Review: Avon Ultra Color Indulgence (Part 2)

Hey Beauties!

I've already swatched a few Avon Ultra Color Indulgence lipsticks in this post. But ever since, I loved the formula so much that I ordered some more testers to swatch for you and for me to enjoy, when I'll be doing my makeup looks. I'll also do a separate review for shade Peach Petunia - which I have ordered a full version, as well as Honey Flower. 

Here are swatches of eight more shade. From L to R: In Bloom, Tawny Rose, Garden Rose, Poppy Pink, Hibiscus, Spring Lilac, Daffodil Petal and Royal Peony. The first photo is made in the artificial light and the second is natural lighting. 

(I'm sorry, but the photos are very cool toned. It's just impossible to get the right lighting these days, when it's cloudy and snowy all day.)

In Bloom is a very warm yellow toned nude shade. This is a really nude shade and it will be too light for medium and dark skin tones. 

Tawny Rose it's a very unique shade. Looks like a pink brown shade. It would probably looks extremely good on medium skin tones. It's more on the dark side for me. 

Garden Rose  is a cool toned fuchsia pink shade. It's actually more muted than the usually fuchsia shades. 

Poppy Pink is indeed a very bright blue toned magenta pink shade. 

Hibiscus is one of the shades that I was most intrigued by. It's a very cool toned light fuchsia violet shade. It's one of those shades that immediately reminds me of Nicki Minaj:).

Spring Lilac is very cool toned bright lilac shade. 

Daffodil Petal is warm peach shade. This is one of those shades that will make your teeth especially yellow, if they're not celebrity white already. 

Royal Peony is warm mixture of peach and pink. It's a very interesting combination, especially good for those of us, who have warm skin tone and avoid the usually cool toned pink lipsticks.

Full size versions of those lipsticks currently cost 4.50€ and there's 3 grams of product in it. I won't talk much about the formula. You can read about that here. The ultimate thing you need to know about these lipsticks is that they are very moisturizing, slide on like a dream and are still extremely pigmented

From those new swatches that I showed you here, I was the most intrigued by Hibiscus. It's so wrong for my skin tone, but it almost looks like it fits me, because I am still so pale. Royal Peony is something I would wear on a daily basis. I also really like Spring Lilac, which is again wrong for my skin tone, but matches so well with my eyes.

Let me know which shades are you most interested in?


  1. Ne vem no, meni se zdi da ti vsi odtenki tako noro dobro pašejo :)
    Mi je pa Tawny Rose odtenek zelo lep in bi ga od vseh teh verjetno najbolj nosila in pa Garden Rose <3

    1. Hvala:)) Garden Rose je tudi meni všeč, pa res nimam rada roza odtenkov:)

  2. Vsi odtenki so prelepi in mislim, da prav vsi odlično zgledajo na tebi! Prav neverjetno :)
    So mi pa najlepši Tawny Rose, Daffodil Petal pa Royal Peony. Samo nevem če bi se zadnjega upala nositi, ker zraven mojega odtenka rdečih las pa čisto vse tudi ne gre. :)

    1. Hvala:)) Jaz pa mislim, da je Royal Peony še dovolj peach rdečkast, da bi ga lahko imela. Vem kako je, jaz imam tudi ko se sveže pobarvam živo oranžne lase in rdeča in oranžna najbolj paše. Vedno imam občutek, da so roza najhujše tudi zaradi oranžne barve las. :)

  3. Wauuu, krasni so. <3 Pa meni se zdi, da ti res vsi odtenki fantastično pašejo. :))
    Drugače pa bi jaz definitivno kupila Garden Rose, Poppy Pink, Hibiscus in Royal Peony (čisto moj okus). :P

    1. Hvala:)) Dobra izbira:). Mene je tako fasciniral ta Hibiskus odtenek. Verjetno ker še nikoli nisem nič podobnega preizkusila na sebi:).

    2. Moraš večkrat nosit take barve, ker ti paše/jo. :D Hibiskus je res poseben roza odtenke. :) Drugače pa mislim, da ti od teh pinky Poppy Pink najlepše paše, se mi zdi, da fajn poudari tvojo lepo kožo pa rjave oči. :)

      Bom te mogla enkrat kontaktirat za naročilo teh testerjev, ker so mi res všeč te šminke, <3 :)

    3. Ne vem nekako se ogibam roza odtenkom. Sploh, ko imam še bolj oranžne lase:).

      Ti kar. Sicer ne naročam vedno, se bom pa probala spomnit nate, ko bom pa ti povem;).

  4. Do you depot these samples or put them in a palette, or do you keep them like this?

    1. I keep them like this. I have been thinking of depoting them and making a lipstick palette, but never really came around to it:).

    2. I am thinking about buying avon samples, just to make a lipstick palette, but I have to find where I will put them first... ;)

    3. Now you got me on this idea...sounds good:). I have one very useful plastic pot, that's I think for storing jewelry beads and such, but I can't remember where I bought it. I'm sure you'll find something similar in other stores:).

  5. Kako ti lahko vsi odtenki tako pašejo? Čisto retorično vprašanje :D

  6. I think I like you in Royal Peony the most ;) Surprisingly, even though I'm a red lips addict, I'm using Rose Bouquet most often :)

    1. Thanks:)) That is definitely the shade that goes best with my skin tone. Besides Daffodil Petal:). Rose Bouque is such a wearable shade, I get why you like it so much. Neutral version of red:).

  7. Joj čudoviti odtenki. Sem končno naročila par stvari od Avona, zdaj si pa želim še tole Tawny Rose šminko. Grrr... :) Kako je pa z obstojnostjo?

    1. Hehe:)) Za vse ti ne morem povedat, če se razlikuje. Sem pa eno peach nosila delat in mi je 4 ure skoraj zdržala. Sem vmes pila in jedla. Je pa res da okrog notranjega roba zbledi, če piješ in podobno. Je pa zelo obstojna za formulo, ki je khrati zelo vlažilna in skoraj glossy:).

  8. Gorgeous lipstick shades! :)

  9. Glede na to, kak ne maraš rozastih odtenkov... Woow! :D Nisem si misla, da te bom kdaj dejansko vidla s čim takim... Ampak kakor koli že... Garden Rose, pa poppy pink ti prav fajn pristajata :)) Spring lilac je res malo nenavadna :)) Tawny Rose pa se mi zdi, da ma lih prav rjavega odtenka :))

    1. Hehe:P Hvala:)). Spring Lilac je čudna, ampak zanimiva:). Tawny Rose je taka fajn boljša verzija kakšne nevtralne. Je res ravno fajn rjava.

  10. Sem ravno danes dobila Honey Flower, komaj čakam da vidim če mi bo všeč :) Mi je pa Tawny Rose krasen odtenek, bom verjetno še tega naročila, če mi bo tekstura všeč :)

    1. JMeni je Honey Flower zelo všeč:) Tawny Rose bi ti verjetno super pasal.;) Upam, da ti bo všeč tekstura;).

  11. okej, jaz bi kupila čisto vse <3 in pa čisto vsi odtenki ti pašejo :)

  12. Imam isto vprašanje kot Ina, cuz girl you're workin' all of them :D Lahko bi te imeli namesto Irine v katalogu :) Presenetljivo mi je Tawny Rose najbolj všeč, Daffodil Petal mi je pa že po defaultu lepa.

    1. Hehe, hvala:)). To pa je zdaj kompliment;). Mi je jasno zakaj ti je všeč Tawny Rose, v Daffodil Petal bi te pa prav rada videla;).
