Hey Beauties!
I've already reviewed Kalei Cream from Herbio. If you're looking for a very moisturizing cream for the upcoming colder months, I highly recommend you this one. They gave me a chance to try another product and I chose the one, that I wanted to choose in the first place. It's their AHA Fruit Peeling Mask.
It says that the mask has an effect of gentle peeling. It should remove dead skin cells, encourages skin regeneration, makes it flexible, softer and supple. It should also minimize the pores and help with pigmentation spots.
It's supposed to be for oily skin with impurities and enlarged pores.
The mask contains orange oil, lemon extract, cucumber extract, AHA glycol, lactic acid, bisabolol and allantoin. This mask doesn't contain and paraben or mineral oils.
It comes in their signature plastic pump dispenser packaging. The packaging is useful and keeps the product fresher for longer.
The pump has a fairly big hole and you can get a lot of product out with one pump. You can control the amount with the amount of pressure you use. The only downside is that the product stays in that hole and it dries up. So you're actually wasting a bit of product with every use.
It costs 9.95€ and you get 50 ml of it. You can buy it here.
The mask actually seems more like a cream. It's firm and fairly thick. It has yellow color and it smells very fresh citrus like.
I would say use two pumps for the whole face. It spreads like a cream and stays put for 10 minutes. I would say you may experience very slight tingling in the begging, but it vanishes quickly. Don't put it over wounds, because it will sting.
When it dries it looses the sticky feeling and becomes matte. It seems to me something like if you would spread egg all over your face and let it dry. Not that I ever did that or know how it feels. However, it doesn't give you any tightening feeling.
After you wash it off, you're left with soft hydrated smooth skin. Chemical peeling seems to be very mild. No irritations and it's even good for sensitive skin. I would also say this is good for dry skin, because the skin is hydrated and not at all dry, like after you use clay based masks. Plus it kind of helps with the dry patches and slightly gets rid of it.
I can't talk about the pores, because I think this would be seen in a long run. I also don't have huge problems with pigmentation, so I can't say about that either.
I usually use face mask before I go to bed, because I feel the skin has more time to soak up any beneficial ingredients and repair itself through the night. With this peeling mask my skin felt plumped and still well moisturized in the morning.
My expectations of this mask were different. I thought that this would feel more like a chemical peeling and that the skin would be smooth as baby's skin. But the peeling property is so gentle, that is hard to notice sometimes. I almost think that this is better for sensitive and dry skin, which needs gentle removal of dead cells and more plumpness for dull skin. It also feels more moisturizing, then exfoliating. If you have a chance check out their products, because I think the formulas are quit amazing and the prices are not bad at all.
Od znamke Herbio sem že ocenila kremo Kalei. Če iščete super vlažilno kremo za prihajajoče hladne mesece, vam vsekakor priporočam to. Herbio mi je zopet ponudil priložnost, da si izberem izdelek in tokrat sem se odločila za izdelek, med katerim sem kolebala že pri prvi odločitvi. Gre za njihovo AHA sadno piling masko.
Maska naj bi dajala učinek nežnega pilinga. Morala bi odstraniti odmrle celice kože. Ima tudi negovalni učinek, saj spodbudi regeneracijo kože, jo naredi prožno, mehko in voljno. Maska bi morala tudi zmanjšati pore in pomagati pri odstranjevanju pigmentnih madežev.
Krema vsebuje olje pomaranč, izvleček limone in kumaric, AHA glikol, mlečno kislino, bisabolol in alantoin. Maska ne vsebuje parabenov ali mineralnih olj.
Nahaja se v njihovi tipični plastični embalaži na pumpico. Embalaža je zelo uporabna in izdelek ohranja dlje časa svež.
Pumpica ima precej veliko odprtino in z enim pritiskom lahko dobite ven kar precejšnjo količino izdelka. Količino lahko kontrolirate s tem kako močno pritiskate na pumpico. Edina slabost pri tej luknji je, da se v njej nabere kar veliko izdelka, ki posuši. Zato pri vsaki uporabi zavržete nekaj izdelka.
Cena maske je 9.95€ in dobite je 50 ml. Kupite jo lahko tukaj.
Maska deluje bolj kot krema. Je precej trdna in gosta. Ima rumeno barvo in diši zelo sveže, po citrusih.
Predlagam, da uporabite dve pumpici za cel obraz. Z lahkoto se razmaže kot navadna krema in potem ostane na obrazu 10 minut. Na začetku lahko občutite zelo rahlo ščemenje, ki pa zelo hitro izgine. Ne nanašajte jo na rane, ker vas bo drugače pekla.
Ko se posuši, ni več lepljiva na dotik, ampak postane čisto mat. Meni se zdi, kot da bi si namazala jajce po obrazu in pustila da se posuši. Ne da sem to kdaj dejansko poskusila, ampak nekako me spominja na to. Vseeno pa ni čutiti nobenega zategovanja na obrazu.
O zmanjšanju por ne morem govoriti, ker se mi zdi, da bi bil tak učinek viden ob daljši uporabi. Tudi z pigmentnimi madeži nimam večjih problemov in zato ne morem komentirati tega učinka.
Ko si jo sperete, je koža zelo mehka in navlažena. Kemični piling je res zelo blag. Občutila nisem nobenih iritacij in maska je vsekakor primerna tudi za občutljivo kožo. Zdi se mi, da bi bila maska super za suho kožo, ker kožo dokaj vlaži. Ni kot tipične maske na bazi gline, ki lahko kožo precej izsušijo. Poleg tega zaradi nežnega pilinga lahko pomaga pri suhih predelih in odstrani odmrlo kožo.
Po navadi uporabim maske preden grem spat, ker se mi zdi, da koža zvečer bolj izkoristi vse dobre sestavine in se ima čas popraviti čez noč. Z to piling masko se zbudim z kožo, ki je zjutraj še vedno navlažena in voljna.
Jaz tudi še testiram njihove izdelke, sem se navdušila ko mi je Kristina (dolce vita) pokazala maslo za telo itd., odličen izdelek :)
ReplyDeleteObetavna slovenska znamka. Včasih je prav lepo odkriti kaj novega :).
DeleteMe je mikala, zelo, zelo, sedaj pa ne vem.... :/
ReplyDeleteOdvisno kaj iščeš od maske :)