Hey Beauties!
I've realized that I'm not the only one in search for a good makeup brush cleaner. By that I mean spot brush cleaner and I actually found a perfect solution, that I want to share with you. So you can forget about expensive and rare brush cleaners from now on. The idea is not mine. I've actually seen this a lot, but I remember Goss Makeup Artist talking about this on his YouTube channel.
It's not even a DIY, since you really don't need to do anything. First thing that you need to find is isopropyl alcohol. It can be found under names like isopropanol and 2-propanol. You might have also heard the term rubbing alcohol.
It's a 99.7% alcohol and it can be used for many things. It is a solvent and you can clean anything with it. It evaporates really quickly and leaves almost no traces of oil. It is also used in medicine.
It can usually be found in more technical stores, which carry wall paints, spray paints and chemicals. I bought mine in Mavrica store (for Slovenian readers). I'm sure you can find it, if you research it a bit. It's also really cheap. I think I got 1 liter of it for 5€ and you'll have this for a really long time.
The other thing you need for this DIY is a plastic bottle with a spray pump. This will make it easier to spray on the brushes. You can also look for those bottles in a travel sections in beauty departments or you can just reuse some old bottles.
I think the process is clear. Pour the isopropyl alcohol into the spray bottle and voila, done. You can put a sticker on it with name, so you won't find yourself putting this on something it doesn't belong.
How to use
It's extremely easy to use. You get your brush cleaner, spray it directly onto dirty brush and then rub the brush against paper towel or regular towel. I find paper towel to be gentle and yet hard enough to do this with. After a few seconds the alcohol will evaporate and you'll have a clean brush. It's so easy and it costs so little.
It works on different sizes of brushes. If you have a bigger brush you'll need a few more spritzes of it and the drying time might take a few seconds longer. I love this because you can very quickly clean the brush if you want to use it with another color.
It is also perfect for if you're doing makeup on more then one person. This not only cleans the brush, but it disinfects it. There's will be no worries of someone else's bacteria moving on to someone else's face. It evaporates really quickly, so it won't irritate your skin. Trust me, I've used it on some really sensitive skins with breakouts and it didn't irritate at all. You just need to wait a few seconds for it to dry.
Multi-purpose product
It's a multi-purpose product. I love to spray it on my makeup products to disinfect them, before I put my makeup on someone else's face. Hygiene is very important when doing makeup on someone else. You can spray this on any kind of product: powder, cream, lipsticks... it all evaporates and doesn't disturb the product at all. Just don't spray it on products like lip gloss and mascara wands. You should use disposable tools for those products, when you're using them on someone else.
This is also great solvent and you can clean anything with it. I love to label my products and I hate glue residue that I'm left with, when I remove the label. Alcohol cleans it in a matter of seconds. You can also clean your gadgets with it. Cleaning the screen of your smart phone is very important for your skin. You can get pimples, if you're not regularly cleaning the screen, since you are putting it on your cheeks.
Very multi-purpose product and amazing brush cleaner. It's very cheap and effective. Best thing about it, it not only cleans it, but also kills all the bacteria. It evaporates quickly, so you are able to use the brush in a matter of seconds. It can be used for cleaning everything from makeup products to screens. I am never again buying overpriced brush cleaners, just because they smell well. Most of them contain the same alcohol with perfumes and water. It does make your brushes smell nice, but they often take longer to get dry.
Word of advice
If you'll use this brush cleaner often, you still need to deep clean your brushes with soap and water every now and then. You may also want to add some hair conditioner on them, just to replenish the bristles, which may get a bit more dry if you use this brush cleaner too often.
Omg, zdej pa počutim prav neumno, ker sem v Mavricah, Makih, Bauhausih, Kovinarjih praktično vsak teden, res dobesedno poznam vsako najmanjšo trgovino kjer se da kupit bor mašino v Novem mestu, ampak mi v vsem tem času ni niti enkrat padlo na pamet, da bi tam iskala ta alkohol. Vedno sem mislila, da se ga dobi v lekarni, pa me je ženska samo čudno gledala :D
ReplyDeleteRes odlična objava. Verjemi, da si marsikomu pomagala s tem :)
Interesting :D Kaj pa ti delaš doma z bor mašino? Imaš še kak skrit talent? :)
DeleteJaz sem se soočala z enakim problemom, ko sem iskala ta alkohol. Sem tudi vedno mislila, da se dobi samo v lekarnah. Ampak tam imajo samo etanol in še ta je mislim da bolj 200 ml. V Merkurju pa imajo neke druge alkoholne, bolj za industrijsko rabo in ne takega res čistega.
Hvala :) Upam, da sem komu pomagala ja. Da ne bo tako kot jaz blodil po trgovinah :).
Pri nas smo DIY sorte :D Imamo delavnico in ogromno stvari je doma narejenih sploh kar se tiče lesa. Bor mašin in ostalega je pri nas na pretek :D
DeleteZanimivo :) Moraš kakšen DIY objavit na blogu ;)
DeleteTo pa se mi res zdi priročno in zelo poceni, pa še več uporaben izdelek. Kaj torej ekran na laptopu tudi lahko s tem? Ker pojma nimam s čemer bi se ga lotila. V SLO sem vedno uporabljala neke robčke iz Lidla za steklo. Zdaj pa ne vem. Zdaj samo morem it na lov za tem alkoholom. Drži pesti, da ga čimprej najdem. Pa nevem kje naj iščem to embalažo s pumpico? Morem poiskat neke izdelke, ki so na pumpico, pa potem porabit. Samo to je dolg postopek. Bom preiskala (; Hvala za DIY.
ReplyDeleteSeveda, ekran lahko komot s tem brišeš. Itak bo vse izhlapelo. Držim pesti da najdeš! ;) Pri nas vem, da imaš te embalaže v Tediju in Müllerju. Upam, da tudi tam najdeš kakšno, če ne pa res kaj porabi do konca :D Ni za kaj ;)
DeleteSuper ideja! :)
ReplyDeleteOo, ful fajn, hvala za idejo.. bom preizkusila. Jaz za deep clean uporabljam olivno olje in baby sampon in je super. Samo iscem se diy varianto za susenje copicev, ker baje da ni fajn, da so vodoravno postavljeni, zarad lepila (baje).
ReplyDeleteJaz sem tudi že razmišljala, da moram dodat kakšna olja, pa nisem upala, ker sem mislila, da bo preveč mastno za čopiče. Se olje dobro spere dol?
DeleteNa Pinterestu malo preglej, tam imajo kar veliko idej za sušenje čopičev :)
Tole si pa res morem umislit :D
ReplyDeleteJa, olje lepo "razbije" karkoli je gor (jaz se mal vec namucim z copicem za tekoci puder), sampon pa super spere dol. Ok, bom pogledala pinterest za ideje, hvala.
ReplyDeleteNo super. Bom probala z dodatkom olja :) Ni za kaj :)
DeleteZelo uporabna objava, to bo treba nabavit!! :)
ReplyDeleteHvala :) Se res splača, ogromna količina in lahko uporabiš za več stvari :)