Hey Beauties!
I only have a few Kiko products, but the brand quickly became one of my favorites. Thanks to a lovely fellow blogger Kvina, I got the chance to get some more Kiko products. So, be prepared for more Kiko reviews. Today I'll talk about two nail polish shades that stole my heart.
Kiko nail polishes come in a cute square glass bottle with black top. The brush is pretty standard and applies the nail polish nicely and evenly. Each nail polish usually costs 2.90€, but they were now only 1.90€ each. You'll get 11 ml of product.
526 Mint
Now let me first say that this shade is impossible to photograph. I bought it based on some other reviews and the name mint, although to me it's not the kind of mint that I wanted. I wanted more green mint and that one is like a darker version of mint. It looks a bit too light and too blue on the photos.
The formula is creamy and well pigmented, but I did need two thin coats to cover the nails.
This shade reminds me of Bourjois 1 Seconde gel nail polish in 22 Turquoise Block. Bourjois is darker and a bit more blueish.
It's definitely a very unique shade, I just thought it would be lighter and a bit greener for some reason.
Kiko 330 Lilac
Now this shade, I am obsessed with. For some unknown reason, I've wanted this kind of light lavender shade since spring. It's a really lovely light lavender purple.
This one also has very pigmented and creamy formula. I only applied one thicker coat and it covered my entire nail. Truly dreamy pigmented nail polish.
Kiko nail lacquers usually last a good amount of time on my nails with the right top coat. They are not very long lasting, but they also don't chip the second day on my nails, so I'm good with that. Now I definitely want to expend my Kiko collection. For the price, they are really nice.
I love Kiko's nail polishes :)
ReplyDeleteI love them too. Cheap and really well made :)
DeleteTale mint zgleda božanski! Sicer pa tudi jaz nisem imela prav veliko priložnosti preizkustit Kiko izdelkov, ampak tiste par kar sem jih me je čisto očaralo!
Čisto unikaten odtenek :) Res škoda, da še niso prišli k nam. Glede na to koliko Kiko trgovin je v Italiji, bi lahko odprli vsaj eno pri nas :)
Kiko dela odlične lake :D Mint zgleda tako lep <3
ReplyDeleteAgreed :)
DeleteČe sodim samo po mojem Kiko laku, potem je kvaliteta verjetno odlična. Oba odtenka sta mi noro lepa in presenetljivo zame mi je vijola celo bolj všeč :)
ReplyDeleteRes je. Meni je všeč, da so tako kremasto pigmentirani. Čisto na sprotje mojih večinskih lakov - Maybelline :). Ni lepšega ko je en nanos dovolj za prekrivnost. Tebi tudi? Mene je ta vijola čisto obsedel :)
DeleteOba odtenka sta čudovita, lila lakec pa sploh - nisem še videla podobnega njemu <3
ReplyDeleteJaz tudi ne. Imam nekaj podobnih v zbirki, ampak čisto enak pa ni noben :)
DeleteThat lilac color is just too pretty! :)
I agree. It's such a spring color, but I don't care. I'll wear it now :)
Jaz imam lilac in komaj čakam, da bom na milanskem letališču, da si ponovno kakšnega kupim. So tudi meni zelo všeč...
ReplyDeleteLilac je soo pretty :) Vsekakor. Jaz tudi čakam na priložnost, ko bom spet lahk kakšnega kupila :)
DeleteOh, čudovita sta. Sploh lilac *_*
ReplyDeleteRes sta :) Zahvala gre tebi ;)
DeleteAh. Ni problema, z veseljem pomagam :)
DeleteKomaj čakam, da si jih sama v živo ogledam <3 (Še en teden!!!=D ) Jaz imam samo njihove teksturne lake - eni izmed meni ljubših - in upam, da bom ponosna lastnica še kakšnega, tale mint je božanski!
ReplyDeleteXoxo, Nyx
Uuu, potem pa samo nabavi:) Res so dobri za to ceno, sploh zdaj ko so znižani :).
O, sem pa že mislila da bo lep mint odtenek, samo sej si napisala da ne izgleda tako lepa mint barva.. Boljši bi bil tak svetlejši.. Ali ima Kiko še kakšen bolj mint lak pa da bi bil lepši odtenek?
ReplyDeletex, Katja
Ne, je precej temen za mint. Sem malo brskala in nisem našla nobenega po mojem okusu, da bi bil bolj zelen. Imajo enega 389 Mint Milk, ampak je spet bolj moder, je pa bolj svetel.
DeleteAha, hvala lepa za odgovor! Mislim da se bom potem morala obrniti kar na katero drugo znamko, pa upam da najdem lep mint lak po mojem okusu :)
Deletex, Katja
Ni za kaj. Deborah je imel letos neke mint odtenke se mi zdi. Mogoče jih zdaj več ni, malo poglej ;)
DeleteMInt odtenek <3 <3 :) (Tamara)
ReplyDeleteSlabo se fotografira. V živo je še temnejši :)