by Avon.
V prejšnjih objavah sem vam ponudila že kar nekaj prelogov o novih parfumih in danes imam spet nov predlog za nakup. Gre za novo Avon dišavo, ki so jo poimenovali Dreams (sanje) in mislim, da mi ni potrebno omeniti, da je res zasanjan vonj.
Pride skupaj s pastelno roza škatlico z roza traki, ki so odstisnjeni na škatlo kot 3D dizajn. Dizajn je na sploh preprost in romantičen.
Steklenička je prav tako dokaj klasične oblike. Na dnu je izrezljana v obliko, ki me spominja na kristale ali led. Pokrov je istega dizajna in spominja na diamante. Na dnu pokrovčka je zamegljen detajl, ki izgleda kot trak ovit okrog pokrova. Zdi se mi zanimiva kombinacija klasike z določenimi detajli, ki pritegnejo pogled.
Spraj je zlat in omogoča lahko meglico parfumske vode.
V steklenički je 50 ml dišave in trenutno stane 19.90€. Redna cena je 26€.
Dišavo opisujejo kot cvetlično (ampak jaz bi skoraj rekla, da je bolj cvetlično lesna) in vsebuje note vodne slive, rožnate vrtnice in intenzivnega lesa.
Prvo kar zavoham, ko pošpricam parfum na kožo, so rože oziroma vrtnica. Takoj po nekaj sekundah postane bolj nežen sladko saden vonj vodne slive. Kombinacija vrtnice in slive ustvari zelo nežno romantičen vonj, ki je bolj sladek kot pa cvetličen. Ko se dišava razvije naprej, se začne čutiti malo bolj močna baza lesa, ki dišavi daje sofisticiranost in dolgo obstojno moč.
Imela sem občutek, da bo to bolj cvetličen vonj glede na opis, ampak je precej nežno subtilen romantičen in ima malo sladkobe, prav tako pa lesnosti, ki jo ozemlji in naredi bolj sofisticirano. Nisem ljubiteljica cvetličnih vonjev in zato se mi zdi ta kombinacija nežne sadnosti, rahle sladkobe, lesa in čisto malo cvetličnosti ravno pravšnja. Nič ne izstopa ali nadvladuje in skupaj ustvarijo te note romantično in sofisticirano dišavo.
Je zelo obstojna. Tudi ob koncu dneva jo še vedno voham na sebi. Seveda s časom izgubi na intenzivnosti, kar je pričakovano. Je parfumska voda in zanjo dobite kar pričakujete.
Ne vem kaj več bi lahko še povedala. Avon je spet ustvaril čudovito dišavo. Njihove dišave so mi na sploh zelo všeč in dejstvo, da večkrat letno izdajo nove vonje je pohvale vredno. To dišavo sem nosila cel prejšnji mesec. Parfum imam za izdelek za razvajanje, saj ima tak blagodejen vonj.
*Izdelek mi je poslalo podjetje Avon.
Mmm, do sem diši, hihi. Čudovito si spisala to objavo in me res pritegnila k nakupu. Damn you! In odlične fotografije! xx
ReplyDeleteHaha :D Bi blo fajn, če bi bil še kakšen dodatek za vonj na netu :D. Hvala:). Potem pa hitro kupit ;)