Avon is one of those brands that loves to upgrade their range every once in a while. Recently, they've added a new Luxe Shape Sensation lipsticks to their luxurious Luxe range. I tested out one shade.
It comes in a gorgeous shiny gold plastic packaging with Avon logo on it and matte LUXE sign. You know I'm all about gold, so I am loving it. On the bottom it has a sticker with the color that's inside and a name.
In it is 3.6 grams of product and the regular price is 8€ (currently on offer for 6.90€/Slovenia).
This is a lipstick infused with a collagen layer in the middle. As you can see the bullet has a transparent gel core that's supposedly collagen for plumping the lips. Around it it's a regular creamy lipstick formula. This lipstick should give your lips volume, moisturization and perfect color.
I have a shade called Incredible. In the range is 5 colors from apricot, tangerine, pink, red and purple. A very basic color selection.
Incredible is a true cool toned medium red.
It's a creamy almost gel like formula. Regular creamy lipsticks are thicker, but this one is very lightweight and sheerer. It gives your lips a lovely shine.
The formula glides on the lips with utter ease. First layer may seem a bit sheer, so go over it at least twice to get an even and opaque color. But keep in mind that the collagen core feels like a transparent gel, so it's obvious you don't get that very pigmented base at first. It's so lightweight that it almost feels like a light lip balm. It reminds me a lot of the Catrice Supreme Fusion Lipcolor + Care (070 Remarry Berry) formula, but that one is less pigmented and doesn't look as even. It also feels a bit more waxy.
As soon as I started applying it, I smelled menthol scent and my lips started to tingle. Avon says that the core is made out of collagen, but I assume there must be menthol in it too. That is your volume part that they describe. It's basically a tingling of your lips that make you feel like they're getting bigger. I don't notice much of a difference and the menthol vanishes after about 5 minutes. Then it becomes a lovely wearable formula that sits so comfortably on the lips and doesn't dry them out. I really wish, they wouldn't put in that menthol, because it ruins a great formula. At least for me and my dry lips, menthol can be irritating. So I use this lipstick sparingly, on those days that my lips feel fine.
Pigmentation is good. You do need at least two swipes to get it even, because of the transparent core.
Because it's a formula with shine, it's obviously not long lasting. It stays on the lips for about 2 hours before you'll see it vanish from the inner rim of the lips and you'll need to reapply. The same thing happens, if you eat or drink. For such a creamy formula, it also wears nice. It doesn't bleed too much outside of the lines. Just here and there, but nothing too visible. I always wear it without a lip liner, but if you have a more mature skin, you might need to use a lip liner in order to avoid it getting into small cracks. It also has a nice stain, if you leave it on for a really long time and the shine mostly vanishes away.
If Avon would cut out the menthol or collagen part in the middle, this probably wouldn't be as lightweight and gel like anymore. But it is a concern for my dry lips, as it irritates them. Menthol feel fades away, but it's still an unnecessary addition in my mind. The formula itself is lovely, very lightweight, creamy and has lovely shine. I think it looks especially nice over drier lips. For those that want super pigmentation with a very long lasting result, this is not for you.
*Product was sent to me.
Avon je ena izmed znamk, ki konstantno nadgrajuje ponudbo svojih izdelkov. Pred kratkim so dodali novo linijo šmink imenovano Luxe Shape Sensation. Luxe je njihova bolj luksuzna znamka. Sama sem testirala enega izmed odtenkov.
Šminka ima čudovito zlato sijočo plastično embalažo z Avon logotipom in mat LUXE znakom. Verjetno veste, da obožujem zlato in mi je zato ta dizajn izredno všeč. Na spodnji strani šminke je etiketa z odtenkom šminke in napisom imena.
V embalaži je 3.6 gramov izdelka in redna cena je 8€ (trenutno jo lahko dobite za 6.90€ tukaj).
Šminka ima v sredini oddan kolagen. Na sredini šminke je prozoren gel, ki naj bi bil kolagen. Kolagen naj bi povečal volumen ustnic. Okrog tega gela je navadna kremasta barvna formula šminke. Ta šminka naj bi na ustnicah ustvarila volumen, vlago in popolno barvo.
Jaz imam odtenek Incredible. V kolekciji je na voljo 5 različnih odtenkov od marelične, koralne, roza, rdeče in vijolične. Zelo osnovna barvna paleta.
Incredible je srednje hladno rdeč odtenke z modrim podtonom.
Ima kremasto skoraj gelu podobno teksturo. Navadne šminke so gostejše. Ta je zelo lahkotna in bolj prosojna. Ustnicam da čudovit sijaj.
Formula z lahkoto drsi po ustnicah. Prvi sloj je rahlo bolj prosojen, zato morate nanesti vsaj dva sloja, da dobite enakomerno intenzivnost odtenka. Verjetno tudi zaradi tega, ker je sredina s kolagenom dejansko prozorna. Zato seveda pigmentacija ni tako očitna s prvim potegom. Je zelo lahkotna in daje občutek lahkotnega balzama za ustnice. Spominja me na formulo Catrice Supreme Fusion Lipcolor + Care (979 Remarry Berry), čeprav je ta manj pigmentirana in ne izgleda tako enakomerno. Ima pa podoben občutek na ustnicah, vendar je rahlo bolj voskasta.
Takoj ko sem jo začela nanašati, sem zavohala mentol in ustnice so me začele ščemeti. Avon pravi, da je v sredini šminke kolagen, ampak jaz sem prepričana, da je dodan tudi mentol. Od tod torej volumen na ustnicah. Mentol povzroči ščemenje ustnic in daje občutek večjih ustnic, čeprav ni opaziti neke viden razlike. Občutek mentola izgine po 5 minutah. Takrat postane nosljiva formula, ki udobno sedi na ustnicah in jih ne izsuši. Res si želim, da ne bi vsebovala mentola, ker zame ta uniči odlično formulo. Moje suhe ustnice ne marajo mentola, ker jih razdraži. Zato to šminko uporabljam bolj redko, takrat ko vem, da so ustnice v dobrem stanju.
Pigmentacija je dobra. Potrebujete vsaj dva nanosa, da dobite enakomeren izgled, zaradi prozornega gela v sredini šminke.
Ker gre za sijočo formulo, seveda ni dolgo obstojna. Na ustnicah se obdrži približno dve urni, preden začne izginjati iz notranjih kotičkov ustnic in jo morate ponovno nanesti. Enako se zgodi, če jeste ali pijete. Glede na to, da je formula izredno kremna, se zelo lepo nosi. Nisem opazila, da bi preveč uhajala v gubice okrog ustnic. Samo včasih je zdrsnila v kakšno razpoko. Če imate bolj zrelo kožo, vam priporočam, da prej nanesete svinčnik za ustnice in se izognete morebitim problemom z uhajanjem v razpoke. Sama jo vedno nosim brez svinčnika za ustnice. Če jo imate na ustnicah dlje časa, dobite lep rdeč madež, ki ostane še nekaj časa po tem, ko sijaj že izgine.
Če bi Avon ukinil mentol v šminki, verjetno ta ne bi bila več tako lahkotna zaradi prozornega gela v sredini. Vseeno je mentol neželen dodatek v šminkah za moje suhe ustnice. Čeprav čez nekaj časa občutek ščemenja izgine, bi mi bilo ljubše, če ga šminka ne bi vsebovala. Formula je čudovita, zelo lahkotna, kremasta in ima lep sijaj. Še posebej lepo izgleda na bolj suhih ustnicah. Za tiste, ki želijo odlično pigmentacijo in zelo dolgo obstojno formulo, te šminke ne bodo.
*Izdelek mi je bil poslan.
Wow beautiful color! I like don't like full-on color lipsticks without a longlasting formula, I prefer when they are sheer and not longlasting xx
ReplyDeleteCarolina's Makeup Life
Yes, a true classic red. Well then you'd probably love this one. Sometimes I get the feeling like everyone wants a long lasting thick lipsticks. Or so it seems to be trending on Instagram :).
Lady, I discovered your blog today, I really like your reviews and find them very useful and detailed!
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to defend the menthol since for me it was number 1 reason to get interested and try this lipstick. I have dry lips too but haven't noticed menthol having a bad effect on them. I love the minty smell and the tingling feeling, it makes me feel my lips get instantly bigger and more kissable :)))
I have the color Rose wood - it's not a bright, bold color but thanks to the "minty core" for me it feels like wearing a really bold and sexy lipstick without other people knowing. 😏
Thank you so much Mimi. I'm glad you like my style of posts. <3 :)
DeleteI totally get it. The tingling feeling really makes your lips feel bigger and sexier :D. I'm glad it worked out for you. It's perfect for that bit of color without being too much. Lipstick is always powerful ;).