Hey Beauties!
In all the flood of new makeup launches is sometimes hard to keep up. Freedom Makeup is especially up to date with all the new trends and constantly revamping their range and adding new items. I got two of their products and so far I like them both. Today's review will be of their Pro Decadence Today's Tonight eyeshadow palette.
It's a fairly neutral eyeshadow palette with 20 different eyeshadow shades. The box that it comes in, is copper metallic look alike. Very eye catching. Underneath it's a basic black shiny box for added security.
Palette itself is some what standard black shiny plastic. It's sturdy and fingertip magnet. With the eyeshadows also comes double ended sponge applicator which I never use.
It costs 10.95€, in it is 18 grams of product and you can get it on licila.si or on their official online store here.
On the lid part there's also a mirror. I am not one of those that gets really excited and thinks that mirror is a must have on every product. If there ain't any, I'm not bothered by it. But for some reason I really like it in this palette, because I can fold it in half and get really close to the mirror while applying on eye makeup. It's also quite big for all of us who need to be touching the mirror to actually see what we're doing.
Eyeshadow range looked a bit boring to me, when I first opened it. The colors seemed muted, but once I applied each shade on the lid, it looked so much prettier than in the pan. This palette has mostly neutral shades with certain pops of colors, which are still a bit muted and very wearable.
1 - matte neutral skin like beige. It's more dry with just a touch of wetness and has good pigmentation.
2 - shimmery warm champagne nude. It has a wet creamy texture and good pigmentation.
3 - matte warm light brown. It has wet texture and good pigmentation.
4 - shimmery warm medium brown. In the pan it looks more taupe. It has wet texture and crazy good pigmentation.
5 - matte warm dirty pink (brown pink). It has wet texture and good pigmentation.
6 - shimmery warm light brown. It has wet texture and good pigmentation.
7 - shimmery cool dark brown (taupe based). It has wet texture and crazy good pigmentation.
8 - cool grey with chunky shimmer. It has dry texture and good pigmentation.
9 - matte black. It has wet texture and crazy good pigmentation.
10 - blue based greyish black with chunks of glitter. It has wet texture and crazy good pigmentation.
11 - matte warm yellow toned beige. It has wet texture and good pigmentation.
12 - matte warm very light brown. It has wet texture and good pigmentation.
13 - matte warm light burgundy (almost looks like dirty brown red). It has wet texture and good pigmentation.
14 - matte cool taupe brown. It has wet texture and good pigmentation.
15 - shimmery warm very light champagne beige. It has wet texture and good pigmentation.
16 - shimmery warm brown. It's very similar to 4, but has a lot less sheen, is less metallic and slightly more yellow based. It has wet texture and good pigmentation.
17 - matte cool light lavender (very grey based). It has wet texture and good pigmentation.
18 - matte cool dark violet (grey based). It has wet texture and good pigmentation.
19 - shimmery warm light cranberry red. It has wet texture and crazy good pigmentation.
20 - cool dark brown with red and purple shimmer. It has a very purple sheen which makes it look warm. It has wet texture and good pigmentation.
I was really impressed by the quality of eye shadows. Actually quite shocked, because I didn't expect much from it. They have a really wet buttery texture. Matte shades are really pigmented and blend with such ease that is unheard of drugstore eye shadows. Some really shimmery shades almost seem like they're creams and not even powders anymore. They just feel so incredibly buttery and wet to the touch. Those shades are 4, 7, 9, 10 and 19.
Matte shades blend really well, while some glittery shades might loose intensity with blending. For those shimmery and really creamy shades is almost better to pack them on the lid with fingers. Especially if you're doing a look with shimmery shade in the center of the lid.
Matte shades are obviously a bit more crumbly, but they almost don't have any fallout. The same goes for other shimmery creamier shades. Some that have bigger chunks of glitter might have that glittery fallout and you need to be careful with them.
They don't really get into creases, except for those really buttery ones that feel like creams. Those may get in crease after a long day of wear.
If there's one negative thing to say about these eyeshadows is that they fade through the day. They don't have the lasting power of high end eye shadows. If you want super intense eye shadows than I probably wouldn't get this for you, but if you're looking for something on the budget with amazingly buttery eye shadows, good pigmentation and fairly neutral tones then this is definitely the palette to go for.
Now let's see a couple of makeup looks I did. I always try to use all the shades in makeup looks to show you how they actually look like on skin.
All over: 11
Crease: 12
Outer crease: 14
Lid: 4
Inner Corner: 2
All over: 1
Crease: 3
Lid base: 5
Over the lid base: 16
Outer v: 13
Lower lash line: 5 and 3
Inner corner: 15
Redish purple
All over: 1
Crease: 17
Lid: 19
Outer corner: 20
Inner corner 15
Bottom lash line: 17
All over: 11
Crease: 5
Crease: 13
Outer v: 3 and 14
Lid: 19
Inner corner: 2
All over and inner corner: 1
Crease: 5
Lid and crease: 17
Outer v: 18
All over: 1
Crease, inner and outer lid: 7
Inner lid: 6
Outer corner: 7
Outer v: 10
Inner corner: 4
Eyeliner: 9
Bottom lash line: 6,7,8 and 10
The palette pleasantly surprised me with buttery and pigmented quality of eye shadows. This palette has a range of neutrals for your every day use. The shades blend with ease and some have almost creamy texture to them. They are on the muted, neutral side and are definitely not super vibrant or intense. I would recommend this to someone that wants affordable, really good quality and understated choice of neutral eye shadows.
*The product was sent to me.
V vsej poplavi novih ličil je včasih težko spremljati vse. Freedom Makeup je znamka, ki še posebej rada konkurira dražjim znamkam in je vedno v trendu z novimi izdelki. Dobila sem dva nova izdelka iz njihove linije in do zdaj sta mi oba všeč. Današnja ocena je o Pro Decadence Today's Tonight paleti senčil.
Je precej nevtralna palet z 20 senčkami. Škatlica je kovinsko bakrenega videza. Zelo vabljiva. Pod njo je še ena navadna sijoča črna škatlica za dodatno zaščito.
Paleta je standardno sijoča plastika. Je stabilna, se dobro zapira, vendar je magnet za odtise. V paleti je tudi dvojni aplikator z gobico, ki pa jih jaz nikoli ne uporabljam.
Stane 10.95€, v njej je 18 gramov izdelka in lahko jo kupite na licila.si ali na njihovi uradni spletni trgovini tukaj.
Na pokrovu palete je ogledalo. Nisem ena tisti oseb, ki potrebuje ogledalo na vsakem izdelku in sem popolnoma nesrečna, če ga ni. Če ga ni, me to pač ne moti. Navkljub temu, mi je to ogledalo zelo všeč. Predvsem zato, ker se paleta popolnoma prepogne in lahko pridem čisto zraven do ogledala, da dejansko vidim kaj nanašam na veke. To je za vse nas, ki smo na pol slepe. Poleg tega je ogledalo precej veliko.
Senčila so mi na začetku izgledala precej dolgočasno. Šele, ko sem jih nanesla na veke, so prišli do izraza pravi odtenki. Odtenki v paleti izgledajo bolj umazani in dolgočasni. Na koži izgledajo veliko lepše. Paleta ima večinoma nevtralne odtenke z kakšnim bolj barvitim odtenkom, ki je vseeno zelo nosljiv in nikakor živ.
1 - mat nevtralen odtenek bež. Je bolj suhe teksture z malo vlažnosti in je dobro pgimentiran.
2 - šimrasto topel šampanjasto nevtralen odtenek. Ima mokro teksturo in je dobro pigmentiran.
3 - mat toplo svetlo rjav odtenek. Ima mokro teksturo in je dobro pigmentiran.
4 - šimrast topel srednje rjav odtenek. V paleti izgleda bolj sivkast. Ima mokro teksutro in noro dobro pigmentacijo.
5 - mat toplo umazano roza (rjavo roza) odtenek. Ima mokro teksturo in je dobro pigmentiran.
6 - šimrast topel svetlo rjav odtenek. Ima mokro tekstuor in je dobro pigmentiran.
7 - šimrast hladno temno rjav (s sivo podlago) odtenek. Ima mokro teksturo in je noro dobro pigmentiran.
8 - hladno sivkast odtenek z večjimi bleščicami. Ima suho teksturo in je dobro pigmentiran.
9 - mat črn odtenek. Ima mokro teksturo in je noro dobro pigmentiran.
10 - sivkasto črna z modro podlago in večjimi bleščicami. Ima mokro teksturo in je noro dobro pigmentiran.
11 - mat topel bež odtenek z rumenim podtonom. Ima mokro teksturo in je dobro pigmentiran.
12 - mat toplo svetlo rjav odtenek. Ima mokro teksturo in je dobro pigmentiran.
13 - mat toplo svetlo rdeče rjav odtenek. Ima mokro teksturo in je dobro pigmentiran.
14 - mat hladno sivo rjav odtenek. Ima mokro teksturo in je dobro pigmentiran.
15 - šimrasto topel zelo svetel šampanjasto bež odtenek. Ima mokro teksturo in je dobro pigmentiran.
16 - šimrast toplo rjav odtenek. Je zelo podoben odtenku 4, ampak ima manj sijaj, je manj kovinski in rahlo bolj rumenkast. Ima mokro teksturo in je dobro pigmentiran.
17 - mat hladno svetlo sivka vijoličen odtenek (z zelo sivim podtonom). Ima mokro teksturo in je dobro pigmentiran.
18 - mat hladno temno vijoličen (tudi s sivo podlago). Ima mokro teksturo in je dobro pigmentiran.
19 - šimrasto topel svetlo brusnično rdeč odtenek. Ima mokro teksturo in je dobro pigmentiran.
20 - hladno temno rjav odtenek z rdečimi in vojličnimi bleščicami. Ima zelo viden vijoličen sijaj, ki odtenek naredi bolj topel. Ima tudi mokro teksturo in je dobro pigmentiran.
Senčila so me resnično navdušila. Pravzaprav šokirala, ker nisem pričakovala veliko od njih. Imajo zelo kremasto gladko teksturo. Mat odtenki so izredno pigmentirani in se zabrisujejo s tako lahkotnostjo, ki nikakor ni značilna za cenejša senčila. Nekateri res bleščeči odtenki so skoraj kremaste teksture, niti več niso podobni pudrom. Imajo izjemno gladek in moker občutek, če se jih dotaknemo v paleti. Ti odtenki so 4, 7, 9, 10 in 19.
Mat odtenki se res lepo zabrisujejo, med tem ko nekateri bleščeči odtenki z zabrisovanjem izgubijo intenziteto. Za taka senčila je najboljše da se nanesejo na veke kar s prsti. Še posebej, če ustvarjate kakšen videz, kjer želite na sredino veke dodati nekaj sijaja.
Mat odtenki so tudi malo bolj drobljivi, ampak še vedno skoraj nič ne odpada na lica. Enako je z bleščičastimi odtenki. V odtenkih z večjimi bleščicami te večkrat padajo po licih in morate biti pri nanosu bolj pazljivi.
Ne nabirajo se ravno v gube. To se lahko dogaja samo z zelo bleščičastimi, kremastimi odtenki. Ti se čez dan lahko naberejo v gubico.
Če je kakšna negativna lastnost, potem je to to, da senčila izgubijo intenziteto z nošenjem. Niso tako obstojne kot senčila dražjih znamk. Če želite zelo intenzivne odtenke, potem ta paleta ni za vas. Če pa iščete nekaj za vsakodnevno uporabo, po dostopni ceni, z čudovito gladkimi senčili, dobro pigmentacijo in relativno nevtralnimi odtenki, potem vam jo vsekakor priporočam.
Poglejmo kako odtenki izgledajo na meni. Pri vsaki fotografiji so napisani odtenki, ki sem jih uporabila. Uporabila sem vsa senčila, da si lažje predstavljate kako izgledajo na koži.
Paleta me je prijetno presenetila z gladko in dobro pigmentirano kvaliteto senčil. Ta paleta vsebuje precej nevtralen nabor za vsakodnevno uporabo. Odtenki se zabrisujejo z lahkoto in nekateri so kar kremasti. Vsi odenki so bolj umirjeni in vsekakor niso živi. Paleto bi priporočila vsem, ki iščejo cenovno dostopno, dobro pigmentirano paleto z umirjenimi nevtralnimi odtenki.
*Izdelek mi je bil poslan.
Zadnji, smoky look - takega moraš večkrat nositi. <3
ReplyDeleteHehe, res?! Meni se pa vedno zdi pregrobo zame :). <3
DeleteSe strinjam s Tatjano, smoky ti fenomenalno paše, prava fatalka si :D <3
ReplyDeleteHehe uuu hvala :D <3
DeleteSploh niso slabe te paletke, moram še jaz narediti review - imam enako, ampak malce bolj barvno - Rock & Roll queen, haha :)
ReplyDeleteMene je čisto presenetila. Mogoče zato še bolj, ker nisem veliko pričakovala :). Super, se že veselim ;)
DeleteBarve mi izgledajo tako podobne, ampak potem pa vidim koliko različnih lookov ti je uspelo ustvarit :) Me je presenetilo, da so mat senčila tako dobra, ker v njihovih paletkah so večinoma suha in veliko manj pigmentirana od šimrastih.
ReplyDeletePa strinjam se z ostalimi, ta zadnji smoky eye je bomba :)
V embalaži izgledajo odtenki meh. Sem si tudi sama mislila eh vse enako. Ko pa si jih dejansko namažeš, pa je čisto druga zgodba. Mat senčila so vsekakor največje presenečenje. Dejansko so vsa res lepo kremasta, ampak tako dobrih mat senčil že dolgo nisem našla v cenejših znamkah. Očitno se nadgrajujejo :D.
DeleteHehe hvala. :) Mi je zanimivo, ker sama nikoli ne posegam po tako temnih odtenkih :).
Všeč mi je kombinacija matt in shimmer senčk :) Barve izgledajo precej lepše na vekah kot v paletki, kar je lepo presenečenje :) xx Maja
ReplyDeleteTo je najboljša kombinacija. Jaz vedno mešam mat in šimer na očeh. :) Definitivno izgledajo veliko lepše na koži. Ampak to je mogoče slabo za nekoga, ki kupuje v živo. Ga bo odvrnila, pa sploh ni slaba ;).
Nisem preizkusila še nič od te znamke, tale paletka pa izgleda prav zanimiva, sploh ko sem videla looke, ki si jih ustvarila. :) Zelo lepo jih vedno poslikaš, da se dejansko vidijo različne barve z zabrisanimi prehodi. Meni je obstojnost čez dan zelo pomembna, zato raje odštejem kak eur več za senčila.
ReplyDeleteO hvala :). Jaz vedno delam po svojem okusu objave. Vem, da bi jaz želela videt odtenke na očeh in potem sama tudi to naredim. :) Jaz sem do zdaj ugotovila, da se mi v vročih dneh skoraj vsa senčila naberejo v gubi. Očitno se preveč mastim. Od te znamke sem dobila tudi brow pomade (varianta Anastasia) in mi je tudi zelo všeč. Vedno pridejo ven z nečim novim. Seveda tudi veliko kopirajo znane znamke :).
DeleteThis looks like an amazing palette! Some of the swatches were so pretty! You created some nice looks with this, especially the purple look was very pretty! :D
It's really nice for a budget friendly palette. I actually really liked those purple shades. It's not often that you find lavender matte shades. :) Thank you ;)
i really like it your idea. Go on. Thank you for helping me. I am really liked your nice looks. They have some ideas to me. Thank you :)