Hey Beauties!
Apparently I need more brushes. Of course I don't. But, I actually bought only the ones, that I felt are missing in my collection. New LE of Essence called Make Me Pretty served us assortment of synthetic colorful brushes for different parts of the face.
I decided that I need the Powder & Highlight brush, because it was an interesting shape, that it's great for contouring and highlighting. I also got two of the Precise Eyeshadow brushes, because I always need something small like that. I only have one pencil brush in my collection.
Precise Eyeshadow Brush
In person this is a minty colored brush. It looks more blue on my photos. It has a pencil brush shape and it's in fact great for any precise work on eyes. It costs 1.99€.
The bristles are pretty long and soft. They are dense, but the brush still bends a lot if you try to use just the tip of it. They are mint colored.
I love to use this for two parts of the eye. One brush I use around the lower lash line. I use it horizontally on the lash line, because that way the bristles don't bend as much. I find that it gives me just enough of a shadow. It doesn't come too low from the lash line.
Other brush I love to use in the inner corner. I love how precise it is and the fact that I can place the eyeshadow just in the very inner corner.
This can obviously be used for any precise application. I also think this would be good for applying eyeshadow on top of the gel eyeliner or for applying some glitter and such.
It's good, but I only wish the bristles where a bit shorter, so that you could get more control of them. This goes for the application around the lower lash line. I find it great for the inner corner, just as it is.
Powder & Highlighting Brush
This is bright neon orange colored brush. It has a fan shape and it's a lot wider than it is thick. It's a bit more orange in person. It looks too yellow on my photos. It costs 3.59€.
The synthetic bristles are also bright orange color. They are very soft and I love that. That's why I love cheap synthetic brushes, because they are often extremely soft. The bristles are a bit tapered, forming a rounder top. The brush is very wide, but thin from the sides as you can see on the photo. This is perfect for highlighting and contouring. I'm not so sure about the powder.
I tried to use it with a powder and it was good, but I prefer rounder brushes for powder. This is good if you just want to slightly press the powder on certain areas.
It's good for highlighting the cheeks. The brush is just thin enough to fit on tops of the cheeks. It won't give you the precision of smaller brushes, but I find that it does a good job of blending the highlighter on the tops of cheeks. I won't use it on the nose, because it's to thick for that and I like smaller brushes for more precision.
I find it amazing for contouring. Because it's so thin it fits perfectly under the cheekbone. I just apply some of the product onto it and settle it under the cheeks. Then I just slightly brush it on and it's perfect. Thin enough, but can be blended towards the lips. I also use it around the hair line lightly and on the jaw. It' also perfect for sculpting your neck. Not the best for nose though, because it's too thick for that.
I'm happy with the brushes that I chose. I like that they are really soft and work for what I was planning on using them. The color and design of it is also really pretty. Those should be part of their regular line and maybe they should add some other shaped brushes to the line.
A bi tale minty bil za pin-point concealing (mozoljcki &stuff po obrazu)? Hvala :-)
ReplyDeleteJaz bi ti raje kak drug čopič priporočala. Jaz imam za pin-point kar neke čopiče, ki sem jih kupila za nail art. Ker so res majhne in kratke ščetine, da imaš več nadzora kam gre korektor. Ta bo verjetno malo preširok za to. :)
DeleteOčitno sem jaz edina ki nisem šla na lov za njimi, ampak po ocenah sodeč so prav super!
ReplyDeleteSaj če ni potrebe... :) Poceni mehki čopiči :)
DeleteTudi jaz sem vzela tale precise brush, pa je za moje oči za spodaj prevelik. Pa preveč mi je gost, bi imela raje če bi bil mehek. Ne vem še točno za kaj naj ga raje uporabljam.
ReplyDeleteMeni se zdi, da je zame ravno dovolj širok. Je pa res, da je neroden ker so tako dolge in goste ščetine. Če bi bile krajše bi bil super pencil brush :). Kaj pa inner corner? Meni je super za tam. Točno v notranji v kotiček paše :)
DeleteJaz imam ful mešane občutke glede teh čopičev. Po eni strani jih zelo rada uporabljam, po drugi strani pa mi niso nič posebnega :P Sem preizkusila contouring s čopičem za highlight in se mi zdi da na meni nekako ne izpade najbolje, ker nimam dovolj kontrole (verjetno bi bilo bolje če bi bile krajše ščetine), mi je pa zelo super za nanašanje osvetljevalca. Precise eyeshadow mi je pa res super za nanašanje senčil.
ReplyDeleteSe mogoče še spomneš katero zeleno senčko si uporabila na osmi sliki za očesni make up? Izgleda čudovito :D
Saj niso oh in sploh. Meni so taki dobri poceni mehki čopiči :). Jaz ga za contour samo nastavim na lice in malo naprej in nazaj, pa je to vse. Ja, če bolj pritisneš potem gre vsepovsod okrog. Imaš prav, krajše ščetine bi to rešile, samo potem bi bilo splet težje blendirat. Senčka bo v mojem naslednjem makeup looku, sem jo pa kupila ta teden sem jo našla znižano od Catrice in je 640 Don't Touch My Mosserati! Jaz sem kupila v Avstriji, ampak sem jih še danes videla v DM-u ;)
DeleteJaz sem slučajno naletela na te čopiče :) Pa sem si vzela tistega za obrvi kao :)) na začetku ko sem ga preizkusila, sem misla aah kako razočaranje premehak je, predolge ščetine, pol sem ga pa zares preizkusila s senčilom in je super :) kdo bi si mislil... zdaj pa samo še tega uporabljam, mi je res všečen :)) Pa ravno sem iskala nek čopič za obrvi, ki bi še krtačko mel (in krtačka je tudi super mehka, prav nič ne škraba:)) Drugače mi je pa zanimiv ta oranžen, škoda da ga nisem vzela, vidim da se kar dobro obnese pri osvetljevalcu :)
ReplyDeleteJaz mam tudi te ščetke doma. Sem zadnjič spet kupila na eni strani glavnik, na druge te ščetke. Jaz brez teh sploh ne morem narisat obrvi :) Očitno je celotna kolekcija prevej mehka :).
DeleteJe kar dober za osvetljevalec. Ravno dovolj dolg in širok :)
hi! fiiiiiiinally someone who shows how big they are on the eye (for comparison). the closeups are always useful, but at the end i normally want to know, how much space one brush covers up on my face. so your review is awesome!! greetings
ReplyDeleteI'm the same way. It's nice to know before you buy it :) I'm glad you liked my review :)
DeleteGreetings back ;)
These actually look very nice and good quality. I like the bright colors!
Cheap and very soft. Probably not gonna last me whole life, but the quality is descent for such a price :). They're really bright, especially the orange one :D