Hey Beauties!
I got this palette as a gift from lovely Tatjana from Taya My Little Beauty World. I personally never thought much of Essence eye shadow palettes, however this one is amazing. Forget about all their previous palettes, because Essence really stepped up their game with new ones.
Palette comes in a transparent plastic, which I like. It means you can easily see the shades. I have so many black palettes and sometimes spend 5 minutes searching for the right one. It's also fairly sturdy for such packaging.
Inside you get 9.5 grams of product and if I'm not mistaken it costs only 4.39€.
This shade of palette is called All About Roses Eyeshadow in 03 Roses. They have four more palettes: Bronze, Nudes, Greys and Vintage.
Roses is a very pretty mauve take on classic taupes and neutrals. It may look very colorful in the palette, but it actually goes on pretty neutral, so I think this is a great way of adding some color without being to vivid or intimidating.
I'll be describing shades form let to right. First the upper row and then the lower row. As you may see the upper row looks shimmery and the lower row looks matte. In the back of the palette it says that the shades have different effects from metallic to matte.
Shade 1: light silver based shimmer nude - good pigmentation.
Shade 2: grey based light mauve shimmery shade - less pigmented.
Shade 3: silver shimmery medium brown - good pigmentation.
Shade 4: dark shimmery purple based brown - good pigmentation.
Shade 5: matte warm nude - good pigmentation.
Shade 6: light shimmery flesh pink - less pigmented.
Shade 7: dirty matte light mauve - good pigmentation.
Shade 8: matte medium taupe brown - good pigmentation.
The texture is somewhere between dry and wet. I find it to be well pigmented in general. The shades go on easily and I don't find there to be fallout with these. Upper row looks very shimmery, but once you take down the top layer, it becomes more of a subtle shimmer. Which means you have shades varying from shimmery to matte. I was genuinely surprised by how pigmented and easy to blend they are. Seriously amazing for such a price.
I would say that this is a mix of warm and cool shades, but for some reason they all look fairly warm on my skin tone. I think this will depend from skin to skin. Easy mauve purple palette for those who don't want bright colors, but want to add some color. If I may say so, it's perfect for dark brown or green eyes.
If you're looking for good quality cheap eyeshadow palette, don't look any further than Essence. I am really impressed and have nothing bad to say apart from the fact that not all the shades are equally amazingly pigmented. You can choose among 5 different shades. There's something for everyone. I am so impressed that I'm thinking of getting Bronze and Nude as well. Vesna from Chunky Cheeks actually already reviewed them here. Have you tried any of the palettes yet?
Ful mi je všeč makeup, čisto po mojem okusu :)
ReplyDeletePaletka pa sploh ne izgleda tako slaba :)
Hvala :). Me je impresionirala, res vredna denarja :).
DeleteSe strinjam s Katjo, krasen mejkap <3 Vsakič pogledam te paletke na Essence stojalu, res se mi zdijo zelo kvalitetne, pa sem raje počakala na eno spodobno oceno preden jih vzamem :) Senčila si dovolim kupit, ker sem ugotovila, da mi res manjka barv zdaj ko sem delala objavo o barvah oči.
ReplyDeleteHvala :) <3 Mene je Essence čisto presenetil. Ne bi pričakovala takšne kvalitete od njih, res. No, če ti jih primanjkuje pa imaš zdaj zagotovo izgovor, da eno sprobaš. Sploh za tako ceno ;).
DeleteSounds good. I own their original palettes, the old ones, can't seem to remember their names and they weren't very impressive!
ReplyDeleteChaste & Beautiful
The old ones were rubbish compared to these. It seems miles away from their quality before and now. I encourage you to try one of these. I'm sure you'll be surprised as well :).
DeleteRes luštna paletka :)
ReplyDeleteMalo drugačna varianta namesto klasične nude :).
DeleteSuper pigmentacija in sem vesela, da si zadovoljna s paleto, ket itak veš, da to niso najbolj moje barve. ;) Temna šminka ti pa ful pristaja. :D
ReplyDeleteRes je odlična, hvala ti za vse :) Vem ja ti si za bolj žive ;D. Hvala :))
DeleteTemna šminka ti čudovito pristaja! Paletka pa res ne izgleda slabo in je za ta denar zagotovo vredna nakupa :)
ReplyDeleteHvala :)) Končno lahko rečem, da imamo tudi dobro kvalitetne poceni palete in to z dobrim osnovnim naborom odtenkov :).
DeleteŠminka <3 Mene so tudi te paletke pozitivno presenetile! Super make up =)
ReplyDeleteXoxo, Nyx
Hvala :) Essence je naredil kar velik korak v dobro smer :).
Deleteiii prelepa si:), jst sem bila tako presenečena ko sem jo prvič uporabila, sploh nism mogla verjet, da je tako pigmentirana in še barve so lepe, take tudi moje, da nisem vedn sam v nekih nevtralnih:);)
ReplyDeleteHvala :)) Jaz isto. Sploh do Essence in Catrice sem včasih zelo kritična tako da nisem veliko pričakovala. Me je čisto presenetilo :D, Barve so super. Mislim, da bi ti odtenki večim pristajali :).
DeleteOčitno si bom res morala še to kupiti čez čas :D Že nekaj časa jo gledam od daleč, a je nekako ne vzamem, ker si ne predstavljam svojih oči s temi barvami :P Rjave oči pa res lepo poživi.
ReplyDeleteMalo poživitev. Po mojem bi ti pa pasali ti odtenki. Sicer imaš pa še vedno dokaj rjavkaste odtenke vmes in nevtralne :D.
DeleteThis one is really beautiful! I also want to buy it C:
ReplyDeleteIt's a pretty take on a bit colored palette. Really nice quality. I hope you'll like it ;).
DeleteMene je ta tudi zelo presenetila, sem jo ta mesec ogromno uporabljala :)
ReplyDeleteJe prav fajn, ko te eni izdelki tako pozitivno presenetijo. Sploh, ker je bolj redko :)
DeleteZelo ti paše. No, jaz še nisem videla na tebi senčke, ki ti ne bi pasala :) Jaz jo imam tudi ker smo jo dobile na konferenci, ampak jo še nisem sprobala. Pa so zelo nosljive barve... Mislim da bo to prva stvar jutri, ko bo tamal zaspal :)
ReplyDeleteHehe, hvala :). Ja odtenki so res taki, da bodo marsikomu pristajali. Upam, da ti bodo všeč ;).
DeleteI love this one. Out of the older ones, I have the Chocolates (that had 6 colours) and I also use it a lot.
ReplyDeleteNew ones have amazing quality. I haven't tried the old version, but new ones, I almost want them all :).
DeleteLove these shades <3 Detailed Review
ReplyDeleteThanks <3