Overview of 2015 + My Birthday Giveaway

Hey Beauties!

New year always makes you look back to what you've accomplished in the previous one. I too felt the need to share with you my most read or viewed posts and those that I had the most fun creating. It's been an amazing blogging year and I've met some of my favorite Slovenian beauty bloggers in person. I also feel like I expended my friendship circle, which is always nice.

Most Viewed Posts of 2015

Here are the posts that have been the most viewed in 2015 and were written in 2015. I was surprised by how many of them are my Avon posts, but I get it. It's hard to buy Avon lipsticks without browsing through some swatches on the blogs. I also really like my Catrice Liquid Camouflage review, because I feel like I did a good and detailed review. 

  1. Avon Ultra Color Indulgence Lipsticks
  2. Avon Ultra Color Indulgence Lipsticks (Part 2)
  3. Avon Advance Techniques Supreme Oils (Shampoo, Conditione, Duo Treatment Spray)
  4. Catrice Liquid Camouflage High Coverage Concealer (010 Porcellain and 020 Light Beige)
  5. NYX Powder Blush (Taupe)
  6. Avon Ultra Color Indulgence Lipstick Honey Flower And Peach Petunia
  7. Avon 3D Plumping Lipstick (Beyond Color Lipsticks)
  8. Makeup Revolution Ultra Sculpt And Contour Kit - Ultra Fair C01
  9. Kiko Long Lasting Stick Eye Shadow (06 Golden Brown and 21 Passion Fruit)
My Favorite Posts of 2015

I skipped the reviews here, because I wanted to share the posts that show my creative side and the ones that I spend more time doing. My two gift guide posts where almost like my favorite products of 2015. This is a helpful guide for any kind of purchase, not just Christmas. I also loved showing you my most common makeup mistakes. It was so much fun making it. The two manicures that I loved this year were the ones with white matte negative space and blue sweater nails. I really need to do more nail art, because I've been horrible with it this year. For my two favorite makeup looks, I couldn't leave out Fairy of Gold. It was the most fun and glittery makeup ever. When we're on the topic of glitter, my next favorite was green and red Christmas makeup. The glitter sparkled so pretty in person and I felt like a million bucks. 

  1. Dos and Don'ts of Makeup
  2. Gift Guide Part 1 and Part 2
  3. Blue Sweater Nails
  4. Fairy of Gold
  5. Green And Red Christmas Makeup
  6. White Matte Negative Space Manicure
I have to say thank you to all the lovely bloggers I met in person: Tatjana, Tjaša and Mateja. It was so nice to meet you all. It always feels nice meeting persons with the same interests. So we're not just internet buddies anymore ;). Thanks to all of your who comment and read my posts. It's why we decided to do this in the first place. To share common interests and thought. I appreciate every comment. 

Big thanks to all of you who have decided to collaborate with me in the past year. It was fun to do post together and change up the usual blog routine.

Collaboration with Mateja - 10 Products Worth The Hype
Collaboration with Tara - Indulging Wine Shades
Collaboration with Tatjana and Vesna - The Three Wine Fairies

Also thanks to all the brands that have decided to work with me in the past year. I've discovered some amazing products that I probably wouldn't otherwise.

2016 Plans

For the 2016 I am planning on trying some new posts. I would like to write more about the topics that interest me and not only reviews. I would also like to feature monthly favorites, because I don't get the chance to tell you which products I am loving at a certain moment. I also want to do more creative makeups, just to challenge myself. 

I hope I'll get the chance to meet more of you lovely bloggers and readers in person, because it's always nice to link the voice and image with the blog.

Oh, I also changed my header photo and a bit of my blog look in general. If I'll have more time, I'll change more. But for now, I really needed an updated photo for my social media profiles.

Birthday Giveaway

Since today is 5th of January, it's also my birthday. I usually make a birthday giveaway and this year, I decided to ask Avon, one of my favorite companies I've worked with in the past, to contribute some of their and mine favorite products. 

You can win:
-Ebelin Concealer Eggs 2 Pieces
-Ebelin Makeup Sponge

* These products were contributed by Avon company. Thank you Avon! I took pictures of my products, but obviously you'll get new untouched products. 

Everything else was purchased by me. I always give products that I believe in and love. This time it's no exception. 

The giveaway is open only to Slovenia (because of the stupidly high postage costs) and it will be open until 19th of January. I will chose the winner at random through Rafflecopter and I will email you. If you don't answer withing 24 hours, I will choose another winner.

Enough of my rambling. I wish you all the best in 2016 and may all your ambitions and plans turn out as you want.


  1. Vse najboljše Petra! :) Naj bo tudi v prihajajočem letu na tvojem blogu veliko zanimivih objav. :)

  2. Kuul giveaway, res veliko od teh stvari bi si želela sprobat! :)
    Drugače pa ti imaš res res krasne objave, ki jih vedno z veseljem preberem. Vedno imam občutek da ti noro paše vsak makeup ki si ga narediš in tvoje slike so fantastične :D

    *Samo v vednost, v Rafflecopter formi imaš "your favorite 2016" products, predvidevam da si mislila 2015? :D

    P.S. Vse najboljšeeeee :D

    1. Hvala Ana :) <3 Slike bi lahko še zelo izboljšala, ampak je treba delat najboljše s tem kar imamo :D.

      Hvala ti za tole. Čisto sem se že zmedla z letnicami, tako z letom kot mojo starostjo haha :D.

      Hvalaaa :D

  3. Jaz sem se za letos odločila isto. Mesečni favoriti in New In objave se morajo vrniti na blog, ker sem jih preveč zapostavila. Drugače pa ful fajn objava. Nekaj objav, ki si jih omenila kot tebi najljubše, so tudi meni med najljubšimi, letos si res imela top objave. :) Letos moramo narediti še več sodelovanj, ker so res zanimiva in zabavna. Drugače pa thumbs up za kreativne looke, podpiram. :) Pa seveda vse najboljše še z moje strani. :D

    1. Se mi zdi, da take objave malo razgibajo te naše ocene in rutino. Se strinjam s tabo, še več sodelovanj. Samo naj nam čas dopušča kreativnost :). S temi kreativni bomo še videli. Za to rabim kar nekaj domišljije in časa, upam da mi vseeno kaj uspe naredit :).

      Hvala :D

  4. Vse najboljše in najlepše :*
    Upam da ti uspe izpolniti vse cilje, ki si jih zastavila!

  5. Same zanimive stvari, hvala za giveaway :)
    Ena mojih najljubših objav pa je bila Dos and Don'ts of makeup :)
    Vse najboljše! :D

    1. Me approved products :D O super, potem sem dobro objavo izbrala :).
      Hvala :D

  6. Petrica velik in največji iz srčka vsenajboljše.Ostani še naprej tako super, predvsem pa zdrava in pozitivna vsak dan ne glede na vse:). Sama bom ful vesela, če boš z nami delila svoje mesečne favorite, pri meni je kar stalnica in mi je ful fajn rubrika in jih tudi sama pri drugih najraje berem:).Kreativni looki pa ITAAAKKK:)***

    1. Hvala Monika! :D Sem ugotovila, da so favorites res manjkali. Potem sploh ne dobijo drugi občutka s čim sem vsak mesec obsedena oz. kaj je najbolj v obtoku :). Upam, da me v prihodnje napolni veliko domišljije ;)

  7. Zdaj ti bom še tretjič zaželela vse najboljše, pa saj si zaslužiš :D Upam, da si lepo preživela dan, tukaj smo bolj odrezani od sveta zaradi snega. Tvojih objav sem imela kar nekaj shranjenih od letos (fairy gold je top), itak so tvoje objave odlične in jih res rada prebiram. Tudi tebe je bilo krasno spoznati, nisem people-person ampak zate sem pa se potrudila priti v LJ :) Pa res me veseli, da se vas je toliko odlično spet spisat kakšen fejvrits in new in, meni so to najljubše objave za brat :).

    PS: Nov header je awesome :D

    1. Hvala Mateja :) <3 Ja ti si mi res na vseh treh :D Ja lep dan. Mi se pa zdaj še komaj odvajamo od prenajedanja tako, da bomo moj rojstni dan praznovali malo kasneje :D.

      Zdaj mi to še toliko več pomeni, da si se potrudila especially for me :D. Pa upam, da se nama še kdaj prepletejo poti, ker sva resda malo bolj narazen doma :). Meni so te tvoje objave prav tako odlične. Ampak dobro ti že s svojimi fotkami nardiš, da si vse iz tvoje objave zaželim. Tako, da ja, bo končno nekaj tega tudi na mojem blogu.

      PS: Hvala :). Nisem ravno zadovoljna...se mi zdi, da ne sledim "trendom". Bom v prihodnje še zagotovo podobo popravila, samo moram ugotoviti kaj sploh hočem :).

  8. Vse najboljše! Upam, da si imela čimlepši dan v krogu najbližjih in da si dobila tudi kako lepotno darilo :) veselim se sprememb na blogu, nova naslovna slika mi je zelo všeč :D še bolj mi je pa všeč tista, ki jo je stiliral fant, izgledaš bolj drzno :)

    1. Hvala :). Točno tako je bilo, ja.
      Sem tvoj komentar prebrala fantu in je bil kar cel ponosen, ker ti je bila všeč njegova bad ass verzija, hehe :D. Hvala ;)

  9. I love your blog, everything is so beautiful and useful! Happy Birthday! I wish you to become on of the best bloggers worldwide and to achieve everything you want <3

    1. Aw, thank you. I really appreciate that :). That's a big wish to live up to. Evolving slowly, but surely. Thank you ;) <3

  10. Meni je pa bila najboljša objava ta, ki si jo tudi sama dala. Kaj je ok in kaj ne, pri makeupu. Sem se čisto dobila not, ker sem tudi sama bolj tvoj tip, imam rada zemeljske tone in ne maram pretiravanja :D
    Sicer pa ti želim vse lepo, veliko novih objav in ustvarjalnosti.

    1. No potem sva si res precej podobni. Safe choice so vedno nevtralni odtenki. Je pa res, da včasih pa rada ustvarjam kaj bolj drznega :).
      Hvala ;)

  11. Uuuu všečni cilji za naprej! se veselim novih postov :))

  12. Se že veselim monthly favorites :) In header je super!
