Review: Avon Life (Eau de Parfum, Perfumed Body Spray, Body Lotion)

I got this Avon Life set back in September, but since I find it to be perfect spring fragrance, I decided to write a review now. Avon made this fragrance with the help of famous designer Kenzo Takada. If you have ever had any Kenzo perfumes in the past, you can bet that this one is just as amazing. I had a few of Kenzo perfumes in the past and one of the things I liked the most was their powdery finish, which is not as present in this set as in other perfumes. It's a mixture of Avon style with Kenzo's flower notes. Kenzo also created gorgeous bottle design of this perfume.

Avon Life set includes three products. There's eau de parfum, perfumed body spray and body lotion. I'm mostly going to talk about perfume, because the scent in all is the same. There are just different forms and textures to choose from.

Bottle design is inspired by violet, which is apparently very used symbol by Kenzo Takada. In the notes of perfume is also violet, so it makes sense. The bottle is glass and cylinder shaped with gorgeous intricate violet blossom design as a top. It's combined with gold details and red typography

Paper box has geometric violet blossom designs imprinted into it so it looks a bit 3D. Combination of white and red looks really clean and vibrant in a way.

In the bottle is 50 ml of eau de parfum and the regular price is 37€. Usually Avon has it on sale for less. 

Perfume has a light yellow hue which matches well with gold details. 
Top notes: red apple, water lily, white tea and citruses
Middle notes: violet, peony and Japanese cherry blossom
Bottom notes: iris, patchouli and ambrette (musk mallow).

First spritz of this fragrance is very fresh and floral. It quickly turns into a more gentle romantic floral note. At the end it becomes more sophisticated and sweeter, because of the musk base, but it still has romantic floral notes mixed with it. In general I would describe it as a very grown up scent and to me it's sophisticated to the max. I will say that it's fresh floral scent with just a hint of that warm oriental musk base. It has just a tiny bit of that famous Kenzo powdery base to it, but it's definitely not as prominent as in most of his other fragrances. 

It has good staying power on my skin, as most Avon perfumes. I can definitely still smell it at the end of the day.

Perfumed body spray has white can with white plastic top. It has grey geometric designs of violet blossom. In it is 75 ml of product and the regular price is 6€.

I don't really use these kind of sprays. This is lighter in the staying power and can be used as a refresher through the day, when you feel like the initial power of fragrance is starting to vanish. It might also be better version for those that don't like strong power of eau de parfum. 

Body lotion has the same white plastic tube packaging with grey violet blossom designs. In it is 150 ml of product and the regular price is 6€

Lotion has white light creamy texture. It applies lovely and makes the skin slightly moisturized, but I wouldn't necessarily use it as a body care. It's more for adding another layer of fragrance to the skin to really prolong the scent. This would be great for warmer days, when there's more skin showing out. It has a subtle fragrance to it, that is not overpowering, but still gives you enough of that lovely smell.

I always say I'm not a fan of floral scents, but I might just become one. Avon Life is a lovely combination of fresh gentle floral scent with the combination of warmer musk. The combination is so sophisticated and grown up that I use it for occasions when I want to seem elegant. It's strong in the power, but fairly romantic in the scent. For the price you definitely get one of those perfumes that can easily compare to high end brands. I am not to keen on perfumed body spray or body lotion, because I don't use these. But if you like your fragrance to stay on through the whole day, these might just add you more layers of power. 

You can buy this as a set or just buy each product separately on Avon (Slovenia).

*Products were sent to me.

Ta Avon Life set sem dobila že v septembru, ampak ker se mi je zdel vonj popoln za spomlad, sem se odločila, da set ocenim zdaj. Avon je ta vonj ustvaril skupaj z znanim modnim oblikovalcem - Kenzo Takada. Sama sem že preizkusila nekaj Kenzo parfumov in pri njih me je vedno najbolj navdušil pudrasta podlaga. Ta sicer ni tako zelo prisotna v Avon Life parfumu kot v drugih. Dišava je kombinacija Avonovega stila parfumov in Kenzove ljubezni do cvetličnih not. Kenzo je tudi ustvaril čudovit dizajn stekleničke parfuma.

Avon Life set vsebuje tri izdelke in sicer parfumsko vodo, parfumiran sprej za telo in losijon za telo. Večinoma bom govorila o parfuumu, ker je vonj v celotni liniji enak. Razlika je samo v oblikah in teksturah.

Dizajn stekleničke je dobil navdih po vijolici, ki je večkrat uporabljen simbol Kenzo Takade. V notah parfuma je prav tako vijolica. Steklenička je steklena v obliki valja. Pokrov je oblikovan kot cvet vijolice. Steklenička je kombinirana z zlatimi detajli in rdečo tipografijo. 

Škatlica parfuma ima vtisnjene geometrične dizajne cvetov vijolic, zaradi česar izgleda 3D. Kombinacija bele in rdeče deluje precej čisto, a hkrati tudi živahno.

V steklenički je 50 ml parfumske vodice. Redna cena je 37€, čeprav jo Avon pogosto ponuja ceneje. 

Parfum ima rahlo rumeno obarvano tekočino, ki se odlično ujema z zlatimi detajli. Zgornje note dišave so rdeče jabolko, lokvanj, bel čaj in citrusi. Srednje note so vijolica, potonika in japonski češnjev cvet. Spodnje note so iris, pačuli in mošus.

Prvi val dišave je zelo svež in cvetličen. Hitro se spremeni v bolj nežno romantično cvetlično dišavo. Na koncu postane sofisticirana in sladka dišava, predvsem zaradi mošusa, čeprav je še vedno čutiti prisotnost cvetličnih not. Na splošno bi to dišavo opisala kot odrasel vonj in predvsem zelo sofisticiran vonj. Zame je ta mešanica sveže cvetlična z razhlim dodatkom toplih orientalskih not mošusa. Na koži je čutiti slavno pudrast občutek, ki spremlja večino Kenzo dišav, čeprav pri tej ni tako močno prisoten kot pri drugih.

Na moji koži je parfum dobro obstojen, kot večina Avonovih parfumov. Ob koncu dneva ga še vedno voham na sebi.

Parfumiran spraj za telo ima belo embalažo s sivim geometričnim dizajnom cvetov vijolic. V njem je 75 ml izdelka in redna cena je 6€. 

Sama ne uporabljam teh parfumiranih sprejev. To je lažja verzija glede obstojnosti in je lahko uporabljena kot osvežitev prvotne dišave čez dan. Je tudi boljša opcija za vse tiste, ki so vam parfumi premočni. 

Losijon za telo ima enako belo plastično embalažo s sivimi dizajni cvetov vijolic. V njem je 150 ml izdelka in redna cena je 6€.

Losijon je lahka bela krema. Nanaša se z lahkoto in koži doda rahel sloj navlaženosti, čeprav ga sama ne bi uporabljala namesto negovalnega izdelka. Je bolj kot ne dodaten sloj dišave za na kožo. Z njim boste še dodatno podaljšale obstojnost dišave. Izdelek je odličen za toplejše dneve, ko pokažemo več kože. Ima občutno lahkotnejšo sestavo dišave, čeprav koži še vedno doda dovolj vonja.

Vedno poudarjam, da nisem nadušena nad cvetličnimi vonji, ampak očitno me je en definitivno navdušil. Avon Life je čudovita kombinacija svežih nežnih cvetličnih not v kombinaciji s toplim mošusom. Kombinacija deluje izredno sofisticirano in odraslo. Dišavo uporabljam ob priložnostih, ki iz mene privabljajo eleganco. Je precej močan vonj glede obstojnosti, a dokaj romantičen v sami svoji sestavi not. Za ceno se zagotovo z lahkoto kosa z dražjimi znamkami parfumov. Sama nisem navdušena nad parfumiranim sprejem za telo ali losijonom za tole, ker jih ne uporabljam. Če pa želite, da bo vonj ostal na vas skozi cel dan, boste to z lahkoto dosegle s slojenjem vseh treh izdelkov. 

Pri Avonu lahko kupite celoten set, ali pa vsak izdelek posebej.

*Izdelki so mi bili poslani.


  1. Lepa steklenička, ampak mi že po notah zveni kot bolj pozabljiv vonj. Primeren za tiste, ki imajo radi lažje, sveže cvetlične vonje, ampak želijo malo bolj posebno vezijo za zvečer.

    1. Verjetno je res dokaj klasičen, ampak v moji sladki zbirki izredno izstopa :D. Si ga odlično opisala, brez tega, da ga povonjaš ;).

  2. this was an open door now for business developers to tap a gigantic market that fixated on aromas. Aroma stores have since popped anyplace. men cologne
