Hey Beauties!
Exactly on this day three years ago I wrote my first blog post. It feels like it has been more than three years, but it's not. I have definitely been enjoying blogging and sharing my love of makeup with all of you. In the past years I feel like I evolved the most. I got the opportunity to meet in person some of my fellow bloggers, which has been just amazing. Now my cyber friend circle has become at least a bit more real :).
In the spirit of celebrating, I decided to make a quick round up of my favorite blog posts and maybe give you some additional reading, if you just started following me.
One of the posts that take up the most time and work are those that include swatching whole range of lipsticks. Besides being time consuming it's also one of the most fun posts to write. You get to see yourself with multiple crazy shades and the best part is that you can create so many different makeup looks in the future. Here are my posts about Avon True Colour Perfectly Matte Lipsticks and Avon 3D Plumping Lipsticks. Another favorite post of mine is Favorite Fall/Autumn Makeup And Nail Polishes, because the background was just so appropriate. Nature truly is the best prop. I also really liked my review of Catrice Liquid Camouflage High Coverage Concealer. It was one of those reviews where I really tested all claims. Dos and Don'ts of Makeup was one of the most fun to make, because I was laughing so bad. It was fun to do all the wrong things and think about when I was actually applying my makeup this way in the past. I think it's a basic guide that anyone can relate with.
I promised myself to do more creative makeup looks in the future and I think I'm on the right path. I will confess that creative makeup is not my forte and I much more enjoy creating natural wearable enhancing makeups, but every now and then I get a few ideas that I just have to try. Two of my favorite creative makeup looks are Fairy of Gold and Pretty Leopard Makeup. I also try to have more time to do my nail art and I really liked the end result of Blue Sweater Nails and Cute Matte Valentine's Day Nails.
It has become a tradition for me to do a giveaway on my blog anniversary. I will give away some of my favorite products and the ones that I really want you to try. I am sorry, but the giveaway is Slovenian only. All you have to do is fill Rafflecopter down below. Giveaway is open until April 1st. I will email the winner and if he or she doesn't write me back in 24 hours, I will choose another winner.
In the giveaway you can win Avon Skin So Soft Golden Bliss Silky Hand and Body Suffle, Dvorec Trebnik Shea Butter Cream, Metallic Powder and Blush Brush, Avon True Colour Perfectly Matte Lipstick in Adoring Love, Avon Ultra Glimmerstick Lip Liner in Nude and Oriflame The One Illuskin Face Primer.
Thank you all who take the time to read my posts and leave comments. I am very grateful that I can share my passion with so many nice people and the fact that I still love doing it as much as I did in the beginning.
Sending you lots of love,
Petra :)
Čestitke za obletnico. :)
ReplyDeleteHvala :)
DeleteHappy 3rd Birthday to your beauty place. :) I love your posts especially those with lipsticks reviews and makeup looks. You're so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteAw thank you so much. I really appreciate it :) <3
DeleteČestitke! Si že tako izkušena blogerka, da nisem edina, ki pomisli, da je ta blog še starejši :) Vse objave, ki si omenila, imam nekje shranjene, všeč mi je bila pa še eBay finds :) Upam, da ti ne zmanjka inspiracije in ti želim čim več uspeha <3
ReplyDeleteO hvala Mateja :). To mi veliko pomeni, sploh od tebe :) <3
DeleteČestitke! Jaz sem tudi mislila, da te bere, že dlje časa :) Veliko dobrih objav še naprej <3
ReplyDeleteHvala Ina :) Saj meni se tudi zdi kot da je že vsaj 5 let. Sploh zadnje pol leta, ko kar nabijam objave :D. Hvala :) <3
DeleteČestitke draga moja blogerska kolegica še tukaj. Želim ti veliko dobre inspiracije, navdiha, lepe kože, dobrih osvetljevalcev in popolnih šmink :)in vsega lepega kar te pri bloganju navdihuje. Ostani še naprej tako zvesta sama sebi, odkrita in se beremo, vedno ob vsakem postu. Čin-Čin, Monika**
ReplyDeleteIiii hvala Monika :). Kako si mi pa to lepo napisala. Sploh osvetljevalci so mi všeč, hehe ;D. Čin čin ;) **.
DeleteCestitke:) zelo super kvaliteten blog, ki ga rada berem:) se na veliko veliko let:)
ReplyDeleteO hvala :).
DeleteČestitke za obletnico! Nisem vedela, da že tri leta blogaš. Krasen blog imaš <3.
ReplyDeleteJa, se pomikam počasi. Čeprav se mi zdi hitreje kot je dejansko :). Hvala :) <3
DeleteHappy birthday to your blog! I read your blog posts each time although I rarely comment, I like the fact that you review drugstore makeup instead of super expensive ones! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you :) And thanks for commenting now.;) It's hard to always comment, especially when you follow a lot of different blogs. I know how that is :D.
DeleteČestitke! in še veliko uspehov s tvojim čudovitim blogom :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I too feel like I've been reading your blog a lot longer. Have to say, that Do and Don't post is one of my favourite, it completely changed the way I approach makeup. Thank you for that :-*
ReplyDeleteOh I'm glad you liked that post. I had fun making it. We've all been there :D. Aw thank you so much :) <3
DeleteČestitke! Tudi jaz sem mislila, da si v blogerskem svetu bolj dolgo. :) Tvoj blog je eden mojih najljubših, tako da upam, da boš še dolgo pisala <3
ReplyDeleteSe mi zdi, da ko enkrat začneš bolj pogosto objavljat se ti zdi, da mine cela večnost, ne samo tri leta :D. Iii hvala :) <3
DeleteČestitkeeee 🎂 Moram priznati, da si ena mojih najljubših blogerk in ti kot tvoja zvesta "oboževalka" želim še veliko nadaljnjih uspehov ter odličnih objav! ♡♡♡ xx P.s. Upam, da se kmalu na kaki kavici dobimo in malo poklepetamo.
ReplyDeleteIii hvala Neža :) <3 Pridi čim prej v MS. Saj mislim, da sva trenutno obe doma in imava časa na pretek. Ti se samo javi, ko boš kaj tu in greva definitivno na pijačo ;).
Ooo čestitke (je že tri leta mimo???omg kak čas leti) :)) Te pa dosti dobre svetlobe, inspiracije in odličnih postov :**
ReplyDeleteJap, tri leta. Ma prehitro gre čas...glej koliko sva že stari :D haha. Hihi, hvala. Vse parave točke si zajela :) :*** <3
DeleteČestitam! Ko berem tvoj blog imam občutek, da pišeš že dlje časa :) Obaje so vedno kvalitetne, slike so super, pa tudi vsebina bloga je vedno zanimiva. Želim ti še čim več uspešnih bloggerskih let :)
ReplyDeleteO hvala za tako lepo pohvalo :) <3
DeleteČestitke! Zelo rada prebiram tvoj bloge, ker imaš kvalitetne objave in prelepe fotografije :) Želim ti še mnogo uspehov!
ReplyDeleteHvala Kvina :)) <3