Hey Beauties!
May has been a lot about taking care of my skin care and dealing with warmer days, which meant my makeup melting down. I have a few previews of my future reviews and some oldies but goodies from the past.
COSRX Low pH Good Morning Gel Cleanser
It's a low pH cleanser for sensitive skin. It has BHA that exfoliates skin. It also contains tea tree oil to control oil and tighten pores. It's a gel that creates a very small light foam. The smell is very strong of tea tree oil. I've gotten used to it by now. In the colder days I felt like this might have been too drying for me to use in the morning and evening, but now that it's quite hot outside, I love it. It's gentle, removes any leftover makeup (I use it as a second cleanse) and you do feel the skin being a bit tighter and just refreshed. It's definitely my new favorite morning cleanser as well as second cleanse in the evening.
COSRX Natural BHA Skin Returning A-Sol
This is toner for various skin problems. It contains BHA and AHAs, propolis, tea tree oil and some other really lovely natural ingredients. It's suppose to get rid of dead skin cells, control sebum, add moisture and calm the skin. This is definitely my new favorite acid toner. It's transparent liquid and it has the same strong tea tree oil scent as the morning cleanser. I really like it, because I feel like it helps to keep my skin clearer and smoother. I've had less pimples and clogged pores since I've been using it. I still have clogged pores and bumps, but I just feel like this toner helps to diminish them in a few days and really clears out my pores. It's also very calming and kind of hydrating too.
Balea Cleansing Oil
I've heard from Mateja that apparently Balea is discontinuing it (I'm not sure if only in Slovenia or everywhere). It's the stupidest decision ever, since this is ah-mazing! I'm sure they'll just repackage it and sell it at a higher price (it often happens with other brands). This is very greasy, thicker oil that gets rid of makeup like nobody's business. It's better than L'Occitane 5% Shea Cleansing Oil. I like it better, because it's thicker (yes that means you need more of it, but it's so cheap that it doesn't matter), it breaks down the stubbornest makeup a lot quicker and it doesn't irritate my eyes (because it has no fragrance). It costs less than 3€ for 100 ml. I've already bought 3 more and you should go and buy one right away, if you like cleansing oils.
Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream in 21
I think I've been wearing this for the whole month of May (maybe I used something different once or twice in this month). It's such a good BB cream. I'd say coverage is light to medium and it's definitely buildable. Shade 21 looks a bit greyish, but it adapts to my skin tone really well. It gives a luminous finish without being too dewy, although I need to powder it anyway (especially now in hotter days). Looks fairly natural and wears of nicely. I love the lighter shade, because it really matches me almost perfectly. I will for sure be buying another tube as soon as I finish this one.
MAC Studio Finish Concealer NC15
I've decided that I have to use up MAC concealers, because otherwise they'll become too old. I've been watching PONY Makeup on YouTube and saw her use creamy thicker concealers on top of other liquid concealers under the eyes to really brighten up any darker areas. It works for me too. I've been using it on top of Catrice Liquid Camouflage High Coverage Concealer, but only on those small areas where darkness still shows through. It makes my under eye area look really flawless and bright. I love it, because it's thicker and it provides nice coverage.
Avon Concealer Brush
Since I got Avon Angled Face Brush, I was determined to try some other ones as well. I like how the hair is really soft and I needed something flat to apply concealer on smaller areas like I described it with MAC's concealer on top of Catrice's before. This brush also has very soft synthetic hair. I like that it's straight cut and fairly small. It is a bit thicker for my liking, but I really like it for applying concealer only on selected areas.
Essence LE The Beach House Beach Glow Fluid
I was fortunate enough to get some products from Essence's new Limited Edition called The Beach House and I already tried them out (review will be up soon). This Limited Edition will be in stores from June. Beach Glow Fluid is definitely my favorite product from this collection. It's a very orange toned bronzer shade with a bit of sheen and small shimmer in it. The shimmer could be smaller, but I like the almost metallic look that cream gives it. It's basically like a bronze tint in a bottle and you can apply it all over your body and face. I like to use it as a bronzer or mix it with moisturizer for a beachy glow on the body. It gives you a nice bronzy glow and I can't wait to use this on my body, when I get a bit of tan.
Zoeva Mixed Metals Eyeshadow Palette
Since Zoeva is constantly raising their prices, I decided to get one more palette before it costs me 40€. I've got their Cocoa Blend palette and it's the perfect palette for my liking. But I wanted to add some colors and Mixed Metals has a mix of colors that I would use (they're not all me, but most of them are). It's inspired by metals. I adore upper row of purple taupe, yellow green, olive green, bronze brown and copper red shades. I haven't played much with the bottom row, but I'm sure I'll get a good use out of this palette. I like to mix it with Cocoa Blend shades.
Be Creative Make Up Eyeshadow 024 Bewitched
I actually already reviewed it here. This is perfect light peach shade for the inner corners or as a pop on top of other lid shades. It can be build up to a supper metallic finish and I just adore this shade. It can be used in so many ways. I'm sure I'll also use it as a highlighter when I get a bit of tan.
Freedom Makeup Eyebrow Pomade Caramel Brown
My hair color recently got a bit lighter and also a bit warmer (see here) and I like to match my brow color to my hair color. When I am darker, I go for cooler taupe tones and when I have warmer hair, I like to have warmer brown products. Caramel Brown is the perfect shade for me now. It's a warmer (yellow toned) medium brown. The cream is very thin and almost a bit too creamy, so you have to be careful how you apply it or you can go over the brow lines. Once this sets, it has a really nice staying power. I also like that I can really fill in any sparse areas, whereas sometimes pencil just doesn't stick to that part of the skin.
Avon Khol Eye Liner in Ocean Blue
This is my favorite shade of blue for an eyeliner. It's not too bright, not too cool and also not too dark. It's just my kind of blue and I've been wearing it as an eye liner this month. It's such a nice colorful alternative for warmer months. Formula of these khols is a mix of soft and hard and I like the rubber on other side, which makes it easy to pull it out in a wing like motion. I have a review here.
E.l.f. High Definition Powder Sheer
I've had this for so long and I didn't even write a review for it yet. Recently I fell back in love with it. It's a very fine transparent or white loose powder. I didn't think much of it in the beginning, but since I started using it again, I've grown to really love it. It's super fine and it creates such a matte and smooth surface. The smoothness gets me every time. I especially like to set concealer under my eyes, since this almost creates a silicon like smooth matte finish. It might look a bit too matte for me at the beginning, but my natural oils always come through and it looks much better. I also really like it for taking photos, since I feel like it almost diffuses the skin. I already repurchase another one.
Avon Makeup Setting Spray
It's been really hot these past days in Slovenia and my makeup is always dewy, weather I want it or not. I have more of a combination type of skin and my T-zone can get really oily in summer. This setting spray is a life saver. It definitely prolongs the wear of my makeup. I also really like it, because it takes off any cakiness that I might create with too much powder. It instantly gives you worn like look (without being powdery or dewy) and it helps makeup not to move. I sometimes spray it in the middle of the day just to take off any excess cakiness and to make the face look fresh again. I have a review here.
Belweder Stick Lip Balm with Melissa, Green Tea and Propolis
I'll also post a review of Belweder products soon and this one has been my favorite this month. They have those EOS inspired ones as well as those in stick form. Green tea is my favorite scent and I really like stick formula, because I find it thicker. It's not sticky like Burt's Bees lip balms nor light as Labello lip balms. Something in between. It's a great lip balm to use after lip stick is becoming dry or just through the day when you might feel some discomfort. Plus the brand uses natural ingredients.
Avon Gel Shine Nail Enamel in Rain Washed and Mauvelous
I already reviewed the whole Avon Gel Shine collection here. Obviously, I've been painting my nails with those nail polishes this month. I like a lot of shades, but Rain Washed and Mauvelous are the winners for this month. Rain Washed is such a nice really light pastel blue that is a nice twist on a usual white nail polish. Mauvelous is the most unique shade in this collection and it's really wearable dirty mauve shade. It might seem a bit more fall shade, but I love to wear it in the spring. It's a pop of color, but not too obvious.
L'Eau Par Kenzo Eau Indigo Pour Femme
I've had this perfume for so long that I had to use it up this month. It's a shame, because I really like this scent. It's the most gorgeous powdery sophisticated scent that is not too strong. It's definitely a sweet scent, but nothing like a cheap sweet smell. Whenever I wore this I felt expensive in a subtle way.
Ooo ja, COSRX ima nekaj res super zadev. Zaenkrat me je večina njihovih zadev navdušila (razen unih "finger cleaner" al kaj so iz sviloprejk, bljak.
ReplyDeleteMe zanima kakšna je njihova sončna krema, hmm..
Anyway, luštni favoriti. Olje od Balee si morem itak omisliti, samo da pridem do DMja.
Definitivno. Jaz bom zagotovo še kaj preizkusila od njih, pa še dokaj poceni so :). A te niso navdušile sviloprejke? Sem že videla to od drugih znamk pa se mi je zdelo zanimivo :D
DeleteJaz sem letos tudi želela preizkusit kakšno korean sunscreen, pa sem se na koncu vseeno odločila, da ne bom eksperimentirala. Sem vzela preverjeno La Roche-Posay :).
Baleo pa definitivno priporočam. Za tak denar je odlična ;)
uuu, vidim zapriseženo fanico korejskih stvari :D ko enkrat preizkusiš, ni poti nazaj. Belweder je zakon!
ReplyDeleteImam jaz tudi tak občutek. Zdaj bi skoz še nekaj novega od njih :D. Belweder so res dobri. Simpl but good. Embalaža pa ful luškana :).
DeleteOlje gre povsod iz prodaje, ker ga menda proizvajalec ne bo več delal, pa še prodajalo se je slabo in ne bo zamenjave. Meni se zdi res idiotska poteza, ker prave budget konkurence (še) ni tukaj, ampak previdevam, da je šla prodaja bolj slabo, ker večina ljudi, torej taki ki ne berejo blogov, ne kupujejo takih izdelkov, ampak ostajajo pri gelih in mlekih, sploh taki z mastno kožo. Verjetno se to ne bo spremenilo hitro razen če se npr. L'Oreal odloči za močno oglasno kampanijo kako so njihova čistilna olja učinkovita.
ReplyDeleteAvonov eyeliner mi je zelo zanimiv, ker mi izgleda bolj staroegipčanski odtenek :D In oba laka Avonova sta čudovita, sploh Marvelous je poseben :)
Saj čisto razumem, da nekdo, ki se ne spozna na kozmetiko verjetno misli, da olja pa si res ne bo dal na obraz, sploh, če ima že bolj mastno kožo. In vsekakor je nekaj novega težje prodajat, če ljudje ne pozanjo, ampak se mi zdi, da tako dolgo sploh ni na sceni, da bi se malo razvedelo in pokupilo. Vseeno je čisti idiotizem, sploh ker je izdelek dober. Bi razumela, če pač ne bi niti izdelek bil nekaj posebnega, ampak za tak denar je enostavno fantastičen.
DeleteTa modra je verjetno ena redkih, ki je meni res všeč. Nekako nisem fan modrih zadev, ker hitro izgledajo hladne. :) Agreed, ta mauve je res nekaj posebenega. Meni je pač unikaten odtenek, kar je v naših trgovinah včasih res težko najt. Se mi zdi, da imajo vse znamke neke podobne standardne odtenek.
Jaz bi essence fluid, ker sijoč videz je za mojo sedaj precej normalno kožo nuja:):), Baleino olje pa je tudi super, deluje, poceni je oni pa ga ne bodo več izdelovali,jaz upam,da kakšnega dobim še, čeprav pri nas vedno, ko sem ga iskala je bila polička prazna. :)
ReplyDeleteČe rabiš nekaj, da boš izgleda bolj sijoče, je ta fluid zagotovo dober nadomestek bronzerja. Moraš pa kar hitro delat z njim, ker se hitro posuši in potem ustvari tisto packo fleka. Se mi zdi, da se v glavnem hitro posuši. Ampak videz je pa vseeno kar sijoč. To z Baleo je res neumno. Jaz vedno rada najdem poceni izdelke, sploh za nekaj kar količinsko veliko porabim, potem pa mi grejo ukinit. Škoda no. Pri nas je tudi bilo vedno na polički po en dva, ampak verjetno bodo zdaj vse zaloge razposlali ven, da prodajo. Upam, da najdeš ;).
DeleteBalea čistilno olje bodo/so ukinili? A se hecas? :/ ne razumem, zakaj to vedno počnejo z izdelki, ki so res super.. jaz si vedno v teh primerih nakupim par proizvodov in jih imam na zalogi, v primeru, če ne dobim hitro novega nadomestka.
ReplyDeleteNa žalost bodo res. Jaz tega tudi ne bom nikoli razumela. Sama sem si tudi že kupila 3 za ziher :).
DeleteOlje od Balee sem si šla tudi jaz hitro kupit, ker ga še nisem preiskusila in sem ga imela namen že dolgo, tako da... super, da ste javile :) <3
ReplyDeleteNo super. :) Res so se bedasto odločili :/
DeleteSo cool to see the BE Creative eyeshadow here :D
ReplyDeleteThat Zoeva Mixed Metals Eyeshadow Palette looks very interesting! Very unique colors
I really liked it this month. It's just such a pretty shimmery spring shade :). You picked just the right shade hun :D. Yeah the Cocoa Blend had some a bit warmer neutrals and I really wanted this one for certain pops of color. But it's still very wearable :).