Review: E.l.f. Blush Brush

Hey Beauties!

Well, by now you've probably leaned that I am obsessed with highlighters and brushes. Sometimes my brush collection seems way too big for someone who isn't even a makeup artist. Do I really need all of them? Probably not, but I do really enjoy them. There's nothing like a soft brush, when you're applying your makeup on. It seems to be your little spa time every morning. 

I have added a new brush to my collection. It's also a really cheap one, but very soft. It's Blush Brush by Elf and it costs only 3$ (around 2.50€). The hair is synthetic and it has a nice black design. I'm not sure if the handle is plastic or wooden, but I would say plastic.

The brush is tapered and it comes to a nice point on the top. It's not as nicely seen on the photo, as it is in person. It's also pretty flat from the sides. For most, it's probably a little on the small side for a blush brush, but I think it's the perfect size. If you want to apply the brush only on the very apples of cheeks, this is the brush for you. It also means that it's pretty much perfect for highlighting, even contouring if you use it from the side. It's also good size for setting the powder with. Basically, perfect for everything. 

Brush is extremely soft. That's just how I like my brushes to be. The fact that is pretty dense and flatten it also means it doesn't split all around your face, but can actually give you a pretty intense application. I've since cleaned it a few times and it's still very soft. No hair fallout.

In my book that is a total winner. Dare I say, it can match up to some more expensive brushes?! If you have a chance, I really encourage you to buy this one. I know you won't regret the purchase, because you can really use it for so many different parts of the face and the softness will make your day.

Now I'm planning on buying the powder brush, maybe a fan brush, also regular eye shadow c brush...yeah, you get the idea. For a little over 2€, I don't mind having even more brushes, if it means bringing some softness to my face. :)


  1. Beautiful pictures! I have some of their eyeshadow brushes and they unfortunately moult! Must give this one a go though x

    1. Really? Shame. I was thinking of buying some of those too :/. This one is perfect, I hope you try it;).

  2. Izgleda zelo priročno.. :) jaz pa že celo večnost iščem nek dober contour čopič.. kak predlog? :)

    1. Res ga lahko uporabiš za ogromno stvari, ker je ravno take velikosti. Mislim, da bi ta znal bit zanimiv zate, če imaš rada definiran contour, potem ga samo od strani obrneš. Meni je zanimiv tudi Luxe Highlight čopič od Zoeva, ker ima prav tako fajn špic in dobro sproti blendira. Ima pa tudi Avstrijska Bipa svojo linijo čopičev znamke iQ in je vmes tak angled brush, ki se mi zdi dober za to. :)

  3. Jaz se tudi že celo večnost odločam da bi kupila kakšen E.l.f. čopič, ker jih večina ljudi res hvali... :) Tale zgleda super!

    1. Tale je res ultra mehak. Za druge ne morem trdit, bom pa zagotovo še kakšnega preizkusila:).

  4. Joj, res bo kmalu moralo pasti eno E.L.F naročilo, imam že toliko stvari nagledanih in zdaj sem na seznam seveda dodala še ta čopič :)

    1. Jaz bom zdaj kar drugo naročilo dodala. Sem pred kratkim kar nekaj stvari kupila in sem ugotovila, da so določene super. Moram še več preizkusit. Njihove cene so pa res zakon:).

  5. My sister has this one and I sometimes borrow it ;) It's really soft, indeed. I'm going to buy it when I have a chance during some online shopping:)
