Review: Avon True Color Eyeshadow Quad (Underwater Paradise, Precious Shells)

Hey Beauties!

Avon team has been making me happy this year. They again sent me few of their new products. One of which were these new Avon True Color Eyeshadow Quads palettes. I have two of their palettes already Mocha Latte and Purple Haze. I like them both and the eyeshadow are really good quality, so I was super excited to see the new shade ranges. 

Palettes come in a shiny black plastic packaging. It's good quality and I like the push system for opening it up. It's definitely secure

The two new shade ranges come in this cute water color paper box design. It reminds me of summer. The regular price of the palette is 10.60€, but they are often on sale. Right now they cost 7€ in Slovenia. Sometimes you can even get them half price. You get 5 grams of product.

Avon True Color Eyeshadow Quad - Underwater Paradise

When I saw these colors, I was like wow and then, do these really go together?! And yes they do. This is definitely summer inspired palette, because it contains shades of blue and green. I understand the name Underwater Paradise. The green shades remind me of sea grass and the blues remind me of the ocean. I have to state that shimmery shades are always a bit sheerer, but can be build up for more intensive color, while matte shades are extremely pigmented. No fall out what so ever. It's actually funny that the matte shades are so nicely pigmented. I want to start a petition for Avon to release some sort of all matte eyeshadow palettes. I know I would totally buy it. 

Shade 1: matte mint blue. This is really pigmented for such a light shade. It looks more light blue, but it actually seems very minty in a way.
Shade 2: shimmery olive green. Olive green has that gold base as does this one. It actually looks also a bit brown. It's such a unique shade and one of my favorite from this palette. This one is more sheer, but can be build up.
Shade 3: shimmery moss green. It's one of those forest dark green shades. This one is also a bit more sheer, but can be build up.
Shade 4: matte navy blue. This is gorgeous true dark blue shade. It's extremely pigmented for a matte eyeshadow. It's my favorite from this palette, along with the shade 2.

When all the shades combined it looks like an ocean. I put the shade 1 in the crease and above. Then I took shade 2 and applied it in the inner corner of the eye. Shade 3 I applied all over the mobile lid and I added shade 4 in the outer corner of the eye. I did the same on the lower lash line. Shades really suit together. This is just one way of mixing them, but you can do so many different variations. I even like to wear these shades on it's own. The 4 shade could be an amazing liner if you mix it with some pigment solution. 

Avon True Color Eyeshadow Quad - Precious Shells

This is a more night time or muted palette. It's not so in your face as the previous ones. Again, I understand the name of it. Especially the two first shades do remind me of the shells, but for some reason the other two shades remind me of peacock feather. Don't ask me why. The same as with the previous palette, shimmery shade are sheerer but can be build it for more intense color and the one matte shade is extremely pigmented with just one swatch. I feel like those shades are versatile, because they can look more cool toned on cool skin tone and they look warm toned on warmer skin tone. 

Shade 1: shimmery flesh tone nude. This one looks like a flesh tone nude in the pot, but actually goes on like a sparkly white shade. It's a bit more sheer, but can be build up.
Shade 2: shimmery light beige. It's one of those that looks like it has dirty brown undertone beige kind of shade. It's also sheer, but can as well be build up.
Shade 3: shimmery silver brown with green duo chrome finish. This is my absolute favorite shade. It look so damn pretty, because it looks like it's warm brown. In the pot it has an obvious grey undertone and on the eyes it gives off green sheen. It's one of those chameleon shades, that changes depending on which angle you look at it. Unfortunately the duo chrome sheen couldn't be picked up by my camera. This one is also more on the sheer side, but can be build up.
Shade 4: matte dark petroleum. This one is again very pigmented and it's a mix of grey, green and blue. Unique shade that looks amazing combined with other shades.

When you combine the shades, you get that sexy grey toned look. You know me, I always go for warm shades, but surprisingly I've been really liking this combination. I never like taupe or grey based products, but those shades have a feel of cooler tone, but still look very warm on me.

I applied shade 1 above the crease. Shade 2 I applied in the inner corner and extended it towards the center. Then I added shade 3 all over the mobile lid and I put shade 4 in the outer corner to darken it up.

If I say that I'm obsessed with the shade 3, it would be an understatement. I've seriously try to combined it with every look I've worn. The duo chrome just look so damn pretty and I love the unique blend of silver and brown. As you can see it looks pretty warm brown on me, but I hope you can also see the green sheen on the center of the lids. It looks prettier in person. 

Two very different palettes. One on the bright and vibrant side and the other more muted darker sexy combination. What I love the most about Avon eyeshadow quads is the fact that eyeshadows are a good quality. Shimmery shades are sheerer, while matte shades are extremely pigmented for a matte eyeshadow.  I love the fact that they combine shades that really go together. They have those neutral typical shades, but these two palettes are more on the exciting vibrant part, but still feel very classy  and wearable when all the shades combined. The palette is small an compact, great for traveling and the price is just amazing (just wait for them to have discount, you won't be sorry). If you haven't tried any of their palettes yet, I strongly recommend you pick some up, if you're on the market for eyeshadows. 

Avon ekipa me je letos že večkrat razveselila. Spet so mi poslali nekaj novih izdelkov. Eni izmed teh sta novi paleti Avon Tru Color Eyeshadow Quad. Imam dve njihovi paleti in sicer Mocha Latte in Purple Haze. Obe sta mi všeč in senčila so dobre kvalitete, zato sem bila zelo vesela novih odtenkov.

Paleti imata sijočo črno plastično embalažo. Je dobre kvalitete in všeč mi je da se odpira tako, da je treba pritisniti na gumbek. Je trdna in zavarovana.

Dve novi odtenki palet sta zapakirani v luštkani papirnati škatli z vodnim dizajnom. Spominja me na poletje. Redna cena palet je 10.60€, ampak pogosto so znižane. Trenutno stanejo 7€. Včasih jih lahko dobite celo po polovični ceni. Dobite 5 gramov izdelka. 

Avon True Color Eyeshadow Quad - Underwater Paradise

Ko sem videla te odtenke, sem bila najprej vau in potem, ali res gredo skupaj?! In ja, grejo. To je zagotovo poletno inspirirana paleta, ker vsebuje odtenke modre in zelene. Razumem zakoj so jo poimenovali Underwater Paradise (podvodni paradiž). Zeleni odtenki me spominjajo na morsko travo in modri me spominjajo na ocean. Povedati moram, da so svetlikajoči odtenki so manj pigmentirani, ampak jih lahko nadgradite do bolj intenzivne barve, med tem ko so mat odtenki ekstremno pigmentirani. Nobeno senčilo se med nanosom ne drobi po obrazu. Meni se zdi hecno, da so mat odtenki tako dobro pigmentirani. Najraje bi začela s peticijo Avonu, naj ustvari paleto s samo mat senčili. Jaz bi jo zagotovo kupila.

Odtenek 1: mat mint modra. Zelo dobro pigmentiran odtenek glede na to, da je tako svetel. Izgleda bolj moder, ampak vsekakor ima tak mint podton. 
Odtenek 2: svetlikajoča olivno zelena. Olivno zelena z zlato podlago. Izgleda skoraj kot rjava. Zelo unikaten odtenek in en meni najljubših. Ta je rahlo bolj prozoren, ampak se ga lahko nadgradi.
Odtenek 3: svetlikajoča mah zelena. Ena izmed gozdnih zelenih odtenkov. Tudi ta je bolj prozoren, ampak se lahko nadgradi. 
Odtenek 4: mat temno modra. Je ekstremno pigmentiran odtenek za mat senčilo. In je spet moj najljubši odtenek iz te palete, zraven odtenka 2.

Ko skombiniram vse odtenke res deluje kot ocean. Odtenek 1 sem dala v gubo in malo nad njo. Potem sem vezla odtenek 2 in ga nanesla v notranji kotiček očesa. Odtenek 3 sem nanesla na premikajoč del veke in dodala odtenek 4 v zunanji kot očesa. Enako sem storila na spodnji veki. Odtenki res grejo skupaj. To je samo ena možna kombinacija, ampak s temi odtenki lahko naredite veliko več. Tudi če odtenke nosite same, brez drugih, izgleda čudovito. Odtenek 4 bi bil izjemen liner, če ga zmešate z kakšno tekočino za pigmente. 

Avon True Color Eyeshadow Quad - Precious Shells

Ta paleta je bolj primerna za večerni izgled oziroma je bolj umirjena. Ni tako živa kot prejšnja. Spet, razumem ime (dragocene školjke). Še posebej prva dva odtenka me spominjata na školjke, ampak druga odtenka me nekako spominjata na pavje pero. Ne vem sploh zakaj. Podobno kot s prejšnjo paleto, so svetlikajoči odtenki manj pigmentirani, ampak jih lahko nadgradimo, med tem ko so mat odtenki ekstremno pigmentirani s samo enim potegom. Zdi se mi, da so odtenki zelo vsestranski, ker lahko izgledajo bolj hladni na hladnih tenih kože in bolj topli na toplih tenih kože. 

Odtenek 1: svetlikajoča kožno nude. Ta izgleda kot kožni bež odtenek v embalaži, ampak na koži deluje bolj svetlikajoče bela. Je bolj prozoren odtenek, ampak se ga lahko nadgradi.
Odtenek 2: svetlikajoče svetla bež. En izmed odtenkov, ki deluje umazano bež. Je tudi bolj prozoren, ampak se ga lahko nadgradi. 
Odtenek 3: svetlikajoče sivo rjav odtenek z duo krom finišem. To je moj absolutno najljubši odtenek. Izgleda zelo lepo, ker deluje kot toplo rjava. V embalaži ima očiten siv podton in na očeh pusti zelen sijaj. Gre za kameleonski odtenek, ki spreminja barvo glede na to iz katerega kota ga gledamo. Na žalost ta duo krom sijaj ni tako viden na mojih fotografijah. Tudi ta odtenek je bolj prozoren, vendar se ga lahko nadgradi.
Odtenek 4: mat temno petrolejska. Zelo pigmentiran odtenek, mešanica sive, zelene in modre. Unikaten odtenek, ki izgleda čudovito v kombinaciji z drugimi odtenki. 

Ko združim odtenke, dobim tak seksi sivkast izgled. Poznate me, meni so vedno bolj všeč topli odtenki, ampak tale kombinacija mi je res všeč. Čeprav vsi odtenki dajejo sivkast hladen vtis, na meni izgledajo še vedno precej toplo. 

Odtenek 1 sem nanesla nad gubo. Odtenek 2 sem nanesla v notranji kotiček očesa in raztegnila ven proti sredini veke. Potem sem dodala odtenek 3 na sredino veke in odtenek 4 v zunanji kotiček očesa, da ga malo potemnim. 

Če povem, da sem obsedena z odtenkom 3, bom podcenjevala situacijo. Resnično sem ga poskušala kombinirati z vsem kar sem nosila. Duo kromatski finiš izgleda tako presneto dobro in res mi je všeč ta unikatna mešanica sive in rjave. Kot vidite na meni deluje precej toplo rjav. Upam, da zdaj na tej fotografiji tudi vidite ta zelen sijaj na sredini veke. V živo izgleda še lepše.

Dve različni paleti. Ena bolj na živahni strani, druga bolj na temnejši umirjeno seksi kombinaciji. Kar je meni najbolj všeč pri Avon paletah senčil je dejstvo, da so senčila dobre kvalitete. Svetlikajoči odtenki so res bolj prozorni, vendar se jih vedno da nadgradit do bolj intenzivnega odtenka, med tem ko so mat odtenki res ekstremno pigmentirani. Všeč so mi zanimive kombinacije odtenkov, ki res pašejo skupaj. Avon ima nevtralne kombinacija in tudi bolj zanimive kombinacije, kot ti dve novi paleti. Vseeno vsi odtenki delujejo še vedno zelo klasično in nosljivo. Paleta je majhna in kompaktna, odlična za potovanja in cena je odlična (samo počakajte na popuste in vam ne bo žal). Če še niste preizkusili njihovih palet, vsekakor priporočam, da kakšno naročite, če iščete nova senčila. 


  1. Joj, prva senčka v prvi paleti me je čisto prevzela. Ampak ko vem, da je ne bi nikoli nosila :D
    Duo chrome pa res krasno izgleda :)

    1. Hehe :D V prvi paleti so res taki živi odtenki. Če pa jih skombiniraš skupaj pa ne izgleda tako out there :).

  2. Toooop looki, sploh prvi! Tista mint senčka je pa neverjetna! :)

    1. Hvala :) Pa še izredno pigmentirana je za tako svetlo mat senčko :)
