Hey Beauties!
Chemical exfoliants are extremely popular right now and with a good reason. I am not a skin care expert, but so far, I've learnt that chemical exfoliants are less abrasive on the skin (than for example physical ones - those with little micro beads in them) and more effective, because of the acids. Acids can fall into two types AHA (alpha hydroxy acids) and BHA (beta hydroxy acids). As far as I've studied it, AHAs get rid of dead skin cells on your skin layer, while BHAs also go into the pores and clean those as well. If I'm wrong, be sure to correct me.
Pixi Glow Tonic is a very raved about product, especially in the UK thanks to skin care expert Caroline Hirons. It's enriched with glycolic acid, which falls into the AHA category of acids. This is suppose to brighten, tone and condition your skin after cleansing it. It's also suppose to sooth and hydrate the skin.
It contains glycolic acid - derivative of sugar cane, aloe vera, ginseng, witch hazel and horse chestnut.
It comes in a plastic orange tinted transparent packaging, which is very simple. It has small hole that lets you pour out the liquid onto a cotton pad and then you just swipe it across the face. It doesn't really spill any product, if you use it with cotton pad.
Details are mint colored and it has gold writing on it. Very simplistic design.
I got it for 18£ on Cult Beauty and you get 250 ml of it.
Previously I've only tried Clarins Gentle Exfoliator Brightening Toner as my first chemical exfoliator and I liked it, but it was suppose to be used only two times a week, since it was stronger. As I was looking for something that I could use daily in the morning and evening, Pixi Glow Tonic was very recommended choice.
It's a transparent liquid. The scent is kind of floral fruity. It's not bad at all and not too invasive, (tolerable).
This is also targeted for sensitive skin and mine definitely is. I don't feel any tingling sensation or irritation at all. It's very gentle on the skin and definitely appropriate for all skin types in my opinion. It feels very hydrating on the skin and you can feel a layer of something on it. It's not one of those super light sink in products. It dries down to a matte finish. After the use, skin is smoother on the touch, but I wouldn't say it's as effective in this as Clarins. I mostly like it for the hydrating properties, since I feel like it really brings back some moisture to the skin right after cleansing it. It also soothes the skin a bit. Especially if you've been abusing pimples or have a bit of redness. As far as being brightening goes, I haven't notice huge difference. It might have slightly helped with my darker areas around the mouth, but definitely didn't erase them completely.
I don't find it as mind blowing as some describe it. To me this is a good starter chemical exfoliant for those that haven't use any of it before. It's also good for those with sensitive skin. It will make your skin a bit smoother and it will also hydrate it. I would use this as a toner in the morning and evening.
I got into chemical exfoliants, because I've been noticing more and more bumps on my face. They look like clogged pores and uneven texture on the skin. I've also had some milia in the past. Those are basically mini cysts of keratin. They look like white dots stuck under the layer of skin and you can't pop them out. They are actually hard inside and need to be removed with professional help. Since I don't want this to keep popping up on my skin, I've heard that chemical exfoliants are a must have. I've recently bought a BHA liquid from COSRX and am a lot happier with it and its effectiveness. Pixi glow is becoming a bit too gentle and basic for me and for what I need to achieve with those products.
Pixi Glow Tonic is a nice starter chemical exfoliant for those that want smoother and hydrated skin. It's also good for sensitive skin and it soothes the skin a bit. It's a nice every day use tonic to keep your skin at check, if you naturally don't have many problems with it. For me personally it's not as strong and effective as I would like it to be. I would also recommend you to try Clarins, if you're looking for a next step up from Pixi, since I feel it is a bit stronger and makes skin even smoother.
Meni so super tovrstni toniki, sama na primer uporabljam v pilingih, oz. maskah v večini še samo z vsemi temi AHAs in BHAs rečmi in je na dolgi rok res učinek. Npr. če ti bo kdaj dopuščalo preizkusiti oz. kupiti karkoli od RENA, je 1 minutna maska neverjetna, res,najboljša, ki sem jo do sedaj probala, meni je tako dobro nesla stran npr.suhe luske,obraz pa izgleda tako svež, kot, daga je nekaj prebudilo, kar pa jaz na nenaspani koži takoj opazim.In mi res ni žal enega samega centa(je pa draga). Trenutno pa sedaj dodajam svoji negi Collistarjev Acido Glicolico v kar čisti obliki že kakšne 5 tednov in vraga kako zjutraj izgledam drugače, sem najprej mislila, da je samo to psihološko, ko se že prepričaš, da nekaj je, pa sem potem prekinla za nekaj časa, ker tako moraš imet vmes pavzo in dejansko ni bil isti efekt kot ko sem ga uporabljala. zjutraj izgleda,kot da sem se že umila in namazala s kremo. Ni pa poceni in ga za to bolj tako minimalno uporabljam, ampak je pa res dobra zadeva, ki izboljšuje kožo.
ReplyDeleteJaz imam tudi eno masko od Avona :). REN mi je itak zanimiv, samo cene so mi pa pretirane za zdaj. Jaz tudi opazim razliko, ko uporabljam te tonike in ko jih ne. Ampak me trenutno tako zelo motijo te zamašene pore in bulice, da iščem res nekaj močnejšega. Hočem baby skin :D. Haha..na koncu mi bo samo še retinol ostal. Saj pravim Clarins je bil na primer močnejši, ta je pa bolj tak every day toner :).
DeleteZanimivo, sem pričakovala da ga boš z uporabo opazila večjo razliko, glede na to da ga Caroline tako hvali :)
ReplyDeleteJaz tudi, pa me nekako ni impresioniral. Saj je v redu, ni nič za slabega povedat, samo se mi zdi res tak precej osnoven in ne dovolj močan, da bi bila moja koža res stalno čista in gladka. Clarins je na primer močnejši - kar je tudi Caroline napisala na svojem blogu. Saj vidim ta čar v vsakodnevni uporabi, samo ni mi pa ne vem kaj revolucionarnega :).
DeleteZanimivo, ampak embalaža mi je pa tko noo.. :P Kontrastna :D. Dej napiši kaj o COSRX tonerju. :D Me bolj zanima :P
ReplyDeleteHehe :D Saj to bo tudi počasi ocena. Ne vem meni je COSRX všeč, ker mi ohranja kožo bolj gladko in manj je teh bumps po obrazu. :) Ima pa res močan vonj po tea tree oil.
DeleteTudi jaz imam težave s temi mini mozoljčki, ki jih omenjaš (ne vem kako se jim v slovenščini reče, haha), tako da moram v kakšen podoben produkt investirati.Hočem pa enega, ki res učinkuje, tako da bom še malo pregooglala zadeve pa počakala na tvojo COSRX oceno. :)
ReplyDeleteTudi jaz ne vem kakšen termin bi morala uporabljat :D. Pa niti ne morem ugotovit od česa jih dobim. Milije so včasih lahko od preveč vlaženja kože. Mini mozoljčki pa mi izgledajo bolj kot čiščenje por. COSRX je definitivno omejil pojav teh majhnih mozoljčkov. Da bi mi čisto zravlnal teksturo kože - nikakor ne, je pa boljša kot s katerim koli drugim eksfoliantom. Ocena bo kmalu :). Včasih se mi zdi, da so za te majhne mozoljčke krivi kakšni drugi produkti, ki si jih nanašam zvečer.