Hey Beauties!
As promised here is the part 2 of my makeup looks that I created with Avon products. This look is a bit darker, therefore appropriate for night time. You wanna be seen when you go clubbing, right? Well that is the only time, when you can get away with dark makeup, because it's still not gonna be as in your face, as it would look like in natural light. Here you can see my Part 1, day makeup.
I used the same Avon Luxe eyeshadow palette in Cocoa Couture.
I used light pale beige all over as a base. Then I added matte brown in the crease and dusted it lightly all over my lid as well. I then took the shimmery light brown shade and placed it on the inner corner of the lid and in the inner corner of the eye.
Then I took the olive based shimmery dark brown and concentrated it only in the outer corner. I blended a bit of matte brown in between the light shimmery brown and dark shimmery brown. I used light shimmery brown all over the bottom lash line and I darkened the outer corners with matte brown. Then I added gorgeous dark navy eyeliner. I added a little wing.
I talked about the Avon Always On Point Eyeliner in my part 1 and the genius system that lets you have a perfect point every single time. It's seriously amazing and I hope they become available again. This shade is called Midnight Navy and it's a lot darker then the previous one and blue toned. It gives the eyes that little pop of color and you can still get a really precise and powerful line.
Then I just added the Avon Luxe Volume Extravagance Mascara. I have to say I figured this one out since my part 1. You have to really pack the product on. That way, you really get those thick bold lashes. It doesn't separate, but it also doesn't clump. It really looks better if you take the time and apply a few thinner coats and then finish with a thicker coat.
On my lips I used a new addition to my Avon Ultra Color Indulgence Lipstick collection and it's called Plum Verbena. It's dark plum shade, which is surprisingly pretty sheer. It's a lot sheerer than most of the other lipsticks from this range. It looks pretty dark on me. I reviewed and talked more about those lipstick here: Part 1, Part 2 and other.
It contains 3 grams of lipstick and costs 5.70€ (regular price 8.50€).
I always say go bold on eyes or go bold on lips. It's like cleavage and mini skirt. You can't have both at the same time, without looking like a you-know-what. Anyway, bold lips paired with bold eyes can sometimes make a real statement. My combination might be too much for some. This is how the lipstick looks like applied regularly.
But I prefer to pair my bold eyes with a stain. The shade of this lipstick matches really nicely with the blue liner and because I just used it as a stain, it's not overpowering the eyes. Which look do you prefer? Do let me know.
Here you can see my day makeup look with Avon products and there is also a giveaway, where you can win some of the Avon products. (Open only to Slovenia.)
Uporabila sem isto Avon Luxe paleto senčil v odtenku Cocoa Couture. Uporabila sem svetlo bež odtenek kot bazo po vsej veki. Potem sem dodala mat rjav odtenek v gubo očesa in ga narahlo nanesla tudi po celotni veki. Takrat sem vzela šimrasto svetel rjav odtenek in ga nanesla v notranjo polovico veke in v notranji kotiček očesa.
O Avon Always on Point svinčniku sem govorila v prvem delu in o tem genialnem sistemu, ki vsakič omogoči popolno konico svinčnika. Res je izjemno in upam, da bodo ti svinčniki v kratkem spet v ponudbi. Ta odtenek Midnight Navy je temnejši kot prejšnji in moder. Modra dodaje očem kanček barve. Omogoča čudovit nanos perfektne linije.
Nato sem dodala Avon Luxe Volume Extravagance maskaro. Moram priznati, da sem končno ugotovila zakaj mi ni bila všeč. Maskaro je potrebno nanesti kar na debelo. Takrat dobim resnično debele trepalnice. Trepalnic ne loči, ampak jih tudi ne sprime. Res izgleda bolje če si vzamem čas in dodam nekaj tankih nanosov in zaključim z debelim nanosom.
Na mojih ustnicah sem uporabila novo Avon Ultra Color Indulgence šminko v odtenku Plum Verbena. Je temno rdeče vijoličen odtenek, ki je presenetljivo manj pigmentirana. Je veliko bolj lahka kot večina odtenkov iz te linije. Na meni še vedno izgleda precej temna. Te šminke sem že ocenila tukaj: Del 1, Del 2 in ostalo.
Šminka vsebuje 3 grame izdelka in cena je 5.70€ (redna cena 8.50€).
Jaz vedno pravim, da je treba poudariti ali oči, ali usta. To je kot dekolte in mini krilo. Ne moreš imeti obeh hkrati, ne da bi izgledal kot saj-veš-kdo. Včasih pa poudarjene oči in usta skupaj ustvarijo zanimiv videz. Moja kombinacija bo mogoče preveč drzna za katero, ampak tako izgleda ta šminka normalno nanešena na ustnice.
Vseeno pa tudi jaz raje kombiniram močno naličena očesa z šminko, ki je bolj kot madež - stain. Odtenek te šminke se super ujema z modrim svinčnikom in če uporabim šminko zelo tanko, ne nadvlada očesnega makeupa. Kateri videz pa je vam bolj všeč?
Tukaj lahko viditi moj dnevni makeup videz z Avon izdelki in tam poteka tudi nagradna igra v kateri lahko dobite določene Avon izdelke.
Products used
Catrice Nude Illusion foundation
Avon Ideal Flawless concealer Fair
ELF High Definition Powder
Makeup Revolution Ultra Sculpt & Contour Kit in Ultra Fair - bronzer, blush, highlighter
Avon Eye Primer Light Beige
Luxe Eyeshadow in Cocoa Couture
Avon Always On Point eyeliner in Midnight Navy
Avon Luxe Volume Extravagance Mascara
Avon Ultra Color Indulgence lipstick in Plum Verbena
O, wau! Amazing! <3
ReplyDeleteZelo lep look. :) Jaz osebno obožujem takšne temne, zadimljene looke, ampak seveda zvečer. :P
Izgledaš odlično in mislim, da ti obe verziji (šminka in samo stain) izjemno pašeta, ampak če bi mogla izbirat, se tudi meni kombinacija s stainom zdi boljša, vseeno oči pridejo bolj do izraza. :))
Hvala Sandra:)) <3 Jaz tudi. Sicer je to moj dnevni look jeseni, zdaj pa bi res bil bolj večerni:D
DeleteČudovit make-up :) Res mi je všeč tale odtenek šminke, pa tudi paletka ima res lepo pakiranje in senčke!
ReplyDeleteHvala:)) Meni je tudi izjemno všeč zlata embalaža:)
DeleteThanks Azize:)) <3
ReplyDeleteWau, so pretty :D Imaš prav, tale navy eyeliner izgleda krasno, čeprav bi jaz raje imela tekočo ali pa gel verzijo.
ReplyDeleteHvala:)) Jaz nisem preveč nora na modre izdelke na sploh, ampak je še meni ta odtenek res všeč:) Te razumem, jaz imam tudi raje tekoče:)
DeleteWauw, that eyeliner is so beautiful! I really like the lip color as well. Great look!
I love this kind of blue too:)) Thanks Astrid;)
Tale look ti res pristaja, you should wear it more often. <3
ReplyDeleteHvala:)) <3 Maybe I will:)
DeleteZelo lep look :) zanimivo, da bi to poimenovala večerni look, moj makeup je pogosto tak :D ampak vem, da se ti držiš bolj naravnih in svetlih senčil, ki ti zelo pašejo :) ne glede na to, ti ta makeup zelo lepo paše in bi ga morala nosit pogosteje
ReplyDeleteHvala:)) To je res subjektivno ja, hehe:) Tako kot si rekla, jaz se bolj k nevtralnim gibam čez dan:D Mogoče pa res bom;)
DeleteSe pridružujem komentarjem ostalih punc, res lep makeup look :) Pa res ti lepo paše. Moram dodat, da ti zavidam za tako lepo kožo, o kateri lahko jaz samo sanjam :)
ReplyDeleteHvala Valentina:)) Meni pa tvoja koža po slikah sodeč izgleda čisto super;)
DeleteSuper make-up! Najbolj všeč mi je vezija s stainom, ampak tudi 'običajna' ni švoh. You can rock them both! :)
Deletevery pretty <33
ReplyDeleteThanks:)) <3