I feel like I have been testing mostly new products this month, so those made it to my favorites. My makeup was either more colorful or very basic. There have also been some new products in the body care range that have impressed me enough to talk about them in this month's favorites.
Catrice Prime And Fine Smoothing Refiner For Invisible Pores And Lines
This is one of those typical silicon primers that is super smooth to the touch and fills in your pores. My pores around the nose area are quite large and I feel like they look larger in summer with all the sweat and excess sebum. Catrice primer really helps to create smoother base and fill in pores so that they don't stand out as much. I've been seeing this primer going around and everyone seems to like it. But apparently Catrice has decided to discontinue it. Why?! I don't understand. Maybe they'll just repackage it in a tube version which I saw is coming to their stand now.
Finding light shades of bronzer that fits warm skin tones is a challenge. 01 Light Matte is that perfect warm matte bronze shade with a hint of redish tint to it to give you that natural looking sun kissed skin. I like all matte formula, because it looks more believable and the shade is just perfect. Light dusting of this all around my face gives me some color and shape. It also has the cutest packaging ever.
I was always avoiding putting eye pencils or kohls in the water line. Partly because I have dry eyes and partly because most of them just didn't feel comfortable. This one from L.O.V. has that perfect skin like nude shade with a bit of peachiness and the formula is so soft that it actually feels comfortable to wear. It instantly gives your eyes that fresh and wide awake look. I've been using it a lot this month. Plus the pencil is bigger than the usual in drugstores, so you get more product.
Surprisingly, this is one of those single eyeshadows that is constantly in my rotation these days. I would have never thought that this would get so much use out of it. But it does. It's that perfect yellowish almost a bit mustard warm light brown. I adore warm eyeshadows and this one just seems to have one of those unique yellow muddy undertones to it that makes any combination of eyeshadows on the lid warmer. This is my to go crease shade for whenever I want something warmer in the crease as a transition shade. Formula is also very pigmented and blends nicely.
Dermalux Lash Serum
I won this in Nina's giveaway. Usually, I'm very hesitant to try out eyelash serums. Mostly because they are expensive and I don't believe they work and also because if they actually work, I'll get hooked on them and will have to spend more money to maintain that gorgeousness. This might just happen now, because I see this working. You also get a measuring system with which you can measure the results and I'll do a separate full review of it. I hoped for more lashes, but I think it mostly just made mine longer. They suddenly seem bushier and once I curl them, they almost touch my brows since I do have slightly hooded eye shape. I'm positively surprised by the results.
Balea Icy Berry Body Peeling
Oh the smell of this! It smells exactly like Softies Raspberry flavor. Whenever I open or use this, I'm tempted to lick it. It's a fairly rough almost sugar like body scrub that also has some added oil which makes my skin ultra smooth and nourished after I wash it off. I can skip moisturizer after using this and that is one of the main reasons why I love it so much. Unfortunately, it comes in this tiny pot that I have to use sparingly. Balea you need to make this bigger. I believe it's a limited edition product and I'm not sure for how long it will be in DM.
I finally get the hype around these body butters. The formula is so nice to use as it melts under your fingers, but is otherwise in a solid texture. The scent is of that true coconut with fresh acidic coconut water to it and could be a bit sweeter for my taste, but it wear so nice. This sticks to your skin and will be there until you wash it off. It's one of those perfect products for colder months, because it acts as a protective as well as nourishing layer.
Nivea Magic Pearl Anti-Transpirant Soft Silk
I've mostly been using roll on antiperspirants, but those leave my armpits wet and it's a problem when you have to get dressed quickly. Right when I decided to try one of those spray versions, Nivea sent me this one. I always avoided spray version because of the alcohol, which this one doesn't have. I've also tried Balea spray deodorants, but those just don't seem as powerful in preventing the sweat. This one by Nivea keeps my armpits drier for longer (although it can't block everything when it's really hot) and the most important thing, it makes me smell nice. Magic Pearl is one of those typical Nivea deodorant scents, slightly floral and almost a bit powdery. It's been working great so far.
I'm getting excited over a nude nail polish, who would have thought. I always preferred more colorful nail polish choices, but this one grew to me. It's the most perfect nude for my skin tone, because it has warm peach undertone to it, yet it's that basic creamy beige color. It looks so lovely either on hand nails or toe nails. Formula is thicker and creamy. It applies nicely plus I love their slightly wider brush for quick and neat application.
Mislim, da se točno ta primer kupila že precej let nazaj (me čudi, da se je toliko časa obdržal) in mi je bil grozen. Nekako čudno silikonsko masten. Mogoče so ga spremenili vmes, ampak izgleda in ime je enako. Mogoče bodo novi dobri.
ReplyDeleteBalea piling se sliši zanimivo. Ne sicer vonj, ker vonj malin ni moj najljubši, ampak zaradi teksture bi ga šla preverit :)
Nivein Peal deodorant v spreju že leta uporabljam, ampak moj je roza. Mogoče je to nova embalaža? Kakorkoli, meni je že od vedno odličen. Drugi deodoranti v spreju niso tako dobri.
Za Sally Hansen lak se pa strinjam. Krasen je :)
Meni se zdi, da je takrat bil drugačen. Nisem prepričana, ampak imam občutek kot da sem ga tudi jaz že imela prej. Ta je sicer ful gladek tak silikonast, ampak ni masten. Po mojem je embalaža kriva, da bodo verjetno dali v tubo ali pa mogoče celo reformulirali.
DeleteZate vem da imaš rada precej grobe pilinge. Ta je že kar. Kot sladkor. Mi je pa všeč tisti oljnat sloj, ki ga pusti na koži. Vonj je meni fantastičen, ne zaradi malin, ampak ker me spominja na bombone :D. Ga je pa za moje pojme premalo v embalaži.
Napisali so mi da je Limited Edition. Tako da je mogoče vonj enak, samo embalaža je LE. Po pravici povedano, ne vem. Ne spremljam deodorantov v drogerijah, ker vedno iste kupujem. Sem prav vesela, da sem ga dobila, ker drugače še dolgo ne bi preizkusila nič v spreju. Bom zdaj še druge vonje šla povohat, če bi bo kateri všeč :).
Končno nude odtenek, ki je res perfekten :).
Super favoriti. :)
ReplyDeleteTudi meni so The Body Shop masla odlična - imam tudi jaz kokos in se strinjam: lahko bi bil še malo bolj sladek. :)
Si me pa prepričala v nakup Balea pilinga, tekstura se sliši odlično in seveda tudi vonj, ker obožujem maline. Moram tudi probat te nove Nivea deodorante, mislim, da so trije različni? Sem jih zadnjič že gledala, ker sem včasih bila navdušena nad vsemi Nivea deodoranti v spreju, potem pa sem nekako preklopila na Rexona in zadnje čase celo na Nelipot. Moram jih spet kupit, ti novi bodo prvi na vrsti. :D
Hvala :) <3
DeleteJa, kokos je po navadi v kozmetičnih izdelkih vedno bolj sladek :).
Vonj je fantastičen, tekstura pa tudi, če imaš rada malo bolj grobo in vseeno dovolj oljnato za negovalni učinek. Samo embalaža je premajhna za moje pojme.
Ja, trije. Splashly Lime, Fabulous Flower in Magic Pearl. LE izdaje. Jaz sem pa bila predolgo na roll on verzijah in zdaj sem končno spet na spreju :).