DIY BB Cushion

Hey Beauties!

I've already talked a bit about my current obsession with Asian cosmetics. I think they are the masters of skin care as well as makeup and for some reason I am very intrigued by their brands. BB cushions were first to appear on Asian market and they're in general known for very advanced technologies and innovations. I think BB cushions are one of the easiest to use products. If you're a rookie at makeup, you'll love it. But because very little European brands do these, I'll show you how to make your own version. 

Things you'll need for this DIY are:
  • Foundation
  • Liquid highlighter (optional)
  • Sunscreen (optional)
  • Moisturizer
  • Bowl
  • Spatula
  • Empty BB cushion case
  • Alcohol
  • Printable sticker paper (optional)
  • Decorative transparent foil (optional)

If you don't have any empty BB cushion case, you can buy it from sites like Ebay. They sell some empty cases of other BB cushion brands and I think there are even some DIY empty cases for the purposes that we're doing today. It's also a nice way to recycle your old, but used up cases. No need to throw it away. Plus you'll be making your own BB for a fraction of the price. 

I cleaned out the whole case and at the end I sprayed and cleaned it with some alcohol. I have this Brush Cleaner spray bottle filled with alcohol. You can read how I made it here. This will kill all leftover bacteria. I obviously also cleaned my puff and the actual sponge cushion with soap and let them air dry. 

You'll need some sort of bowl to mix your BB in. I used glass bowl, because it's the easiest to clean. Spatula is to help you mix it all together without touching it and putting in additional bacteria from your fingers. 

After that you take your favorite moisturizer or multiple moisturizers and you add them in. Then you'll add foundation. I also added white foundation to make it lighter, because most of my foundations are a bit too dark for my current skin tone. I also added a bit of liquid highlighter for some luminosity (you don't need to do this, if you don't want it to be dewy). You can also add sunscreen, but since my moisturizers have SPF in them, I didn't add any additional sunscreen. I might add this in in the summer, when I'll need some more protection. 

The ratio of these depends on what kind of BB you'd like to have. If you want it to be high coverage and more on the matte side use small amount of matte or lightweight moisturizer and add more foundation. You'll get higher coverage. If you're looking for something moisturizing and lighter coverage add more of the moisturizer. You can also add liquid highlighter to add additional dewiness. It's all up to you. 

I personally mixed it so that I got lighter medium coverage with some dewiness from my very moisturizing and glowy face cream and a touch of liquid highlighter. 

When you mix it all up, try it. If you don't like it, add more of what you think it needs.

When you're satisfied with your mixture pour it in the case. Make sure to fill it about two thirds. If you fill it up too much you'll get spillage from sides of the sponge. 

Whatever is left in the bowl scrape it out with the cushion that's in the case. No need to waste product. Then you slowly press the sponge into the case and it's ready to be used.

You'll need to press puff onto the cushion to saturate it and transfer the BB to it. Then you just apply it on your face. It's all so easy and fool proof. You just dab it in the cushion and onto the face. So easy. It blends on itself and no need for brushes or mixing up the right shade or using moisturizer before. 

This is optional step, but if you'd like to make it more personal, you can print out sticker to put on top of the case. I made this hearts leopard print design and wrote my blog's name in the middle. I printed it on a sticker paper (you can get these in most stationary stores) and then I applied transparent foil over it (the one that we used to use in school to wrap text books in). This will protect your sticker from water and other dirt. Your print will stay intact and you'll have your very own BB cushion.

Isn't this the cutest thing ever? Ever since I tried BB cushion, I thought of doing my own version with my favorite foundations. It's so practical to carry around and use for touch ups. It's also the easiest way of applying your base and the puff that comes with it does all the work for you. It blends beautifully. It also means that you have one product to put on in the morning instead of three - moisturizer, foundation and SPF. 

Obviously this is by no means my idea. I've seen it in multiple videos and blogs, but I just wanted to share this idea with you and my version of it to inspire you and shorten your morning makeup routine.

I've also added a bit of demonstration. On the left side is my skin without BB and on the right side is my skin with the BB. On the bottom photo is how it looks like with my complete makeup look.


  1. Waw, ti pa si polna kreative. Moram defnitivno preizkusiti! Odlična objava, xx

  2. Ja kok kuul :D Da sploh nebi o tem kok je cute nalepka :D

  3. Odlična objava. :D Sem že pred časom videla nekaj podobnega, ampak ja. Se mi pa tudi zdi, da se dandanes niti ne splača delati sam teh povštrčkov, ker jih dobiš že za ful poceni. No, edino če je res shit formula, potem yesss. Ampak vseeno, great job!

    1. Jaz sem tudi že večkrat videla in sem komaj čakala, da sprobam svojo verzijo :). Res? Meni pa se ne zdijo ravno poceni. Mislim, mi je ljubše zbrat svoje najljubše podlage za katere vem kako delujejo. Ampak ja, itak bi še kakšno kupila. Čeprav včasih je težko odtenke kupit na pamet. Hvala :)

  4. Kjut nalepka ! <3 in krasna objava, sem rvno pred nekaj dnevi na moji fb starni objavila video o tem pa zaj komaj čakam, da mi zmanjka mojega cushiona da lahko to sprobam.

  5. O, carsko. Sicer se mi verjetno ne bo dalo lotit tega dela, ampak res uau nisem vedela da v tem finta. <3

  6. Super! Mogoče se pa lotim ustvarjanja svoje cushion podlage. Predvsem nalepka mi je všeč. Jaz bi si natisnila "Kvina" na nalepko. Očitno še nisem prebolela tega, da v otroštvu, nikjer nisem našla niti ene stvari na kateri bi pisalo moje ime. :D

    1. Awwww...:D Upam, da narediš in tudi nalepko, da boš imela prvič svoje ime ;) Vem kako je to, moj ima tudi tako nestandardno ime in nikoli ne more kupiti nič z napisi :).

  7. Odlična objava :) Lepo ti je uspelo in nalepka je adorable :) Čisto tvoja :)

  8. Zelo iznajdljivo :) nalepka je tudi meni najprej padla v oči.

  9. Ooook, saj vem da sem rekla, da se mi tega ne da delat :D Ampak.... To je čist preveč kjut in uporabno! :D Bom se mogla, ko bom spet preveč časa mela, zraven spravit :) Ful priročna zadeva za poletje, pa on the go :)

    1. Hehe si si premislila :D Ti maš itak zdaj eno tudi presvetlo..malo to porabi pa definitivno sprobaj. Meni se vedno zdi tako zabavno pa še lahko uporabiš res svoje najljubše izdelke :D. Pa en dva tri si gor spackaš. Tako je :)

  10. Tole je pa nedvomno ena najboljših objav, ki sem jih prebrala v zadnjem času :)
    Mislim, da se bom enkrat, ko bom imela malo preveč časa, lotila tega, ker si res želim poskusiti te cushion zadeve, ampak še nisem našla ene, ki bi bila primerna za mešano do mastno kožo :)

    1. O hvala :) <3 To ti pa verjamem. Se mi zdi, da jih je večina bolj dewy in primernih za suho kožo. Meni so take tudi preveč sijoče, sploh za poletje. Tukaj pa res lahko zmešaš svoje izdelke, ki veš da ti pašejo na kožo. Upam, da sprobaš. Pa obvezno še kakšno cute nalepko gor ;D

  11. This was of the most creative DIY's I've seen in a long time. It's just awesome! By the way, your skin looks amazing without make-up! :)

    1. :) Thank you <3 It was so much fun making it :D. It's currently on a good skin days. ;)

  12. Your lipstick looks amazing!Do you want to be friends with me on bloglovin? If yes, just follow me and I'll follow your blog back ASAP!<3

  13. Wow, kak lušno. Super ideja! :)

  14. Kdaj sem pa jaz tale post spregledala, odlična ideja in ko porabim svoj Kiko mogoče res kdaj probam, sploh tole mi je všeč ker je notri krema za sončenje.

    1. Hvala :). To je res fanj ponovno uporabit in lahko si prilagodiš na čisto svoj okus. Reciklaža :).
