Review: Avon Planet Spa Perfectly Purifying With Dead Sea Minerals (whole range)

There are a few products by Avon that I really like. First are definitely their lipsticks. I also love their eyeliner formulas and eyeshadow quads. As far as the skin care goes I adore their fun smelling shower gels (even though they are not nourishing), bubble baths and I also really like their Planet Spa face masks. I haven't tried any other products from the Planet Spa line, but face masks are great, because they are never too drying and are in general gentle. 

Perfectly Purifying range is based on dead sea minerals. I love products with anything sea in it, because they just work well with my skin with tendency to allergies. So I was intrigued to try out this range. 

Face masks and face scrub all come in a squeeze tube with grey design. They have plastic opening that can crack, if it falls down. So not the sturdy ones. I love squeeze packaging, because they are the easiest to get the product out and the most hygienic

I already have a review of it here, because I already purchased it a while ago. I feel like I still agree with my review from back then, so I won't talk about it much. It's just a fun mask that uses chemicals to smooth skin's surface. It's also really gentle. That being said, the results are not outstanding, like if you would use chemical exfoliators every day, but it's a good one for those that are afraid of using acids on the skin and want something gentle for once a week. 

In it is 50 ml of product and the regular price is 11.50€. Currently it's on offer for 4.90€ (here).

Avon Planet Spa Perfectly Purifying Face Mask

This is a basic clay mask that should clean up your pores. It has thicker grey creamy consistency that dries down to that clay finish, but what I like is that it doesn't overly dry out the skin as some other clay masks do. It's easy to spread on the face and easy to squeeze out, but it sticks to the skin well. 

It makes the skin looks slightly brighter right after you wash it off. Pores look cleaner and slightly smaller. But the effect obviously doesn't last a long time. It doesn't remove blackheads. I feel like this masks cleans out the pores and brings the dirt to the surface. For example, if you have pimples that are just forming, you can pop them after using this mask. I also love the fact that it doesn't leave the skin too dry, like some other clay masks tend to. 

It's a good basic clay mask. Once I used it in the hot bath, which prevented the mask to dry up, but it also helped me to open up the pores and my skin looked amazing after it. It's a good tip, if you want the best out of your face masks. 

In it is 75 ml of product and the regular price is 11.50€. Currently it's on offer for 6.90€ here.

Avon Planet Spa Perfectly Purifying Face Scrub

I expected something totally different from this product. I was sure that inside is a transparent gel with rough scrub particles. It's a actually a thicker white, almost whipped butter consistency or a thicker cream, with small white scrub particles. It looks so similar to a butter and it feels like a nourishing cleansing balm. It goes on the face in a thick layer and it's actually quite gentle, but still effective.

When you scrub it in, you can feel it as a peeling product, but it's not too rough. After you wash it off, it leaves the skin feeling nourished and not at all dry. Skin's surface is smoother, it looks slightly brighter and pores look smaller

I am not fond of regular face scrubs, but this one is great. It's so nourishing, buttery and just rough enough. I think Avon should make a cleansing balm based on this formula, because it would be amazing. 

In it is 75 ml of product and the regular price is 10.50€. Currently it's on offer for 6.90€ here

Avon Planet Spa Perfectly Purifying Round Face Brush Plus Cap

It's a brush that should be used on a face. It has transparent pedestal that can stand on its own and a transparent plastic top that you put over to protect it. The bristles are also transparent and remind me of a rough tooth brush.

Let me just say that this is too rough for my sensitive skin to be using it on my face. In fact, I think it's too rough for any skin, period. I would probably use this in a giant form on my body, but never on my face. 

The regular price is 5€.

Avon Planet Spa Perfectly Purifying Body Scrub

It comes in a transparent plastic big pot with a white plastic screw on top. It's a bit awkward to use, because the lid is so big and you have to fit it perfectly to close it. I think it would work better in a tube packaging.

It's a gooey gray liquid gel with transparent bigger scrub particles and small black particles. The combination of two sizes of scrub particles makes it quite rough. I like that it's more liquid, because it's easier to spread all over the body

Once it comes in touch with water it leathers and comes off easy. It definitely makes the skin smoother and doesn't irritate my skin, but gives you a good scrub. I like it. Especially the fact that it's easy to spread on the body. 

In it is 200 ml of product and the regular price is 12.30€.

Avon Planet Spa Perfectly Purifying Body Butter

It comes in a cute glass jar that reminds me of those rustical yogurt packaging or pickled food. It also comes in a large card box with gray design

It has thick white cream consistency that is a true body butter consistency. You have to scoop it out of the jar and it's a bit harder to spread on the body. I usually squish it between my hands and try to spread it on my hands and then on my body. 

Once you massage it into the skin, it leaves a white cast and you really have to massage it in well. But it doesn't feel or look greasy. It sort of forms a protective layer on the skin. It's lightly moisturizing and not rich in any way, so it's perfect for warmer months. But it definitely gives the skin a better look, a more nourished and moisturized feel. 

In it is 200 ml of product and the regular price is 13.50€. Currently it's on offer for 8.90€ here

All the products have a fresh and sort of woody fragrance to them, which reminds me of men fragrances. Some may not like it, but I actually find it kind of spa like and it doesn't bother me at all. 

I like both face masks. Gommage is very gentle and perfect for sensitive skin to smooth the skin's surface. Clay mask is a good basic clay mask that cleans out impurities. I also like the face scrub, because it's ultra gentle. If you're looking for something rough, this is not for you. The face brush is a total no for me and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I love the body scrub as the liquid texture makes it easy to apply and it's just rough enough. I also like body butter, but would actually use it more in the warmer months. It's a more lightweight formula and not for those that need a lot of moisture. 

*Products were sent to me. 

Nekaj izdelkov od Avona vedno rada priporočam. Od tega so prve njihove šminke. Zelo so mi všeč tudi njihovi svinčniki za veke in četverci senčil. Glede negovalnih izdelkov obožujem njihove dišeče gele za tuširanje, peneče kopeli in maske za obraz iz linij Planet Spa. Drugih izdelkov iz teh linij še nisem preizkusila. Maske so mi všeč predvsem zato, ker se ne posušijo preveč in ker so na sploh zelo nežne. 

Perfectly Purifying linija temelji na mineralih mrtvega morja. Obožujem izdelke, ki v sestavinah vsebujejo kar koli z začetnico morje. Večinoma ti izdelki izredno prijajo moji koži nagnjeni k alergijam. Zato sem bila precej radovedna pred samim testiranjem teh izdelkov.

Maske za obraz in piling imajo embalažo v obliki tube. Dizajn je siv. Pokrov je plastičen in lahko hitro poči, če vam pade na tla. Torej ni ravno zanesljiv. Sama imam zelo rada maske v tubah, ker je doziranje preprosto in tudi higienično. 

Avon Planet Spa Perfeclty Purifying Gommage obrazna maska

Oceno te maske že imam tukaj, ker sem jo kupila že nekaj časa nazaj. Še vedno se strinjam z mojo oceno, ki sem jo napisal takrat, tako da ne bom dolgovezila. Je zanimiva maska, ki uporablja kemične kisline, da zgladi površino kože. Je tudi zelo nežna. Z njo ne boste dobili rezultatov, ki bi jih na primer dobili z vsakodnevno uporabo tonerjev s kislinami, ampak je pa dober nadomestek za vse, ki se bojijo kislin in si želijo nekaj nežnega za uporabo enkrat na teden. 

V njej je 50 ml izdelka in redna cena je 11.50€. Trenutno jo lahko dobite za 4.90€ tukaj.

Avon Planet Spa Perfectly Purifying Face Mask

To je osnovna glinena maska, ki očisti pore. Ima gostejšo sivo kremasto teksturo, ki se posuši v tipičen glinen finiš. Všeč mi je predvsem to, da ni preveč izsušujoča kot večina glinenih mask. Nanaša se z lahkoto in se enostavno iztisne iz embalaže, ampak se dobro oprime kože.

Koža po uporabi maske izgleda svetlejša takoj po tem, ko si jo umijem iz obraza. Pore so bolj čiste in rahlo manjše. Efekt seveda ne traja dolgo. Ne odstrani ogrcev. Občutek imam, da dobro očisti pore in prinese vso umazanijo iz por na površino kože. Na primer, če imam mozolj, ki je v nastajanju, ga po uporabi te maske z lahkoto odstranim. Zelo mi je všeč tudi dejstvo, da koža po uporabi maske ni pretirano suha, kar se mi pogosto dogaja z drugimi glinenimi maskami. 

Je dobra osnovan glinena maska. Enkrat sem jo uporabila med kopanjem in ker je bila kopel precej vroča, se mi maska ni posušila. Zaradi toplega zraka so se moje pore dodobra odprle in moja koža je bila po uporabi maske še lepša. To je vsekakor dober nasvet, da iz svojih glinenih mask dobite največ efekta. 

V njej je 75 ml izdelka in redna cena je 11.50€. Trenutno jo lahko dobite za 6.90€ tukaj.

Avon Planet Spa Perfectly Purifying Face Scrub

Pričakovala sem nekaj povsem drugačnega. Pričakovala sem, da bo to prozoren gel z grobimi delci za piling. Je pa gosta bela krema, ki me spominja na maslo, z majhnimi belimi piling delci. Je zelo podobno maslu in prav tako hranljivo deluje tudi na koži. Na obraz se nanaša v precej gostem sloju in je dokaj nežno za piling, čeprav še vedno dovolj učinkovito.

Ko ga masiraš v obrazu, čutiš delčke, ki praskajo po koži, vendar niso pregrobi. Ko ga umiješ iz obraza, je koža dobro nahranjena in niti malo suha. Površina kože je na otip gladka, izgleda rahlo svetlejša in pore so manjše. 

Nimam preveč rada fizičnih pilingov za obraz, ampak ta je izjema. Je tako hranljiv, maslen in ravno dovolj grob. Po mojem mnenju bi moral Avon na podlagi te formule narediti čistilno kremo. To bi bil odličen izdelek.

V njem je 75 ml izdelka in redna cena je 10.50€. Trenutno ga lahko dobite za 6.90€ tukaj

Avon Planet Spa Perfectly Purifying okrogla ščetka za obraz

Ščetka, ki bi se naj uporabljala na obrazu. Ima prozoren samostoječ podstavek. Ima tudi prozoren plastičen pokrov za zaščito. Dlake so prav tako prozorne in mene spominjajo na grobo zobno ščetko.

Naj samo povem, da je ta ščetka zagotovo pregroba za mojo občutljivo in nežno kožo in je ne bi nikoli uporabljala na obrazu. V bistvu se mi zdi, da je pregroba za uporabo na obrazu ne glede na tip kože. Veliko verzijo bi verjetno uporabila na telesu, nikakor pa ne na obrazu. 

Redna cena ščetke je 5€. 

Avon Planet Spa Perfectly Purifying piling za telo

Piling za telo ima prozorno plastično okroglo embalažo z belim plastičnim pokrovom. Za uporabo je rahlo nerodna embalaža, ker je kar velika in je težko nastaviti pokrov na embalažo in ga hitro zapreti. Menim, da bi bila tuba boljša za uporabo.

Je siv tekoči gel s prozornimi večjimi piling delci in majhnimi črnimi piling delci. Kombinacija različnih velikosti piling delcev je kar precej grobo. Všeč mi je, da je tekstura bolj tekoča, ker se z lahkoto nanaša na telo. 

Ko piling pride v stik z vodo se začne peniti in se z lahkoto spere iz telesa. Kožo vsekakor naredi bolj gladko in je hkrati ne iritira. Meni je všeč. Še posebej ta tekoča tekstura, ki je res lahkotna za nanašanje. 

V embalaži je 200 ml izdelka in redna cena je 12.30€. 

Avon Planet Spa Perfectly Purifying maslo za telo

Maslo za telo se nahaja v steklenem kozarcu, ki me spominja na rustikalne embalaže domačih jogurtov ali vloženih jedi. Maslo dobite tudi v kartonasti sivi škatli.

Tekstura je bela gosta krema, ki je res podobna pravim maslom za telo. S prsti morate kar malo popraskati po embalaži, da dobite maslo ven in težje ga razporedite po telesu. Sama najprej razmažem maslo med rokami in šele nato nanesem na telo.

Maslo morate kar precej vmasirati v kožo, če ne ostane bel sloj. Na koži ne izgleda, niti se ne občuti mastno. Oblikuje zaščiten sloj na koži. Je rahlo vlažilno, ampak vsekakor ni bogata formula. Je bolj primerno za toplejše mesece. Koži da boljši izgled, rahlo nahranjen in bolj vlažilen.

V embalaži je 200 ml izdelka in redna cena je 13.50€. Trenutno ga lahko dobite za 8.90€ tukaj.

Vsi izdelki imajo svež in lesen vonj, ki me spominja na moške parfume. Nekaterim ta vonj mogoče ne bo všeč, ampak mene nekako spominja na spa vonje in me sploh ne moti. 

Obe maski za obraz sta mi všeč. Gommage je zelo nežna in odlična za občutljivo kožo, ki potrebuje nekaj za bolj gladko površino kože. Glinena maska je dobra osnovna glinena maska, ki očisti nepravilnosti na koži. Tudi piling za obraz mi je všeč, ker je zelo nežen. Če iščete kaj bolj grobega, ta zagotovo ne bo za vas. Ščetka za obraz je vsekakor ne iz moje strani in je ne bi priporočala nikomur. Piling za telo mi je všeč, predvsem zaradi tekoče teksture in lahkega nanašanja. Poleg tega je ravno dovolj grob. Tudi maslo za telo mi je všeč, ampak bi ga uporabljala bolj toplih mesecih. Je lahkotnejša formula in zato ene bo primerna za tiste z zelo suho kožo.

*Izdelki so mi bili poslani.


  1. Sama sem imela na testu masko za lase iz kolekcije Planet Spa in moram rečti, da mi je bila zelo všeč, za obraz sem preizkusila samo njihov čistilni gel, ki pa me na žalost ni prepričal. Te maske se pa berejo res odlično, predvsem ta Avon Planet Spa Perfectly Purifying Face Scrub. Ščetke za obraz so pa tudi meni vedno pregrobe za uporabo na obrazu...


    1. Meni so do zdaj skoraj vse njihove Planet Spa maske za obraz bile všeč. So dovolj nežne, a vseeno delujejo :). Scrub je res super. Ker je dokaj nežen, ampak še vedno čutiš tiste piling delce. Meni se vedno zdijo te stvari pregrobe za na obraz, ne glede na kožo.
