Hey Beauties!
Herbio a Slovenian company that produces natural modern herb inspired cosmetics, offered me to try one of their product. In the process of choosing the product I decided on their Cream Kalei with no hesitation. Why? Because since I started using skin care products, the ones that were based on any kid of sea ingredients, always worked for my skin. This one is not an exception.
Cream Kalei is an all-around 24 hours cream for sensitive, dry and irritated skin. It contains chlorella vulgaris, sea fennel, plankton extract and vitamin E. The cream should hydrate and make the skin more elastic. It also has some anti-aging ingredients to slow down the aging process. The cream doesn't contain any parabens or mineral oils.
It comes in a white plastic bottle with a pump. Extremely hygienic and useful packaging. It's also light enough to travel with. It contains 50 ml of product and costs 29.95€.
The ingredients list.
The pump has a descent hole and you can actually control the amount you want to come out. I really like that, because sometimes I use more and sometimes I use less.
The cream is white and more on the runny side of consistency. Once you start spreading it on your skin, it's still white, but when you massage it in it leaves behind a very shiny finish. Depending on how dry your skin is, this may look either greasy or get soaked in. The texture feels very moisturizing, like a very hydrating and greasy layer is over your skin.
My skin has been on the dry side this year, so I use this even now in the summer. In the morning I put a thin layer, not to make me greasy through the day and in the evening I put on a thicker layer. It really does hydrate the skin. It doesn't irritate at all. I actually feel like it soothes my skin. Sometimes it even makes my skin very smooth, especially when I use it overnight.
So, I think this could be perfect for anyone with any kind of irritations, sensitivity or maybe even imperfections. It is very hydrating, keep that in mind. I would say this isn't a good choice for oily skin. Depending on how dry your skin is, this might be good for you in the winter or for all seasons.
It has a very natural and subtle smell. It's somewhat neutral.
To me this is a very good hydrating natural cream. I think this will be amazing in the winter. It's good for the summer, if you have dry patches, but on really hot days, it might be too much. If you're looking for something soothing and hydrating, this is it.
Herbio has a lot of ranges for many other skin types and specific problems. It also caters to men. Cream Kalei is from their Vision range, which focuses on different individual care. They also have Skin Care Woman, Body Care, Skin Care Man, Young Image, Young Body, Bath, Feet and Grandma's Secrets. Something for every need. I've already checked their products and some are already on my wish list. I am intrigued by their AHA Fruit Peeling Mask, Sensitive Herbal Cleansing Gel and Regenerating Vitamin Night Cream. If you have a chance, definitely check them out here.
For all international readers, I'm not sure if they deliver to foreign countries, so it's best if you contact them about that.
Kalei krema je 24-urna zaščitna krema namenjena negi občutljive, suhe in razdražene kože. Vsebuje aktivni izvleček klorela alge, morski koprc, izvleček planktona in vitamin E. Krema naj bi kožo navlažila in izboljšala njeno elastičnost. Vsebuje tudi sestavine, ki upočasnijo proces staranja. Ne vsebuje parabenov in mineralnih olj.
Embalaža je plastična z pumpico. Zelo higienična in praktična embalaža. Je tudi precej lahka in torej odlična za prenašanje s sabo. Vsebuje 50 ml kreme in stane 29.95€. Kupite jo lahko tukaj.
Seznam sestavin.
Krema je bela in bolj tekoča kot gosta. Ko jo začnem masirat po koži postane bela, vse dokler je ne vmasiram v kožo. Za sabo pusti precej svetleč sijaj. Odvisno od tega kako suha je vaša koža, lahko to izgleda precej mastno ali pa se popolnoma vpije in za sabo pusti samo svež zdrav sijaj. Tekstura je zelo vlažilna in ima zelo vlažilen masten sloj na koži.
Moja koža je bila zadnje leto bolj suha kot kar koli drugega in jaz uporabljam to kremo tudi zdaj poleti. Zjutraj uporabim tanek sloj, zvečer pa jo nanesem bolj na debelo. Res odlično navlaži mojo kožo. Ne povzroča nikakršnih iritacij, kvečjemu se mi zdi, da pomirja kožo. Včasih se mi zdi koža po uporabi zelo gladka, še posebej ko uporabim kremo čez noč.
Zdi se mi, da bi bila krema odlična za vsakogar z kakršnimi koli iritacijami, občutljivostjo in mogoče celo nepravilnostmi. Samo zapomnite si, da je zelo vlažilna. Verjetno ne bo najboljša izbira za mastno kožo. Odvisno od tega kako zelo suho kožo imate, bo odlična za vse sezone ali predvsem za hladne zimske dni.
Ima zelo neumeten in nežen vonj. Zdi se mi kar nevtralen.
Zame je zelo dobra vlažilna naravna krema. Mislim, da bo izjemna za zimo. Dobra je tudi za poletje, predvsem na suhih predelih, vendar je lahko rahlo preveč za vroče poletne dni. Če iščete nekaj kar pomirja in vlaži, potem je ta krema za vas.
Herbio ima veliko različnih linij za določene tipe kože in specifične probleme. Nudi tudi nego za moške. Krema Kalei je iz njihove Vision linije, ki se osredotoča na drugačno individualno nego. Imajo tudi Skin Care Woman (za ženske), Body Care (nega telesa), Skin Care Man (za moške), Young Image (za mlade), Young Body (za telo za mlade), Bath (kopanje), Feet (stopala) and Grandma's Secrets (babičine skrivnosti). Torej za vsakogar nekaj. Jaz sem že obsežno pregledala njihovo ponudbo in imam kar nekaj izdelkov na seznamu želja. Zelo zanimivi se mi zdijo AHA sadna piling maska, Blagi zeliščni čistilni gel in Regenerativna nočna krema. Če imate priložnost vsekakor preglejte njihovo ponudbo tukaj.
Sliši se super, prvič sicer slišim za znamko :)
ReplyDeleteImajo kar velik nabor vsega in če sodim samo po tej kremi, morajo biti super izdelki :)
DeleteAjda, a veš tisto karitejevo maslo ki smo ga vse uporabljale v Kopru je njihovo. Drugače pa ja, imam karitejevo maslo in lahko rečemo samo "waw", objava še čaka ampak računam ta teden, ker tole res morem delit, meni je zakon.
ReplyDeleteKaj te pa še mika?
Sliši se super :) Meni se zdi, da je kar večina njihovih izdelkov odlična.
DeleteJaz imam na wish listi AHA Fruit Peeling Mask, Sensitive Herbal Cleansing Gel in Regenerating Vitamin Night Cream :)