Review: Avon Mark Nail Style Studio Pink Illusions - Digital Illusion and Glam Rock

Avon has a new range called Mark Nail Style Studio Pink Illusions. These are all different finishes and effects mostly in the pink family. Two have gel finish, one is satin matte, one is metallic finish and one is 3D glitter finish. These may be intended to use on their own, but the shades are so light and sheer that I almost look at these as a toppers. Read on to see how I combined them with other colored nail polishes. 

These come in a regular square glass bottle with a white plastic top. The brush inside is straight cut and on the thinner side. It works fine for applying nail polish. In it is 10 ml of product and the regular price is 5.90€. Currently they are going to be on offer for 3.30€ (Slovenia).

Digital Illusion

This is what Avon describes as a satin matte finish. It's the only shade that confuses me as it's not really pink and the range is called Pink Illusions. 

The base looks like a very pale and sheer white color. It might have just a hint of pink in it, but I don't really notice it. If you look at it at a certain angle, you see this dark green blue sheen which is small shimmer in it.

If you apply it on the nails on its own, it can looks very sheer with a greenish blue sheen and a satin matte finish or it can look a lot more white based. Depending on how much you apply it. I feel like the more you apply, the less matte it looks. Like those thicker layers loose that true satin matte finish. On the photos below you can see different versions. From left to right: one coat, two coats, three coats. 

I love a satin matte finish. It's not completely matte, because the shimmer in it gives it that satin feel and sheen. It's really pretty, but very sheer in a way and very light.

I applied it over a muddy olive shade (Avon Gel Shine Nail Enamel - Stonewashed Clay) and it turned it into a grey blue shade with small shimmer. I love how it transformed that base color into something totally different and it gives it that lovely matte finish with small shimmers. 

Glam Rock

This is a 3D glitter finish or so it's described by Avon. It looks salmon pink colored with a purple sheen to it, if you look at it from the angle. 

I would describe it as a sand finish, because it has small particles in it that give it that 3D look, but it's definitely not glittery or shimmery. It's again on the sheer side and you definitely need at least two coats to make it look cute, but I also tried applying three coats. The more coats you apply the less textured it looks.

The cool purple sheen is not as noticeable on its own, it comes in play more when you apply it over a colored nail polish base.

On the photos below you can see different versions. From left to right: one coat, two coats and three coats.

I decided to apply it over a sky blue shade (Kiko Nail Lacquer 338 Light Lavender) and it made it look pearly purple. It gave it that frosty look with a purple sheen that sometimes looks pink toned and sometimes more blue toned. This combination looks so pretty, almost magical. The 3D finish isn't as noticeable as if you apply it on its own, but it's still there. 

Both of these have a sheer and more liquid formula. The pigmentation is definitely sheer. Application is easy with both shades. It's even applied and can be build up as many times as you want. They both dry fairly fast and that's when you get to see their true finishes. 

They also both lasted above average on my nails. For about 3 to 4 days before there was any chipping and even that didn't look as bad as with some other regular nail polishes. Glam Rock is a textured polish so it obviously lasts longer without chipping, but Digital Illusion was just as long lasting. Which is surprising for a matte finish. It's probably due to a thin formula.

These are cool effect nail polishes to use on its own or apply over a colored base to give it a different feel. The formula is nice to apply, dries fast and they both actually last a fairly long time on my nails.

*Products were sent to me. 

Avon ima novo linijo lakov imenovano Mark Nail Style Studi Pink Illusions. Vsi imajo drugačne finiše in so večinoma iz roza družine barv. Dva sta gel finiša, en je satenasto mat, en je kovinski in en je 3D bleščičast finiš. Verjetno so namenjeni kot laki, ki se nanašajo sami zase, ampak so tako prosojni, da jih lahko kombinirate tudi z barvnimi podlagami. Torej kot zanimive nadlake. V nadaljevanju si poglejte kako sem sama kombinirala ta dva odtenka z barvnima podlagama. 

Imajo običajno kvadratasto stekleničko s plastičnim belim pokrovom. Čopič je ravno odrezan in malo tanjši. Z njim z lahkoto nanašamo lak. V laku je 10 ml izdelka in redna cena je 5.90€. Trenutno bodo na voljo za 3.30€ tukaj.

Digital Illusion

Avon tega opisuje kot satenasto mat finiš. Je edini odtenek v tej liniji lakov, ki me je rahlo zmedel. Ni ravno roza, čeprav se linija lakov imenuje Pink Illusions. 

Podlaga je zelo svetlo in prosojen bel odtenek. Mogoče ima ščepec roza odtenka, ampak ni ravno opazno. Če ga pogledate pod določenim kotom, vidite da ima temno zeleno moder sijaj, ki so majhne bleščice. 

Če ga nanesete na nohte na tanko, lahko izgleda zelo prosojen z zeleno modrim sijajem in satenasto mat finišem. Če nanesete več slojev, bo izgledal bolj bel. Več slojev nanesete, manj mat je. Kot da bi debeli sloji izgubili prav satenasto mat sijaj. Na fotografijah lahko vidite več verzij in sicer z enim slojem, dvema slojema in tremi sloji. 

Všeč mi je satenasto mat finiš. Ni popolnoma mat, ker mu bleščice dajejo rahel sijaj. Je zelo lep, ampak precej prosojen in izredno svetel odtenek. 

Nanesla sem ga preko umazano olivnega odtenka (Avon Gel Shine Nail Enamel - Stonewashed Clay) in nastal je sivo moder odtenek z majhnimi bleščicami. Všeč mi je kako je popolnoma preobrazil odtenek te olivne podlage. Poleg tega je spremenil tudi finiš v mat z majhnimi bleščicami. 

Glam Rock

To je 3D bleščičast finiš. Vsaj tako ga opisuje Avon. Ima losos roza podlago z vijoličnim sijajem. 

Sama bi ga opisala kot peskast finiš, ker ima majhne delce, ki dajejo nohtom 3D izgled. Vsekakor pa ne vsebuje bleščic. Je spet bolj prosojna formula in zagotovo boste potrebovali vsaj dva nanosa za lep izgled. Poskusila sem nanesti tudi tri. Več slojev nanesete, manj teksture ostane na nohtih. 

Hladno vijoličen sijaj ni tako očiten na nohtih kot je v steklenici. Bolj se opazi, če ga nanesete preko barvne podlage. 

Na fotografiji lahko vidite tri verzije: en sloj, dva sloja in trije sloji tega laka. 

Odločila sem se, da ga bom nanesla preko nebesno modrega odtenka (Kiko Nail Lacquer 338 Light Lavender). Rezultat je bil perlasto vijoličen odtenek. Nohti so izgledali ob določenih kotih bolj roza, ob drugih bolj modri. Ta kombinacija se mi je zdela skoraj magična in res lepa. 3D finiš sicer ni bil tako opazen kot če ga nanesete samega. 

Oba laka imata bolj prosojno in tekočo formulo. Pigmentacija je zagotovo bolj prosojna. Nanašata se z lahkoto in enakomerno. Intenzivnost odtenkov lahko povečate z več sloji. Oba odtenka sta se posušila dokaj hitro. Šele, ko se sušita, vidite pravi finiš laka. 

Oba sta se na mojih nohtih obdržala nadpovprečno dolgo. Minili so trije do štirje dnevi, preden sem opazila kakšno okrušenost. Glam Rock ima teksturo in je zato rahlo bolj obstojen kot Digital Illusion. Čeprav je tudi Digital Illusion presenetljivo dobro ostal na nohtih. Sploh glede na to, da so mat laki ponavadi slabše obstojni. Predvidevam, da se je ta obdržal dlje ravno zaradi tanke formule. 

Laka imata zanimiv efekt in ju lahko nanesete sama ali preko barvnih lakov za drugačen efekt. Formula je enostavna za nanos, se dokaj hitro posuši in je dobro obstojna. 

*Izdelki so mi bili poslani. 


  1. My mom loves Avon nail polishes, every month she buys some to grow her collection! xx

    Carolina's Makeup Life

    1. Your mom has a good taste :D. I love Avon nail polishes as well. Especially the Gel Shine range. Those last above average on my nails :).
