Hey Beauties!
Avon is one of those companies that is constantly coming out with new products, which is actually commendable. If you are their costumer and you get new catalog every three weeks, it can get a bit boring and the same, so new products are refreshing. Their Nutra Effects line started with various face creams with "cleaner" looking ingredients list. I love their Hydration Daily Cream (it's my staple) as well as the Gel version for summer. When I saw they came out with BB cream in this line, I was really hopeful that it would impress me just as much.
I got their regular version as well as the matte one. Both BB creams come in a plastic squeezable tube. It's sort of a off white design with simple typography. The packaging is in my opinion the most hygienic and useful.
It has a small hole and you can control the amount of product that comes out. Unless you have it stored horizontally and the product isn't spread evenly, then it can "puke" out the product and make a mess.
Regular price is 7.90€ (currently you can get it for 6.50€ here) and in it is 30 ml of product.
Both version have no parabens and no dyes.
Let's talk about the shades first. I got regular version in Light and matte version in Medium. Let me just say that I was shocked how dark both shades are. I expected Light to be somewhat close to my skin tone, but it's sadly too dark. It's a very yellow toned orange. Definitely suited for warm skin tones. This surprised me as well, because most of European BB creams have a pink undertone.
Medium shade is extremely dark in my opinion. Maybe it's just me, because I am really fair, but I though this was like a very dark version of medium. I could never use it, even if I got a bit of tan it wouldn't be enough. It's again very orange toned medium shade for those with warm skin tone.
Once you blend these creams into the skin, they get a lot sheerer and less intense in color, but it's still not a match for my skin tone.
Avon Skin Perfecting BB Cream - Light
It's a very creamy almost a bit thicker consistency. It reminds me of a thicker cream mixed with foundation. On the skin it glides very smoothly with little effort.
It feels very moisturizing on the skin. After application it stays slightly sticky and has a sheen to it. I would say the finish is luminous verging on dewy.
The coverage is very light. It almost doesn't cover anything, it just evens out the skin tone and in my case gives me some color (because it's too dark and fairly yellow).
The scent is somewhat fruity and very cream like, pleasant.
I tried to show how it looks like on and I took photos up close for you to get the idea. Unfortunately I won't show you the usual makeup photo at the end, because it's obviously too dark for me and it would look ridiculous.
Avon Skin Perfecting BB Cream Matte - Medium
Matte version seems to be a bit more of a mousse consistency. It feels thicker, but less smooth and less creamy. That being said, it still glides on the skin with ease.
It's not as moisturizing as the regular version, but it's also not matte. It still leaves behind a bit of sheen, but it doesn't look as dewy as normal version.
After the application it stays a bit sticky, but less than the normal version.
This one is also a light coverage and it only evens out skin tone. It will absolutely not cover any pimples or redness.
Application looked a bit patchy with this one, but I am not sure weather this is due to the fact that it's really to dark for me or if it's formulas fault.
The scent with this one is the same, slightly fruity and cream like.
I applied regular version on one side and matte version on the other. Through the day I compared them and took notes to report them here.
Both versions have the same light coverage that doesn't cover anything, it just slightly evens out the skin tones. As far as the pores goes, normal version makes my pores look big, while matte version makes them look a bit smaller.
They both work great on its own, without moisturizer underneath and none of them sticks to dry patches.
At the end of the day the shine comes through with both version. I intentionally didn't powder them, although I normally would and this would definitely keep the shine a bit more at bay. Normal version obviously got shinier quicker and it got shinier in general compared to matte. Matte version also let a lot of shine get through the skin surface and it definitely didn't stay matte on my combination skin type.
Both versions also lost the coverage through the day and it actually wore of fairly even, apart form medium shade looking a bit more patchy, but again I blame the darker shade. It's definitely not a long lasting BB cream which is expected from those types of creams.
I actually really like formula of both of these and I think normal version is great for those with dry skin tones or those that want a very natural luminous finish. Matte version is slightly less luminous and it helps to diminish pores a bit. This one would definitely suit oilier skin tones, although it may be too dewy for very oily skin types. Maybe it would be even better for those with combination skin type. Powdering them could make them a bit more long wearing. It's a very light coverage for that non fuss day to day wear. It's also a really good moisturizing formula that basically feels like a tinted moisturizer.
The shade range however, is horrible in my opinion. First of all both shades are warm toned and that means cool skin tones as well as neutral skin tones can't wear this. Light shade is way to dark to be called light and medium looks like a darker version of medium. In general shades are definitely on darker side and us pale skin tones are left out. Shame really, because I think the formula is pretty good for something like a very lightly tinted cream. Light version I'll probably be able to use on holiday or at least mix it with other products, when I get a bit of tan.
*Products were sent to me.
Avon je eno izmed teh podjetij, ki stalno prinašajo na trg nove proizvode, kar je seveda pohvale vredno. Če si naročnik Avona in dobiš vsake 3 tedne nov katalog, lahlo hitro stvari postanejo dolgočasne. Zato so novi izdelki vedno odlična ideja. Njihova Nutra Effects linija se je začela z naborom krem za obraz z "čistejšim" seznamom sestavin. Obožujem njihovo Hydration dnevno kremo (postala je moja stalnica). Za poletje pa mi je všeč gel verzija. Ko sem videla, da so v tej isti liniji ustvarili BB kremo sem res upala, da me bo navdušila.
Dobila sem navadno verzijo BB kreme, prav tako pa tudi mat. Obe BB kremi imata plastično tubico na stisk. Je nekako umazano belega odtenka z preprostim napisom. Za moje pojme je to najbolj uporabna in higienična embalaža za takšne izdelek.
Ima majhno luknjico skozi katero lahko kontroliramo koliko izdelka želimo. Razen, če imate embalažo ležeče na mizi. Potem lahko začne "bruhati" izdelek, ker ta ni enakomerno razporejen.
Redna cena je 7.90€ (trenutno ju lahko dobite za 6.50€ tukaj) in v eni je 30 ml izdelka.
Obe verziji ne vsebujeta parabenov in barvil.
Najprej naj povem nekaj več o odtenkih. Navadno verzijo sem dobila v odtenku light, mat verzijo pa v odtenku medium. Bila sem šokirana kako temna sta oba odtenka. Pričakovala sem, da mi bo light ustrezala, ampak je definitivno pretemna za mojo polt. Je zelo rumeno oranžna. Vsekakor primerna za tiste z toplim podtonom. Tudi to me je precej presenetilo, ker ima večina evropskih BB krem po navadi hladen podton (je bolj roza), še posebej najsvetlejši odtenki.
Medium odtenek je ekstremno temen po mojem mnenju. Mogoče tako mislim, ker sem sama res precej svetla, ampak vseeno se mi zdi, da je to že temna verzija srednjega odtenka. Tega nikoli ne bi mogla uporabiti, niti ko bi se malo posončila, ker enostavno ne dosežem te stopnje temnosti. Tudi ta odtenek je precej oranžkast in seveda primeren za vse s toplim podtonom.
Ko zabrišete in dobro razmažete te kreme, postanejo bolj transparentne in imajo manj očitno barvitost, čeprav se oba odtenka še vedno ne ujameta z mojo poltjo.
Avon Skin Perfecting BB krema - Light
Je zelo kremasta, skoraj malo gostejše teksture. Spominja me na bogate kreme mešane s podlagami. Z lahkoto se nanese in razporedi po koži.
Daje vlažilen občutek. Takoj po nanosu ostane malo lepljiva na dotik in ima viden sijaj. Finiš je tak sijoč, vendar pa ne izgleda mastno.
Prekrivnost je res lahka. Ne prekrije skoraj ničesar, samo izenači polt in v mojem primeru mi doda nekaj barve (ker je odtenek pretemen zame).
Vonj je rahlo sadni in podoben kremam, v glavnem prijeten.
Poskušala sem vam pokazati kako izdelek izgleda na koži. Imate tudi bližnji posnetek, da dobite boljši občutek o izdelku. Na koncu objave žal ne bo mojih standardnih fotografij z makeupom, ker sta oba odtenka pretemna zame in bi izgledalo smešno.
Avon Skin Perfecting matirajoča BB krema
Mat verzija ima bolj teksturo moussa. Deluje gostejša, ampak se prav tako nanaša z lahkoto. Je samo manj kremasto gladka.
Ni tako vlažilna kot navadna verzija, prav tako pa ni mat. Še vedno na koži pusti malo sijaja, ki pa je občutno manj viden kot pri navadni verziji.
Tudi ta ostane rahlo lepljiva takoj po nanosu, vendar manj kot navadna verzija.
Prekrivnost je prav tako lahka in samo izenači ten kože. To vsekakor ne bo prekrilo mozoljev ali rdečice.
Nanos je izgledal malo flekast. Nisem prepričana, če je to zaradi pretemnega odtenka na meni, ali je kriva mat formula.
Vonj je enak kot pri navadni verziji, torej sadni in kremast.
Navadno verzijo kreme sem nanesla na eno stran in mat na drugo. Nato sem ju primerjala skozi ves dan in si zapisala opazovanja.
Obe verziji nudita res lahko prekrivnost, ki ne prekrije ničesar, samo izenači ten kože. Navadna verzija poudari povečane pore, med tem ko so pri mat malo bolj prikrite in manjše.
Obe izgledata super sami po sebi in ne rabita pod njima kreme, ker sta dovolj vlažilni. Prav tako nobena ne poudarja suhih predelov na obrazu.
Ob koncu dneva sijaj pride na plano pri obeh verzijah. Namerno nisem dodala pudra, čeprav po navadi preko vsake podlage ali BB kreme nanesem puder, ker pomaga, da ne postanem prehitro sijoča. Normalna verzija je skozi dan hitreje postala sijoča in na sploh je na koncu izgledalo malo bolj sijoče kot mat. Mat verzija je prav tako spustila skozi kožo precej mojega naravnega sijaja in nikakor ni ostala mat kombinarana z mojim mešanim tipom kože.
Obe verziji sta izgubile kar precej prekrivnosti. Iz obraza sta izginjali precej enakomerno, razen medium odtenek, ki je izgledal malo flekast, ampak spet predvidevam, da to zaradi tega, ker je veliko temnejši od moje polti in je zato bolj opazen. Nobena verzija ni dolgoobstojna, kar je pričakovano za BB kreme.
Formula obeh mi je zelo všeč. Normalna verzija se mi zdi odlična za vse s suho kožo in tiste, ki želijo sijoč naraven finiš. Mat verzija je rahlo manj sijoča in malo bolj pomaga prekriti pore. Ta bi bolje ustrezala mastnim tipom kože, čeprav bo lahko preveč sijoča za res masten tip kože. Mogoče celo bolj primerna za vse s kombiniranim tipom. Če preko njih nanesete puder, lahko pomaga z obstojnostjo. Je zelo lahkotna prekrivnost, ki je primerna za vsakodnevno uporabo. Je tudi res dobra vlažilna formula, ki meni daje občutek kot, da je krema mešana z pigmentom ali obarvana krema.
Nabor odtenkov je po mojem mnenju katastrofalen. Oba odtenka, tako svetel kot srednji, imata izrazit topel podton. Torej vsi z hladnim ali nevtralnim podtonom odpadejo. Light je vsekakor pretemen odtenek, da bi se lahko imenoval kot svetel in medium izgleda kot že precej temna verzija srednjega odtenka. Na sploh so odtenki definitivno temni in me bledolične tukaj ne bomo dobile odtenka zase. Škoda, ker se mi zdi sama formula precej dobra za nekaj, kar bi imenovala obarvana krema. Light verzijo bom verjetno še uporabila na morju ali jo vsaj zmešala skupaj z drugimi, ko bom malo zagorela.
*Izdeleka mi je poslal Avon.
Tried them a month ago and totally agree with you, they are horrible!
ReplyDeleteThe shades are just really too dark and really warm. I find the formula is good for something like a very sheer coverage. Shame really for the shade selection.
DeleteThese bottles remind me of the Garner BB cream, when that first came out! I never liked them... Too bad these didn't work out for you :/
You're right. :) Well yes, not every product works. The shades are just way off for me.