Review: Bynanda BB Cushion Magic

Hey Beauties!

When I browsed through Born Pretty Store, I found that they had BB cushion and I immediately wanted it. BB cushions first came out on Asia markets and they have slowly been coming to Europe, but the trend here is definitely not as big. I really like the concept of it and I wanted to try one for the longest time, but could never find any. 

Bynanda BB Cushion Magic comes in paper box. The cushion is actually sealed in silver bag so it's very secure and it ensures you that no one else has tried it. The look of it is like a white plastic pot. It actually reminds me of Polly Pocket. If you're a 90's kid, you'll know what that is. 

It opens by pushing small button. On the upper side is a mirror and on the lower side you see small sponge. The sponge is dark blue on the bottom side. This side you dip into the cushion and transfer the BB onto your skin. It also has a small ribbon around it, which makes it easier for you to hold in between fingers. The sponge is very soft and transfers just enough BB. 

Under the sponge is another plastic layer. This one opens from the side and under it you find sponge with BB cream. This also has a sticker over it for hygienic reasons. The whole BB cushion pot can also pop out. I think this is probably made for refills. So that you can buy a refill and just change that part of it.

It's one of the easiest systems to use. You just open it, take the sponge, dip it into the BB cushion and apply it on the skin by tapping it on. Literally, the easiest way ever. So convenient and travel friendly. I am not sure how hygienic this sponge is after a while, but I think if you wash it out every now an then, it shouldn't be a problem.

I can't actually tell you what the texture is, because it's obviously in the sponge. I did scoop a little out to show you how it looks like and what the color is. The color I chose is 01 and you can also get 02. You know how hard this is to choose at random over a photo, but I figured 01 has to be lighter. It's actually pretty yellow toned and a bit darker than most of my foundations.

It's very liquid and pretty thin. Once it's blended into the skin, it doesn't look as dark. 

I also compared it to some of my other foundations. L'Oreal is the darkest. Bynanda is very similar to Bourjois, but it's a bit darker. 

The coverage is light, but can be build up to light to medium. It evens out the skin tone and covers very little imperfections. It doesn't cover redness or any other imperfections. This really is very lightweight. I like to use powder on top of it, which gives me another colored layer and with it I can get to a light medium coverage.

What's unique about this BB cream is the fact that it's very dewy. Extremely in fact. I hope you can see how glowy my face looks in the right photo. It doesn't feel greasy on the skin, it just gives of a very obvious glowy sheen. It's the formula that makes it look so glowy. If you apply colored powder over it you can definitely make it more matte, but it will still have a bit of that glowy sheen coming through. This is not for those with oily skin. More for normal, mixed or perfect for dry.

It smells so good. Sort of like a cream or body lotion smell. Very soft and clean. I love smelling it, while I apply it. The formula is very gentle and doesn't irritate my skin at all.

This is how it looks like on with full face of makeup. It costs 4.99$ (buy it here).

I am really liking this BB Cushion. If you'd ask me if I like BB or CC creams about a year ago, I would said absolutely not. Then I got L'Occitane CC cream and fell in love. Now I got this super convenient BB Cushion and I am in love again. It's just so easy to use. I thought the coverage would bother me, but I got used to it. I like to use it on my good-skin-days. It's light coverage, but still evens out your skin tone. For anything else, I always use concealer anyway. When I use powder over it, it's perfect. It's rare that products impress me so much, but I am almost positive I'll be buying a new one, when I use this one up. Such a shame that European brands haven't started doing more of these, because they are perfect to use on the go.

I also have a discount code for Born Pretty Store. You can get 10% off your order with PETRAH10 code. 

* The product was sent to me for review purposes. 


  1. V pakiranju mi je izgledala pretemna, ampak izgleda, da se ti res lepo prilagodi koži. Jaz sem fan BB krem bolj poleti, pozimi imam raje mat videz kože. :)

    1. Jaz sem isto mislila. Na začetku čisto skeptična, ko sem videla odtenek, ampak je res tako lahko prekrivna, da se odlično zlije. Pa tudi sama imam dokaj rumen podton, da ne izgleda čudno na meni :). Jaz pa sem očitno vedno obratna. Pozimi manj prekrivne zadeve in poleti bolj, ko se mi itak vse prehitro dol topi :).

  2. Your nails are awesome!

  3. Haha polly pocket :) sem jih mela nekaj :p zgleda zanimivo ta zadevica,pa res priročno za sabo nosit :) pa da je glowy je totalno za mene :)) si bom mogla kako omisliti :)) čudno da znamke na našem trgu še niso zagrabile, čeprav zadnjič sem vidla da naj bi jih loreal kmalu mel? Mogoče pa bo kaj :) ampak bodo najbrž spet pretemni odtenki...

    1. Jaz sem še zadnjič našla dva na podstrešju :D. So mi tak cute! Ja saj sem ti rekla, da bo to za tebe :P Mah ne vem..mislim da je chanel ali ven neka višje cenovna mislim, da ima. Ampak je res bolj ubogo :/. Aja? Eh L'Oreal se mi je čisto zameril z njihovimi odtenki. Svetle itak ne bo. As always...

  4. Varaš Revlon Colorstay, a :D :P Po opisu sodeč bi rekla, da bi mi bila všeč, čeprav praviš da je zelo dewy, jaz pa ne maram tistega lepljivega občutka na obrazu od pudrov. Ti cushion izdelki mi zvenijo zelo zanimivo, ampak se ne morem znebit občutka, sa kaj dosti izdelka pa že ne more bit notri.

    Sem morala zgooglat kaj je Polly Pocket :D. Sem čisti 90s kid (januar 90) ampak teh fancy stvari nismo imeli pri nas na kmetih :D No, čeprav sem ravno včeraj "izkopala" iz podstrešja miljon barbik.

    1. Jap, vsake toliko časa :D. Meni niti ni nekako lepljivo, samo mene malo moti to, da se to kar ne posuši v niti malo mat finiš. Mislim res sijoča zadeva. Saj ko grem preko s pudrom v prahu je pa odlično :). To sem jaz tudi razmišljala. Zaenkrat je še vedno dobro navlažena pa sem jo uporabila še kar nekajkrat. Sem mislila, da je bo še prej zmanjkalo :D. Jaz bi si kar vsako podlago vlila v ta sistem...ker je res tako priročno :D.

      Hehe :D :D O ja..jaz sem tudi imela enih 25 barbik. Sicer ne vse tiste original, ampak to je bilo pa must have v 90-tih :D.

  5. Meni se pa tako zanimivo bere, sploh za to ker sem že res pred meseci v Mullerju ogledala podobno reč, samo mislim, da je bil puder, firma: pojma nimam, vem samo da je bil med višjim cenovnim rangom, cena okoli 50 eur in mi je bilo tako carsko, (mogoče je bil Chanel, Lancom_naslednjič prav preverim in Ajda se mi zdi, da je tudi pisala o teh podobih zadevicah. Meni je ful všeč tak glow look. Na tebi izpade res lepo in si krasno ujela ta sijoč efekt, pa še cena je ful lepa. Meni Sorayina BB krema zelo odgovarja, ker mi naredi tak lep healty look, tudi malo sijoč, L´occitane je pa itak super, ker še nežno matira. Drgače pa love your healty skin:)*

    1. Ravno sem razmišljala, da sem slišala že to, da neka znamka ima. Jaz sem tudi mislila, da Chanel ali Lancome. Mogoče je celo Lancome, se mi zdi. Cena je odlična. Sploh za neko tako stvar, ki jo želiš sprobat, da sploh vidiš, če je to zate ali ne. Res je precej glowy :). Hvala :). L'Occitanova CC je pa res odlična. Zdaj se bom še zaljubila v te kreme :D.

    2. Oh ja, mogoče je bil pa Lancome:):):)heheh, če bom slučajno šla pred tabo kj okoli po drogerijah(se jih maximalno izogibam) ti pa javim katera znamka je bila:).

    3. Ja ja Lancome je bil. Sem ravno nekaj brskala po Feelunique in našla :)

  6. Ooo deluje tole ful zanimivo! Hvala za super oceno! :)

    1. In taka priročna embalaža, da nočeš več uporabljat navadnih pudrov :D hehe. Hvala ;)

  7. Very interesting packaging! Really reminds me of a foundation by Lancome, this looks like a nice, more affordable version :)

    1. L'Oreal is coming out with one cushion too. This one is really cheap compared to probably all drugstore or high ends. :)

  8. Hello beautiful! Lepo ti paše šminka, pa BB cushion tudi super deluje, samo ne za nas, ki imamo zmešano kožo :D.

    1. Hehe, hello ;) Hvala :) Res je, za mastno kožo ni ravno primerna, ker je res super glowy :D
