Avon is starting this year with a new launch of lipsticks. I've mentioned several times that I love their lipstick formulas. Their new range is called Avon Mark Epic Lip Lipsticks and they are all about the intense color payoff as well as longevity.
Lipsticks are part of their Mark range which is supposed to be a bolder version for younger women. They already have Avon Mark Plump It Lipsticks which have similar packaging, but reverted. Their Epic Lips have black top with white writing and a white bottom. Packaging is plastic, but well made and it closes nice.
In each is 3.6 grams of product and the regular price is 8.50€. Currently they're on offer for 4.50€ (Slovenia).
Each lipstick also has mark sign embossed in the bullet. Names of the shades are on the bottom of the packaging.
Avon is known for their color range which is similar in all of their lipstick finishes - a few nude, a lot of pinks, reds and some other shades. But I'm glad to see that they've finally added a bit crazier and more out there colors. Mark is bold and young range and as such should represent the boldness of younger generation. That being said, there is still a lot of typical nudes, pinks and reds. But a few shades are unique in their range.
Nude Attitude - pale warm orange based nude (good pigmentation, chalky)
Wink of Pink - pale warm salmon pink (good pigmentation, chalky)
Rosy Outlook - light warm brown pink (great pigmentation)
Street Style - light cool grey brown (good pigmentation)
Blushing Beauty - light cool purple pink (great pigmentation)
Extreme Mauve - medium cool purple pink (great pigmentation)
Pink Punch - medium warm bright pink (good pigmentation, stains)
Be Loud - medium cool fuchsia pink (great pigmentation, stains)
Red Extreme - medium warm orange toned red (great pigmentation)
Berry Bold - medium cool classic red (great pigmentation)
Heart Breaker - dark cool red (good pigmentation, but uneven)
Luv U - medium cool bright magenta with purple sheen (sheerer, stains)
Sangria Shock - dark warm berry purple (good pigmentation, slightly sheerer)
Sweet Taffy - light cool grey based lavender (great pigmentation)
Spellbound - medium cool violet (sheerer, uneven, stains)
Temptress - dark warm eggplant purple (sheerer, uneven)
Blue Suede - dark cool navy blue (good pigmentation, stains)
My absolute favorite shade out of all is Rosy Outlook. It's the most perfect pinky nude that goes with almost everything. Formula is also a dream to apply. For some reason I really like Street Style. It's unique, cool toned, but I love the grunge nude feel to it and I actually think it suits me. Blushing Beauty and Extreme Mauve are again my favorite for when I'm feeling pink, although Blushing Beauty is more purple toned. Out of the reds I prefer Red Extreme, which is warm toned and therefor my favorite red pick. I also love Berry Bold for a slight pink toned to the red. I also adore Sangria Shock, which is just that perfect berry shade. Blue Suede is also in my favorites, because it's just such a crazy color. I don't know if I have the guts to wear it out, but it has surprisingly good formula for such a dark color.
In the range I'm really missing some peach shades. I love their Cantaloupe from Plump It range and it's such a shame they don't have anything like that here. I would also love to see some browns being added to the range. They can be used as nudes for darker skin tones and as statements for lighter skin tones. This range mostly caters to all the pink and red lovers, which is fine too, but I think nudes are still the shades that sell the most.
Avon describes Epic Lip formula as the most intense color lipsticks that offers two times more pigment than traditional Avon lipsticks. They also promise incredible long lasting power, because of the built-in primer and smooth feel on the lips, which should also soften, smooth and moisturize lips.
It's a creamy formula that has really nice glide to it. It glides on the lips smoothly, but doesn't feel greasy or slide around. It's like what Avon claims, like a primer is build in the formula for a smooth glide over the lips. Formula is very similar to their Avon Mark Plump It lipsticks. Epic Lips feel just slightly lighter on the lips and have maybe just a bit more sheen to it. That's why Plump It lipsticks feel more sticky and don't stay as in place on the lips as Epic Lips. But if you like Plump It lipsticks (which are one of my favorites), you'll definitely like these too.
Lipsticks have good pigmentation with just one swipe. You can apply one swipe all over the lips and get full opacity. Formula in general applies evenly. Problem is with darker shades which for some reason seem sheerer and can look very uneven. But then again, most brands have problems with darker shades not being as even or pigmented. Also, pink and red shades will stain your lips and are in general harder to remove completely.
Finish is creme with a slight sheen to it. I'd say, similar to most regular creamy lipsticks.
I have to say dark shades scare me, because I prefer matte formula when choosing a dark shade. It's always risky smudging it or wearing it off. This kind of formula works better with lighter shades.
Avon has yet again created a very comfortable formula. It feels almost soothing on the lips. I never get tight or dry feeling, when I wear these and I have generally very dry lips. I would almost agree with their moisturizing claim. It's the perfect basic creamy formula for everyone and especially for someone with drier lips. It also doesn't seem to emphasize dry patches any more than other lipsticks.
Because it's a creamy formula, it's not super long lasting, but it still lasts on me for about 3 hours. Lighter nude shades wear off nicely. With darker shades you can see them disappearing from the inner rim of the lips, as per usual. I'd say it's actually surprisingly long lasting for a creamy formula. Some others don't even last that well.
They also have that typical Avon fruity sweet scent to them.
Now let's get onto the swatches on my approximately NC15 skin tone.
As always I also tried to find dupes and similar shades in my collection or for a reference point, if anyone is interested in.
Avon Mark Epic Lip - Nude Attitude
Avon True Colour Perfectly Matte - Perfectly Nude - more peach toned, warmer
Colourpop Lippie Stix - Toy - more brown toned and slightly darker
Avon Mark Epic Lip - Wink of Pink
MAC - Patisserie - more of a mix of colors, more brown based and darker
Avon Mark Epic Lip - Rosy Outlook
Avon True Supreme Nourishing - Nurturing Nude - more brown toned and warmer
NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream - Stockholm - warmer and more brown toned, also darker
Revlon Ultra HD Matte Lipcolor - Forever - darker and more of a brown than pink
Avon Mark Epic Lip - Blushing Beauty
Avon Mark Plump It - Mad For Mauve - cooler and more lavender without that pink tone to it
Avon Mark Epic Lip - Extreme Mauve
Avon True Colour Perfectly Matte - Ravishing Rose - a lot more vibrant, more pink and warmer
Avon Mark Liquid Lip Lacquer Matte - Flushed - more similar in tone, but again too vibrant in color
Avon Mark Epic Lip - Pink Punch
Avon Mark Plump It - Pink Pop - the same tone of pink, but less vibrant, more muted
Avon True Colour Perfectly Matte - Vibrant Melon - warmer pink, but also vibrant, different tone
Avon Mark Epic Lip - Red Extreme
Avon True Colour Perfect Reds - Lava Love - more pink toned and slightly lighter
Avon Mark Epic Lip - Berry Bold
Avon True Colour Perfect Reds - Berry Berry Nice - similar in tone, slightly lighter and more muted pink
Avon True Colour Perfectly Matte - Red Supreme - similar, but more redish
Avon Mark Epic Lip - Heart Breaker
Avon True Colour Perfect Reds - Cherry Jubilee - slightly darker and just tad more purple toned
Avon Mark Epic Lip - Luv U
Avon True Supreme Nourishing - Supple Magenta - has the same blue sheen, but the base is more muted purple
Avon Mark Epic Lip - Sangria Shock
Avon True Colour Perfectly Matte - Berry Blast - more brown based purple and slightly darker
Set of Avon Mark Cosmetic Bags
I also received a set of two Avon Mark cosmetic bags. They are made out of polyester and are really soft, almost foam like. Black is bigger and can definitely hold all of my daily makeup. White is smaller, perfect to throw in your bag and put some daily essentials in it. It also black inside, so you can get it dirty. The zipper works fine.
These bags are also on offer for sale in Avon for 18.90€.
Avon did it again. Another great basic creamy formula, with good color payoff, extremely comfortable wear and fairly long lasting formula. I have nothing bad to say about it, except the fact that most darker shades and really pale shades look uneven and as such, are not really appropriate for the creme finish. I would also love Avon to expand this color range - add more neutrals (brown, peaches) and maybe even some crazier colors.
If you like creamy lipsticks that feel soothing and comforting on the lips as well as give you color with just one swipe, you'll love these. Keep in mind they're not a matte formula and therefor won't stay on your lips for several hours, but if you're looking for color and comfort, go for it.
Za vas imam tudi "epsko" nagradno igro, če se smem tako izraziti. Enemu izmed vas bom podarila celotno linijo vseh odtenkov Epic Lip rdečil, prav tako pa obe kozmetični torbici - saj veste, da jih boste lahko kam pospravili. Za nagradno igro se moram zahvaliti Avonu, ki je radodarno ponudil celotno kolekcijo enemu izmed mojih sledilcev.
Kaj morate storiti?
Spodaj se nahaja Rafflecopter obrazec, ki ga morate izpolniti najkasneje do 8.februarja 2018. Obvezno morate slediti mojemu in Avonovemu profilu na Instagramu, prav tako pa me zanima vaš največ nošen odtenek rdečil za ustnice. In ne pozabite vpisati svojega emaila, da vas lahko kontaktiram, v primeru, da nagrado dobite. Če sodelujete v vseh obveznih poljih, se vam odprejo še tri dodatna polja za sodelovanje. Veliko sreče!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*PR products
Avon začenja novo leto z izdajo nove linije rdečil za ustnice imenovano Avon Mark Epic Lip. Kot sem že večkrat omenila, obožujem njihova rdečila za ustnice. Njihova nova Epic Lip linija naj bi nudila izjemno intenzivno barvo in dobro obstojnost.
Rdečila za ustnice so del Mark linije in so zato bolj drzne in namenjene mlajšim ženskam. Avon že ima linijo imenovano Plump It, ki ima podobno embalažo. Tam je zgornji del bel z črnim napisom, med tem ko je pri Epic Lip zgornji del črn z belim napisom. Embalaža je plastična, dobro narejena in se dobro zapira.
V vsakem rdečilu za ustnice je 3.6 gramov izdelka in redna cena je 8.50€. Trenutno jih lahko dobite za 4.50€.
Vsaka šminka ima odtisnjen tudi mark znak. Odtenki rdečil za ustnice so zapisani na dnu embalaže.
Avon je znan po svoji osnovni paleti odtenkov, ki se ponavlja v vseh njihovih linijah. Vesela sem, da je Avon končno dodal nekaj bolj drznih in unikatnih odtenkov. Vendar je še vedno v liniji veliko roza, rdečih in tudi nekaj nevtralnih odtenkov. Nekaj odtenkov pa resda izstopa s svojo unikatnostjo.
Nude Attitude - svetlo topel nevtralen odtenek z oranžnim podtonom (dobro pigmentiran, vendar rahlo kredast)
Wink of Pink - svetlo topel losos roza odtenek (dobro pigmentiran, prav tako kredast)
Rosy Outlook - svetlo topel rjavo roza odtenek (odlično pigmentiran)
Street Style - svetlo hladen sivkasto rjav odtenek (dobro pigmentiran)
Blushing Beauty - svetlo hladen vijolično roza odtenek (odlično pigmentiran)
Extreme Mauve - srednje hladen vijolično roza odtenek (odlično pigmentiran)
Pink Punch - srednje topel živ roza odtenek (dobro pigmentiran, pusti madež)
Be Loud - srednje hladen fuksija roza odtenek (odlično pigmentiran, pusti madež)
Red Extreme - srednje topel rdeč odtenke z oranžnim podtonom (odlično pgimentiran)
Berry Bold - srednje hladen klasično rdeč odtenek (odlično pigmentiran)
Heart Breaker - temno hladen rdeč odtenek (dobro pigmentiran, ampak neenakomeren)
Luv U - srednje hladen živ magenta odtenke z vijoličnim sijajem (dobro pigmentiran, bolj prosojen, pusti madež)
Sangria Shock - temno topel jagodičasto vijoličen odtenek (dobro pigmentiran, bolj prosojen)
Sweet Taffy - svetel hladen sivkasto vijoličen odtenek s sivim podtonom (odlično pigmentiran)
Spellbound - srednje hladen vijoličen odtenek (prosojen, neenakomeren, pusti madež)
Temptress - temno topel jajčevec vijoličen odtenek (prosojen, neenakomeren, pusti madež)
Blue Suede - temno hladen mornarsko moder odtenek (dobro pigmentiran)
Moj absolutno najljubši odtenek izmed vseh je Rosy Outlook. Je perfekten roza nevtralen odtenek, ki paše k vsemu. Formula je prav tako sanjska. Iz neznanega razloga mi je zelo všeč Street Style. Je unikaten, hladen odtenek, ki pa ima tak grunge nevtralen videz. Blushing Beauty in Extreme Mauve sta moja favorita med roza odtenki, čeprav je Blushing Beauty že bolj vijoličasta. Izmed rdečih mi je najljubša Red Extreme, saj je tipično topel rdeč odtenek, ki jih obožujem. Všeč mi je tudi Berry Bold kot bolj roza varianta rdeče. Prav tako mi je všeč Sangria shock, ki je perfektna barva jagodičevja. Blue Suede je prav tako moj favorit, ker je tako unikaten nor odtenek. Ne vem, če si ga sploh upam nositi zunaj, ampak formula je odlična, sploh za tako temen odtenek.
V liniji najbolj pogrešam breskvaste odtenke. Plump It linija ima odtenek Cantaloupe, ki je en mojih najljubših. Prav tako bi si želela več rjavih odtenkov. Ti se lahko nosijo kot drzni odtenki na svetlih polteh, poleg tega pa so lahko tudi odlični nevtralni odtenki za temnejše polti. Vsekakor je linija najbolj namenjena predvsem ljubiteljem roza in rdečih odtenkov. Navsezadnje menim, da se najbolje prodajajo še vedno nevtralni odtenki, ki bi jih lahko bilo več v tej liniji.
Avon opisuje Epic Lip rdečila kot rdečila z najintenzivnejšo barvo, ker vsebujejo kar 2x več pigmenta kot tradicionalna Avonova rdečila. Avon obljublja tudi neverjetno obstojnost, zaradi vgrajenega primerja in popolno gladkost ustnic, ki naj bi jih naredila mehkejše, gladke in navlažene.
Formula je kremna in kar drsi po ustnicah. Na ustnice se nanaša res lahkotno in ne daje mastnega občutka. Prav tako ne gre preko robov ustnic. Občutek je res tako, kot Avon opiše, kot bi bila v formulo vgrajen primer, ki z lahkoto drsi preko ustnic. Formula je v osnovi precej podobna tisti iz Plump It linije. Epic Lip formula deluje lahkotnejše na ustnicah in ima malo več sijaja. Zato Plump Iz formula izpade bolj lepljivo in ne ostane tako dobro na ustnicah kot ta od Epic Lip. Če so vam bila všeč rdečila iz linije Plump It (katera so ena mojih najljubših formul rdečil), potem vam bodo všeč tudi ta iz Epic Lip.
Rdečila imajo dobro pigmentacijo s samo enim potegom. Dejansko bi lahko nanesli šminko samo z enim potegom in dobili popolnoma prekriven finiš. Na splošno se nanašajo precej enakomerno. Problem nastane pri temnih odtenki, ki delujejo rahlo bolj prosojni in ne izgledajo enakomerno na ustnicah. Čeprav je problem z neenakomerni temnimi odtenki prisoten pri večih makeup znamkah. Roza in rdeči odtenki bodo pustili na ustnicah madež, ki ga je težje odstraniti.
Finiš je kremen z rahlim sijajem. Rekla bi, da gre za klasična kremna rdečila.
Temni odtenki me strašijo v kremni izvedbi. Nikoli ne veš kdaj se bodo razmazali ali zabrisali iz ustnic. Kremna formula deluje boljše s svetlimi odtenki.
Temni odtenki me strašijo v kremni izvedbi. Nikoli ne veš kdaj se bodo razmazali ali zabrisali iz ustnic. Kremna formula deluje boljše s svetlimi odtenki.
Občutek in obstojnost
Avon je spet ustvaril zelo udobno formula rdečil. Na ustnicah deluje skoraj pomirjujoče. Nikoli ne dobim občutka zategovanja, ali občutka suhih ustnic. Skoraj se moram strinjati z njihovo trditvijo o vlaženju ustnic. Je popolna osnovna kremna formula za vse in še posebej za vse tiste, ki imajo pogoste probleme s suhimi ustnicami. Zdi se mi, da ne poudari suhih predelov, vsaj ne nič bolj kot kakšna druga rdečila za ustnice.
Ker je kremna formula, ni zelo dolgo obstojna, vendar na meni še vedno zdrži okrog 3 ure. Svetlejši nevtralni odtenki se nosijo odlično in se niti ne vidi, ko izginjajo iz ustnic. Pri temnejših rdečilo najprej izgine iz notranjega roba ustnic. Rekla bi, da je ta formula celo presenetljivo dobro obstojna za tako kremasto formulo. Nekatera druga kremna rdečila ne zdržijo niti tako dolgo kot te.
Formula ima tipičen Avonov sladkasto sadni vonj.
Avon je spet ustvaril odlično osnovno kremno formulo, z dobro pigmentacijo, ekstremno udobnim nošenjem in precej obstojno formulo. Nimam nič slabega za povedati o teh rdečilih, razen da večina temnih in svetlih odtenkov ne izgleda enakomerno na ustnicah in zato ni najbolj primerna za ta kremen finiš. Želela bi si, da bi Avon razširil nabor odtenkov - dodal več nevtralnih odtenkov (rjave, breskvaste) in mogoče še kakšen bolj odštekan odtenek.
Če so vam všeč kremna rdečila za ustnice, ki delujejo udobno in pomirjujoče na ustnicah, prav tako pa imajo odlično obarvanost z enim potegom, potem vam bodo ta rdečila od Avona všeč. Ne pozabite, da to ni mat formula in zato ne bo ostala na vaših ustnicah več ur. Ampak, če iščete nekaj barvitega in udobnega, potem so za vas.
Prejela sem tudi set dveh Avon Mark kozmetičnih torbic. Narejene so iz poliestra in ultra mehke, skoraj kot gobica. Črna je večja in lahko prenaša ves moj dnevni makeup. Bela je manjša in je odlična za nošenje s sabo v torbi. V njo lahko shranim izdelke, ki jih potrebujem za popravljanje makeupa skozi dan. V notranjosti je črna, zato ni straha pred tem, da je ne bi smeli umazati. Zadrgi delujeta dobro.
Set torbic je na voljo tudi za nakup pri Avonu za 18.90€.
*PR izdelki
Wau, celo nekaj odtenkov, ki odstopajo od njihovega običajnega nabora nians. Še vedno pa je preveč poudarka na živih odtenkih, sploh ker gre za tako šajni formulo. Manjka še kakšen naraven odtenek.
ReplyDeleteMeni je najbolj padel v oči Wink of pink, pa tudi Blushing Beauty izgleda nosljiv.
Vrhunski swatchi kot vedno :)
Jap, celo nekaj več odštekanih odtenkov. Res je..kdo rabi toliko roza verzij?! Sploh glede na to, da jih imajo že ogromno v drugih linijah. Vsekakor bi si tudi sama želela še več nude variant.
DeleteWink of Pink je ekstra svetel. Blushing Beauty je pa kar lep roza odtenke za tiste, ki so vam bolj všeč roza :).
Hvala :) <3
Vedno ko berem tvoje poste se samo čudim kako ti uspe vedno narest tako amazing swatche in slike <3
ReplyDeleteJe pa res super, da so tudi pri Avonu začeli posegat v malo bolj žive barvne spektre :)
O hvala Ana :) <3 Imam že utečen postopek fotografiranja. :)
DeleteTako je. Sem vesela, da gredo malo izven svojih okvirjev. Upam, da bo v prihodnje še več sprememb :D