Review: Avon Best Sellers - LE Supershock Mascara Black, Face Pearls and Angled Brush

Hey Beauties!

Today is a long overdue review of Avon best selling products. It's their Limited Edition packaging which I actually got in February, so it's not available anymore. But they often do Limited Edition packaging and the products are also in their regular line. 

Let's talk about the Limited Edition design. It features metallic gold and pink flower and leaf design, which definitely gives it an eye catching look. I love gold, so obviously anything with it looks super pretty to me. 

Avon Supershock Mascara

Mascara comes in a regular plastic tube. It has black and shiny packaging with LE design on it. In it is 10 ml of product and regular price is 10.90€. Currently you can get it for 4.90€.

The wand is silicon and has small silicon bristles, which are all the same length. It's an X design from the top and the bristles are spaced in four groups of 6 bristle lines. The lines crisscross in between so that it provides grip for every eyelash. I like that there's never too much product on the brush, which means no clumps. The wand is slightly movable. 

Judging by the silicon wand, I would assume it's more of a defining mascara, but Avon promises you shocking volume and separation. It also promises coverage with just one application and 12 x thicker lashes without clumps.

The formula is on the dry side. That is something I've noticed with most Avon mascaras, that they are a lot drier like for example Maybelline mascaras. It also means that if you'll be layering it a lot, you can expect some fallout. I get little dots of mascara on my skin under the eyes, when I put more layers on. It does a descent job of holding the curl. Right after the application lashes tend to drop just so slightly, but then they stay this way for the whole day. 

You can put on more coats and it doesn't clump the lashes at all. That's also one thing I've noticed with other Avon mascaras as well. They never look clumpy. One coat gives you a bit of definition and small amount of volume. If you apply second coat, it gives them slightly more volume and they almost look bushy to me. Not thick, but like there is a lot of lashes. It's not super defining though. I do feel like it also gives some length to the lashes. My problem with this mascara is that it doesn't give enough volume for my taste.

Here you can see how it looks like from left to right: no mascara, one coat, second coat. 

And some photos with the eye makeup.

I have the black version and the color is definitely black.

It's a non waterproof mascara, but it stays on my lashes all day. I never have problems with staying power of mascaras, because I always use non waterproof formulas and they work fine for my lashes. I think Avon also makes waterproof version, but I'm not sure if it's always available in their campaigns. It goes off with any regular makeup remover. 

I feel like this is for someone who has naturally thicker lashes and wants a bit of definition. For my personal taste it's not volumizing enough. I am also not a fan of dry formulas, that's why I never use waterproof mascaras. I prefer something more wet.

Avon Face Pearls

Face pearls come in plastic shiny black pot with LE design on the top. It's a screw on type of packaging. It also comes with paper box. Inside the pot it's a foam which protects the pearls from crushing together and making a mess. 

In it is 22 grams (which is a lot) of product and the regular price is 13.70€

Avon also has Avon Glow range of pearls, which has three shades available: Deepest Bronze, Bronzed and Pink Bronze. Pink Bronze seems to be the same highlighting shade as this one from LE. 

Onto the actual pearls. There's two shades of pearl. One are beige pink and other are pink. I swatched both of the pearls and they look totally different swatched than in the pot. Light pear is white based very pale pink an darker looks like proper blush shade, very burnt brick peachy shade. Don't let that fool you either, because once you swirl fingers in it or brush you get something super light. It's a very light white based pale pink highlighting shade

Formula of these seems a bit wet. If you apply small amount you can see that the pearls provide a very finely milled pearl finish with some added small shimmer. The more you apply it the more intense it looks. I have to say that it looks very natural and gives a nice shine

I compared it to some other highlighters. It's similar to P2 Glow Up! Highlighter in 021 High Beam when it comes to shade, but P2 is a lot more metallic, shinier and has a definite warm gold sheen to it. theBalm Mary-Lou Manizer is a lot more intense  and metallic. Shade is obviously very different, because this one is yellow gold. Avon Face Pearls are the most subtle looking of them all.

They are pigmented, but very light in color. It's something for very light to light skin tones. It might even work on medium skin tones. It gives a slight bit of pink sheen to it (which is a bit cooler), but mostly it's very white. It's almost pearly shiny, not in that obvious metallic way and the shimmer is very small.

The staying power is average. It fades through the day. By the end of the day, it looks very mixed in with the skin and just slightly noticable. 

Face Pearls are for those that like natural, but still shiny in a non obvious way finish of their highlighters. It's on the cooler side. The shade is very light and perfect for fair skin tones. Since I am a highlighter freak and I love warm toned highlighters, pearls obviously didn't impress me that much. I also like a really obvious highlighter, which this one is not. It's very natural and a lot less shiny than most of my highlighters. It's a very good natural looking highlighter, just not after my own taste. 

Avon Angled Face Brush

Face brush comes with a matte black handle with shiny, but not metallic LE design on it. The bristles are white, but brown colored at the tips and synthetic. The regular price of it is 8€

Bristles are cut in an angled way, which means this is great for applying highlighter and contour. It also says to be used with blush, but I like my blush applied with a rounder or flat brush, not an angled one. 

The bristles are extra soft, which is always a win in my opinion. I personally adore soft brushes and am always on a search for more really soft ones. This is definitely one of the softes brush that I own. It's still dense enough that it nicely picks up the product and because of the shape does all the work for you. Size is perfect for fitting in the contours and highlights of the face.

It applies highlighter in a nice C shape.

I also really like it for contouring, because you can create fairly sharp lines, but still blend them out a little. 

Brush is definitely a winner in my opinion and I would love to try some other brushed from them. Especially powder brush.

Here is also makeup look where I used all the products mentioned in this post.

You can get all the products in Avon's regular range in any Avon campaign. 

* Products were sent to me by Avon. 

Danes bom ocenile ene izmed Avonovih najbolj prodajanih izdelkov. Ti so del omejene kolekcije, ki sem jo prejela že v februarju in je ni več na voljo. Ampak Avon večkrat izdaja dizajne z omejenimi kolekcijami.  So pa vsi izdelki tudi v redni linij podaje.

Dizajn omejene kolekcije predstavlja kovinske zlate in roza cvetove in liste. Vsekakor privlačen izgled. Sama obožujem vse kar je zlato, zato mi je ta dizajn še posebej všeč.

Avon Supershock Maskara

Maskara pride v tipično črno sijoči embalaži za maskare z dizajnom iz omejene kolekcije. V njej je 10 ml izdelka in redna cena je 10.90€. Trenutno jo lahko dobite za 4.90€.

Krtačka ima silikonske ščetine, ki so vse enako dolge. Če jo pogledamo od zgoraj navzdol tvori X obliko. Ščetine so razporejene v štiri skupine po 6 vrst. Vrste se med sabo križajo, da zajamejo vsako trepalnico. Všeč mi je, da nikoli ni na ščetinah preveč maskare, kar pomeni, da se trepalnice ne bodo sprijemale. Krtačko je možno malo upogniti.

Glede na to, da gre za silikonsko krtačko sem predvidevala, da bo maskara bolj primerna za definiranje, a Avon obljublja šokanten volumen in ločenost. Prav tako obljublja prekrivnost z eno plastjo in do 12x bolj goste trepalnice brez grudic.

Formula je bolj suha. To je nekaj kar sem opazila pri večini Avon maskar, da so vse bolj suhe kot na primer Maybelline maskare.  To tudi pomeni, da z več nanosi lahko pričakujete nekaj odpada. Včasih dobim na koži pod očmi majhne pikice maskare, ki odpadejo od trepalnic kadar si namažem preveč slojev. Še kar drži zavihanost trepalnic, čeprav se takoj po nanosu malo poleže zavihanost. Vendar je to res malo in od takrat naprej ostane zavihanost enaka skozi ves dan.

Nanesete lahko več slojev in ne bo zlepilo trepalnic. To je spet ena od lastnosti, ki sem jih opazila z Avon maskarami. Nikoli ne dajejo videz zlepljenih trepalnic. En nanos da trepalnicam malo definicije in majhen volumen. Ko nanesete drugi sloj, dobijo trepalnice več volumna in izgledajo ne preveč goste ali debele, ampak kot da je tam veliko trepalnic. Ne daje neke ogromne definicije. Zdi se mi, da jih tudi malo podaljša. Moj problem s to maskaro je, da ne da dovolj volumna za moj okus.
Tukaj lahko vidite kako izgleda od leve proti desni: brez maskare, z enim slojem in z dvema slojema. In nekaj fotografij maskare z očesnim makeupom.

Jaz imam črno verzijo in odtenek je vsekakor črn.

Formula ni vodoodporna vendar na mojih trepalnicah ostane ves dan. Na splošno s tem nimam problemov, ker vedno uporabljam ne vodoodporne maskare.  Mislim, da ima Avon tudi vodoodporno verzijo, ki pa ni vedno v ponudbi. Odstranjuje se z lahkoto s kakšnim koli makeup odstranjevalcem.  
Menim, da je maskara primerna za nekoga, ki ima naravno goste trepalnice in želi malo definiranosti. Za moj osebni okus ne da dovolj volumna. Niti mi ni všeč suha formula, ki je značilna za vodoodporne formule, katerih jaz nikoli ne uporabljam. Raje imam bolj mokre maskare.

Avon Osvetlitvene kroglice za obraz

Kroglice se nahajajo v črni sijoči posodici z dizajnom omejene kolekcije na vrhu. Embalaža se nahaja tudi v kartonasti škatli. Ko jo odpremo v njej najdemo plast gobe, ki ščiti kroglice da se ne bi preveč drgnile med sabo.

V posodi je 22 gramov izdelka in redna cena je 13.70€.

Avon ima tudi linijo Avon Glow, ki vsebuje kroglice za bronzer in sicer tri odtenke: Deepest Bronze, Bronzed in Pink Bronze. Pink Bronze je enak odtenek kot ta iz LE. Te lahko dobiti v Avonovi redni prodaji in niso samo del omejene kolekcije.

Kroglice so v dveh barvah. Ene so bež roza druge roza. Obe kroglici sem preizkusila posebej na koži in izgledata popolnoma drugače kot v embalaži. Svetle so belo svetlo roza med tem ko so temne skoraj kot rdečilo za lica v mareličnem odtenku. Tudi to naj vas ne zavede. Ko jih nanesete vse skupaj dobite zelo svetel osvetljevalec z belo podlago in rahlim roza sijajem.

Formula je skoraj malo mokra. Če nanesete tanek sloj boste opazili res fino mlet puder z rahlim dodatkom majhnih bleščic. Več nanesete, bolj intenzivno izgleda. Vseeno je izgled še vedno zelo naraven in da lep sijaj.
Primerjala sem jih z drugimi osvetljevalci. Kroglice so podobne P2 Glow Up osvetljevalcu v 021 High Beam, vendar je ta bolj kovinski in ima očitem zlat sijaj. Če primerjam z theBalm Mary-Lou Manizer, je ta veliko bolj intenziven in kovinski. V odtenku si sploh nista podobna, saj je ta tipično rumeno zlat. Avonove kroglice so najmanj očitne izmed vseh.

So dobro pigmentirane, vendar je odtenek zelo svetel. To je zagotovo nekaj za zelo svetlo do svetlo polt. Mogoče celo za srednjo. Daje rahel roza sijaj (ki je bolj hladen), ampak podlaga je zelo svetlo bela. Gre bolj za bisernat sijaj in ne tisti očiten kovinski. Bleščice so zelo majhne.

Obstojnost je povprečna. Skozi dan zbledi. Ob koncu dneva je precej pomešano s kožo in izgleda zelo manj intenzivno kot ob nanosu.

Kroglice so za tiste, ki želijo precej naraven a tudi sijoč videz z ne očitnim kovinskim finišem. Je bolj hladen in zelo svetel odtenek primeren za vse svetlopolte. Ker sem sama obsedenka z osvetljevalci in ker obožujem osvetljevalce s toplim podtonom me seveda ta ni preveč navdušil. Meni so tudi bolj všeč očitni osvetljevalci, ta pa je precej naraven in veliko manj sijoč kot moji drugi osvetljevalci. Vsekakor je to dober dokaj naraven osvetljevalec, ki pa ni po mojem okusu.

Avon kotni čopič

Čopič ima mat črno držalo s svetlečim dizajnom omejene kolekcije. Ščetine so bele, ampak pobarvane na rjavo na konicah in sintetične. Redna cena čopiča je 8€.

Čopič je odrezan pod kotom, kar pomeni, da je odličen za nanos osvetljevalcev in izdelkov za konturiranje. Piše, da je primeren tudi za nanos rdečila za lica, ampak sama za to raje uporabljam kaj bolj okroglega ali ravnega.

Ščetine so izredno mehke, kar jaz obožujem. Vedno išče dodatne izredno mehke čopiče. Ta je zagotovo en izmed najbolj mehkih v moji kolekciji. Še vedno je dovolj gost, da dobro zajame izdelek in ga nanese. Zaradi oblike ustvari perfektno C obliko osvetljevalca in se dobro uleže v konture obraza. Tudi velikost je primerna.

Na fotografijah lahko vidite kakšen je nanos osvetljevalca in izdelka za konturiranje.
Čopič je zame zagotovo zmagovalec. Z veseljem bi preizkusila še kakšne druge njihove čopiče, sploh čopič za nanos pudra v prahu.

Na fotografiji lahko vidite kako izgleda makeup, ko uporabim vse tri izdelke.  

Vsi izdelki so na voljo tudi v redni Avonovi liniji (niso omejeni samo na omejeno kolekcijo). Izdelke lahko kupite tukaj.

*Izdelke mi je poslalo podjetje Avon. 


  1. Meni so perlice kar všeč, še posebej za kakšen natural glowy look. Tudi čopič mi je super, ker je tako mehek, maskare pa na žalost nisem preizkusila. Design pa mi je tako kot tebi zel všeč, gooold ♡ xx

    1. Ja, je res precej naraven izgled in to se mi zdi glavna prednost tega :). Čopič je odlično mehak. Jaz obožujem take mehke čopiče. Bolj mehko, boljše. Agreed za design :)

  2. Čopič izgleda kul, čeprav ostajam pri svojem eBay čopiču za contouring :) Perlice mi izgledajo zanimive v smislu glowy finishing powder videza, tako kot Guerlainove Meteoritke. Samo sumim, da bi se pri tem vse bleščice preveč videle na soncu.

    1. Jaz sem ugotovila, da če naneseš zelo sheer potem se bleščice bolj vidijo kot če naneseš več. Več naneseš bolj enotno deluje ta bisernat sijaj in mini bleščice. Pa še vedno ni niti približno tako kovinsko sijoče kot večina drugih osvetljevalcev :). Ni ravno Hourglass finiširni puder, bolj osvetljevalec za moje pojme :D.

  3. you have really pretty and long lashes!!!

    1. Aw thank you :). I still think they could be longer. A good mascara really helps with the length :D.

  4. I absolutely adore the design of this limited edition! So girly and romantic :) As you described mascara, I totally agree. For me, way to dry formula, and does not give enough volume and length. Pearls didn't really interest me to try them, but the brush looks like a nice one (never too much brushes in collection).
    Really nice post, I enjoyed it reading :)

    1. I've heard some really like the mascara, but it wasn't after my own taste either. Pearls are fine, but just not enough shine for me :D. The brush is worth the dry, especially if you like your brushes soft. I totally agree with you .I am a bit of a brush hoarder - never too much of them :D. Thanks ;)

  5. Dizajn je res wau - another sucker for gold here :D se pa strinjam glede maskare. Sem jo uporabljala nekaj časa, ampak vedno v kombinaciji s kako drugo, ki mi trepalnice podaljša. Če sem namazala samo to je zgledalo kot, da so moje naravne trepalnice malo daljše in sem brez maskare :).
    J. ♡

    1. Vse smo kot srake, hehe :D. Se strinjam s tvojim opisom. Jaz jo zdaj tudi uporabljam v kombinaciji z drugimi in mi je tako všeč. Sama po sebi pa vsekakor ne bi bila moja prva izbira. :)
