Review: Avon Always On Point Eyeliners (Molten Pewter, Molten Rose and Molten Sky)

Hey Beauties!

I've already talked about Avon's Always On Point Eyeliners here and here. Recently they've added three new shades in a new design. I think this is the most brilliant system (self sharpening itself) and the shades are also really pretty. 

They come in a shiny black pen form. In the bottom you can see what color looks like. I like their new design with gold writing

The top half or the cap is where the product is in. All you have to do to sharpen it, is just roll it like you would when you want to close it and then at the end twist it in one side. It clicks and when you open it, you have perfectly sharpen eyeliner. Brilliant! It means that you won't need to carry sharpener with you. It's ready for you in seconds to use. 

The regular price is 6€ (currently they're 4.50€) and you get 1 gram of product.

It comes in three colors: Molten Sky, Molten Rose and Molten Pewter.

Molten Pewter - Pewter is metal alloy and the name actually nicely represents the shade. It's just as pewter, looks silver, but has a very obvious olive tone to it. It has small silver shimmer in it. This is my favorite shade out of all. It's so unique.

Molten Rose - bronze shade with small silver shimmer. This one is less pigmented than the other two. It's also harder and it need more going over to build up the shade.

Molten Sky - blue silver shade with small silver shimmer. 

Eyeliners are firm to touch, but look like a very creamy waxy products. Pigmentation is amazing with one swipe (apart from Molten Rose) and they have a very metallic finish to them. Because of the small shimmer they sparkle and have a very shiny sheen. I find them great for brightening up the eyes and complimenting usual eye makeup routines. 

They are also very long lasting. Because of the texture they stick to the skin well and once they're dry they don't move at all.

I also like the fact that they are always sharp, which means you can create a nice wing without too much effort. 

Molten Pewter

Molten Rose

Molten Sky

Obviously you can wear these on its own as an upper eyeliner. I find that colorful eyeliners look a bit understated on my very dark eyes and sometimes make me look tired, so I like to mix them up.

Like here, where I applied eyeliner on top and bottom, but also added a thin line of black matte eyeliner to make my eyes look more awake.

I also like using sparkly eyeliners on the lower lash line or even in the inner corner, because it opens up the eyes and makes them look a bit more bright.

Another great way of using these is by applying them only on the center of your lid and lower lash line. They add glowy almost wet like effect. 

As the last option, you can even use them instead of eyeshadows. This one can be tricky, because of the waxy formula, they might go into the lines. If you set them with transparent powder, it can help.

I like the waxy formula and the fact that these have a very nice pigmentation. The always sharp system is brilliant and makes it super easy to carry around. Color range is unique and I love Molten Pewter. Molten Sky is also amazing, especially for someone with cooler skin tone or eye shades. I wouldn't recommend Molten Rose, because it's a bit too hard to work with. I am still not sure if it's just mine or if this shade really is less pigmented. Because of the metallic finish they really brighten up the eyes and can be a nice addition to your usual eye makeup.

* Products were sent to me by Avon.

Avon je pred kratkim dodal nove eyelinerje. Dizajn je spremenjen od strarih verzij, prav tako so na voljo novi odtenki. Sistem šiljenja se mi zdi naravnost brilijanten in odtenki so prav tako zanimivi.

So v obliki svinčnika  z črno svetlečo plastiko. Na koncu vsakega svinčnika je viden odtenek. Všeč mi je dizjan z zlatim napisom.

Pokrov svinčnikov vsebuje izdelek. Vse kar morate storiti je da zavrtite pokrovček, kot bi svinčnik zapirali in nato ta preskoči. Ko se to zgodi, se svinčnik ošili in imate popolno konico za ustvarjanje. Odličen sistem! To pomeni, da vam nikoli več ne bo treba za sabo nositi šilčkov in svinčnik bo vseeno vedno kot nov. 

Redna cena je 6€ (trenutno jih lahko dobite za 4.50€) in v vsakem je 1 gram izdelka. 

Na voljo so trije odtenki Molten Pewter, Molten Rose in Molten Sky.

Molten Pewter - ime (kositer - kovinska zlitina) dobro opisuje odtenek. Je srebrn odtenek z olivnim podtonom. V odtenku so tudi majhne srebrne bleščice. To je moj najljubši odtenek izmed vseh.

Molten Rose - bronze odtenek z majhnimi srebrnimi bleščicami. To je edini odtenek, ki ima slabšo pigmentacijo in je precej bolj trd.

Molten Sky - srebrno moder odtenek z majhnimi srebrnimi bleščicami.

Eyelinerji so trdi na dotik, ampak imajo precej kremasto voskasto teksturo. Pigmentacija je odlična z enim potegom (razen pri Molten Rose) in imajo kovinski finiš. Zaradi majhnih bleščic so precej sijoči. Meni se zdijo super za osvetljevanje in kot kombinacija navadnemu očesnemu makeupu.

So zelo obstojni. Zaradi voskaste teksture se dobor oprimejo kože in ko se enkrat posušijo, se ne premikajo.

Všeč mi je tudi, da so ošiljeni v sekundi in lahko torej brez večjega napora narišemo črto z tanko konico na koncu.

Seveda lahko eyelinerje nosite same po sebi, ampak na mojih očeh svetleči eyelinerji včaseh delujejo kot premalo definirani in moji oči lahko izgleda bolj utrujene zaradi temne barve ok. Zato včasih rada zmešam izdelke.

Na primer, včasih nanesem eyeliner na spodnjo in zgornjo veko, vendar na zgornji veki zraven trepalnic nanesem še klasičen mat črn eyeliner, da izgledajo moje oči bolj prodorne. 

Svetleče eyelinerje rada uporabim tudi samo na spodnji veki in v kotičku očesa, da oči izgledajo bolj naspane in živahne.

Včasih jih rada uporabim tudi kot dodatek mojim senčilom v prahu. Eyeliner nanesem na sredino veke in tako dodam svetleš skoraj moker 3D videz.

Eyelinerje pa lahko uporabite tudi namesto senčil. Pri tem se lahko zgodi, da se bodo nabrali v gubi zaradi voskaste teksture. Najboljše bo izpadlo, če preko njih nanesete transparenten puder v prahu in tako zagotovite vsaj malo daljšo obstojnost.

Všeč mi je voskasta formula in dejstvo, da so res dobro pigmentirani. So vedno ošiljeni in zato odlični za nošenje s sabo. Nabor odtenkov je precej unikatene. Najljubši odtenek mi je Molten Pewter. Tudi Molten Sky mi je všeč, ampak bi še bolj pristajal komu s hladnim podtonom ali drugačni barvi ok. Edinega odtenka, ki ga ne bi priporočala, je Molten Rose. Moj je precej trd in je potrebno dobro pritiskati, da se odtenek vidi na koži. Mogoče je tako samo z mojim, kar ne morem trditi. Zaradi kovinskega finiša so odlični za osvetljevanje očesa ali pa kot zanimiv dodatek navadni očesni makeup rutini. 

*Izdelke mi je poslal Avon.


  1. Molten Rose je ziher moj naslednji nakup, gorgeouuus :D :D

  2. It's the most wearable. Hope you'll like it ;)

  3. I need this <3 ful lepi odtenki in fajna pigmentiranost! Molten Rose, I'm in love <3 xx

  4. Uh, res so lepi, si bom morda kšnega omisla, ker se mi res zdijo uporabni za easy makeup look :)

    1. Res je. Dodaš malo tega barvnega linerja pa vse zgleda bolj zanimivo. Tudi za uporabo so enostavni :).

  5. Waw! Waw waw waw!
    These shades are just incredible, so pretty! :o

    1. They really give something extra to your makeup look. I like them too :)

  6. Awesome! But what lippies are on you on 2nd and 3rd full looks?

    1. Thanks :) 2nd is Avon 3D Plumping lipstick in Cantaloupe and 3rd must be NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in Stockholm mixed with some discontinued Maybelline (Watershine) lip gloss.

  7. Thank you for a great post! It's very helpful! Love the pictures too!
