Fall burgundy gold geometric nails

Hey Beauties!

Nail art is not my forte. Let's just go with it. I always say that practice makes perfect, so I still practice and wait for it to become perfect. If you ask me to do a straight eyeliner line, I can do it. But when it comes to anything else and drawing straight lines, I am complete rubbish at it. So please, bare with me. 

I've been seeing this geometric nail design all over Pinterest and I really liked the black and white versions, but I decided to go for a fall color scheme. For the base I used probably my favorite fall nail polish shade, Maybelline Colorama in 261. It's a deep almost black burgundy. 

Then I used a very thin stripper brush and made two dots in the center of the nail (well I tried!). Then I drew two lines from the sides of the center of the nail and joined them in the lower point. I did the same two lines and joined them in the upper dot. I finished with a line across the nail, just a bit down from the top of the nail. 

For the lines I used metallic gold nail polish, Essence LE Metal Glam in 04 Gold Digger. 

I know my lines are horrible. I am more comfortable drawing design or doing anything else, but lines and especially straight lines are my nightmare. Still, I wanted to share this manicure with you, because I think it actually looks pretty descent, when all the nails are done. I like the color combination and the geometric design. 

You may have already seen this manicure in my Red purple fall makeup


  1. Ne se sekirat zarad črt, saj se boš navadila :)
    Drugače res dobro izgleda ane :) Hvala za deljenje, mislim da bom kar ta tvoj art prekopirala, všečno mi je :)

    x, Katja

    1. Je res, da premalo vadim. Zelo redko rišem črte :) Hvala:) U super, se veselim kakšne objave ;)

  2. Meni se zdi tale manikira čisto perfektna ;) Barve si pa res čisto zadela za prihajajočo jesen.

  3. Super manikira, kombinacija temno rdeče in zlate je ena meni najljubših :) Črte so pa čisto ok :D

  4. Čtre..so čisto super in pozdravljam tole jesensko manikurico, jaz še kar nisem preklopla na jesen:)

  5. Jaz tudi ne morem narediti ravne črte, zato pa sem čisto preklopila na trakce, ko pride do geometrijskih dizajnov na nohtih. :) Drugače pa luštna manikira. :)

    1. Jaz nimam potrpljenja za trakce. Sem enkrat sprobala, pa je preveč dela za mojo lenobo :). Hvala ;) <3
