Review: Metallic Face Brushes (Powder, Blush and Contour)

Hey Beauties!

A while ago I was browsing through Ebay, because I was searching for some eye brushes that I already bought. I came upon these rose gold and gold metallic looking brushes. Of course my initial thought was Real Techniques Bold Metals dupes. If you compare them, the shapes do look very similar. Of course, I decided to buy three of them.

The brushes have different prices. Powder brush is around 2.50€, blush brush 2.30€ and contour brush 2.40€. I bought it here.

Real Techniques brushes have weighted handles. I am not sure if they are also actually made out of metal or not. 

Ebay version has the same shades as originals. Powder brush is gold and contour and blush brush are rose gold. All of these look metallic, but are in fact plastic. They are heavier in the front, where there are bristles, so I am not sure if that means that they are weighted. It might just be the fact that at the end brush is thinner and therefor lighter there. 

The bristles are synthetic and white at the tips. Towards the handle bristles correspond handle colors. So rose gold brushes have pink bristles and gold brush has yellow bristles. The white bristles are suppose to make it easier for you to see how much product you have on.  

Bristles are all very soft. I would say that those are definitely one of the softest brushes that I own. The quality is mind blowing compared to the price.

Powder brush has a dome shape. Bristles are very soft and it's sort of a regular powder brush size. I think the size is just perfect for my face. You can also fit it under the eyes. It picks up the product nicely and feels super soft on the face. You can also use it as a bronzer brush.

Blush brush is fairly small, compared to some of my other blush brushes. It has tapered really soft bristles and they are fairly dense. A lot denser than powder brush. This means you can really pack on the brush. Because the bristles are soft, you can also create a softer look. This brush could also be used as a powder, highlighter or contour brush. It's small enough to be used in all smaller precise areas. 

Contour brush is very interesting. It has a flat shape of bristles. The bristles are definitely the most dense out of all other brushes. It's really packed. This way you can create some serious contour. You can also use it as a highlighter brush. It still helps to blend the line, if you use ti lightly, so you don't have a straight line on your cheeks. It's also small enough that it fits nicely under the cheek bone area. 

I think those are one of the best brushes that I ever bought on Ebay. It doesn't even matter if they tried to make dupes or not. The bristles are extremely soft and they don't shed, when I'm washing them. I think the handles are well made and super pretty with the shiny metallic finish. I can't say nothing bad about them and the price is ridiculous. If you're a makeup brush hoarder like me, you need to get these. I might even get some other eye brushes next. 


  1. Super objava ! Res spominjajo na real techniques, pa tudi mur ma podobne čopiče

  2. SVAŠTA! Si bom kakšnega kupila samo zaradi videza ker imam enostavno že overflow čopič pa slišijo čudovito :)
    Super ulov!

    1. Saj jaz tudi imam že preveč, ampak še vedno kakšnega kupim. Tile pa izgledajo super pa še mehki so :).

  3. Slišijo se kot odlični, pa že izgledajo zanimivo. Najbolj pa mi je zanimiv zadnji, res izgleda popoln za konturiranje. :)

    1. Zadnji je čisto narejen za contouring. Ni slab ja :). Meni je tudi zelo všeč shiny izgled :D.

  4. Moje še čakam, upam, da kmalu pridejo :) Veš, da sem še bolj vesela da so ročaji plastični? Ne maram težkih čopičev. Pa krasne slike! Kje si pa zvezdice kupila? Sem šla v četrtek vse te cheap trgovine prečesat za snežike in zvezdice, pa nisem nič spodobnega našla.

    1. Moji so kar hitro prišli.:) Težki sploh niso, samo malo bolj se nagibajo naprej po teži :D. Je pa res da so kar dolgi, ker vem da smo to enkrat debatirale na tvojem blogu :D. Hvala :) Zvezdice sem vzela v Kik-u. Nekje novembra že, so jih imeli v taki plastični posodici podolgovati s srebrnim pokrovom. Imeli so še zelene, rdeče, bele, srebrne...potem sem malo za tistim šla nazaj pa več nobenih nisem našla, samo bele :/. Mogoče imajo pri vas boljšo zalogo :). Veš kako je to...prepozna si že. Že oktobra moraš iti v te poceni, če rabiš kaj za božič, katastrofa..

    2. Za obraz me ne motijo tako ti dolgi ročaji, pri čopičih za oči pa, ker je bolj natančno delo :).

      Sem bilu v Kiku, pa niso imeli nič :/. Pravzaprav so me oni še najbolj razočarali s svojo božično zalogo. Oktobra pa ne mislim kupovat že za božič, še 1. decembra mi je prezgodaj :D. Ti trgovci vsako leto bolj pretiravajo.

    3. A potem bodo v redu :D.

      Eh katastrofa je to. Zdaj bodo že počasi polnili z valentinovimi dizajni. Groza. Mi smo imeli na začetku v Kiku res ful lepe stvari, ampak je v enem tednu vse zmanjkalo in očitno nič ne polnijo zraven. Brez veze.

  5. Takoj po tem ko si jih objavila na IG sem jih naročila, tako da sedaj še bolj komaj čakam da pridejo :D

    1. Super ;) Zdaj temu prodajalcu cel pomet delam :D.

  6. Jup, jih že naročam. Edino zadnjega bom spustila, ker sem itak obsedena z Zoeva 109 čopičem za contour :)

    1. Yay ;) Tega potem ne rabiš :). Jaz pa moram še za oči naročit :).

  7. iiii so lepi:)in prav iz slikice se vidi, da so mehki, jst bi izmed vseh imela Blush and Contour čopiča,bi pa bila ful vesela, če bi bilo možno dobit link katerega ponudnika si si ti izbaral,na e bayu jih je tolkoo:) p.s zvezdiceee, lajk za praznično vzušje:)

    1. Tam kjer imam napisane cene je tudi link, kjer piše here --> klik :). Hvala :)).

    2. Zlata si in ne vem kako mi je tam pri cenah usel link, pa sam buljila sem v tiste nizke cene, hvala, hvala**

    3. Hehe..nimam preveč različnih odtenkov za linke, lahko hitro zgrešiš. Ni za kaj ;)

  8. Wow, what gems! and they look very similar to the RT ones, even Makeup Revolution ones don't look much similar to the RT ones. Great purchase:)

    Chaste & Beautiful

    1. Indeed. Very similar. Hehe, you're right. Those really do look exactly like RT. Thanks ;)

  9. You're so beautiful!

  10. Love them! Po videzu zgledajo super,glih za tebe,pa če so še mehki..Win! Treba počekirat še za oči,čopičev ni nikol preveč:P
    Btw: LOVEEE the makeup (lahko ga enkrat na meni uporabiš:P )

    1. Haha res je. Nikoli preveč čopičev, to je tudi moj moto :D. Res so super mehki in še pretty :)
      Hvalaaa :) Pridi, pridi. Veš, da jaz rada mažem ;)

    2. Mam naslednji vikend slikanje,lahko pomagas:P

    3. Sem se odlocila za izjemo in spremembo za blog pa nacrtujem New years outfit options in je v soboto prvo slikanje ever,nimam se fixnih kombinacij,s tem tudi ne ideje o makeupu,ki po ustrezal vsaki kombinaciji, frizuri, pa lokacijo se moram najt in mesto za preoblacenje-.-. Groza sam se veselim. Upan samo,da bo vsaj malo sonca:)

    4. Sliši se fajn ideja za objave ;) Saj ko boš imela outfite, boš makeup tudi naštudirala ;) Te dni je res bolj ubogo..jaz niti ne morem nič pofotkat, ker res ni nič sončka.

    5. Pa ja,upam, da bo casovno tudi slo skoz hah. Ja to vreme neve samo kajbi.:/

  11. woah,at first i thought the brushes is beyond expensive . i love the bristles ombre color and handle.super pretty.glad you like the product, i'll check them now on ebay!


    1. Yeah they look really pretty for that ridiculous price :)
