Review: Essence Lipliners - new formula (11 In The Nude, 06 Satin Mauve)

Hey Beauties!

Essence recently changed their lip liner range. I believe the formulas are new, but I'm not sure if they also changed the colors (I can only say they did change 11 In The Nude). My old version of 11 In The Nude was getting smaller so I went in the store for a new one to find the new formula and design. I chose an additional mauve shade, which is actually perfect for autumn time. 

The first change they made is the fact that the caps are the same color as pens. It makes it easier to find the right shade, if you have it in a glass for example. Before all of them had silver caps. I was also really surprised to see that they have a transparent sticker with ingredients list on the sides of pens. Really nice surprise. 

Each lip liner costs 1.19€ and you get 1 gram of product. 

As far as the formula goes, it's pretty hard now. Before there lip liners were so soft that you could easily mistaken them for lipsticks. I guess they felt the need to change that?! I liked the previous formula, because I saw it as a new lipstick for a very cheap price, but I get why they harden them. The lip liner should be a bit harder to prevent the lipstick from going over the line and to make it last longer, so I am not mad at Essence. Now their formula seems very similar to Catrice Longlasting Lip Pencils. 

They are still creamy enough to easily spread over lips, but stay in place.

This means that lip liners are a lot more long lasting then they were before and that they stay in place and help to prolong the wear of lipsticks

11 In The Nude is light nude brown with peach undertone. On me it's definitely more of a brown shade and in no way nude. On someone with medium skin tone this could pass as a nude. It has a very obvious peach undertone to it. 

06 Satin Mauve is as the name suggests a mauve shade. It's a really nice lighter mauve hue which is a great base for mauve and plum lipsticks. It has more of a warm undertone to it, which almost makes it look a bit brown. I like to just wear it on its own, because the shade is so pretty. 

As you can see 11 In The Nude looks like a really nice warm light brown on me. I feel like this is my kind of nude, because it compliments my warm skin tone as well as gives my lips some color. I pair it with many brown and nude shades and really like it. 

Here I put MAC Velvet Teddy on top of it.

I've been told that some think Essence Lipliner 11 In The Nude is a dupe for MAC Velvet Teddy and I disagree. Here is a swatch of both. Velvet Teddy is darker, has a lot deeper brown hue to it and almost seems to have a bit of mauve undertone to it, while 11 In The Nude is peachier brown. In no way a dupe, just to clarify. 

I also swatched old formula of 11 In The Nude and as you can see the shades are a little different. Old version was actually a lot more brown and a tad darker. New version has more of a peach undertone and is lighter. I actually really like the change, because I'm pretty fair and you know I love warm toned shades. 

06 Satin Mauve looks like a really nice not too dark mauve shade on my lips. Yes, it's still pretty dark and in no way nude or my lips but better shade on me. I think this has a perfect mix of brown and mauve and I absolutely adore it. One big plus for me is the fact that it's still warm enough for me, since a lot of purples, plums and mauves can be more cool toned. 

I decided to apply MAC Patisserie over it, which is a lot lighter, but just gives it a bit of shine and moisture on top. 

I am in love with both shades. The formula is harder, long lasting and makes for a great lip pencil. The price is just right and I am sure I'll be buying more. Essence lip liners are my favorite lip liners / pencils. I definitely recommend you to try these, if you still haven't. 


  1. Zanimivo,da so spet menjali:/. Ampak dokler so se kremaste dovolj je super,pa se barve so res lepe:).

    1. Jaz zdaj so končno bolj podobni večini svinčnikom, so res bolj trdi :). Vedno najdem kakšen odtenek, ki bi ga še imela :D.

  2. Oba odtenka ti ful pristajata. :) Se mi zdi, da so odtenke tudi zamenjevali, vem, da je bila nekaj časa nazaj zbrka zaradi Satin Mauve odtenka. Meni je bila tudi stara formula super, ampak tudi proti novi nimam nič. :)

    1. Hvala :) Potem so verjetno res vse odtenke malo spremnili. Jaz isto pravim ;)

  3. Satin Mauve je prelep <3 Pašeta ti pa itak obe =) Me pa malo moti, kako to Essence menjava, brez da bi kaj povedali,je kr enako ime, pa druga zadeva =/
    Xoxo, Nyx

    1. Hvala :) Satin Mauve je ful zanimiv odtenek :). Malo je res hecno, ker sploh ne ugotoviš, če nisi imel prejšnjih verzij.

  4. O pa res nista dupe. Ne vem kako enim uspe tako poslikat, da dejansko izgledajo nekateri odtenki identični -.-
    Satin Mauve pa prekrasno izgleda na tebi, ga morem jaz tudi poskusit kombinirat s Patisserie :)

    1. Mogoče je taka svetloba ali pa photoshop :). Hvala :). Kar pašeta, čeprav je Satin Mauve pretemen, da bi ga lahko imela samo za obrobo. Moraš po celih ustnicah nanesti in potem preko za malo vlaženja :).

  5. Jao, moja objava pa leži v osnutkih. I've got too many pre-written posts :D Za teksturo si napisala, kot da ti je uspelo nekje moj osnutek prebrat :D Sva prišli do istih zaključkov.

    Satin Mauve izgleda bloody awesome na tebi! Ko bi vsaj tako izgledal na meni :( Na meni je kar neki weird sivo-vijola-whatever barva. Meh.

    Pa sem s Sanjo glede mojega šoka kako je Andriji na Instagramu uspelo prikazat, da sta to enaka odtenka. Just how?

    1. Vem kako je to. Jaz jih imam že tako dolgo, da sem ji komaj zdaj fotkala in jih že pol manjka. Sem morala pokrovčke malo prestavit, da se ni videlo :). Hehe..mind reader :P :D
      Res? Vem, da tebi veliko vijoličnih odtenkov bolj na vijola potegne. Me prav videla ko objaviš ;). Saj na meni vse na toplo povleče :).
      Hehe :D Dobro vprašanje!

  6. Kljub temu, da na meni niso obstojni za nič na svetu, jih še vedno kupujem, ker imajo tako fino kremno teksturo in so mi res debest:), potem pa kar hočem da bi vsi bili tako lepo mazljivi:)

    1. Si probala to novo formulo tudi? Ta je zdaj veliko manj kremna in bo verjetno bolj obstojno na tvojih ustnicah ;)

  7. Are you sure they cost 1.59 €? It is 1.19 € here in Slovakia. I have 4 "old" shades and I really like them. I swatched these 2 new shades and they were hard as stones and colors were different compare to old versions. But they look great on you :)

    1. You're right. Thank you, I've changed the price. Don't know why I wrote 1.59 :). Apparently they've changed all the colors. As far as the formula, mine is not as hard as yours. Maybe you need to get through the first layer and it'll get better :). Thank you :)
